Grahamstown Journal 1857 - 2 - April to June
Saturday 4 April 1857
DIED at Fort Peddie of dysentery, on the 31st March, aged [--] years, Quarter Master CRANNY, 8th Regt, in which Corps he was born, and served for 40 years, gaining for himself the respect and esteem of his brother Officers and friends, by whom he is much regretted.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on Sunday the 22nd inst, Eliza Waymouth, only daughter of J.J. and A. GUNN. Aged 1 year and 7 months.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on Sunday night, 29th instant, Euphemia Annie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. SAVORY, aged 9 months.
Saturday 11 April 1857
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 5th instant, Mrs. John ROBEY of a son.
BIRTH at Queenstown on Monday 6th inst, the wife of R. JEFFERSON of a daughter.
DIED at Bathurst on the 5th April, Edward Armstrong HYDE, only son of Edward HYDE, late Band Sergeant of the 12th Royal Lancers, aged 2 years 3 months and 11 days. His sudden death, occasioned by the croup, has plunged his bereaved parents and family connexions into deep affliction.
Bathurst, April 5th 1857
Saturday 18 April 1857
BIRTH at Ludlow Park, near Alice, on the morning of the 9th inst, the wife of Nathaniel DOWELL Esq of a son.
MARRIED in St.George’s Cathedral on Tuesday the 14th instant, by the Rev. J. Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain, Serjeant William RAMSBOTTOM, 2nd or Queen’s Royal Regiment, to Matilda, second daughter of Mr. Wm. WALLACE, formerly Garrison Serjeant Major of this city.
Graham’s Town, 17th April 1857
Tuesday 21 April 1857
DIED suddenly at Winterbeck, Two Waters, on Friday the 10th April 1857, Melicent, the beloved wife of Edwin ALLBUT, formerly of the Mancazana Post, aged 54 years and 3 months, leaving her husband and family, and a large circle of friends, to mourn their irreparable loss.
DIED at Style’s Hotel, Bathurst-street, Graham’s Town on Friday morning, the 17th inst, after a short illness, Mr. Isaac DUNN.
Saturday 25 April 1857
DIED at Graham’s Town on the morning of the 23rd April 1857, James Jerome, eldest son of the late Quarter Master James CRANNY, 8th Regt, aged 9 years and 9 months.
MARRIED on Monday the 20th inst, by the Rev. H.H. Dugmore, Mr. E.H. COLDBROOK to Sarah Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Samuel LOXTON Esq, Whittlesea.
Saturday 2 May 1857
BIRTH at Somerset on Thursday the 24th April [sic], Mrs. E. HOWSE of a daughter.
DIED on the 16th January last, in her house, No.11 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin, after six weeks’ most painful suffering, Harriet CORBET, the eldest sister of Mr. Henry HALL R.E.D., leaving her husband and four young children to deplore her (to them) irreparable loss.
[Verse in German too difficult to read]
DIED at his farm Winnows Dale, District of Fort Peddie, on the 22nd April 1857 – in the 65th year of his age, Mr. B. HADLEY JP. Native of Birmingham, Warwickshire, England – came to this country in 1839.
DIED at Port Elizabeth after a painful illness, William WOOD. Aged 35 years and 4 months. Friends will please accept of this notice.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 1st May 1857, Mr. Kemp KNOTT, one of the British Settlers of 1820, aged [75]. Born at Ramsgate in Kent.
We regret to announce the death of an old and faithful Colonist, Mr. Benjamin HADLEY, which took place during the past week. Deceased, who was 64 years of age, has passed through a life of trouble and difficulty, which doubtless greatly hastened his end. In former years he took a leading part in public affairs in this Colony, and was always admired for his outspoken, honest and fearless defence of frontier interests. Latterly bodily infirmity [obscured] him to lead a more quiet life. Benjamin HADLEY was known intimately by few persons, but by those his worth was appreciated, and his death will be keenly regretted.
Tuesday 5 May 1857
Chemist and Druggist
Hill-street, Grahamstown
Is constantly receiving direct from Europe Drugs & Chemicals, Glassware, Patent Medicines and a general assortment of Druggists Ware
Which are all for sale at moderate prices.
Graham’s Town
2nd May 1857
Port Frances, Kowie Harbour
Has great pleasure in being able to announce to the Public the completion of
Where travellers may be certain of a hospitable reception upon reasonable terms, and Ladies, Gentlemen and Families desirous of recruiting their health and profiting by the renovating influences of a seaside residence, also Wedding Parties wishful of retirement, and all others who may favor the proprietor with their patronage may depend on a courteous welcome and the most strenuous exertions to provide every thing necessary to supply their wants and contribute to their enjoyment.
Albany Hotel, Port Frances
13th April 1857
Saturday 9 May 1857
BIRTH at Carel’s Rust, April 24, th wife of Mr. W.AUSTIN, of Great Fountain, of a son.
DIED at Graham’s Town on Monday the 4th instant, James Benjamin, son of James and Anne MOORE, aged 13 years and 3 months, deeply regretted by all who knew him.
DIED through drowning in the Kowie River, on the 3rd May, John Philpot CURRAN, eldest son of Mr. J.T. CURRAN, aged 12 years 8 months and 25 days – deeply lamented by his fond parents.
Tuesday 12 May 1857
The Inhabitants of Bedford and the Surrounding Districts are respectfully informed that
Saddle and Harness Maker
Has commenced business in the premises adjoining B. SOLOMON Esq,
Where the Trade in all its branches is being carried on with punctuality and dispatch.
A good assortment of all kinds of Saddlery kept on hand and sold at reasonable prices.
Repairs done quickly and cheap.
Bedford, 5th May 1857
Saturday 16 May 1857
BIRTH on the 12th inst, the wife of Henry CRUMP Esq. of a son.
BIRTH at Queenstown on the 8th May 1857, the wife of Mr. Charles GRIFFITH of a daughter.
DIED on Sunday the 3rd May, a fine little boy named John CURRAN, son of Mr. J.T. CURRAN of the Cowie. He was unfortunately drowned at the Cowie. It appears he had gone from home immediately after dinner, taking his sister, a child under two years old, and got into one of the boats moored near the Mill, which it is supposed he was endeavouring to [obscured], when losing his balance he fell into the water, which being deep left him no chance of scrambling out. There were no people about at the time, and the next intimation obtained of the sad occurrence was the lad being seen floating on his face by a person from the top of the mill, above the mill [next line illegible] must have been half an hour in the water. Every attempt was made (but in vain) to restore animation. When discovered the little child was found sitting very quietly in the boat, which fortunately had not drifted away, the water being still. The poor little boy who was drowned was nearly 13 years old.
Saturday 30 May 1857
MARRIED at St.Mary’s the Less, Cambridge, by the master of St.John’s College, assisted by The Rev. J.G. Hawes, Charles BAGOT SMITH Esq, Ast.Com. General, to Clara, youngest daughter of the late Rev. George LEAPINGWELL, Vicar of High Easter, Essex.
MARRIED on Thursday the 21st inst, at the Commemoration Chapel by the Rev. Wm. Impey, Arnold ENGELS Esq of King William’s Town, Civil Medical Department, to Dorothy, second daughter of Wm. SIMPSON Esq, Graham’s Town.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 30th May 1857, the wife of Mr. Jonathan AYLIFF of a son.
DIED at his son’s residence in Grahamstown on Thursday 28th instant, Benjamin Murrell SHEPPERSON, aged 77 years.
DIED at Bathwick, Queenstown on Saturday May 27th 1857 [sic] Johannah Willemina – aged 23 years and 10 months, the wife of Mr. Edw. BELL [N.F.] and third daughter of J. J. ZEILER Esqr. JP.
Saturday 6 June 1857
DIED at Hyde’s Hotel, Grahamstown on the 5th inst, Mr. Edward HYDE of Bathurst, aged 29 years and 2 months, after a lingering illness. He has left a wife and child and a large circle of friends to deplore his loss.
DIED at King William’s Town on the 3rd June, John David, second son of Joseph and Jane KEIGHTLY.
Tuesday 9 June 1857
MARRIED by the Revd. Mr. Holden in the Wesleyan Church, Fort Beaufort, on Wednesday 3rd June, Mr. S.H. ROBERTS to Jane Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. B.D. BELL.
These are to certify that on this day James SMITH and Margaret Maria SMITH, who were married at Fort Beaufort on the twenty seventh day of November 1856, appeared before me and executed a deed of separation from bed, board & community of goods.
Dated at Fort Beaufort this 17th day of April 1857
Jonathan AYLIFF, Notary Public
Saturday 13 June 1857
MARRIED by Special Licence on Saturday morning 6th inst, by the Rev. N. Smits, Mr. Henry HARTLEY to Elizabeth Hope, eldest daughter of the late Wm. UPTON.
DIED at Queenstown on Friday the 5th inst, Harriet Margaret, youngest daughter of George and Harriet BEALE, aged 15 months.
DIED suddenly on Friday the 22nd May 1857, John WHITE, of Zecocat Farm, being on his road to Queenstown, aged 52 years and 7 months, leaving a wife and large family to deplore his loss. Buried at Cradock on Tuesday the 26th May.
Catherine HYDE
In returning her sincere thanks for the Patronage bestowed upon her late husband, respectfully announces her intention in continuing in the occupation of the above Premises, and solicits a continuance of the support of her Patrons and the Public at large. It will be her endeavour at all times to try everything in her power to give satisfaction to all who may favour her with their support. Travellers may rely upon receiving every attention, and being accommodated at a moderate charge.
Ladies, Gentlemen and Families passing through or wishing for a time to sojourn in this healthy and pleasantly situated Village, will find the BATHURST INN replete with every convenience, and Wedding Parties will on the shortest Notice, and on reasonable Terms, find every requisite for their comfort and enjoyment.
Catherine HYDE.
Tuesday 16 June 1857
Persons having any Claims against Mr. James McMASTER, Storekeeper of Somerset, will please send particulars of such to Mr. Charles BEAMISH, General Agent, of the same place, which will meet with early attention.
The Advertisement by Mr. C. BEAMISH is an unauthorised and impudent use of my name.
Somerset, 15th June 1857
Saturday 20 June 1857
MARRIED on Wednesday 17th June in St.George’s Cathedral by the Revd. Mr. Thompson, James WOOD to Honoria Melicent, eldest daughter of Joseph JACKSON.
MARRIED on the 8th June 1857, at Tamacha, British Kaffraria, by the Revd. Alan Bell, Chaplain to the Forces, John WARREN, Lieut. 12th Regt, youngest son of the late Robert Boyle WARREN Esquire MD, to Marianne, eldest daughter of Alex. NESBITT Esqr, Quarter Master R.B. 12th Regt.
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort Tuesday evening, 16th inst, Mrs. J.J. GUNN of a son.
DIED at Mancazana Post, suddenly, on the 11th May 1857, John STEUART, aged 83 years, leaving a wife and family to deplore his loss.
Saturday 27 June 1857
In the Insolvent Estate of James HONEY
The Second Liquidation Account and Plan of Distribution will lie at the office of the Resident Magistrate in Grahamstown for the inspection of Creditors for a period of fourteen days from this date, after which the same will be transmitted to the Office of the Master of the Supreme Court.
Grahamstown, 27th June 1857.
MARRIED at Grahamstown on the 24th June, Elizabeth WIGGETT, only daughter of Mr. Wm. WIGGETT, the 4th son of the late Jas. Boaz WIGGETT of 138 Drury lane, London, to Mr. John HAYES-PARKER of Queenstown.
BAPTISM in St.George’s Cathedral, June 22nd 1857, by the Revd. Mr. Heavyside, the daughter of Capt. William H. GIBSON, named Elizabeth Montgomery Augusta Leontine.
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on the 22nd inst, the wife of Mr. R.J. PAINTER of a daughter.
DIED at his residence, “Prospect Lodge”, Brixton, Surrey, on the 21st March last, Major Henry CRAUSE H.P. Cape Mounted Rifles, deeply regretted by his relations and friends.
DIED at Grahamstown on Friday the 26th inst, in the 40th year of his age, Edward Andrews, son of the late Major-General Charles Colin CAMPBELL of Barbreck.
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