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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1857 - 1 - January to March

Saturday 3 January 1857

BIRTH at Alice 23rd Dec 1856, the wife of Commandant DAVIES of a son.

In the Intestate Estate of Edwin Webb NORTON of Queen’s Town
All parties having claims against the above Estate are requested to file them with the Undersigned within six weeks from this date; and all those who are indebted to the same to pay their accounts to him within the same period to save trouble and expense.
R. JEFFERSON, Executor Dative
Grahamstown, Dec 10th 1856

Tuesday 6 January 1857

BIRTH on Saturday afternoon, the 3rd instant, Mrs. F. MARCUS of a daughter.

Saturday 10 January 1857

DIED at Grahamstown on Thursday 8th January 1857, after a short illness, Caroline, the beloved wife of Mr. William LEACH of [Hondeneck], Cradock. Friends will please accept of this notice.

MARRIED in Grahamstown on Tuesday December 23rd 1856, by the Rev. Thos.[obscured], Mr. Charles LILFORD of [Be….] to Frances Denman [daughter] of Charles HOCKEY of [B…dorp]

DIED at the residence of his stepfather, Mr. W. WEBSTER, Graham’s Town, on Monday last, the 5th January, George Denis SCOTT, only son of the late Mr. G.B SCOTT, aged 11 years and one month. He leaves a mother to deplore the loss of her only child. His end was peace.

Tuesday 13 January 1857

MARRIED by Special Licence at Bathurst by the Rev. J. Smith, Mr. John Henry FEATHERSTONE, son of the late Robert FEATHERSTONE Esq, to Margaret Ann HUME, daughter of David HUME Esq.

Saturday 17 January 1857

MARRIED at Aliwal North January 6th, by the Revd. John Murray, the Revd. J. H. WEBB to Ethel Emmeline, second daughter of J. Bice BARNES Esq.

Saturday 24 January 1857

In the Insolvent Estate of A.B. KIDWELL, Farmer, Koonap
At the above Estate on Wednesday 4th February
Will be sold Chairs, Tables, Crockeryware, Kitchen Utensils, Boxes, Glasses, 1 Ladies’ Side Saddle, 1 Gent’s Saddle, 1 splendid Gun, 1 splendid pair of Pistols, 1 Horse &c &c
And many other articles too numerous to particularize
Sale to commence at 12 o’clock
J.J. GUNN, Auctioneer

All claims against the Estate of the late Edward DANIELS of the Nazaar are requested to be sent in to the Undersigned on or before the 15th proximo. Claims filed after that period will be excluded.
Charles POTE
Executor Dative

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 15th instant, Mrs. John DUFFY of a daughter

Saturday 31 January 1857

BIRTH at Somerset East on the 14th January 1857, Mrs. Hougham HUDSON of a daughter.

MARRIED by Special Licence at Grahamstown by the Rev. G.H. Green, Joseph BOWLES, youngest son of Richard BOWLES, Kariega, to Mary Baptist MISELBROOK, second daughter of William MISELBROOK, Grahamstown.

DIED January 28th at her residence, Thorn Cottage, Grahamstown, Mrs. Ann MILLER, widow of the late Wm. MILLER, aged 70 years, deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends, having survived her late husband only two months.

DIED in childbirth in Queenstown, on the 27th January, Jane, the beloved wife of Mr. Stephen TROLLIP, aged [43]. Deceased had been for many years a consistent member of the Wesleyan Methodist Society. She was a devoted wife and mother and a true friend. She died in the Lord.

Saturday 7 February 1857

In the Estate of the late William MILLER, of Grahamstown, and his wife Ann MILLER
All persons having claims against the above Estate are required to file the same with the Undersigned within two months from the date hereof, and those indebted thereto are requested to pay their respective debts within that period.
Executor Testamentary
Grahamstown, February 6th 1857

MARRIED at Dagga Boer on the Farm Willow Tree, by the Rev W.C. Holden, on the 14th January 1857, Jabez WEEKS to Annie TROLLIP, youngest daughter of Mr. Wm. TROLLIP Senr, one of the British Settlers of 1820.

DIED at Fort England on Tuesday February 3 1857, Amelia Henrietta, the infant daughter of Alfred and Caroline SOLE, aged 1 year 3 months and 14 days.
Alfred SOLE

DIED on the 28th ult, Henry N. SCOTT, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. SCOTT, Buccleuch, Queenstown, aged 18 years. The above amiable and beloved youth was unfortunately drowned in attempting to cross a small tributary of the Kei, whilst swollen by a thunderstorm. The bereaved parents desire to express their most grateful thanks for the kindness and sympathy displayed towards them by their neighbours, both Dutch and English, who so kindly assisted them in their search for his remains, during the four days which elapsed before they were recovered.

Tuesday 10 February 1857

All persons having claims against the estate of the late James BENSON of Fort Beaufort, are requested to send the same to the undersigned on or before the 23rd February next; and it is also requested that those indebted to the said estate will settle the same within the same period, if not legal proceedings will be instituted.
Donald McKAY
Executor Dative
Fort Beaufort, January 29 1857

Saturday 14 February 1857

BIRTH at King William’s Town on the 5th instant, Mrs. T.A. CUMMING of a son.

Saturday 21 February 1857

BIRTH at Graham’s Town on the 19th inst, the lady of R. GRAHAM Esq, C.C. of Albany, of a daughter.

MARRIED at Eland’s Post, “Village of Seymour”, on Tuesday the 17th February by the Rev. W.R. Thomson, Mr. John LAWLOR to Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. FLANAGIN of the same place.

DIED at Fort Beaufort after a short illness, on Friday the 6th inst, Thomas, youngest son of Mr. T. WARD, of that place, aged 11 months.

DIED on the 1st February 1857, at the residence of his son-in-law, after a long and painful illness of three months, Mr. John HARLEY Sen, of this town, aged 72 years.

DIED at Aliwal North on the 8th February 1857, Francis Eley SIMES, aged 48 years and 7 months, leaving a widow and 5 children to mourn his loss. Friends will please accept this notice.

Tuesday 24 February 1857

It is with no ordinary feelings of sorrow we record the death on Sunday evening last of William WRIGHT Esq of this city. Deceased came to this country with the British Settlers of 1820 and was amongst the most enterprising and, we may add, successful of their number. For several years past he had retired from the active business of life, in the enjoyment of a handsome [competency], but though not engaged in [business] he was zealous as an office bearer in the Church (the Wesleyan) of which for a long time he had been an attached member and to whose missionary fund he was an [annual] contributor of £50. He was also a liberal benefactor to the poor and an active promoter of everything connected with the religious progress of the community. He sat last year in Parliament as the representative of Cradock, in which division, as well as here and at Fort Beaufort, he had valuable property. Failing health, however, obliged him to resign, which he did in time to [secure] the return of another member. He also filled the office of Municipal Commissioner, in which as in every other office he showed an anxious desire to promote the advancement of the country of his adoption. He has left a widow and numerous family, nearly all of whom are respectably established in life, to deplore their irreparable bereavement.

Saturday 28 February 1857

DIED at Graham’s Town on Sunday the 22nd Feb 1857, aged 64 years, William WRIGHT Esq, late Representative for Cradock in the Colonial Parliament, and one of the Municipal Board of this city.

The Partnership heretofore existing under the firm of HAW & Co, Ironmongers of Grahamstown, was mutually dissolved on the 31st December 1856 – all claims against the said frim to be sent in immediately for settlement to William HAW, and all debts due to the said firm to the 31st December 1856 to be paid as follows:
All Promissory Notes and acknowledgements made and signed to the 31st December 1856 to be paid to Mr. George WOOD
Open Accounts to be paid to William HAW
George WOOD
William HAW

Tuesday 3 March 1857

DIED at her residence in Graham’s Town on the 19th inst, Ann BROWN, relict of the late John BROWN, after a short but painful illness of great bodily suffering. Aged 64 years. The death of this amiable and truly good individual has occasioned a loss that will doubtless be felt by many – most deeply however by those of her more intimate acquaintance. For alike in both adversity and prosperity she never allowed her benevolent and charitable disposition to relax its efforts in doing good. To the friendless and needy she has indeed proved more than once equally a friend and mother, and many still live who can bear witness to the [unostentatious] benevolence of her highly [obscured] and Christian heart – the [pride] of which had alone its reward in the conscious knowledge of having done “simply good”. A tear in her memory as a token of her departed worth will I trust not be denied. Peace to her remains. May she never be forgot.
22nd Feb 1887

Saturday 7 March 1857

MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown on Wednesday the 4th March 1857, by the Rev. J. Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain, Mr. Charles BARBER, of Middelburg, elder son of the late Mr. Walter Mills BARBER, to Dorcas, third daughter of the Hon’ble W. COCK Esq, M.L.C.

DIED on the 27th February, in the 46th year of her age, Mrs. Ann LEE, widow of the late Mr. George LEE of this city. Friends will please accept this notice.
Grahamstown, March 6th 1857

Tuesday 10 March 1857

MARRIED on the 4th inst at Mount Pleasant by the Revd. N. Smit, William BROWN Esq MD, 13th Light Infantry, to Harriet, second daughter of Henry FULLER Esq.

The late English mail brought intelligence of the death of Captain Duncan CAMPBELL, formerly Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of this District. As Civil Commissioner Capt. C. had included in his jurisdiction the country now forming the divisions of Cradock, Somerset, Fort Beaufort, including the Kat River Settlement, and South Victoria. He was also acting Commissariat-General from the time of Captain STOCKENSTROM’s departure for Europe until the abolition of that office in [1836]. The career of this officer in this country was an [unrestful] one. Forced into public antagonism to the then Lieutenant Governor of the Eastern Province, he [obscured] effectually vindicated his own character, throwing all the odium upon his adversary, and then retired from further persecution into the quietude of private life. He chose Exmouth as his abode, where on the 20th December he died in the full possession of all his mental faculties, at the advanced age of 74. As a faithful public servant and as one whose manners had been polished by the best society in every quarter of the world, his mind being stored with a vast accumulation of information collected by extensive observation and reading, Captain CAMPBELL had few equals. His suavity of manners, the chivalry of his character and his great conversational powers made him a most agreeable companion, and justly entitled him to the high consideration and esteem of all who were on terms of intimacy with him. By his demise a pension of £200 per annum will lapse to the colony.

Tuesday 17 March 1857

MARRIED at Grahamstown this morning by the Rev. N. Smit, by Special Licence, Michael UPWOOD Esq of Rockwood, Cowie Forest, to Annie, second daughter of T. HEATLIE Esq of Capetown.

Saturday 21 March 1857

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Thursday 19th instant, Mrs. [E.] BUCKLEY of a son

My Wife “Sarah CHARLEY” having left her home, I hereby give notice that I will not be responsible for any debts she might contract from this date.
Christian CHARLEY
Fort Beaufort, March [?] 1857

Saturday 28 March 1857

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 24th inst, the wife of Augustus ERSKINE Esq, Assistant Commissary General, of a son.

Dr. A.G. CAMPBELL having taken up his permanent residence in town, is willing to let his house at the Ghio, Bushman’s River, to families requiring change of air and sea bathing, for short periods.
The premises consist of Dwelling House (partially furnished) with seven rooms; a plentiful supply of rainwater; stable for eight horses; outside Kitchen; cart and wagon sheds; forage store &c.
Shooting and Fishing unlimited.
The Farm of 4,000 acres, with a Homestead, is also to Let.
For particulars apply to Mr. W. WALLACE at the stores of M.J. BELL Esq.

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