Grahamstown Journal 1857 - 3 - July to September
Saturday 4 July 1857
BIRTH at Queen’s Town on Friday 19th ultimo, Mrs. Geo. BARNES of a son.
DIED at her residence, Laura Terrace, London, Mary Anne, relict of the late L.BENJAMIN, formerly of Graham’s Town, aged 85 years.
DIED at Fort Peddie on the 20th June 1857, after a lingering and painful illness, Jane, the beloved wife of Captain William LEE, 6th Royal Regt, of Consumption.
Tuesday 14 July 1857
BIRTH at Grahamstown, July 4th, Mrs. W. WEDDERBURN of a daughter.
BIRTH at Grahamstown, July 10th, Mrs. J. WEDDERBURN of a daughter.
DIED on Wednesday July 9th, aged 65 years, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann MAKALLAH, widow of the late Joseph MAKALLAH, native of London, and a resident of Grahamstown for the last 22 years.
Saturday 18 July 1857
MARRIED in the Roman Catholic Church by the Rev. P. O’Neil, on Tuesday the 14th inst, Color Serjeant James PACKHAM, 13th Light Infantry, to Mary Ann, youngest daughter of Mr. Thomas [STERK] late [Superior] Barrack Serjeant of this city.
BIRTH at West Hill on the 13th inst, the wife of Mr. Geo. WOOD Jr. of a daughter.
BIRTH at Graham’s Town, 17th July, the wife of Mr. S.D. LONG of a son.
DIED on Wednesday morning, 15th inst, Harriet Amelia, daughter of Mr. J. LAWRANCE, aged 4 years and 3 months.
DIED on the 15th March last at his residence, “Prospect Lodge”, Brixton, Surrey, England, Major Henry CRAUSE H.P. Cape Mounted Rifles, deeply regretted by his relations and friends.
Any person found shooting or sporting in any way on Dr. CAMPBELL’s estate at THE GHIO without leave will be prosecuted. There are two men every day on the lookout to bring such persons to justice.
Ghio, Bushman’s River July 10th 1857
In the Estate of the later William KEW of Queen’s Town
All Persons having Claims against the above Estate are requested to file them with the Undersigned within six weeks from this date; and all parties indebted to the same will settle their Accounts within the same period to prevent legal proceedings being instituted to recover the amounts.
R. JEFFERSON, Executor Dative
Queen’s Town, June 25th 1857
Saturday 25 July 1857
DIED on the 11th July 1857, on his farm [Nazaar], Thomas CHOLWICK, aged 47 years, native of Devonshire, England.
Saturday 1 August 1857
MARRIED on the 30th June last by the Revd. W. Murray, Middelburg, Mr. P.W. BOARDMAN to Miss Mary Augusta BOARDMAN, second daughter of Mr. W. BOARDMAN and granddaughter of the late Revd. W. BOARDMAN, formerly of Blackburn, Lancashire (English and Military Chaplain of Grahamstown, South Africa)
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on the 30th July 1857, the lady of W.T.L. [EMETT] Esq. of a daughter.
BIRTH at Eland’s Drift, Fish River, on the [24]th July, the wife of Mr. D. [MORTON] of a son.
BAPTISM at St.Peter’s Church, Sidbury by the Rev. [Samuel Howe] on Sunday July 26th, Frederic Seacat, son of S.H. DUCKWORTH Esq. MD of Beaufort West.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 8th July, Mrs. S.H. DUCKWORTH of a son.
Tuesday 11 August 1857
Whereas my wife Mary GARTON, born McPHILLIPS, has contrary to my wisdom and desires separated herself from my bed, board & lodging, I hereby give notice that from and after the date of this notice I will not be responsible for any debts she may incur, and I caution any person against giving her credit.
Francis GARTON
85th Light Infantry
Queenstown, July 27 1857
From Spring Grove (Cowie East) with Horse, Saddle and Bridle, the property of James DIGNAR, Wm. McCARTNEY, an Irishman, with sore or weak eyes, slightly pockmarked and dark hair, mason by trade. The horse is a small dark brown pony, with small white stripes on the back, and a small sore behind the saddle. Any person recovering said property and leading to the detection of the thief shall receive a reward of Two Pounds.
Cavers, 13th July 1857
Saturday 15 August 1857
MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral, Graham’s Town, by the Rev. J. Heavyside, on Wednesday last the 12th August, Daniel LOWE to Mary Anne SIDDONS.
BIRTH at Fairlawn on the 15th inst, the wife of James FICHATT Esq, Resident Magistrate of Bathurst, of a son.
DIED at Cradock on the 6th August, of congestion on the brain, caused by a fall from his Buggy, Mr. Fenning Park KIDSON, aged 30 years and 11 months, youngest son of Mr. W. KIDSON, formerly of Graham’s Town. Deceased has left a wife and two children to mourn the irreparable loss of a kind and affectionate husband and father, and a numerous circle of relatives and friends to sympathize in this melancholy bereavement.
Tuesday 18 August 1857
DIED at Somerset at the residence of her son-in-law, on the 11th August 1857, Elizabeth Webb PINNOCK, wife of the late Philip PINNOCK, formerly of Marston Biggot near Somersetshire, England. She was the daughter of Marchant SMITH, family of Twinney House near Bath, granddaughter of Jonathan WEBB Esq of Charterhouse Hinton, near the City of Bath, by whom she was brought up. Herself and husband came to this Colony with the British Settlers of 1820. Aged 66 years.
Saturday 22 August 1857
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Wednesday the 19th August, the wife of Mr. James [RICHARDS] of a daughter.
MARRIED on the 18th inst at St.George’s Cathedral, by the Rev. J. Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain, Edward Joseph HALL to Elizabeth SULLIVAN.
MARRIED at Commemoration Chapel, Grahamstown, on the 20th Aug, by the Rev. J. Richards, Mr. Samuel MOUNTFORT of Albany to Amelia, eldest daughter of William Thomas INGLE of Grahamstown, late of the City of London.
Tuesday 25 August 1857
DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 18th inst, Mary, relict of the late Wm. AYTON, aged 52 years.
Saturday 29 August 1857
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 24th inst, Mrs. Horatio SCOTT of a daughter.
BIRTH at Bedford on Thursday the 20th inst, Mrs. Frederick MILES of a daughter.
MARRIED by the Rev. Mr. Garner at the residence of Mr. G. HARRISON, at Buck Kraal, Mr. A.W. WARNER of Buck Kraal to Miss Jane HARRISON of the same place.
DIED at Graham’s Town, Aug 29th, Purdon Cameron SMAILES, aged 17 years, son of the Rev Purdon SMAILES, Wesleyan Minister.
DIED in Bedford on the 22nd August, Sarah, the beloved wife of [J.L.] ASPINALL, after a long and painful illness. She has left a husband with three small children to deplore her loss.
Tuesday 1 September 1857
DIED at Graham’s Town this morning, 1st September, Clarke William Arthur, youngest son of Mr. Chas. COXEN, aged 7 weeks and 3 days.
Saturday 5 September 1857
DIED September 3rd 1857 at her residence in Beaufort Street, Mrs. Sarah POWELL, wife of James POWELL. Aged 72 years. Deceased was for many years a member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, and lived and died a humble believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Tuesday 8 September 1857
DIED suddenly at Fort Beaufort, September 4, Mrs. Ann DUFFY, born BRA [sic – BRAY?], at the advanced age of 93 years and 8 months. Deceased came to this Colony with the Settlers in 1820.
Saturday 12 September 1857
BIRTH this morning, the wife of Mr. Frederick HOLLAND of a daughter
12th Sept 1857
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Sunday the 6th inst, the wife of Mr. W.G. TOWNSEND of a son.
BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet 7th September 1857, Mrs. Edward NATHAN of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Thursday the 10th inst, the wife of Mr. G.A.ROSE of a daughter.
MARRIED at the residence of the Bride’s uncle, D. McKENZIE Esqr., by the Rev N. Smith, on the 2nd September 1857, Alex. L. McDONALD Esq, Purveying Department, to Miss Emily Catharine DIAMOND.
Graham’s Town.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on the morning of the 8th inst, Mr. A.J. McKENZIE, leaving a wife and numerous family to deplore the loss of a kind and affectionate husband and father.
DIED at Graham’s Town September 10 1857, Mrs. Mary JEWSON, relict of the late Thomas KEIGHTLEY of Nottingham. Aged 65 years.
Saturday 19 September 1857
MARRIED on the 7th inst by the Rev. Mr. Opperman, at the residence of Major CROMPTON [G.L.], Woolridge, Quarter Master Serg. N. HARPER [I] Corps (C.M.R.) to Margaretha FRANZMANN.
DIED in childbirth, in the 19th year of her age, at the residence of Mr. [B]. WOEST of Chumie Hoek, on the 6th instant, Mrs. Christian HOLT, second daughter of Mr. P.J. WOEST, of Oliphant’s Hoek, deeply lamented by a bereaved husband, relatives and a large circle of friends.
Saturday 26 September 1857
[three totally illegible BMD notices]
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