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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1856 - 4 - October to December

[No issues available until 21 October]

Tuesday 21 October 1856

The Executors in the Estate of the late Mr. James THACKWRAY have instructed the Undersigned to offer for Public Competition,
on the same day as the above, Friday the 31st instant, at noon,
Two Plots of Ground
Each with two Frontages, most eligibly situated in the Oatland Estate, one Plot containing two original lots, being enclosed with a bank, and the other containing three original lots, being very suitable for a residence.
Title clear and terms favourable.
J. LAWRANCE, Auctioneer

Saturday 25 October 1856

[One illegible marriage announcement]

Saturday 8 November 1856

CHRISTENING, August 24th 1856 in the Wesleyan Chapel, Stoke Newington by the Revd William Shaw, a daughter of Mr. James FORDRED baptized Florence Ellen.

MARRIED by Special Licence at the Residence of Mr. N. BIRKENRUTH, by Mr. J.B. Schottenfels, Marriage Officer for the Eastern Province, Edward NATHAN Esqr of Graaff-Reinet to Friederike, third daughter of Mr. S. WEINTHAL Esq of Hamburgh.
Grahamstown 8th November 1856

MARRIED by the Rev E.P. Green on the 16th October at Bushman's Hoek, Queenstown District, James, eldest son of Mr. James EKRON, of Cheviot Hills, to Sarah, fourth daughter of Mr. John WHITE.

MARRIED on the 6th November 1856, at Annshaw, Wesleyan Mission Station, British Kaffraria, by the Rev Wm Sargeant, George Arthur ROSE, recently from the Wesleyan Normal Training Institution, Westminster, to Sarah Catherine, youngest daughter of Mr. George IMPEY Sen.

Tuesday 21 November 1856 [sic – probably 11 November]

DIED. October 26th 1856, at Zwaga's Hoek, Somerset East, Edward John, second son of James Edward and Mary Parr HOWSE, aged 6 months. Friends will please accept this notice.
James E. HOWSE.

DIED on the 24th October at his farm near Grahamstown, after a long and painful illness, Mr. Charles Thos. CROFT Junr, aged 32 years, leaving a wife, 3 children and a large circle of relations and friends to mourn his loss. His end was peace.

DIED at Fort England on the morning of the 1st November 1856, Sarah Jane Blackhall, infant daughter of Serjt. John Thomas and Jane BENNETT, of Her Majesty's 6th Regiment. Aged 2 months and eight days.

Saturday 15 November 1856

BIRTH at Spring Vale near Sidbury on the 7th November 1856, the wife of W.H. DANIELL Esq of a son.

DIED at [illegible], Kat River Settlement on the 5th November, of croup, Caroline, infant daughter of John and Tamson PIKE, aged ? months.

Tuesday 25 November 1856

DIED at Montrose, District of Queen's Town. On the 15th inst, Charles Augustus Frederick ROSS, eldest son of Captain ROSS, late of Cape Mounted Rifles, leaving a widow, three children and a numerous circle of friends to deplore his loss.

Saturday 29 November 1856

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 28th Inst, Mrs N. BIRKENRUTH of a son.

DIED at Bathurst on Sunday the 23rd inst, Mr. Robert BLANCHARD, aged 37 years, leaving a widow with five children to deplore his irreparable loss.

DIED at Trompetter's Drift on the [26th] November 1856, Mr. John PRESTWICH, aged 56 years.

Tuesday 2 December 1856

BIRTH this morning, Mrs. C.H. NELSON of a daughter.
Grahamstown 2 December 1856

DIED at Graham's Town on Friday morning last, the 28th November, Matilda Jane, sixth daughter of the late Mr. Thomas DOYLE of Port Francis. Aged 26 years.

DIED on Friday last at his residence, Thorn Cottage, in this City, at the age of 77 years and 6 months, Mr. William MILLER, well known as the Founder (in conjunction with Messrs. TEMLETT, SHEPHERD and PRIOR) of the Baptist Church in this Colony. Deceased was one of the "British Settlers" of 1820, having come hither at that date with the Salem party under the pastoral charge of the Revd. W. SHAW. He arrived in this country an assuredly pious man, and during a long, arduous and chequered career he maintained unsullied that high character. He stood out as a fair example of an English Puritan. Bold, sturdy and uncompromising, he never failed to declare the truth that was in him, and to maintain unflinchingly the position which in the order of Providence he had been impelled to assume. Called in the early days of the Settlement to take upon himself the Pastoral oversight of the few members of the Baptist Church, he discharged that duty with a ? and an efficiency that showed the native force of a hand of no ordinary capacity. This was also seen in his secular employment, his indomitable industry and perseverance being conspicuous in all his engagements. As an honest man and a good and independent citizen his name is unblemished, while his memory will long be cherished among the most sterling of the Founders of the British Settlement of Albany in South Africa.

Tuesday 9 December 1856

DIED at his residence, Black Waters, District of George, on Tuesday the 2nd December 1856, Major henry Douglas WARDEN, late British Resident Orange River Sovereignty, at the age of 56 years and 10 months, leaving a widow, nine children and a large circle of friends to deplore his loss.

Saturday 13 December 1856

MARRIED at Fort Beaufort on Tuesday last by the Rev J Dorrington, William George, second son of the late John TOWNSEND Esq, of Nottingham and [Goad] House, Clapham Common, to Eliza Helen, youngest daughter of the late Archibald McKENZIE Esq of this Town.

DIED at Fort White on the 9th December 1856, Mr. Robert JAMES, aged 29 years, leaving a Mother and two Brothers to deplore the loss of an affectionate son and a kind brother.

DIED at Fort White on Tuesday the 9th December, Robert JAMES, aged 29 years. His relations beg to return many thanks to the inhabitants of King William's Town for their kind attendance at his funeral.

Tuesday 16 December 1856

DIED on the 29th Nov 1856, Patrick ROEK, native of Lucan County Dublin Ireland, aged 39 years. Deceased met with his death by a fall from his horse whilst returning home from Cradock. Friends and relations will please accept this notice.
M. ROEK [Pult.]

Tuesday 23 December 1856

BIRTH at Grahamstown this morning, the 23rd instant, Mrs. M.B. SHAW of a son.
Grahamstown 23rd December 1856.

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