Grahamstown Journal 1856 - 3 - July to September
Tuesday 1 July 1856
Notice is hereby given to Relatives and Friends that my beloved Mother, Christina Susanna BOSCH, born VAN NIEKERK, died of apoplexy on the 9th May, aged 52 years and 10 months, after a sickness of nine months.
Zwager's Hoek
27th May 1856
Tuesday [sic] 5 July 1856
MARRIED by the Rev H.H. Dugmore at Queen's Town on the 1st instant, Mr. Joseph GOLDING of Sherwood, District of Queen's Town, to Susannah Hilaria Shrewsbury, fourth daughter of the late Mr. Thomas WEST of Graham's Town.
DIED at Graham's Town on the 30th June, Alicia, the wife of Alfred WHITE of Queen's Town, aged 28 years and 2 months.
In the Assigned Estate of
E.F. DICKS, Baker
Final Notice
The Accounts in this Estate will be closed on the 31st August next. Creditors are requested to file their claims previous to that date. A portion of the debts due to the Estate will be sold at Mr. LAWRANCE's Sale on Friday next, 11th instant.
q.q. Assignees.
In the Estate of John MACLEAN, Deceased, lately Trading beyond the Kei
All persons having Claims against this Estate are requested to file the same within six weeks from this date with the Undersigned, and all persons indebted thereto are requested to settle the same forthwith.
Edward JONES
Executor Testamentary
King William's Town
28th June 1856
In the Testate Estate of the late Mrs. Margaret MANDY (born DOGHERTY), Widow of the late Mr. J.W. MANDY, deceased
All persons having any claims on the above Estate are requested to file them at the Counting House of Mr. S.D. MANDY, Grahamstown, within six weeks from this date, and those indebted to pay within the same period.
Executor Testamentary
T.W. COPE q.q.
June 25th 1856
Tuesday 8 July 1856
DIED at Cradock on the 2nd inst, after a short but severe illness of 5 days only, Samuel Taylor JAMES, aged 66 years and 6 months, leaving a wife and 7 children to deplore their loss. Deceased was one of the Settlers of 1820. His end was peace.
Saturday 12 July 1856
MARRIED on the 26th June 1856 (by Special Licence) in the Dutch Reformed Church, Cape Town by the Rev Mr Faure BD, Thomas Charles John BAIN Esq, Inspector of Roads, son of Andrew Geddes BAIN Esq, to Miss Johanna Hermina DE SMIDT, daughter of William DE SMIDT Esq.
DIED at Grahamstown, July the 6th, Robert SPINK, late Corporal 45th Regiment, after a long and painful illness, having been confined to his bed for eight months, leaving a widow and five children to deplore their loss. Deceased was 42 years of age, and beloved by all who knew him. His end was peace.
Tuesday 15 July 1856
DIED at Queen's Town, July 8th 1856, George FARREN, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William FARREN. Aged ten months and twelve days.
DIED at Bedford on the 22nd June, James McLEOD, aged 16 years and months [sic], son of Elizabeth McLEOD of Cradock, leaving a large circle of friends and relative to deplore his loss.
Saturday 19 July 1856
DIED at his son's residence, Salem, on July the 12th 1856, Mr. William GRAVETT Sen, aged 84 years.
Mr. M.B. HUDSON, who has been Tutor to Mr. W.M. BOWKER's family for the last six years, is now open to another engagement. Apply by letter to the Post Office, Grahamstown.
Saturday 26 July 1856
DIED at Hertzog, at the residence of Mr. T.S. WEST, John VICE, aged 41 years. Friends at a distance will please to accept of this notice.
Hertzog, July 20 1856.
DIED at Groote Haasfontyn on the 19th June 1856, the beloved wife of Mr. WESTERBERG, aged 64 years 4 months and 28 days. She departed this life in Peace.
Tuesday 29 July 1856
DIED at Glen Lynden on the morning of the 24th inst, Rev. Alexander WELSH, Minister of the Dutch Reformed Churches of Glen Lynden and Adelaide. Aged 64 years and 23 days. Friends will please accept this notice.
Saturday 2 August 1856
BIRTH at Krooma Park, near Fort Beaufort, on the 29th inst, Mrs. Henry OGILVIE of a daughter.
DIED at Grahamstown of Croup, on the 27th July, aged 1 year and 7 months, Elizabeth Keay, only daughter of Robert GRAHAM Esq, Civil Commissioner &c, Albany.
Estate of Frans Johannes VAN AARDT, deceased, and surviving spouse Maria Johanna MENTZ.
Pursuant to the 33rd Section of Ordnance No.104, the Creditors and all others having claims against the deceased or his Estate are hereby called upon to lodge the same at the office of
Charles-street, Somerset (East)
within two months from the date hereof.
Executors Testamentary
Somerset East, 8th July 1856
[Transcriber's Note: No further original copies of the Grahamstown Journal are available at The British Library until January 1863. Digital copies can be consulted with a reader's ticket, though the quality is often extremely poor. The following transcriptions have been done from these scans, with some checking of dates from death notices, online registers etc.]
Tuesday 5 August 1856
King William's Town
The Undersigned beg to inform the inhabitants of British Kaffraria that they have opened a Branch Establishment at King William's Town and admitted Mr. Robert RICHARDS as a partner thereto.
A paper to be called The King William's Town gazette and Border Intelligencer will be published weekly – the first number being issued on Saturday next, the 9th instant, and forwarded by Monday's post to all parts of the colony. Parties wishing to subscribe thereto may send their names either to this office or to any of the agents of the Grahamstown Journal.
A Stationery Store will be connected with the establishment and a large assortment of Stationery, with a good collection of Books, will be kept on hand and sold at reasonable prices.
Printing in all its branches executed on the shortest notice. Military Forms, Promissory Notes, Bill-heads, Wagon Way-bills, Bills of Exchange and other forms printed with neatness and despatch.
Grahamstown, August 2nd 1856
Saturday 9 August 1856
BIRTH at King William's Town on the 27th inst, the wife of the Provost Sergeant T. NOBLE of a son.
BIRTH at King William's Town on the 4th August 1856, Mrs. John SWEENEY of a son
Saturday 16 August 1856
BIRTH at Queen's Town on the 10th inst, Mrs. E.T. STUBBS of a daughter.
BIRTH at Colesberg on the 18th July, Mrs. James RAWSTORNE of a son.
DIED at her residence at Port Frances on 4th August 1856, Martha, the beloved wife of Mr. Wm. FORWARD. Aged 60 years. Deceased came to the Colony in 1820. She was an affectionate wife, a tender parent and a good neighbour.
DIED at Grahamstown on Thursday the 14th inst, Mr. John JAFFRAY, a native of Stirlingshire, Scotland, in his 83rd year.
16th August
DIED at the residence of her daughter in Grahamstown on Tuesday last the 12th inst, Mrs. Ann TROTTER, native of Herefordshire and relict of the late Mr. William TROTTER of this City. Aged [74] years. Deceased arrived in this Colony with the original Settlers in 1820, and from that time to the present was deservedly esteemed and respected by all who had the pleasure of holding intercourse with her. During the last three months she had been labouring under severe indisposition, arising from [illegible],but she bore her sufferings with the greatest patience and Christian resignation and in her last moments fully proved the truthfulness of the sacred words "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord".
August 16th 1856
Tuesday 19 August 1856
Notice is hereby given that
Mr. Joseph CAWOOD of the Firm of CAWOOD Brothers of Grahamstown
Has retired by mutual consent from the aforesaid firm, and that as far as the said Joseph CAWOOD is concerned the Partnership ceased and determined from the 22nd July 1856. The business will henceforth be carried on by the undersigned under the sane designation of CAWOOD Brothers, who will settle all accounts owing to or by the aforesaid firm
William CAWOOD
16th August 1856
Saturday 23 August 1856
BIRTH at Grahamstown in the 20th inst, the wife of Dy. Asst. Comy. General BLACKER of a son.
DIED on the 9th inst at Tamocha Post, British Kaffraria, Edward GOODRICH Esq, fourth son of the late William GOODRICH Esq of Matson Hall, Gloucestershire & brother to the present James GOODRICH Esq of Maisemore Court in that county.
DIED at West Hill, of croup, on Friday the 8th August, Edwin Abel, second son of Mr. Geo. WOOD Jr, aged 4 years 3 months and 14 days.
Tuesday 26 August 1856
DIED at Elizabeth Farm, Kaga, Sarah Jane, the youngest and only daughter of Mr. Geo. KING, aged 14 months and nine days.
Saturday 30 August 1856
BIRTH at King William's Town on the 6th inst, the wife of Lieut. Col. BISSET A.A.G. of a son.
DIED at Dr. MERRITT's place [Crega] on 11th August 1856, Maria Dorothea MULLER, beloved wife of Isaac Abraham MULLER, aged 41 years 2 months and 1 day.
Malmaison 16th August 1856.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on the morning of the 20th August, the wife of Mr. Robert MURTON of Fort Beaufort, leaving a disconsolate husband and [3] children to deplore the loss of a kind wife and affectionate mother.
Saturday 6 September 1856
MARRIED at the Wesleyan Chapel at Fort Beaufort on Tuesday the 2nd September 1856, by the Rev E.D. Hepburn, William Thomas Lawson EMETT Esq, fourth son of the late Captain EMETT, to Frances Isabella LAMONT (Widow) second daughter of the late David McMASTER Sen Esq. of [illegible].
DIED at Grahamstown on the 31st August 1856, [Elizabeth] Ann, second daughter of E.T. STUBBS, aged 53 days.
Saturday 13 September 1856
BIRTH at West Hill on Tuesday 9th September, Mrs, Nathaniel COCK, Hope Farm, of a son.
BIRTH on the 10th inst, Mrs. N.P. KROHN of a daughter.
MARRIED at Middleburg on Monday 1st September 1856, by the Revd William Murray, Charles John Meux FENSHAM Esq to Carolina Catherine Mary, eldest daughter of James O'REILLY Esq.
DIED at Grahamstown on Saturday the 13th inst, Mr. William POWELL, son of Mr. Benjamin POWELL of Cape Town, aged 36 years.
Tuesday 16 September 1856
The Partnership carried on by the Undersigned under the Firm of SKINNER & FOLEY has been this day dissolved by mutual consent.
All debts due to the late Firm must be paid without delay to the first Undersigned, by whom [the business will be continued].
Thomas FOLEY
Graham’s Town September 12 1856
[no further scans available until 21 October 1856]
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