Grahamstown Journal 1856 - 2 - April to June
Saturday 5 April 1856
MARRIED at Salem on Wednesday the 19th March, Miss Frances Hannah, eldest daughter of William GRAVETT, Salem, to Charles, second son of W.G. BUTT of Port Elizabeth.
[This appears to correct the announcement of 22 March, which had the groom’s surname as BULL]
MARRIED by Special Licence at the Military Church, King William’s Town, British Kaffraria, on Tuesday 18th March 1856, by the Rev Allan Bell MA, Mr. Henry Leonard HEAD to Miss Mary Anne ATTWELL
DIED on the morning of the 14th inst, at Settler’s Hill, Grahamstown, Mr. William PRINGLE, aged 50 years. Friends will please accept of this intimation.
Grahamstown, March 18 1856
In the Estate of the late Edward DANIELL, Assegai Bush
All Persons having Claims against the above Estate are requested to file the same within Six Weeks from this date, and all persons indebted to the said Estate are hereby called upon to Pay within the same period, the amount of their respective Accounts to
Charles POTE
Executor Dative
Saturday 12 April 1856
BIRTH on the 2nd instant, Mrs. W. Guybon ATHERSTONE of a son.
BIRTH on the 9th inst, Mrs. Frederick HOLLAND of a son, still born.
MARRIED at St. Augustine’s Catholic Church, Port Elizabeth, on Thursday the 27th March 1856, by the very Rev T. Murphy, James GEOGHEGAN, fourth son of the late John GEOGHEGAN and Ann TROY, of Noc-Raheen (Hill of the Fort), Co. Wicklow, to Eliza Mary, eldest daughter of Nicholas Ennis and Ellen DEVEREUX of Ceilla-More (Large Church), Co. Wexford, Ireland.
DIED at the residence of Mr. J.J. GUNN, on Wednesday 9th April, William ARMSTRONG, aged 36 years, leaving a widow and 5 children to deplore the loss of a kind husband and an affectionate father.
Saturday 19 April 1856
MARRIED at St. Patrick’s (Roman Catholic) Church, city of Grahamstown, on the 15th, by the Rev.John Quin, Amelia Mary Emanuel, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Bernard McCABE, formerly of HM 27th Inniskilliners, to Mr. John DUFFEY of this town.
Saturday 26 April 1856
DIED at Uitenhage on the 19th instant, after a lingering illness of nine months, Mr. John STOW, aged 51 years, leaving a widow and ten children to deplore his loss. He was born in London and came to this Colony in 1822, the last twelve years of his life were spent in Uitenhage, where by his quiet demeanour and industrious habits he gained the respect and esteem of the inhabitants, who sincerely sympathise with the widow in her bereavement.
Uitenhage, 23rd April 1856.
DIED of Croup on Tuesday morning, 22nd instant, Elizabeth Edkins, second daughter of Mr. Richard LEVEY of Alice. Aged 5 years 5 months and 22 days.
Saturday 3 May 1856
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 27th April, Mrs J.E. HOWSE of a son.
MARRIED in Trinity Church, King William’s Town, on Thursday the 24th April, by the Rev Allen Bell, Edmund William, second son of Mr. A. GILSTAIN of Cape Town, to Mary SHAW, late of Atherstone, Warwickshire, England.
DIED on Monday the 21st April, after two days’ illness, aged 48 years, Anne PYE, wife of Mr. John PYE, Leeuw Fontein, near Fort Beaufort.
DIED suddenly in Fort Beaufort, on Tuesday evening 29th April, of aneurism of the main artery of the heart, Mr. Abel Worth HOOLE, late of Graham’s Town. Aged 44 years and 8 months, leaving a widow and six young children, and a large circle of relatives and friends to deplore their irreparable loss.
Fort Beaufort, 1st May 1856
Saturday 10 May 1856
MARRIED at St.George’s Church, Grahamstown, on the 9th inst, by the Revd John Heavyside C.C, Mr.A. MARSHALL, fourth son of the late H. MARSHALL of Collingham, to Fanny Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr. Edward HODGMAN, late of St. Lawrence, Kent.
MARRIED on Tuesday April 29th 1856 at St.George’s cathedral by the Revd John Heavyside, John PATRICK, son of the late Benjamin PATRICK of this town, to Eliza Georgianna, eldest daughter of Edmund EEDES Sen.
DIED at his residence “Grape Vale”, near Grahamstown, on Tuesday last, the 6th May, after a short illness, Mr. Chas. HILL Senr at the age of 77 years. Deceased came to this colony with the original Settlers in 1820 and shortly afterwards took up his abode at the above place, where by industry and perseverance he succeeded in forming one of the finest fruit gardens in the Colony – whether viewed in extent of size, in arrangement, or in variety of fruit trees. His whole energies were devoted to the work, and though frequently retarded and checked in his progress by Kafir outbreaks – he nevertheless succeeded to a surprising extent. “HILL’s Gardens” are known by almost everyone in the colony, and any visitor thereto was certain of securing attention and hospitality from the late proprietor. Deceased maintained a character for honesty and uprightness through the whole of his life, and was universally respected by all sorts and conditions of men. His death will be regretted by a large circle of friends and family connections, but the keen edge of grief will be softened by the confidant assurance that “His end was peace”.
Saturday 17 May 1856
We announce with sorrow the death of Dr. ARMSTRONG, the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown, at his residence on West Hill, last evening at 8 o’clock. A gloom has by this sad news been cast upon the whole community.. [rest of paragraph illegible]
Saturday 24 May 1856
BIRTH at Karel’s Rust on the 15th inst, the wife of Mr. J.P. HARTMAN of a daughter.
Trees! Trees! Trees!
Mr. William PIKE of Collingham has now on hand, and for Sale, some Very Choice Fruit Trees, consisting of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Apricots, [Necturns] and Plums. These trees have all been grafted and reared with special care. Any orders can be left with Mr. R. SPARKS, Dundas-bridge, and prices ascertained.
Saturday 31 May 1856
To Relatives and Friends!
DIED at her residence, Bosch Hoek, on the 24th May 1856, my beloved wife Anna Margetta [sic] FERREIRA, after a lingering sickness. Age 29 years 2 months and 10 days. She has left me and five children to deplore her loss. Her end was peace.
DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday morning, the 25th inst, after a long and painful illness, which was borne with much Christian patience and resignation, Mr. Joseph MACKALLAH, aged 64 years. Deceased was a respected citizen and a consistent member of the Baptist Church, Hill-street, and his loss is regretted not only by his surviving Widow, the Church and his Friends, but by all who were intimately acquainted with him.
DIED on Sunday last, the 25th inst, at the residence of his son, Mr. Henry ULYATE, Palmiet Fontein, near Grahamstown, Mr. Henry ULYATE senior, aged 77 years 5 months and 24 days. Deceased was one of the original settlers of 1820.
Tuesday 3 June 1856
DIED at her residence in Bedford, the infant son of Mrs. Robert EALES, aged 27 days.
Bedford, May 27 1856.
Saturday 7 June 1856
DEPARTED at Wortel Drift, Bedford on the 29th day of May 1856, Herklaas Johannes Jacobus VILJOEN, aged 49 years 8 months and 4 days. Deceased has left a widow and an adopted child to deplore the irreparable loss of a fond and affectionate husband and father. Deceased was for many years a Dutch trader, in which situation, as also for his honest and upright character, he earned the highest approbation from all who knew him. Deceased lingered for four months from a disease of the liver. His end was peace. Friends and relations will please accept of this notice.
Wortel Drift, 30th May 1856
Saturday 14 June 1856
BIRTH at Hopewell, Division of Queenstown, on Sunday the 25th May 1856, Mrs. William A. HART of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Sunday morning, the 8th instant, Mrs. R. READ of a son.
BIRTH at Hopewell Farm, District of Queen’s Town, the wife of Mr. Henry Blacker WARNER of a son.
BIRTH at Hammonds, Fort Beaufort, on the 4th inst, Mrs. B. BOOTH, second daughter of the Hon. R. GODLONTON Esq, M.L.C, of twins (a boy and a girl). The mother only survived their birth about two hours, leaving a husband and family to deplore the loss of one who in the several relations of a daughter, a wife, a mother, and a friend, has seldom been excelled. Few in early life have been called to sustain so many severe trials as the deceased, and fewer still have borne them with that unyielding fortitude which in her case ensured her the high regard of all who knew her. Her memorial is on High, while her name and character will ever live in the cherished remembrance of her family and friends.
DIED this morning, Charles William Herbert HAW, only son of William and Sarah Ann HAW, aged 3 years and 11 months.
Saturday 14th June 1856.
DIED on Wednesday morning the 11th inst, of Croup, Charles Ambrose, aged 2 years and four months, the only surviving child of William Henry DANIEL of Springfield, Sidbury.
DIED at his residence at Buck Kraal, on the 20th ultimo, Mr. William STANFORD, late Lieutenant in the Rural Police, aged 35 years; leaving a wife and six children to deplore their loss.
A malignant report having been lately spread about this part of the country, to the effect that the undersigned was accused of having stolen and again disposed of sundry bags containing Wool (at Queen’s Town), was found guilty and sentenced to three months hard labour, the undersigned begs to notify that in the event of this malicious and untrue report being continued, he will be compelled to proceed to Law, against such evil disposed persons, as it materially injures the reputed character of the undersigned.
Francis KEVY
30th May 1856
Saturday 21 June 1856
BIRTH at Uuitkomst, Uitenhage, June 10th, the wife of John BIRCH Esqr JP of a son.
DIED at Pembroke Royal Dockyard, George PROPERT Esqr, aged 90, greatly regretted by a wide circle of friends.
DIED at Queen’s Town on Monday 16th June, Olivia Francis Dugmore, infant daughter of R and M.A. JEFFERSON, aged 1 year.
Notice to Creditors
In the Assigned Estate of Joseph CORDALL and John BLAKELY of Queenstown.
It is requested that all parties having claims against the above Estate will forward them to the undersigned, at Queenstown, within six weeks from this date. And all parties who are indebted to the same will settle their accounts at his office within that period, or legal proceedings will be instituted against them to recover the same.
Agent for Assignees
Queen’s Town
10th June 1856
Tuesday 24 June 1856
DIED at Bedford, Eastern Province, on the 18th inst, John Huson DERRY, aged 53 years. Deceased arrived in this Colony in the month of November 1853 from Liverpool, at which place he held, for 13 years, a responsible situation and one of great trust; the manner in which he discharged his duties are acknowledged by the several testimonials of a high character, which although brought with him, were never exhibited, and were only found after his death; these must have been gratifying to the heart of so honest and upright a man, as they now are to his friends. Suffering severely from asthma, he left England, hoping to be benefited by the change of climate at the Cape. He died a Christian, and had the privilege of receiving before his death all the consolation which the last right [sic] of his Church were able to afford forte fortuna, quomodo die voluerunt.
Saturday 28 June 1856
W. WHITTLE, Tailor
Begs to inform the inhabitants of King William’s Town that he has commenced Business as above, opposite Mr. KIDD’s.
And trusts from the experience he has had, to be able to give satisfaction to those who may favour him with their patronage. W.W. invites attention to his newly-selected stock of clothes in Doeskins, Buckskins &c &c
Suitable for the present Season
June 20 1856
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Nicholas MEYER of Burghersdorp
The First Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the Office of the Resident Magistrate, Grahamstown, for a period of fourteen days from the 30th June next, and thereafter from the 19th July next for a period of fourteen days at the Master’s Office, Cape Town, after which the Honorable the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same.
Michael J. BELL
For Self and q.q. Co Trustee
26th June 1856
MARRIED at Fort Beaufort on Tuesday the 24th inst at St. John’s Church by the Rev Mr Henchman, Mr. Edward BRUCE, Government Teacher, to Rachel, second daughter of Mr. R. RALPH.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 23rd inst, Mrs. Thos. PRINGLE of a son.
DIED at Sherwood, District of Queenstown, on the 22nd instant, Kate, only child of Henry and Catherine GOLDING. Aged 7 months.
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