Grahamstown Journal 1856 - 1 - January to March
Saturday 5 January 1856
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Sunday the 30th ultimo, Mrs. C.R. GOWIE of a son.
DIED at his residence at Glen Lynden, on the 14th December 1855, after a prolonged illness, Mr. George ALDRICH, aged 64 years 5 months and 10 days, deeply regretted by relatives and friends.
My Wife having deserted me without any just cause, I will not be responsible for any debts she may contract.
Saturday 12 January 1856
BIRTH on the 5th inst at Graham’s Town, the wife of Lieut-Colonel CRAWFORD RA of a son.
MARRIED on Tuesday January 1st, at Port Elizabeth, by the Rev James Cameron, Mr. John S. GARDNER of Grahamstown to Sarah Elizabeth BUTCHER of Barnet, Middlesex, England.
MARRIED at the Country Seat of the Bride’s father, on the 31st ultimo, by the Reverend G. Splicem, Greasy TOUTS Esqr to Susan NIPPER, third daughter of Richard NIPPER Esq of Fort Peddie.
DIED on the 6th instant at the residence of his Father, Hill-street, William Lodewyk CURRAN, aged 9 years 7 months and 28 days. Deeply lamented by his fond parents.
DIED at King William’s Town on Sunday January 6th, Mr. John COLLIER of Trompetter’s Drift.
General Agency Office
Mr. James DICK
For nearly three years the Principal and Confidential Clerk of the late Charles Urquhart STUART Esq, Begs to inform the Public in General that such business as may be intrusted to his management will be transacted with attention, punctuality and despatch.
4th December 1855
Saturday 19 January 1856
MARRIED on the 8th inst by the Revd J. Pears at Fordyce Fontein, District of Queen’s Town,
Johanna Wilhelmina, third daughter of J.J. ZEILER Esqr. JP to Edward, eldest son of E.R. BELL Esqr.
DIED at his residence in New-street, Grahamstown, Mr. David RUDD Senr. Aged 61 years one month and eight days. His end was peace.
DIED at his residence in Queen’s Town on the 10th inst, Mr. John KNIGHT, aged 64 years. The deceased formerly belonged to her Majesty’s 33rd Regt. In the year 1823 he was transferred to the 98th Rgt. and came with them to this Colony in 1824. He obtained his discharge in 1832, holding the rank of Staff Sergeant, and served in the Kafir Wars of 1835 and 1846 as Lieut and Adjutant in the Volunteer Corps. Deceased has left a numerous family to deplore his loss.
DIED at Sidbury Park on Friday the 17th January 1856, William Henry Handfield, infant son of W.H. DANIELL, aged 5 months and 6 days.
Saturday 26 January 1856
BIRTH on the 17th inst at Bathurst, the wife of Mr. Ernest BIDDULPH of a son.
BIRTH at Graham’s Town on the 24th instant, at the residence of Mr. N. BIRKENRUTH, Mrs. J.C. HESS of Port Elizabeth of a son.
BIRTH at Eland’s Post on the 22nd instant, the wife of Mr. William THORBRUN [sic] of a daughter.
MARRIED on Thursday the 24th inst, at St.George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Rev J. Heavyside MA, Colonial Chaplain, assisted by the Rev George Thompson, Robert Thomas WOLFE Esq, of Her Majesty’s Ordnance, fourth surviving son of the late Major Richard WOLFE, Resident Magistrate of Wynberg, to Isabella Sarah, third daughter of the late George STOW Esq of Nuneaton, Warwickshire.
Grahamstown, Jan 26 1855. [sic]
DIED at King William’s Town on the 18th instant, Jonathan Isaiah, son of J.P. and Mary KIDSON, aged 1 month.
DIED in Graham’s Town January 22nd 1856, Benjamin Thomas HOCKEY, aged 10 months, youngest son of Benjamin HOCKEY of Grahamstown.
Saturday 2 February 1856
DIED at Leeuwfontein on Friday last, the 25th inst, Joseph Alfred, youngest son of Stephen and Maria Jenkins HARDING, aged 17 months and 25 days.
Saturday 9 February 1856
BIRTH at Graham’s Town on the 3rd instant, the wife of Captain FOSTER, 12th Regiment, of a daughter.
MARRIED in the English Church at Uitenhage by the Rev Philip Copeman MA on Wednesday the 23rd January 1856, Mr. P.L. BUYSKES to Miss Juliana DYASON, third daughter of George DYASON Esq, late Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Graaff-Reinet.
DIED at Amsterdam Flats on the 1st February 1856, after a lingering illness of several months, John McPHERSON, aged 43 years. Deceased had been living with Mr. Wm. ADCOCK for the last 13 years.
DIED at Queen’s Town on the 6th February 1856, Mr. Richard DUDDLEY, youngest son of the late Mr. John DUDDLEY, one of the British Settlers of 1820, aged 31 years and 14 days. Leaving a widow and a large number of relations and friends to deplore his loss.
Saturday 16 February 1856
MARRIED in St.George’s Cathedral on the 12th inst by the Right Revd the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown, assisted by the Revd J. Heavyside, Sebastian Valentyn CLOETE Junr to Harriette, eldest daughter of John EEDES Esqr of this City.
BIRTH on the 8th February, the lady of Captain WOLFE, 2nd Queens (Commanding Fort Cox) of a daughter.
DIED on the 11th instant in Graham’s Town, Harriet Maria, the beloved wife of James Cotterel HOOLE, and daughter of the late Joseph RHODES of Hull, Yorkshire, aged 36 years and 8 months. She was a devoted wife – an affectionate mother – a sincere friend – and a consistent Christian – and died as she had lived in the “full assurance of hope”. “Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord”.
February 14th 1856
Saturday 23rd February 1856
DIED at West Hill, Grahamstown on 19th February 1856, Ann, wife of Mr. Anthony CROLE, aged 27 years.
DIED at Queen’s Town on Tuesday the 12th February 1856, Mr. William McDONALD, a native of Scotland, aged 28 years.
Saturday 1 March 1856
DIED at Uitenhage on the 14th February 1856, James LANCE, aged 76 years. He was a native of Blandford, Dorsetshire and came to this colony with the WILSON’s Party of British Settlers. He was a steady and consistent member of the church of England. Having acquired a comfortable competency, he retired to the beautiful village of Uitenhage. The character of James LANCE is well known both here and in Albany, in which latter part of the colony he so long dwelt; he was an eminently peaceful and benevolent man – whenever affliction and sorrow visited his neighbours and acquaintances, there was he to be found affording his sympathy, consolation and personal assistance, and all who knew him and read this notice will exclaim “Well he was a good man!” Although experiencing many of the infirmities of his advanced age, he was active and about till within six days of his decease. He was twice married, and has left a widow, but no children – excepting the writer of this notice, whom he adopted in early life when deprived of his own father by a melancholy accident, and who gratefully bears the above testimony to his earliest and best friend.
Saturday 8 March 1856
MARRIED in Trinity Church, King William’s Town by the Revd J. Hardie MA, on Wednesday the 5th March 1856, Mr. J.F. LONSDALE, only son of J.F. LONSDALE Esqr, late Captain 27th Inniskilliners, to Miss Mary Ann FULLER, fourth daughter of Mr. Charles FULLER.
Saturday 15 March 1856
MARRIED on Thursday the 13th inst at the Wesleyan Commemoration Chapel by the Rev Wm. Impey, Matthew Ben SHAW Esqr, British Resident with the Trans-Keian Tribes, youngest son of the Revd William SHAW, General Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions in South Eastern Africa, to Annie, fourth daughter of William SIMPSON Esqr of Grahamstown.
MARRIED in Commemoration Chapel on Wednesday 12th March 1856 by the Rev G.H. Green, Jonathan, youngest son of William Carey HOBSON Esq. JP, Ebenezer, District of Uitenhage, to Ruth Ann, third daughter of Mr. Daniel ROBERTS of Otterburn, District of Somerset.
MARRIED on the 10th instant, at Lesseyton, District of Queen’s Town, by the Rev J.P. Bertram, Edwin Webb, youngest son of the late Charles NORTON of Camphill near Birmingham, to Sarah Ann, youngest daughter of the late George DENNISON, formerly of Nottingham.
Saturday 22 March 1856
MARRIED at Salem on Wednesday the 19th March, Miss Frances Hannah, eldest daughter of William GRAVETT, Salem, to Charles, second son of W.G. BULL, Port Elizabeth.
[Cf announcement for 5 April which has groom’s surname as BUTT]
DIED on Wednesday the 19th instant, Mr. Frances SHORT, aged 52 years and 5 months, a native of Ireland, leaving a Widow and six Children to deplore their irrecoverable loss. He was an affectionate husband and a kind father, and a beloved friend to all who knew him.
DIED at Rockwood (Cowie East) on Sunday the 16th instant, Caroline Elizabeth (born ENGLA), aged 35 years and 3 months, the beloved wife of Michael UPTON, leaving a disconsolate husband and three young children to deplore her death.
BIRTH on the 19th instant, Mrs. Henry CRUMP of a son.
The Creditors of William SWIFT, residing at Bedford, are requested to forward their Claims against him to the Undersigned, on or before the 12th day of April next, when a proposal will be made and unexceptional Security will be given.
Fort Beaufort
18th March 1856
Saturday 29 March 1856
MARRIED in Commemoration Chapel on Thursday 27th March 1856 by the Rev W. Impey, Henry Charles LEE, adopted son of Mr. & Mrs. Frederick LEE, to Miss Ann REAY of Alnwick, Northumberland.
MARRIED at Cradock on Thursday the 28th February 1856 by the Rev E.P. Green MA, Curate of Queenstown, Charles Duncan GRIFFITH, Inspector of Frontier Mounted Police, eldest son of the late Lieut. Charles GRIFFITH R.F.P. Royal Marines, and Clerk of the Peace at Cradock, to Dorathea Mounsey, fourth daughter of the late W. GILFILLAN, Civil Commissioner of Cradock.
MARRIED at [Riotons] Castle on the 1st April by the Revd J.H. Garner, C.A. NESBITT Esq to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of J. STIRK Esquire of Fort Peddie.
DIED at the residence of Mr. PASSMORE, Grahamstown, Sarah Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. Henry KEW, Tarka, aged 14 years and 1 month.
In the Estate of William Johannes GOOSEN, of the Albany District, deceased
All persons having claims against the above Estate are requested to file the same with the undersigned within two months from this date, and those thereto indebted to pay their debts within the same period.
Maria Helena Carlotta VRODEMAN
Executrix Testamentary to the above-mentioned Estate
Wilge Fontein
Fieldcornetcy of Lower Riebeck
The undersigned is very desirous of hearing if his Sister, Sarah Ann HERN, supposed to be living near the Cape, is still alive, as he is desirous of corresponding with her. Any information on the subject will be thankfully received.
Edmund HERN
Sunday’s River
March 29, 1856
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