Grahamstown Journal 1855 - 2 - April to June
Saturday 7 April 1855
BIRTH at Willow Bush River, Sneeuw Berg, on the 10th inst, Mrs. R.F.A. LAVERS of a daughter.
BIRTH at Haddon on the 2nd instant, Mrs. Henry SPARKS of a son.
BIRTH at Carel’s Rust, April 2nd, the wife of Mr. W. AUSTIN of Great Fountain, of a son.
MARRIED on the 28th ult at St.George’s Cathedral Church, Graham’s Town, by the Rev J Heavyside, Joseph William YELLING of Hill-street, to Susannah AYTON, widow of the late John S. AYTON of this City.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 1st April, 1855, Samuel, second son of Mr. Samuel FREEMANTLE, of Grahamstown. Aged 21 years and 10 months. His end was peace. “Be ye also ready”
Saturday 14 April 1855
MARRIED on the 12th inst at St.George’s Cathedral by the Revd. J. Heavyside, William Ellis, second son of Dr. RANDALL of Finsbury Square, London, to Elizabeth, second daughter of the late John JOLLY Esq of Fort England.
DIED at Grahamstown yesterday morning, the 13th inst, Mary Anne, the infant daughter of Mr. W.A. RICHARDS. Aged 2 months and 18 days.
DIED suddenly last evening, Serjeant WALTER RA, from rupture of blood-vessel on the lung – he was much esteemed in the Corps and by the inhabitants generally.
Fort Beaufort, 9th April 1855.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 11th April, Maria Iveson HEATH, widow of the late John Henry HEATH, aged 63 years. Friends at a distance will please accept of this notice.
Saturday 21 April 1855
BIRTH 20th April 1855, Beaufort Street, Graham’s Town, Mrs. E.L. GREEN of a daughter.
BIRTH at Stapleford, March 1st 1855, the lady of S. ROBINSON Esq of twin daughters. Both doing well. Friends will please accept this notice.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 13th inst, Sarah Smith, beloved wife of Mr. Peter POTE. Aged 31 years.
DIED at her residence in Fort Beaufort, on the 11th April, after a long and painful illness, of eight months, Ann, the third daughter of Henry ULYATE, and beloved wife of Henry Thomas LLOYD, aged 33 years 2 months and 23 days, leaving a husband, 7 young children and a large circle of relatives and friends to deplore her loss. Her end was peace. Be ye also ready.
Fort Beaufort, April 14th 1855
Saturday 28 April 1855
MARRIED on the 18th inst, at St.George’s Cathedral Church, by the Rev J. Heavyside, Francis Gordon HIBBERT Esq (91st Regt) fourth son of W.T. HIBBERT Esq of Hare Hill, Cheshire, to Maria Louise Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Captain Robert Nairne BOYES of this City.
BIRTH at Goed Genoeg, Winterberg, April 19th 1855, Mrs. J. EDWARDS of a son.
DIED at her residence, Goed Genoeg, Winterberg, on the 20th April 1855, aged 28 years and 3 months, Sarah, the beloved wife of Mr. John EDWARDS, leaving a husband and 3 children to deplore their loss, and deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on Monday the 23rd inst, Dr. Walter Hooke BOLTON, aged 27 years.
Fort Beaufort
27th April 1855.
Saturday 5 May 1855
MARRIED in Grahamstown on the 18th April last at the Residence of Mr. N. BIRKENRUTH, by her father Mr. J.B. SCHOTFENELS, Marriage Officer for members of the Jewish persuasion in the Eastern Province, Lina, youngest daughter of Mr. J.B. SCHOTFENELS to Joseph Charles HESS, Merchant of Port Elizabeth.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Wednesday morning 2nd May 1855, Mrs. C.H. NELSON of a son.
DIED at Hope Fountain on or about the 21st April, John Henry LONG, third son of James and Elizabeth LONG, aged 22 years and seven months.
DIED at Toulon in France, 7th Sept 1854, after three days illness, Harry John CARTER Esq, formerly of Graham’s Town, aged 43 years.
Saturday 12 May 1855
BIRTH at Bromsgrove, District of Cradock 25th instant, Mrs. John COLLETT of a son. Mother and child doing well.
Groenfontein, April 28th 1855
BIRTH at Alice Town on Thursday the 10th instant, Mrs. Frederick MILLS of a son.
MARRIED May 9th at St.George’s Cathedral, by the Rev J. Heavyside, James Russell, fourth son of T. MARTIN Esq, Gollidge Farm, Wells, Somerset to Elizabeth, second daughter of D. WALTERS Esq, Smallburg, Norfolk.
DIED at Driver’s Bush, 26th ultimo, aged 61 years, David PETERS, formerly a Slave. This slight tribute to “an honest” man is dictated by a feeling of gratitude for above 25 years faithful service in the family of the Undersigned.
Grahamstown, 12th May 1855
Saturday 19 May 1855
BIRTH in Beaufort-street, Grahamstown on the 1st inst, the wife of Richard Geo. TAINTON Esqr. of a son.
DIED at his residence in Bedford, on Friday 11th May 1855, Mary Hannah, second daughter of Robert and Caroline EALES, aged eight months and seven days.
Saturday 2 June 1855
BIRTH at Barville Park on the 24th May, the wife of Stephen DELL of a daughter.
BIRTH at Middle Drift, May 27th, wife of Rev Wm. SARGEANT of a daughter.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 27th May 1855, Jane Elizabeth, daughter of John and Janet WYLLIE late of the 91st Regt. Aged 5 years and 3 months. Deeply regretted by parents and friends.
DIED on the morning of the 25th inst, Mrs. Harriet PAINTER, aged 72 years. Deceased was a Settler of 1820.
Saturday 9 June 1855
MARRIED at Queen’s Town on the 22nd May by the Rev. E. Green MA, Mr. William LOVE, Wheelwright, to Christina Maria Philipina, daughter of Mr. William O’TOOLE, gaoler.
DIED, June 2nd 1855 at her son’s residence in Grahamstown, Agnes, the beloved wife of Cumberland HILL formerly of Edinburgh. Aged 82 years.
Saturday 16 June 1855
Notice of Removal
Surgeon & Accouchier
Begs to notify his friends and the public generally that he has removed from Settler’s Hill to Mrs. NELSON’s Premises in Hill-street, recently occupied by Commissary-General BOUWER.
Saturday 23 June 1855
MARRIED by Special Licence at Bathurst by the Rev J. Barrow, on Thursday 21st instant, A.A.G. Ben. MARTIN, Ensign CM Rifles, to Margaret JOHNSTONE, youngest daughter of the late Wm. JOHNSTONE of this town.
BIRTH at Queen’s Town on Saturday 16th June, the wife of R. JEFFERSON of a daughter.
DIED on Thursday evening last, near Fort Peddie, Wm. HAYWARD (late of Bathurst), the only surviving son of Mr. James HAYWARD of James’s Party. Deceased leaves a wife and six children to deplore his loss.
It hath pleased the Almighty director of all things, to take away from among us through Death into Eternity!! our much beloved daughter Petronella Johanna OOSTHUIZEN, on Thursday the 14th inst, in the prime of life, at the age of 24 years and 10 months. She died unexpectedly after a lingering illness of five months, and although her last hours were full of hope and consolation, the loss is deeply felt and lamented by her parents and friends.
18th June 1855
Saturday 30 June 1855
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Henry Lindoe WEBB of Alice Town, Division of Victoria, Mason
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his office, in Grahamstown, on Wednesday the 25th day of July 1855 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of debts, for receiving the trustee’s report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said trustee as to the management of the said Estate. And all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the undersigned, at the office of the Eastern Province Trust Company, at Grahamstown, on or before the above date, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee
DIED on Friday June 29th, Mr. John Hancorn SMITH. Aged 50 years and 1 day. The Funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at four o’clock – to start from Mrs. SMITH’s, near the Schut Kraal, where the friends of the deceased are invited to meet.
J. HART, Undertaker
June 30, 1855.
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