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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1855 - 3 - July to September

Saturday 7 July 1855

DIED at Uitenhage on the 19th June 1855, Elizabeth HYMAN, aged 69 years, after an illness of four months (though sorely afflicted for the last forty years) Widow of the late Charles HYMAN, one of the British Settlers of 1820.

BIRTH in New-street on the 6th instant, the wife of Mr. William WEDDERBURN Jun of a son.

BIRTH at Prospect, District of Queen's Town, on the 2nd inst, Mrs. John WEBSTER of a son.

DIED on the 28th October last, at his farm at the mouth of the Kareiga, Mr. John GRANT, aged 84 years. Deceased came to this Frontier with the 72nd Highlanders some time before the Settlement of the District of Albany by the British Immigrants of 1820. He served in that Regiment as Color Sergeant, with the high respect of all its officers, until its return home in 1823, when he obtained his discharge with a pension of 2s 6d per day, and the grant of the farm on which he resided till his death. During that long period those who knew him best entertain the highest opinion of his character, which exemplified under every circumstance the "noblest work of God" – an Honest Man. By those to whom he stood more immediately connected his memory will ever be held in affectionate remembrance.

Saturday 14 July 1855

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 11th inst, Mrs. C.H. HUNTLEY of a daughter.

BIRTH at Queen's Town on the 7th inst, the wife of Mr. William BATEMAN of a daughter.

DIED on the 29th June at his residence at Melville, near Sidbury, Mr. John Hancorn SMITH, aged 51 years, leaving a widow and 10 children to deplore their loss. The family take this opportunity in conveying their sincere thanks to the numerous friends who followed his remains to their last resting place.

Saturday 21 July 1855

BIRTH at the Dohne on Sunday the 15th July, Mrs. C. BROWNLEE of a son.

MARRIED at the White Kei, on Thursday the 12th July, by the Revd. Henry Hare Dugmore, Wesleyan Minister, Henry Blacker, eldest son of Joseph Cox WARNER Esqr, JP, Tambookie Agent, to Elizabeth Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. Thos. WAKEFORD, Wesleyan Catechist.

DIED in Grahamstown on Thursday last, Mr. Joseph RHODES, aged 81 years, a native of Yorkshire – a man pre-eminently of a meek and quiet spirit. Deceased came to this country with the British Settlers of 1820, and died in great peace on the 19th inst.

DIED on Sunday morning the 15th inst, of consumption, after a lingering illness of several months, at Baviaans River, on his return from Graham's Town to Cradock, Mr. Thomas POLLARD, late of Sidbury. Aged 41 years 11 months and 14 days, leaving a Widow and Son to deplore his loss. Deceased was the son of one of the early Settlers of 1820, who by his energy and perseverance raised himself to an independent position in society, and died with the highest esteem and respect of a large circle of friends. His end was peace.

DIED of Croup on Saturday the 7th inst, William henry, aged two years and seven months.
Field-cornetcy Fishriver
16th July 1855

DIED at the residence of her brother, Wilsonton, Kat River Settlement, on 7th July, aged 49 years, Elizabeth DICKS, widow of the late Joseph DICKS of Bathurst. Deceased was the subject of a long and painful illness, which was borne with patience and resignation to the Divine will. Her end was peace.

DIED in Cradock on the evening of the 19th, after a short but severe illness, Fanny Louisa, the beloved child of William and Louisa KEYS, aged 10 years and six months. Her end was peace – she died in the Lord – Friends will please accept this notice.

Saturday 28 July 1855

BIRTH at Dohne Post, British Kaffraria, July 19th, Mrs. E.W. STENSON of a son.

DIED at East London on Monday 16th July 1855, Mary Ann, beloved wife of Mr. William BARTLEY, aged 56 years. Deeply regretted by her relations and friends.

DIED at King William's Town, British Kaffraria, on the morning of the 23rd July 1855, Albert Emanuel, youngest son of Lieutenant HARVEY CMR, aged eleven days.

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of John Crawford SMITH, District of Albany, deceased.
All Creditors in the above Estate are requested to file their Claims with the Last Undersigned within six weeks from this date; and all parties indebted to pay the amount of their respective debts within such period.
Executors dative
Fort England, Grahamstown
July 6th 1855

Saturday 4 August 1855

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 3rd inst, Mrs. Jonathan AYLIFF of a daughter.

DIED at King William's Town upon the 30th July 1855, Ddward BATT, Crapenter [sic, presumably Edward BATT, carpenter!] aged 34 years. The deceased was a native of London.

DIED this morning, 1st August 1855 at Lesseyton, Wesleyan Mission Station, Annie, infant daughter of the Revd, J.P. BERTRAM, aged 8 days.

Saturday 11 August 1855

MARRIED at Post Retief, Winterberg on Thursday 11th July by the Revd William Wilson, Charles Richard, third son of Mrs EDWARDS, Widow, of Winterberg, to Ann, third daughter of Mr. Geo. GIBBONS, Winterberg.

BIRTH at Tamaca Post on the first of August 1855, Mary Ann JAMES, the wife of Alexander JAMES, of a son.

DIED on the 3rd August 1855, James URRY, aged 79 years. The deceased was one of the original Settlers of 1820. He died in calm and steadfast faith in Christ as his Saviour, and Atonement.

DIED at Uitenhage on Tuesday the 10th July, Thomas Manning DRIVER, aged 40 years. Deeply regretted, leaving a widow and six children.

(Lately arrived from England)
Has commenced Business in the Millinery Line and Cap Making, and Dress-making in all its branches, having learned her Business in one of the largest Establishments in London.
She will also clean Black Satin and Silk Dresses, and make them equal to new, and by strict attention and moderate prices she hopes to give satisfaction to the Ladies of Grahamstown and merit a share of their patronage.
Residing at Mrs. J. GOLDSWAIN's

Saturday 18 August 1855

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on Wednesday 15 August, Mrs. J.J. GUNN of a daughter.

BIRTH at Table Farm, July 17th 1855, Mrs. E.M. TURVEY of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 16th inst, Mrs. W.F. COCK, Port Francis, of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 17th inst, Mrs. Cornelius COCK, Linton, Mancazana, of a son.

MARRIED in Commemoration Chapel on Wednesday 15th inst, by the Rev W. Shaw, John Arthur, youngest son of the late Dr. N. MORGAN, to Bennetta Sarah, eldest daughter of the late Mr. J.M. DOLD.

DIED at Whittlesea on the 14th August 1855, Charles Augustus EVA, third son of W.D. EVA and Martha EVA. Aged one year ten months and four days.

Should this meet the eye of
Thomas JAMES
Carpenter and Mason, late of Oakenham in the County of Berks, England, he is earnestly requested to communicate with his disconsolate and aged Parents; or should the said Thomas JAMES be deceased, any information to that effect being given to Mr. J. JAMES, of Sunbury Middlesex, or to Master Gunner MORTON, of Holy Island, near Berwick upon Tweed, will be thankfully received.
Dated this 9th August 1855.

Saturday 25 August 1855

DIED at his residence in Grahamstown on Sunday 19th inst, aged 50 years, Mr. William PIKE, leaving a widow and numerous family to mourn their irreparable loss. Deceased was the son of one of the British Settlers of 1820. A large circle of Relatives and Friends deeply regret his removal, but they are consoled by the assurance that he has entered into a happy and glorious Immortality.
25th Aug 1855

DIED at Line Drift on the evening of Thursday the 16th August 1855, after a long and painful illness, greatly regretted by her numerous acquaintance, and leaving two young children to deplore her loss, Sarah, the beloved wife of Color-Serjeant C.S. GILSTON RB, 12th Regiment, when en route to join detachment at Kabousie, British Kaffraria.
Who so confesseth and forsaketh his sins shall have mercy in the Lord.
C.S. GILSTON, Color-Serjeant RB, 12th Regiment.

DIED at Graham's Town on the 22nd instant, William Every, youngest son of Joseph and Ann TAYLOR. Aged 2 years 7 months and 4 days.
25th August 1855

Saturday 1 September 1855

Notice of Removal
The undersigned begs to inform his friends and the public in general that he has removed from above Mr. W. HOCKEY's store to the house next to Mr. E.F. DICKS, and close to the Bathurst-street Baptist Chapel, where he still carries on his business as
Tinplate Worker &c
Water Leadings laid down as usual and every article in Tin-ware made to order on the shortest notice.
Tinplate Worker &c

Saturday 8 September 1855

MARRIED by Special Licence on Thursday the 31st May, in the Wesleyan Chapel, Pietermaritzburg, by the Rev C. Spensley, Wesleyan Minister, the Rev. James ARCHBELL to Sarah Ann, third daughter of the late Mr. Wm. HAIGH of Leeds, England, and sister to the Rev John HAIGH, Wesleyan Minister, England.

MARRIED at Cradock on Tuesday 21st inst by the Rev J. Edwards, Mr. Jacob TROLLIP to Mrs. Mary Ann FLANAGAN. Friends will please accept of this notice.

BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 3rd, with the wife of Mr. T.H. BOWKER M.L.A. of a daughter.

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort, Mrs William FARREN, of Queenstown, of a son.
August 26th 1865 [sic]

BAPTISED at Cradock on the 29th day of August by the Rev Edward Green MA, Frederick Donald, infant son of Edward Andrew CAMPBELL.

Saturday 15 September 1855

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Geo. POLLARD of Fonteinje, in the District of Cradock, Shopkeeper.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate, at Cradock on Saturday the 29th Sept, 1855 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the proof of debts, for receiving the trustee's report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said trustee as to the management of the said Estate. And all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the undersigned, at the office of the Eastern Province Trust Company, Graham's Town, on or before the above period, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee

BIRTH at Sidbury Park on the 5th August 1855, the wife of W.H. DANIELL of a son.

MARRIED at Baviaans River on Thursday the 6th inst by the Rev W.C. Holden, Wesleyan Minister, John, third son of the late Mr. J.M. DOLD, to Margaret, third daughter of Mr. B. TROLLIP.

DIED at the Kowie, Port Frances, on the 4th September 1855, Samuel DREDGE, aged 60 years and 6 months. Deceased was a Settler of 1820.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 13th September 1855, after a protracted illness, Mary PATRICK, widow of the late Benjamin PATRICK. Aged 59 years. Her end was peace.

DIED at his residence in Grahamstown on Sunday 19th inst, aged 50 years, Mr. William PIKE, leaving a widow and numerous family to mourn their irreperable loss. Deceased was the son of one of the British Settlers of 1820. A large circle of Relatives and Friends deeply regret his removal, but they are consoled by the assurance that he has entered into a happy and glorious Immortality.
25th Aug 1855

Saturday 22 September 1855

DIED at her residence in Grahamstown, on the 21st September, Margaret KEEN, widow of the late Thomas KEEN, aged 61 years. Deceased came to this country with the Settlers of 1820.

Saturday 29 September 1855

DIED at Fort Peddie on the afternoon of the 23rd September 1855, Walter Adolphus Francis, second son of Lieut. John HARVEY CMR, aged 17 years 4 months and 8 days.

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