Grahamstown Journal 1855 - 1 - January to March
Saturday 6 January 1855
MARRIED on the 18th September at Walcot Church, Bath, James Duff WATT Esq, Dublin, Deputy Commissioner General to the Forces, to Julia Frances, fifth daughter of the late George WROUGHTON Esq of Adwicke-hall in the County of York.
DIED on the 31st December 1854, James Frederick, the beloved son of James and Cordelia LONG, aged two years five months and fourteen days.
MARRIED at Colesberg on the 28th May 1854 by the Rev Mr Murray, Thomas Bayley HEATH, youngest Son of the late J.H. HEATH, Attorney at Law, to Helina VONDERLINDE [sic], youngest daughter of the late VONDERLINDE Esqr.
MARRIED at Queen's Town on the 1st January 1855, by the Rev H.H. Dugmore, Henry, eldest son of Mr. George GOLDING to Catharine, second daughter of Mr. William CORY.
BIRTH at Graham's Town on Saturday the 16th inst, Mrs. J. LONG of a son
[Cf announcement of 23 December, where the child is a daughter]
BIRTH on Tuesday the 21st Nov, at Arundel Terrace, Holloway, London, Mrs. Nathaniel HOWSE of a son.
BIRTH on the 1st inst at "Bothas Hill", the wife of Mr. Charles WILLIAMS of a daughter.
Saturday 13 January 1855
MARRIED by Special Licence at Graaff-Reinet on Friday the 5th instant by the Rev Andrew Murray, Robert Alexander BAIN, eldest son of Andrew Geddes BAIN Esq, to Elizabeth Johannah, third daughter of the late Johannes P. MEINTJES Esq of Graaff-Reinet.
BIRTH in Grahamstown on the 8th instant, Mrs. N. BIRKENRUTH of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 8th instant, Mrs. J. ROSES INNES of a son.
DIED near Somerset on the 26th inst, Eliza, the beloved wife of Mr. Benjamin SARGEANT, in the 39th year of her age. She had been a member of the Wesleyan Church 19 years; was eminently a woman of meek and quiet spirit, and adorned her profession by an unvarying course of Christian consistency. By this painful bereavement a family of seven children has been deprived of the tender care of an affectionate mother, who with her husband and a large circle of friends deplore her loss. The estimation in which she was deservedly held by the inhabitants of Somerset has been displayed by the deep sympathy manifested towards her husband and children on this trying occasion.
DIED January 8th 1855, (at the residence of his father near Fort England) Wm. WELLBELOVED, aged 27 years. The deceased endured with exemplary fortitude a long and severe illness. By this painful event a widow and 2 children are left to deplore their melancholy bereavement, and his parents the irreparable loss of a most dutiful and affectionate son.
The undersigned begs to notify that having entered into a Partnership with Mr Henry CRUMP, the Business hitherto carried on by him will be continued as usual under the style of McMASTER & CRUMP.
January1 1855
Saturday 20 January 1855
BIRTH in the City of Grahamstown on the 19th inst, Mrs. E.H. DELL of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 18th instant, Mrs. H.C. GALPIN of a son.
Rear Admiral Clement SNEYD of Huntley Hall, County Stafford.
The Death of Rear Admiral SNEYD, in the eighty-first year of his age, occurred on the 12th instant (12th Oct. 1854) at his Seat, Huntley Hall, near Cheadle. This gallant Officer was the fourth son of the late John SNEYD Esquire of Belmont in Staffordshire, by Penelope his wife, eldest daughter of Thomas KYNNERSLEY Esq of Loxley Park, and grandson of William SNEYD Esquire of Bishton, whose younger brother, Edward SNEYD of Lichfield, was father of Honora SNEYD, wife of Richard Lovell EDGEWORTH. The SNEYDs of Bishton and Belmont are a branch of the very ancient Staffordshire family of SNEYD of Keele.
This Officer entered the Navy in November 1786, served under Commodore GARDNER in the Channel and West Indies, and was second Lieutenant of the "Russel" 74, in the battle of Camperdown, the 57th anniversary of which victory he survived but one day. As second Lieutenant of the "Cerberus" he took part in the bombardment of Granville in 1803; and subsequently served in the "Culloden", flagship of Sir Edward PELLEW, who appointed him Governor, with the rank of Acting Commander, of the Hospital at Madras. He became Post captain 3rd April 1811; and commanded frigates on the home station from 1806 until June 1813. He was placed on the retired list, as Rear Admiral, 1st October 1846.
Rear Admiral SNEYD married, 27th Oct 1813, Helen, daughter of Roger SWELTENHAM Esquire, of Somerford Booths; and, secondly, Eliza Catherine, daughter of John COTTON Esquire of Etwall; by the former, who died 16 March 1821, he leaves issue.
Saturday 27 January 1855
BIRTH at Grahamstown City on Saturday 20th January 1855, Mrs. James E. HOWSE of a daughter.
MARRIED at Burghersdorp on Tuesday the 16th January 1855, by the Rev P. Smailes, Henry James WRIGHT, fifth son of the late Mr. John Cecil WRIGHT, Draper of Grahamstown, to Jane WILTON, eldest daughter of Mr. Charles HOCKEY of Burghersdorp.
MARRIED at Colesberg on the 4th instant by the Rev Charles Edward Herbert Orpen MD, Frederick Haufman HÖLME Esq of Fauresmith, Orange Free State, third son of Peter Donald HÖLME Esq of Capetown, to Emma, fourth daughter of the Rev M.R. EVERY of Colesberg.
Colesberg, 6th Jan 1855
[Cf announcement for 3 February, where surname appears to have been corrected to HOHNE]
Saturday 3 February 1855
Mr. Thomas H. GIDDY
Begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Queen's Town and the Colony generally that he has commenced the business of a General Agent in Queen's Town, and trusts that by strict attention to business he will merit a share of public patronage.
Sales of Land, Transfers and Mortgage Bonds effected; debts recovered and agency business generally transacted with care and promptitude.
In attendance at the Court House between 9am and 3pm daily, and to be seen at Mr. R. GIDDY's between 7 and 9am and 3 and 6pm.
BIRTH at Cradock on 26th inst, Mrs. W.T. LLOYD of a daughter.
Cradock, 27th Jan 1855
BIRTH at Peelton, Mission Station, British Kaffraria, on Saturday 27th January 1855, Mrs. R. BIRT of a daughter.
MARRIED at Colesberg on the 4th instant by the Rev Charles Edward Herbert Orpen MD, Frederick Haufman HOHNE of Fauresmith, Orange Free State, third son of Peter Donald HOHNE Esq of Capetown, to Emma, fourth daughter of the Rev M.R. EVERY of Colesberg.
Colesberg, 6th Jan 1855
[This appears to be a correction of the announcement on 27 January]
MARRIED by the Rev Ari Van Rooyen, at Philipton, on Tuesday the 30th January, Richard Henry ORSMOND, second son of R. ORSMOND Esq, late of the Commissariat Department, to Linna, second daughter of Isaac PRETORIUS, Erf-Holder of Kat River Settlement.
DIED at Queenstown on 20 Jan 1855, Nancy Dowdell, only daughter of Will and Ellen RIDGWAY, aged 8 years.
DIED at his residence in Oliphant's Hoek, on the 3rd January 1855, Mr. Thos. VERITY, aged 34 years and 11 months, deeply regretted by his relatives and friends.
Watch Maker
Begs to inform the inhabitants of Grahamstown that he has taken over the premises adjoining his own house in Dundas-street, lately occupied by Mr. BROWN, Surveyor, where a few young men can be accommodated with Board and Lodging at moderate terms.
Saturday 10 February 1855
Dr. ATHERSTONE from Bathurst-street to the house formerly occupied by Mr. Attorney STONE in High-street.
MARRIED at Bathurst Church on the 27th January by the Rev J Barrow, John HODGKINSON, second son of Mr. George HODGKINSON of Tiger Spring, to Arabella GOLDSWAIN
DIED at Graham's Town, at the residence of N.P. KROHN Esq, on the 7th February, Mrs. Mary BIGGAR, relict of the late Alexander BIGGAR Esq, aged 74 years.
DIED at her residence in New Street on 6th February 1855, Sophia, the beloved wife of William KNOWLES, aged 52 years.
DIED at King William's Town, British Kaffraria, on the 30th ult, Mr. Edward JEFFRIES, aged 48 years. Mr. JEFFRIES was a native of Brentford, Middlesex and emigrated to this Colony in 1820. He was respected by all who knew him as an intelligent, enterprising and upright man.
Saturday 17 February 1855
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 7th instant, Mrs. Henry CRUMP of a son.
BIRTH at Constitution Hill, on Wednesday the 14th February instant, the wife of J.H. STONE Esq of a daughter.
MARRIED Feb 13 at Port Elizabeth in the Wesleyan Chapel by the Rev Wilson, Wesleyan Minister of Bathurst, Mr. Jabez COLLING to Miss Sarah BRUNSDO, both of this town.
MARRIED on the 8th inst at Kamastone District of Queenstown by the Rev J.P. Bertram, Richard Blee EVA to Hillaria Ann BARNES.
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Samuel McARTHUR, carpenter, of Grahamstown in the District of Albany.
All Persons claiming to be creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the 3rd meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his office, in Grahamstown on Wednesday the 14th day of March 1855 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the proof of debts, for receiving the trustee's report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said trustee as to the management of the said Estate. And all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the undersigned.
Sole Trustee
7th February 1855
DIED at Grahamstown on the 16th February 1855, Mr. S. MATHEWS, aged 67 years.
Saturday 24 February 1855
BIRTH on 14th inst at Ft.Murray, British Kaffraria, the wife of Mr. Edward Altham COOK of a daughter.
Saturday 3 March 1855
"Keep your hands from picking and stealing; your tongue from evil speaking, lying and slandering."
I, Rosina STANFORD, wife of William STANFORD, do solemnly and sincerely declare that all and every expression or statement made or published by me, either verbally or in writing, tending to malign Bradshaw David BELL Esquire, or to injure him in his name, fair fame and reputation are totally unfounded; and I express my regret in having in any manner acted in a way calculated to disturb Mr. BELL's equanimity, or his peace of mind; and I promise and engage never again to utter or publish any statement having the least appearance of detraction or scandal affecting Mr. BELL, nor in any way to interfere with that gentleman, so as to cause him the least annoyance. And all the foregoing I solemnly declare to be true.
(Signed) R. STANFORD
Declared before me at Fort Beaufort this 2nd day of March 1855
(Signed) J.C. HOHNE JP
A true copy of the original exhibited to me
Resident Magistrate, Fort Beaufort
William SWAIN, Painter, Glazier and Paper-hanger, Writing, Graining and Colouring in distemper
To Campbell-street, next to Dr. EDYE's.
BIRTH at King William's Town on Thursday 22nd inst, Mrs. Thomas PERKS of a son.
Saturday 10 March 1855
BIRTH at Fort England on the 9th inst, the wife of Ensign GIBSON, 12th Regiment, of a daughter.
BIRTH at Cradock on the 25th February, Mrs. James CAMPBELL of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 3rd instant, Mrs. R.M. ARMSTRONG of a daughter.
Meetings in Insolvent and Intestate Estates
March 10 at Graaff-Reinet: In re Stephanus Petrus COETZE Jr of Graaff-Reinet, deceased and surviving spouse Regina Catharina MULLER, 2, for proof of debts and election of a trustee.
March 13 at Uitenhage: Next of Kin and Creditors of Hester Carolina SLABBERT, widow of the late D.J. STOLS of Uitenhage District.
March 14 at Grahamstown: In re Edward Henry FURGUSON of Grahamstown, clerk, insol., 1st and final meeting (effects being under the value of £75) for proof of debts and election of a trustee.
March 14 at Grahamstown: In re John Baldwin COE, of Hartebeest Path, division of Albany, insol.,2, for proof of debts and election of a trustee.
March 14 at Grahamstown: In re Samuel McARTHUR of Grahamstown, carpenter, insol., 3, for proof of debts, for receiving trustee's report and for giving directions as to the management of the Estate.
March 14 at Grahamstown: in re Wm. POWELL of Grahamstown, saddler, 3, for proof of debts, for receiving trustee's report and for giving directions as to the management of the Estate.
March 14 at Grahamstown: In re James P. FISHER of Salem, innkeeper, 3, for proof of debts, for receiving trustee's report and for giving directions as to the management of the Estate.
Mar 16 at Port Elizabeth: In re Jeffery JEFFERIES, late of Human's Dorp, in the Division of Uitenhage, insol., 3, for proof of debts, for receiving trustee's report and for giving directions as to the management of the Estate.
March 20 at Uitenhage: Next of Kin and Creditors of Lucas Janse VAN VUUREN of Uitenhage District, deceased, and surviving spouse Anna Elizabeth MENTZ.
March 21 at Graaff-Reinet: Next of Kin and Creditors of Milicent Jane NIXON of the Graaff-Reinet District, deceased, and surviving husband Alfred THORNTON.
March 21 at Grahamstown: Next of Kin and Creditors of Charles STONE of the Grahamstown district.
March 29 at Cradock: Next of Kin and Creditors of Joseph VAN DYK the elder.
March 30 at Alice: Next of Kin and Creditors of P. GIBSON, lately a Military Settler at Aukland, in the Division of Victoria.
The following Estates are placed under Sequestration, by order of the Hon. Mr. Justice BELL
The Estate of Carel Rodolph EBERHARDT, of Queen's Town, on the petition of J.A. WAGNER of Queen's Town.
The Estate of Francis Thomas LE TOWSEL, formerly residing at or near Volks River, in the division of Somerset, by order of the Hon. Mr. Justice EBDEN, on the petition of S.D. MANDY, as Executor of the late John McKENZIE.
Saturday 17 March 1855
MARRIED at Brack Kloof, District of Queen's Town, on the 8th March 1855, by the Rev Edward Green MA, Curate of Queen's Town, James ALLWRIGHT, of Somerset, fourth son of the late Mr. Richard ALLWRIGHT of Fort Beaufort, to Hannah EVA of this place, daughter of Mr. James Jay EVA.
BIRTH at King William's Town on the 8th inst, Mrs. George BLAINE of a daughter.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 5th March, Richard CROUCH Jr, after a lingering illness of two years, caused by exposure during the late war, leaving a wife and three children and a numerous circle of friends to lament his loss.
DIED at his residence, Spring Grove on Monday morning the 5th March 1855, William AINSLIE Sen, aged 65 years. Friends will please to accept of this notice.
Saturday 24 March 1855
MARRIED at Fort Peddie on the 20th March by the Rev H. Garner, Samuel SUTTON to Emily PEDDER
Fort Peddie, 20th March 1855
DIED 14th March at the Wesleyan Mission Station, D'Urban, Fort Peddie, Hannah Sarah, daughter of Rev W.H. GARNER, aged 5 years 1 month and 14 days.
In the Assigned Estate of Samuel STREET, Haberdasher and Stationer, Grahamstown.
All Persons having any claims against the above Estate are requested to file the same with the first undersigned within six weeks, and those indebted to the Estate to pay the same within the same period to
Mr. John CAMPBELL, Attorney at Law
Nicholas P. KROHN
George WOOG Jun
Grahamstown, 19th March 1855
Saturday 31 March 1855
DIED March 24th, Jemima, the beloved wife of Mr. James J. BAINES, aged 35 years, leaving a disconsolate husband and 6 children to deplore her early death.
DIED on the 29th March 1855, Sarah Ann, only daughter of John and Elizabeth WEDDERBURN, aged one year and 14 days.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on 31st instant, Mrs. Samuel TAINTON, of Fort Peddie, of a son.
Grahamstown 31st March 1855.
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