Grahamstown Journal 1854 - 4 - October to December
Saturday 7 October 1854
MARRIED at King William's Town on Tuesday the 3rd October 1854 by the Revd. A. Bell, Military Chaplain, in the presence of a numerous circle of friends, Ann, the eldest daughter of James SEATON Esquire of the Royal Exchange, London, to Corporal Wm. WOOLLEY of that distinguished Corps, Her Majesty's Royal Artillery.
DIED at her residence in Hill-street, on the 1st October, after a long and painful illness, Sarah, eldest daughter of the late Thomas & Mary STYLE, and beloved wife of Mr. T. YELLING. Aged 44 years and 3 months; leaving a husband and a family of 3 children, and a large circle of relatives and friends to deplore her irreparable loss.
Graham's Town
7th October 1854
DIED near Morley Mission Station on 17 September, Richard CALVERLEY, aged 44 years, leaving a Widow and 9 Children to mourn their loss.
DIED at Cradock on Tuesday 5th Sept, 1854, of ulcerated sore throat, after three days' severe suffering, Edward Thomas, beloved son of Wm. and Louisa N. KEYS. Aged 2y 10m 22d.
DIED at Cradock on Thursday the 21st September 1854, of ulcerated sore throat, after 14 days' severe suffering, Wm. Feagan, beloved son of Wm. and Louisa N. KEYS. Aged 6y 11m 10d.
Saturday 14 October 1854
DIED at Graham's Town on the 4th October, Benjamin PATRICK, aged 77 years. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820, and has left a Widow and numerous family to deplore their loss. His end was that of one at peace with God and man.
DIED at his residence in Bedford, Sarah Caroline, aged 4 years and 4 days, eldest daughter of Robert and Caroline EALES, Oct 3rd.
All Claims against the Estate of the late Jeremiah HONEY must be sent within six weeks from this date to the undersigned; and all outstanding accounts must be settled immediately to prevent legal proceedings.
September 28th 1854
Saturday 28 October 1854
BIRTH on the 25th inst, at Salem, the wife of Mr. William DOORLY of a son.
DIED at Blue Krantz on the 19th Oct, Mrs. Anne HONEY, relict of the late Mr. Jeremiah HONEY. Aged 65 years. Her end was peace.
The Undersigned begs to intimate to the Public that he has made arrangements for continuing the business lately conducted by
Mr John WEAKLEY, on the Hill, Somerset Street
The stock is entirely new and families wishing to have a supply of useful and fancy articles will find a good selection at very moderate prices.
NB The Wholesale Business is carried on as usual
Graham's Town
28th October 1854
Notice is hereby given that the partnership hitherto existing between
Builders of this City
is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due to the said firm and claims upon the same will be received and settled by the second undersigned.
Graham's Town
16th October 1854
The Undersigned begs to inform the Public that the Business hitherto carried on by J & W ROBERTS will be continued by him on the same premises in Campbell-street, and trusts still to merit a share of public patronage.
John ROBERTS, Builder &c.
In acknowledging the Liberal Patronage he has already experienced from the public, notifies his return from Kaffraria, and having completed his arrangements is now prepared to take portraits by the Daguerreotype or Collodian process, set in Morocco Cases, from 10 to 3 o'clock daily.
Photographic Rooms
Saturday 4 November 1854
MARRIED by Special Licence in St.Peter's Church, Mowbray, near Cape Town, on the 18th October 1854 by the Reverend Van Rees Hoets, Thomas Holden BOWKER, M.L.A, Commandant of Whittlesea, fourth son of the late Miles BOWKER Esq of Tharfield, Albany, to Julia Eliza, eldest daughter of the late John McGOWAN Esq of London.
MARRIED at the Commemoration Chapel on Wednesday the 1st November 1854, Jonathan AYLIFF Esq to Susannah, eldest daughter of the Hon'ble'Geo. WOOD Esq, M.L.C, of Grahamstown.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 1st inst, Mrs. N.P. KROHN of a son.
DIED at Graham's Town this morning, Eleanor Isabel, wife of Alfred Clarence WYLDE Esq, Clerk of the Peace for the Division of Uitenhage and Port Elizabeth, aged 20 years.
DIED at Bush Fountain, Baviaan's River, the residence of her son, Mr. Cornelius Frederick VAN DER NEST, on the 22nd September, Mrs. Helena Claudina KRUGEL, widow of the late Mr. Gideon VAN DER NEST. Aged 84 years, 9 months and 9 days; leaving a large circle of relatives and friends to deplore her loss. Deceased was the oldest member of the Dutch Reformed Church in the parish of Glen Lynden, and had 4 sons, 8 daughters, 119 grand-children, 172 great-grand-children and 5 great great grand-children, making a total of 308: together with 15 sons and daughters-in-law. Her end was peace.
In the name of all the Children
DIED on Saturday last at King William's Town, British Kaffraria, after a painful illness of three days, during the absence of her husband, Jane, the beloved wife of John WHITFIELD and fourth daughter of John CAWOOD Esq, late of Cawood's Post. Aged 21 years 10 months and 6 days. For the great respect shewn to the remains of his beloved wife by his fellow townsmen, he gratefully thanks them.
King William's Town, 23rd October 1854
Saturday 11 November 1854
MARRIED at Queenstown, October 19 1854 by Reverend H.H. Dugmore, William FARREN, third son of the late Geo. FARREN Esq of London, to Sarah Margaret RIDGARD, sixth daughter of Ezra RIDGARD of Queenstown.
MARRIED at Cradock on the 31st ultimo, by the Reverend Samuel Gray AM, Mr. Samuel Bonnin, eldest son of William Carey HOBSON Esq JP, of Ebenezer, District of Uitenhage, to Sarah Maria, eldest daughter of the Reverend John EDWARDS, Wesleyan Minister, Cradock.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 1st inst, James THACKWRAY Esqr, one of the elected Representatives in the Legislative Assembly for this City, aged 40 years. He was a native of Sheffield, in England, and immigrated into this Colony with his Parents and family in 1820. He was an honest man, a patriotic citizen, and in every relation of life, respected and loved. His dying testimony was an unshaken reliance on the Divine Atonement. His Widow and four Children are left to mourn a bereavement which they feel to be irreparable.
Saturday 18 November 1854
BIRTH at Richmond on Thursday the 2nd instant, Mrs. F.C.R.J. CENTLIVRES of a daughter.
The Proprietors beg to inform the Public that their Omnibus continues to run Twice a Week between the above places, as usual, that is, starting from both places on
Mondays and Thursdays
at the same time, and meeting half way, where the passenger finds comfortable accommodation for the night.
They are proud to say that by employing two of the best drivers in the Colony, they have never had an accident, and can therefore recommend that mode of travelling the safest, cheapest and most comfortable, and are gratified for the liberal support they have experienced, and feel satisfied from the public spirit of their customers they may expect to be even better supported in future.
T. STUBBS, Graham's Town
J. MILLER, Port Elizabeth
Saturday 25 November 1854
Mr. Maurice JOSEPH being about to leave the Colony requests all persons having claims against him to send the immediately to the Office of Messrs. BENJAMIN & MARCUS, Graham's Town.
MARRIED on the 24th October 1854 at Hope Farm, Kowie, by the Rev John Wilson of Bathurst, Peter Knowles, third son of the late John Cecil WRIGHT, Draper, Grahamstown, to Elizabeth, third daughter of Edward THOMPSON Esq of Hope Farm, Kowie.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 19th inst, the lady of Lt-Col. SOMERSET, Cape Mounted Riflemen, of a son.
BIRTH at King William's Town on Saturday 18th inst, the wife of Lieut. Col. BISSET, CMR, of a daughter.
BIRTH at King William's Town on Sunday the 5th inst, the wife of Mr. H. GODFREY of a son.
BIRTH at Tiger Spring on Friday 17th, Mrs. Elizabeth HODGKINSON of a son
In the Estate of the late James THACKWRAY Esq
The undersigned having been duly appointed under Power of Attorney from the Executor to act in his behalf as Administrators of the above Estate, Notice is hereby given that all Claims upon the Estate are to be sent in to the Executrix, Mrs. THACKWRAY, at her residence, New-street: and that all debts due to the same must be forthwith liquidated.
Saturday 2 December 1854
DEATH at Somerset East on the 25th day of November, Arthur, the beloved child of Charles BEAMISH, aged 6 months.
The Undersigned being about to leave Fort Beaufort wishes all claims against him to be sent in on or before the 10th inst.
Fort Beaufort
1st December 1854
Musical Tuition
Music Master Salem Wesleyan Academy
Begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Grahamstown that, having leisure to attend to a few Pupils, he will be happy to give instruction in Vocal and Instrumental Music. Any Lady or Gentleman desirous of engaging his services will please send their address to the office of Mr. E. HAW, High-street, which will receive immediate attention. Terms moderate.
Saturday 9 December 1854
BIRTH at Somerset (East) on the 30th November 1854, Mrs. Hougham HUDSON of a son.
DIED at Colesberg on the 25th ultimo, Mr. W.P.R. DIXON, aged 34 years and 8 months.
9th December 1854.
An erroneous report, extremely detrimental to my character, having gained more or less public credence, in Grahamstown and elsewhere, to the effect that I have – in consideration of being paid a sum of money – lately connived at the smuggling of a considerable quantity of Gunpowder, which is falsely said to have been conveyed by me, either from Port Elizabeth or Grahamstown, to Burghersdorp. I deem it expedient, with a view to clear my character from such a stain, to declare this publicly, - that no consideration could induce me to be a party to any such nefarious proceedings. I likewise further notify, to all who may yet entertain a false impression of my conduct in regard to this unfounded report, that I have been summoned into Court, and the matter has been subjected to the enquiry of the Clerk of the Peace, at Grahamstown, when it was satisfactorily proved that, with respect to me, the charge was wholly incorrect.
If this Advertisement should chance to meet the eye of the person or persons with whom this false imputation originated, I would venture them not in future to be quite so ready and officious in spreading reports, which may tend to injure the character of another, without sufficient proof to back their statements, for, although such reports can but for a short time prejudice the good name of the wrongly accused, they are notwithstanding the cause (as in this instance) of much anxiety, needless trouble, and inconvenience.
December 1st 1854
Saturday 16 December 1854
DIED on Wednesday the 13th Decr, Ruth, the infant daughter of the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown.
DIED on the 13th inst. at his own residence in Grahamstown, Mr.William SCANLAN, aged 85 years.
December 15 1854
Saturday 23 December 1854
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 17th instant, the lady of R. GRAHAM Esq, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Albany, of a daughter.
BIRTH at Graham's Town on Saturday the 16th instant, Mrs. J. LONG of a daughter.
DIED at his residence, Graham's Town, on Sunday evening the 10th December 1854, A.P. KENYON Esq, Captain Cape Mounted Riflemen.
Notice is hereby given that the Partnership hitherto existing between
Chemist, Soda Water Manufacturers &c
is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
All Debts due to the Firm, and Claims on the same, will be received and settled by the second undersigned.
King William's Town
16th December 1854
King William's Town Dispensary
The undersigned begs to inform the public that the business hitherto carried on by J.L. STATHAM & Co will be continued by him on the same Premises in Smith-street, and trusts still to merit a share of public patronage.
16th December 1854
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