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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1834 - 1 - January to June

Thursday 9 January 1834

DIED at Grobbelaar’s Kloof on the 29th Dec 1833, Mrs. Peter Clark DANIELL, aged 53 years, after a short illness of 3 days. Her amiable qualities will endear her to all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance.

Thursday 16 January 1834

CHRISTENING on the 8th inst by the Rev J Heavyside, a son of James O’REILLY Esq, JP for Cradock, baptised Robert John.

Charles T. BAILIE begs leave to inform the Public that he intends to open a Boarding School at “The Hope” (known as his father’s residence) for a limited number of Pupils, and hopes by his application to the scholastic improvement of such children as may be entrusted to him, as well as by the attention that will be paid to their moral and religious instruction, that he will deserve a share of their patronage. The school will commence on the 20th January inst.
The usual routine of Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Grammar. Geography and History will be taught: Drawing, Music &c will be a moderate extra charge.
Terms:- £15 per annum under 9 years of age
               £18 do above that age
Payable quarterly. A quarter’s notice will be required of the intended removal of a Pupil. Pupils are required to bring Bedding and Towels. Further information will be given by Mr. BAILIE Sen in Graham’s Town or by C.T. BAILIE at “The Hope”.

Thursday 30 January 1834

For a term of years with immediate possession
That desirable Grazing and Sheep Farm called “Belton” situate in the District of Albany, about 25 miles from Graham’s Town, lately the property of Mr. William WAIT, deceased, measuring 1476 morgen and 120 square roods. The Buildings consist of a Dwelling House, containing, on the ground floor, two good Rooms, a Hall, and Kitchen with an Oven; on the upper floor two large Garrets. There is also a dairy and good Garden, with a plentiful supply of Water. The property may be viewed any day, by application on the Premises. For terms of rent &c apply to Mr. DYASON, Graham’s Town or to Messrs CADOGAN & READ, Cape Town.

Thursday 6 February 1834

On Friday last an inquest was held before the Clerk of the Peace to enquire into the circumstances attending the death of Mr. Andrew NICHOL, Commissariat Issuer at Graham’s Town. From the evidence adduced it appears that on the day previous a soldier on duty at the store discovered the deceased suspended by the neck from a beam immediately over the staircase: an alarm was given, but not till life had fled, and all hope of reviving animation completely destroyed. It appeared that a short time ago deceased sustained a severe injury of the head by a fall from his horse, when his life was for some time despaired of, and it is supposed that while labouring under temporary aberration of mind, arising from this cause, he committed the fatal deed.
The following brief memoir of the deceased has been transmitted to us by a correspondent, who subscribes himself “A Mason”, of which society, we believe, deceased was a member.
“Mr. A. NICHOL was of a highly respectable family in Scotland, and received the advantage of a liberal education. His first entrance into [obscured] was in mercantile pursuits in his native country; his early expectations were, however, disappointed and the natural energy of his mind in some degree cramped. He made another effort and proceeded to Canada, but the blighting hand of disappointment again had its iron grasp upon him, and he subsequently came to this colony, where he for some time resided in Algoa Bay. But [misfortune/] still followed him – his exertions in trade were unproductive, and he was at length compelled to accept an offer in the Commissariat Department, which the general opinion of his correct deportment had procured him. In the discharge of his duties it is not too much to say that he was sincerely esteemed by all with whom he transacted business. His life was unfortunate but the termination of his earthly career was melancholy in the extreme. The deceased was first discovered [obscured] of the fatal act by a soldier of the 75th Regt. This soldier reported it to the sentinel, the latter could not quit his post; and the soldier then proceeded to his corporal of the guard; these both went in search of Mr. PALMER, the Assistant Comm-General, to report; in their way on this errand they met Mr. THOMPSON, a friend to the deceased, to whom they [obscured] the catastrophe, and he immediately did what they never thought of doing, and cut the deceased down, in hope of saving his life, but alas he was too late; life was extinct.”
We regret that we cannot follow our correspondent through the whole of his remarks. It appears that great umbrage has been given to the friends of the deceased by the refusal of the acting district chaplain to read the burial service, or to attend the funeral; whilst on the other hand great praise is given to a Wesleyan Missionary who performed this solemn but painful duty. We believe, however, that it is not generally understood that there is great dissimilarity in the ritual for the dead used by these two denominations, so that the same request might with great propriety be refused by the former and acceded to by the latter. The ritual used by the Wesleyan connection has been curtailed of all those objectionable parts which render that of the Church so unfit for general occasions; and hence to this cause may be attributed that ready compliance with a request to officiate on the mournful occasion alluded to, after the Minister of the Established Church had given his refusal. We offer no opinion on the merits of the case, but we consider that justice to all parties demands the foregoing explanation.

Thursday 13 February 1834

It is again our painful duty to record the death, by his own hand, of another inhabitant of the Eastern Province. The following is an extract of a letter addressed a few days ago by a resident of Port Elizabeth to a correspondent of this Journal, in Graham’s Town. It contains all the particulars on this mournful subject which we are at present in possession of, and we therefore give it verbatim and without comment.
“This conveys to you a most melancholy circumstance, which took place in Uitenhage last evening. Our highly respected and esteemed District Surgeon, Mr. WENTWORTH, has put an end to his existence, by applying a pistol in his mouth, and completely separating the skull from the lower part of the head. Poor fellow! I met him not four hours before the fatal act, seemingly in the highest spirits; but I understand that for some days back he would now and then betray symptoms of a mind rather depressed. His loss, at the moment, will be most severely felt, as he and the military officer at the Bay, who is also extremely ill, and unfit for duty, or to stir out, are the only two medical men in this district; and, I am sorry to say, that there are many serious cases here which require the immediate and constant attention of medical men.”
We have been given to understand that the causes which led to this deplorable catastrophe are a series of unfortunate domestic occurrences, by which the mind of deceased had been greatly excited and distressed. He was held in high repute in his profession, as well as greatly esteemed by a numerous circle of acquaintance. We deeply regret to add that by this rash act he has left a widow and five children in a state of utter destitution.

At St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain:
Jan 18th – A son of Mr. C. COOPER, baptised George James.
Jan 19th – A son of Mr. James DANIELL, baptised Edwin Alfred Richard.
Jan 19th – A daughter of ditto, baptised Emma Rosely.
Jan 19th – A daughter of Thos. W. STEVENS, baptised Anna.
Jan 26th – A daughter of Mr. James DANIELL, baptised Julia Sophia.
Jan 26th – A son of ditto, baptised Francis Augustus.
Privately baptised on Monday Jan 13th, a son of Johnstone Christopher Roach MORAN, baptised Collin Jago.

Jan 2nd – Mr. Samuel HOLLAND, French Missionary, bachelor, to Miss Elizabeth LYNDALL, spinster.
Jan 27th – Mr. Frederick LUCAS, bachelor, to Miss Mary Farr LAMONT, spinster.

Jan 2nd – Margery Esther CAMPBELL, aged 4 months and 5 days.
Jan 16th – Elizabeth Kennedy HANCOCK, aged 1 year and 5 months.
Jan 28th – Thomasina Mary ARMSTRONG, aged 3 years 5 months and 23 days.

Thursday 6 March 1834

MARRIED on the 3rd March by the Rev Mr Heavyside, Mr. Spencer FLEISCHER to Miss Eliza WATHALL

Thursday 13 March 1834

The Undersigned have this day agreed by mutual consent to dissolve the Co-partnership hitherto existing between
William CAWOOD
Graham’s Town, 3rd March 1834

DIED on the 7th instant at his Father’s residence, near Uitenhage, Jacob Glen CUYLER Esquire, Clerk to the Resident Magistrate of Uitenhage, aged 26 years.

In St.George’s Church by the Rev J. Heavyside, Acting Colonial Chaplain:
Jan 6 1834 – Mr. Johannes Jacobus DE LANGE to Anna Wilhelmina BEZOUDENHOUT
By the Rev James Barrow, Colonial Chaplain:
Feb 10 – Mr. John VERITY to Miss Amelia LEECH
By the Rev J. Heavyside:
Feb 17 – Mr. James BOARDMAN to Miss Elizabeth DIXIE
Feb 25 – Mr. William BROWN to Helena Maria HUMAN
Mar 3 – Mr. Spencer FLEISCHER to Miss Eliza WATHALL
Mar 3 – Mr. Richard HAYHURST to Elizabeth BLACKBEARD

CHRISTENINGS by the same
Jan 2 – A son of Mr. J. O’REILLY, baptised Robert John
Jan 16 – A daughter of Mr.C. MAYNARD, baptised Amelia Ann
Feb 16 – A son of J. MACK (previously bap. William)
Feb 16 – A son of Mr. J.H. STEPHENSON, baptised James William Henry
Feb 16 – A daughter of the same, baptised Elizabeth Ann
Feb 16 – A daughter of J. JOLLY, baptised Mary Ann
Feb 16 – A son of W. McDowell FYNN, baptised William Rafferty Donald

Thursday 20 March 1834

On Friday a young man named WELLDON, employed as the messenger of the Deputy Sheriff of Albany, was unfortunately drowned in the Great Fish River, while attempting to ford the stream at a drift between Koesters Drift and Hermanus Kraal. It appears that deceased had been engaged in serving notices on several persons impanelled on the Jury for the ensuing Circuit Court; that after performing this duty in the country, on the left bank of the River, he was returning to Town, when he was overwhelmed by the current, and thus perished. No person was present at the time of the accident; but a traveller who arrived a short time afterwards at the same spot observed the two horses which had been rode by deceased standing at the edge of the stream, the reins having got entangled in some bushes. Diligent search has since been made, but no trace of the deceased has been found except his hat, which had been carried by an eddy to the bank, at some distance from the spot where the accident occurred.

Thursday 3 April 1834

In St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain:
Feb 24 – A son of mr. Robert [Anton] DUNN, baptised John Robert
Privately baptised on Tuesday Feb11, a daughter of John FRANCIS, baptised Patience

Feb 11 – Philip [WEBSTER?], bachelor, to Elizabeth BIDDLECOMB, widow
Feb 14 – James Samuel HEAD, bachelor, to Elizabeth ELLIOTT, spinster

Feb 12 – Patience FRANCIS, aged [no age given, but presumably 1 day – see above]

Thursday 24 April 1834

DIED on the 23rd instant after a long and painful illness, the wife of Mr. W. OGILVIE of this Town, aged 35 years. She has left a husband and eight children to lament the loss of a most affectionate wife, and one of the best of mothers.
Graham’s Town, April 23rd 1834

Thursday 1 May 1834

DIED at Tendals, Port Elizabeth, on Sunday the 13th April, in his 17th year, Charles, fifth son of Thomas PULLEN Esquire of Tendals, Port Elizabeth, and Curton Park, District of Uitenhage.

Thursday 8 May 1834

BIRTH on Thursday last, the 1st May, at Graham’s Town, Mrs. L.H. MEURANT of a daughter.

Mr. William SMITH, Land Surveyor, Conveyancer, Auctioneer, begs to inform the Public that he has this day opened a Registry for Land on Sale, which will be for the inspection of persons wishing to purchase Landed Property, where the terms and conditions of sale may be known, and the best advice given to Buyers and Sellers. W.S. has now a number of Lots of Land in Graham’s Town and Bathurst, and a number of Farms in Albany and the surrounding district on Sale.

Thursday 22 May 1834

To the Trade of Boot and Shoemakers
The Undersigned begs to inform the Trade that he has just received from England a quantity of Shoemaker’s Tools, Hemp, Flax, Lasts, Pitch, Resin and other articles used in the Trade.
Bathurst-street, adjoining the Independent Chapel.

Mr. Isaac DYASON Jun, of Beaufort, being desirous of adjusting his affairs, and of making some arrangement with his Creditors in Graham’s Town, hereby gives notice to those persons who have any claims upon him to present the same, with all particulars, to Mr. R. GODLONTON.
Beaufort, 30th April 1834

BIRTH on the 17th inst, Mrs. P. CAMPBELL of a daughter.

On Monday the 13th inst the flour mill of Mr. PARKINS, situated near Port Elizabeth, was completely consumed by fire. The premises was insured in the “South African Insurance Company” for £800 sterling.
The fire appears to have originated under the following circumstances:- Some workmen had been occupied in the morning in fixing some iron bands upon the timbers for the purpose of attaching a saw mill to part of the machinery, and having put some wet clothes upon the hot iron, had left the place. It is supposed that in driving the bands on a spark must have flown from the iron, and fallen unobserved on the lower part of the mill, perhaps among the flour-sacks, and thence communicated with the machinery. The fire commenced at about 11 o’clock in the forenoon, and at about half past three the premises were entirely consumed.

Thursday 29 May 1834

DIED on the 15th inst at George Town, Mrs. PAWLE, wife of Dr. PAWLE, District Surgeon, aged 46 years and 11 months, her loss being severely lamented by her family, and regretted by all friends and society in general.

Thursday 5 June 1834

BIRTH at Graham’s Town on the 26th ult, the Lady of Deputy Assistant Commissary General TROTTER of a son.

Thursday 19 June 1834

DIED on Monday last at Graham’s Town, Mr. Richard PRIOR, aged 66 years. The deceased was one of the original Settlers of 1820, having arrived here with the party located at Salem, under the pastoral charge of the Rev W. SHAW. But though thus connected with what is usually termed the Wesleyan Party, he was himself a Baptist, and of that church he continued a steady, consistent and useful member till his death.

At Graham’s Town by the Rev J. Heavyside, Acting Colonial Chaplain:
March 10 – Hezekiah GARDNER to Maria Jacoba Casparana BEHRENS
March 20 – James HARPER to Rebecca Eliza THOMAS
March 20 – Dirk Rynier VON ROOYEN to Aletta Elizabeth ERASMUS
March 24 – Rynier Nicolaas Johnannes GROBBLAAR to Sagryna Maria VAN DYK
March 29 – Theunis Jacobus BOTHA to Eliza Dorothea STONE
March 31 – Antonio Michael RENSBERG to Carolina Magdalena BOTHA
April 14 – Joseph YELLING to Sarah STYLES
April 18 – Charles MacGIDDY to Mary Ann HALL
April 21 – James EKRON to Ann MOFFAT
May 9 – William HOWARD to Ann THARRATT
May 12 – Gad JEFFRIES to Eliza POULTON
May 12 – George BROSTER to Ann VICE
May 12 – David MITCHELL to Marion Amelia McKENZIE
May 15 – Nicolaas Gerhardus ZWART to Rachel Elizabeth VON ROOYEN
June 9 – Thomas FANCOTT to Maria TALBOT

CHRISTENED by the same
March 9 – A son of Bryan LEE (private in the 75th) baptised John
March 11 – A son of Gideon C.J. DEJAGER, baptised Gideon Carolus Johannes
March 11 – A daughter of the same, baptised Maria Johanna
March 11 – A daughter of the same, baptised Elizabeth Petronella
March 31 – A daughter of Robert ROBINSON, baptised Sarah Ann
April 12 – A son of Henry TALBOT, baptised Henry James
April 12 – A daughter of Johan STAEDEN, baptised Elizabeth Anna
April 12 – An adult daughter of John WEBB, baptised Sarah Sophia
May 6 – A daughter of Thomas DELANY, private of the 75th, baptised Ellen
May 11 – A son of T.J. Hancorn SMITH, baptised Thomas
May 11 – A daughter of the same, baptised Mary Rebecca
May 18 – A daughter of James McFARLANE, Serjt 75th Regt, baptised Mary
May 18 – A daughter of W. STANION, baptised Elizabeth
May 18 – A daughter of George GIBB, private 75th, baptised Eliza
May 25 – A son of Jonathan SHELVER, baptised Augustus
May 25 – A son of the same, baptised John
May 25 – A daughter of the same, baptised Matilda
May 25 – A daughter of the same, baptised Ann
May 25 – A daughter of Daniel CARNEY, private 75th, baptised Ellen
June 1 – A daughter of Private John STUART, 75th, baptised Jane Ann
June 8 – A daughter of Private W. BOYCE, 75th, baptised Elizabeth
In the Independent (Union) Chapel on Sunday the 15th inst by the Rev John Munro:
A daughter of Mr. Louis Henry MEURANT, baptised Fransina Caroline

Thursday 26 June 1834

MARRIED at Graham’s Town on the 25th inst, by the Rev J. Heavyside, Acting Colonial Chaplain, George CUMMING Esq to Catherine Damant ATHERSTONE

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