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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1834 - 2 - July to December

Thursday 10 July 1834

The Undersigned hereby give notice that they have entered into Co-partnership as Kafir Traders under the Firm of William Fowler and Company, the said Partnership to commence from this date.
Graham’s Town, 3rd July 1834

Thursday 31 July 1834

In St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth by the Rev F. McCleland AB, Col. Chaplain:
April 10 – A son of Mr. Johannes BEKKER, baptised Gert Rijmer Johannes
April 20 – A daughter of Mr. C.A. [obscured], baptised Hermena Fredrica Wilhelmina
April 20 – A son of Mr. J.C.W. MEYER, baptised Matheus Petrus Hendrik
May 11 – A son of Mr. G. SLATER, baptised Matthew George
May 11 – A daughter of Mr. James WATT, baptised Anna Catharina
June 6 – A son of W. GRIBBLE Esq, baptised George John Farewell
June 22 – A daughter of Mr. T. EASTON, baptised Ann Mary
June 22 – A son of Mr. H. BERRY, baptised John George
July 1 – A son of Mr. C. THOMAS, baptised Charles Henry
July 1 – A son of Mr. W.M. WHEMEYER, baptised Petrus Hendrik
July 1 – A son of Mr. M.P. ZONDAGH, baptised Petrus Hendrik
July 13 – A daughter of J.H. STOEDER, baptised Anna Susanna Wilhelmina
July 13 – A daughter of Mr. N. RANDALL, baptised Temperance

March 12 – Isaac MALE, Private in HM Sappers and Miners, aged 24 years
April 13 – Mr. C. PULLEN, aged 18 years
April 30 – Mr. Hermanus BOTHA, aged 18 years

Thursday 7 August 1834

In the Insolvent Estate of Charles BREEZE
On Wednesday the 31st day of September next at 12 noon will be sold before the Resident magistrate, at his Office, in Graham’s Town, peremptorily to the highest bidder, pursuant to an order of the Supreme Court, bearing date the 12th July 1834, the following immovable property belonging to the above estate:-
An Erf of Ground, being the Lot No.11, situate in Cross-street, Artificer’s Square, in extent about 50 square roods, with a small Dwelling House erected thereon. The Conditions of Sale may be seen, and further particulars ascertained, at the Office of the Undersigned.
B. and J.D. NORDEN, Auctioneers

In the Insolvent Estate of Henry HARPER
On Wednesday the 3rd day of September at 12 noon will be sold before the Resident magistrate, at his Office, in Graham’s Town, peremptorily to the highest bidder, pursuant to an order of the Supreme Court, bearing date the 12th July 1834, the following immovable property belonging to the above estate:-
A small piece of Ground, situate on the Market Place, Graham’s Town, and being a section of an Erf, adjoining the property of W, ELLIOT.
The Conditions of Sale may be seen, and further particulars ascertained, at the Office of the Undersigned.
B. and J.D. NORDEN, Auctioneers

Choice Fruit Trees
For sale, an assorted quantity of the most choice worked Fruit Trees, in excellent condition. Apply to James KEMP, Drostdy Garden, Graham’s Town. An early application is requested.

Thursday 21 August 1834

All persons having claims against the Joint Estate of Charles Augustus WENTWORTH, deceased, late of Uitenhage, District Surgeon, and surviving widow Eliza DALGAIRNS, are requested to forward them with proper vouchers to the last undersigned, at his home in the town of Uitenhage, No.16 Cuyler Street, within the term of six weeks from the date hereof, and such persons as are indebted to the said Estate are desired to pay their respective debts within the same period, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Eliza DALGAIRNS, widow of Charles Augustus WENTWORTH, deceased
Joachim BREHM
Executors Dative
Uitenhage, July 12th 1834

Thursday 4 September 1834

DIED at Graham’s Town on Sunday last, the 31st ult, at the early age of 29 years, Mrs. F. CALDECOTT, wife of Mr. A.T. CALDECOTT, store-keeper of that place. Of her it may be truly said that her bereaved partner and children have to deplore the loss of a most affectionate wife and parent, and society at large of a steady and exemplary Christian.

Thursday 18 September 1834

Mr. James HOWSE begs to return thanks to his customers, whom he has supplied with Butcher’s Meat &c, and informs them that he has turned over his Butcher’s Business to Mr. C. SLATER, whom he begs to recommend to their future support.
He will commence on the first of October.
Graham’s Town, September 16th 1834

Thursday 9 October 1834

BIRTH on Monday the 29th Sept, Mrs. James BLACK of a daughter.

At Port Elizabeth by the Rev F. McCleland AB, Col. Chaplain:
July 30 1834 – A son of Mr. Philip Barnes FROST, baptised Philip
Aug 3 – A son of Mr. Samuel ROWE, baptised Charles Matthias
Same day, a son of Mr. Johan Diederik BENECKE, baptised Andries Stephanus Petrus
Aug 17 – A daughter of Mr. Robert Paul Loftus OWEN, baptised Helena Dorothea
Aug 20 – A daughter of Mr. Hans STRYDOM, baptised Elthina Catherine
Aug 20 – A son of do, baptised Johannes Jacobus Gerhardus
Aug 20 – A daughter of Jan VOOZ, baptised Indika Frederica
Aug 23 – A daughter of James William FAIRBRIDGE Esq, MD, baptised Matilda Barry

MARRIED in St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth
July 23 – William WARNER, bachelor, to Margaret SELLAR, spinster
Aug 7 – Mr. John SCHEUBLE, bachelor, to Miss Carolina Maria Elizabeth METELERKAMP, spinster

August 2 1834 – Philip FROST, aged 15 days
August 12 – John Thomas KEMP, aged 10 days
Aug 23 – Joshua OATES, aged 11 months and 18 days
Sept 10 – John WOODLAND, aged 24 years
Sept 15 – In consequence of an injury from a wagon, Miss Mary Bressny GEORGE, aged 23 years

Thursday 11 December 1834

Albany Society for the Relief of the Sick and Destitute
Those Persons who may be willing to supply such quantities of Bread, Meat, Tea, Coffee, Sugar and Rice as may be required by this Society from time to time, during one year, are requested to send in tenders for the same to the Undersigned until Monday the 15th inst.
Graham’s Town, 10th December 1834

I, Luke WELCH, farmer, residing in Charleston, near Port Alfred, Albany, do (in consequence of my being led into expenses which my means cannot afford) hereby invest my wife Mary WELCH with full power and authority over all and every species of property of which I am now possessed. And I give her full power to call in all lawful debts now due to me; also to pay all lawful debts which I now owe. And I hereby renounce all right of control over my property during the [obscured] of my said wife, and leave the management of it entirely to her, upon condition that she forthwith pay all that I owe. And I hereby authorise my said wife to stop my credit or otherwise refuse to pay all debts which I may from henceforth contract at canteens or elsewhere. And furthermore I declare this power not to be revocable during the lifetime of my said wife Mary WELCH.
Witness my hand at Bathurst the 10th April 1833
Witnesses: W. CURRIE
In terms of the above I hereby give notice that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my husband Luke WELCH
10th December 1834

DIED at Glen Craig on Wednesday the 3rd inst, Mrs. E.H. PHILIPPS, wife of Thomas PHILIPPS Esq, Justice of the Peace for the Albany District. The deceased was greatly beloved, not only of her domestic circle, but by all who knew her; and although her general deportment bore ample testimony to her unaffected piety, yet it was more conspicuously manifest in a peaceful and happy death. Her illness, which terminated so fatally, was of but few days continuance, and when drawing to a close, she contemplated her approaching departure with the faith and hope of the Christian: of one who can confidently exclaim “henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which shall never fade!”

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 7th inst, Mr. E. WALLACE, Harbour Master at that Port, at the early age of 42 years.

Thursday 18 December 1834

DIED in Graham’s Town at the house of Mr. G. MAYNARD, on the 16th inst, Henry NOURSE Esq of Port Frances, in the District of Albany, aged 55 years.

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