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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1833 - 2 - July to December

Thursday 11 July 1833

June 16 – A daughter of Paul Johannes DE VOS, baptised Maria Magdalena Petronella.

By the Rev J. Heavyside, Acting Col. Chaplain
July 8th – Conraad Fredrick BEZUIDENHOUT and Susanna Cornelia ODENDAL
July 8th – Barend Petrus ERASMUS and Diana Maria ODENDAL

June 20th – A son of Lieut. H.G. TEESDALE RA, baptised Christopher Charles.
June 30th – A daughter of Sergeant SIDDONS RSM, baptised Mary Ann.
July 1st – A son of H. HERBERT, baptised Henry John.
July 9th – A daughter of A.G. CAMPBELL, baptised Ambrosina Georgina Van der Dussen.

MARRIED at Port Elizabeth by the Rev F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain:
June 24 – Thomas EASTON, bachelor, to Mariane JERVIS

Thursday 1 August 1833

MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on Wednesday the 24th ult by the Rev F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain, Captain John BELTON of the Brig “Maria” to Miss Mary ROBINSON.

DIED in the main barracks, Cape Town on the 20th inst, Lt.Col. Edward VAUGHAN, Commandant of the 98th Regt, after a lingering and painful illness of nine weeks, which he bore with the fortitude of a Soldier and the resignation of a Christian, deeply lamented by all ranks of his own Corps as well as by every one who knew him. As truly as we regret the loss of this our Brother, so let us hope and trust his immortal soul is in Heaven.

A Meeting of the Subscribers of the Albany Races will take place at Ayton’s Hotel on Thursday the 8th August next for the purpose of passing the Treasurer’s Accounts, the election of Office-bearers for the ensuing Races, and for General Business.
Thos. DAMANT, Steward

Thursday 15 August 1833

By the Rev J Heavyside in St.George’s Church
Aug 5 – Charles SCANLEN to Ann DENNISON

July 21 – A son of Corporal KELLY, HM 75th Regt, baptised John.
July 21 – A daughter of E. [MAHER], private HM 75th Regt, baptised Margaret.
July 28 – A daughter of E.D. WELNAND, baptised Juliana [obscured] Johanna.
July 30 – A daughter of T.H. HALSE, baptised Eliza Ann.
Aug 4 – A daughter of J. BERTRAM, baptised Elizabeth Francina.
Aug 4 – A daughter of F. HAWKES, baptised Mary Ann.
Aug 4 – A son of Ass. Com. Gen. PALMER, baptised Edward.
Aug 4 – A son of the same, previously baptised Thomas Archer.
Aug 4 – A son of the same, previously baptised Henry James.

CHRISTENING at Uitenhage on Friday the 9th inst by the Rev F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain Port Elizabeth, a daughter of C.A. WENTWORTH Esq, baptised Jessy.

MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on Monday the 12th inst, Mr. N. RANDALL to Miss Jane CAMPBELL.

Under the Insolvent Estate of Charles DALGAIRNS, of Sandfonteyn, in the Ward Coega, in the District of Uitenhage, Agriculturalist.
On Wednesday the 21st August next will be sold on the place Sandfonteyn, belonging to the said Insolvent, the whole of his Estate and Effects, consisting in Furniture, Glass and Crockery Ware, Kitchen Utensils, Bedsteads and Bedding, Agricultural Implements, a Plough, a Wagon, Smiths’ and Carpenters’ Tools, 2 Saddles, some Wine Casks, a Gun, 3 Cows, 2 Calves, 1 Heifer and several other Articles.
Further, on the same day, and at the same place, before the Resident Magistrate of Uitenhage at 12 o’clock precisely,
Peremptorily to the Highest Bidder
That fertile and pleasantly situated Farm, called Sandfonteyn, measuring about 2,539 morgen, situated in the Ward Coega, in sight of the High Road to Cape Town, about one hour’s distance from the village of Uitenhage, and three hours from Port Elizabeth, with a Commodious Dwelling House, Store, and sundry Out-buildings and Kraals thereon, with an Orangery, Orchard and Vineyard, extensive Garden Ground Pasturage and Arable Land, a strong Spring of Water and a pan of the best Salt.
NB This Place is particularly well adapted for the rearing of Sheep, having good pasturage, a sufficiency of Water for the washing of the Sheep, and a Pan of the best Salt. Flax and Hops have been tried at this Place, with remarkable success. For further information inquire at the Undersigned’s in Cape Town; at Mr. J. BREHM’s, Uitenhage or at Mr. J. DALGAIRNS on the Place.
F. Godf. WATERMEYER, Sole Trustee

Thursday 29 August 1833

The Undersigned begs to inform his Friends and the Public that he intends opening a Shop in the above line on Saturday next at 4 o’clock, in Bathurst-street, next to the Independent Chapel, where he will keep a supply of men’s Women’s and Children’s Boots and Shoes of every description.
Robert PITT

Thursday 5 September 1833

DIED at Graham’s Town on the evening of Sunday last, the wife of Mr. George McLACHLAN, for several years established here as a Storekeeper and Trader. The circumstances attending the death of Mrs. McLACHLAN were particularly awful and distressing. Up to the moment of her decease she appeared in the enjoyment of good health, and had just completed the usual arrangements in her family for the evening’s repast, when she was seized with Apoplexy, sank upon the floor and expired, almost instantaneously. The deceased had only attained the age of [26] years and has left a family of several children to deplore the loss of that maternal regard, for which nothing can adequately compensate.

Thursday 12 September 1833

DIED at Uitenhage on the 17th August, deeply and sincerely regretted by all who knew her, Frances, the wife of Captain ANDREWS, aged 60 years.

W.T. BROWN begs to inform the Public that he has commenced business as Commission Agent. He will hold sales of Commission Goods of all descriptions every Saturday, to commence on the 21st September next, at a Credit of two Months, but if required, Cash to the amount of the proceeds will be paid immediately after the Sale, at a discount of 6 per cent per annum. Dry and spacious Store-rooms for which no charge will be made.
Commission 2½ per cent.
Graaff-Reinet, 22nd August 1833.

Thursday 26 September 1833

J. DOUGLAS begs leave to inform the Public in general that he has removed from Mr. OGILVIE’s house to the opposite side of the High-street, adjoining Mrs. WATHALL’s, where he will carry on the Saddlery Business, and hopes to merit a continuance of the support he has already received.
J.D. has also an assortment of Ironmongery, consisting of Anvils, Vices, Axes, Adzes, Saws, Hatchets, Hinges, Files &c, Spikes, Rose, Clasp and Horseshoe Nails, tacks, Shoe Bill, and a variety of other articles at very Low Prices.

Thursday 3 October 1833

It is our painful task to record this week the death of Lieut. E.W. BLENCOWE, 75th Regt, who was drowned while bathing in the Keiskama River, near Fort Wiltshire, on the afternoon of Sunday last. It appears that deceased and Lieut. MOULTRIE had repaired to the river for the above purpose; that they swam across the stream, and were returning, when Lieut. MOULTRIE, who had taken the lead, hearing a splashing of the water, looked around and observed deceased apparently struggling in great distress and exhaustion. He immediately proceeded to his assistance, but his efforts were unsuccessful, as the deceased sunk beneath the surface; and the body was not found until several days afterwards. Deceased, who was in the morning of life, was an officer of great promise, and held in high estimation by his brother officers, and by all who were acquainted with him, for the general urbanity of his manners, and for attention to the duties of his profession. The corpse being conveyed to Graham’s Town, the funeral will take place this day.

In the English Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain, on Sunday August 25th:
A son of Johannes Fredrik BEZUYDENHOUD, baptised Francis Petrus.
On Sunday September 1, a daughter of J.A. CHABAUD Esq, baptised Adala Dorothy.
On Sunday Sept 8, a daughter of Pieter BAKKER, baptised Maria Catharina Margaretha.

On Monday August 19, Hermanus Johannes BERRY, bachelor, to Miss Mary Ann SLATER

Sept 23 – William WHITE, aged about 40 years

Thursday 24 October 1833

In St.George’s Church by the Rev J Heavyside MA, Acting Colonial Chaplain
Aug 19 – Jonathan SHELVER to Amelia DICKASON
Sept 2 – John DUFFY to Mary Ann KNIGHT
Sept 2 - William BENTLEY to Maria TARR
Sept 4 - James Thomas SCRIVEN to Amelia RAWLES
Oct 5 - Charles DUFFY to Mary DENNIS
Oct 7 - George TAYLOR to Jane FINN
Oct 8 - William BOARDMAN to Mary Ann Jane Amelia CALDECOTT
Oct 16 – John NICOLL to Sarah STENSON

CHRISTENED by the same:
Sept 1 – A son of D. MAHONY, baptised Daniel Henry.
Sept 8 – A daughter of W. HOWARTH, Royal Artillery, baptised Hannah.
Sept 15 – A son of J. KNIGHT, baptised William Immanuel.
Sept 15 – A daughter of H. LLOYD, baptised Sarah Jane.
Sept 15 – A son of do, baptised John Thomas.
Sept 15 – A daughter of J. MANLEY, baptised Adelaide.
Sept 22 – A son of J. ROBERTS, Serjt 75th Regt, baptised Henry.
Sept 22 – A daughter of Abraham WILD, baptised Sarah Maria.
Oct 3? – A son of J.H. SMITH baptised Hancorn.
Oct 13 – A son of J. VAN DER MERWE, baptised Barend Stephanus.
Oct 13 – A son of Edward KELLY RA, baptised Edward.
Oct 20 – A daughter of W.J. EARLE, baptised Helen Henrietta.
Oct 20 – A daughter of P.J. GAUGAIN, baptised Ann Edith.

Thursday 21 November 1833

BIRTH on the 17th inst, the lady of Montgomery WILLIAMS Esq, Royal Engineers, of a son.

Thursday 28 November 1833

DIED on the 22nd inst, aged 15 months, Frederick John, third son of Alexander TROTTER, Deputy Assistant Commissary General, of Tidenham Chace, Gloucestershire, England.
Graham’s Town, Nov 25th 1833.

Thursday 12 December 1833

MARRIED at Graham’s Town by the Rev J Heavyside on Tuesday the 3rd inst, James BLACK Esq to Miss Catharine PAKENHAM.

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