Graaff-Reinet Herald 1855 - 2 - April to June
Wednesday 18 April 1855
500 Woolled Ewes For Sale
The undersigned will have for sale from the 15th to the 20th instant Five Hundred Superior Woolled Ewes, mostly or all in lamb by pure rams, and will lamb in May and June, say
400 aged ewes @ 10s
100 young do, @ 15s
Apply to Messrs. HEUGH, WIMBLE & Co or J.L. LEEB Esq, Graaff Reinet, or to the undersigned at Bloemhof
Bloemhof, 3rd April 1855
Wednesday 25 April 1855
Important! New Store!!
Branch Establishment
The undersigned beg to inform the inhabitants of Richmond and Graaff Reinet that he has made arrangements with his St.Helena friends of Graaff Reinet so as to enable him, through them, to supply customers there with Burnt Coffee, Ostrich Eggs, Biltong, Soap, Tallow &c at the cheapest rate possible. A young lady, lately from Richmond, will be in attendance in the Baby Linen Department. The Establishment will be carried on in the name of
A large assortment of St. Helena kisses in dozen packets for sale.
Graaff Reinet, Church Street
Wednesday 9 May 1855
The following extracts from a letter of the 29th ult, received from an old and much respected friend, residing in the upper part of the Albany District, present a very painful description of the fearful losses of horned cattle and horses sustained by the inhabitants, and especially by the farmers near the sea coast. Many of our Graaff Reinet people, who have hitherto been so much more fortunate with their stock, will doubtless sympathise with their unfortunate brethren, who, after beraing the losses resulting from two or three ruinous Kafir wars, are now subjected to a calamity perhaps equally heavy.
Extracts: “The lung sickness is raging fearfully down in Lower AlbanyIt seems much more virulent near the sea – from the humid state of the atmosphere, I should think. Mr. ___ lost in six weeks 247 head of cattle out of 275! Mr. ___’s were dying at the rate of 30 a week! He writes me, saying that only four places were free from it below Blue Krantz, and should the disease not take a turn for the better there would soon be nothing upon the farms except wild bucks, pheasants and partridges! The people have been fast trekking away to the new districts; and when the cattle are dead of those that yet remain, they cannot exist longer there. I hear that several young felloes have and are going to join the Police Force – their cattle being all dead!
“I myself have escaped it so far, by shooting sick and lame oxen, left behind on the roads by the carriers; but most of my neighbours have now got it. It is thickening around me, as dismal to look at as a thunder cloud. The result time alone will show. How it will affect the Frontier Districts is difficult to imagine. ____ told me yesterday that 80 fraals of Fingoes had got it below Fort Peddie. At one kraal, a short distance above him, they lost 80 out of 90 head of cattle. It will make a perfect revolution amongst the blacks, for good or evil. Tens of thousands of their cattle are already dead, and they are dying by hundreds daily; and the disease is spreading far and wide.
“I believe the only chance for us is dry weather. The drier the locality, the less virulent the sickness, as far as I can see. Inoculation seems to be again resorted to, and in may instances with apparent success. The fatter the cattle are, the more they die by inoculation. The chance is in favour of lean working oxen, kept in the yoke.
“The horse sickness is, I hope, nearly at an end. Fearful losses have been sustained. Many of my neighbours have not a horse left to ride. I have been more lucky, having lost six out of 43. Few persons have saved in proportion. The Fingoes have lost nearly all they had, but they got them cheap during the last war. It will be the means of humbling them, more than a good licking, should another war take place.”
Wednesday 16 May 1855
Birth at Graaff Reinet on the 26th April, the wife of Henry MARRIOTT Esq of a daughter.
Wednesday 23 May 1855
Died on Saturday night the 19th instant, after a short illness, at the residence of her mistress, the Widow W.C. VAN RYNEVELD, Juliana, an old and trustworthy servant, after having lived and served in the same family upwards of 60 years. This notice is inserted as a slight tribute of respect to the memory of the deceased by those whom she so faithfully and kindly served during her lifetime.
Graaff Reinet 21st May 1855
Wednesday 6 June 1855
Birth at Richmond on the 31st May, the lady of Richard ARMITAGE Esq of Poortjes Fontein of a son
Wool Washing Establishment at “The Erf”
The undersigned begs to give notice to wool purchasers at Richmond, Colesberg, Middelburg and Graaf Reinet that he has commenced washing wool on his farm “The Erf” at 3-8ths of a penny per pound.
Wool will be taken away and delivered back at the stores of parties in Graaff Reinet gratis. And should anyone desire it, the wool can be loaded up direct for Port Elizabeth, thus saving a great expense to those who have to re-store their wool, and have to pay Coolie hire.
A constant stream of clear water runs through the dams in which the wool is washed, so that the wool is beautifully cleansed, and is cleaner than that washed at any other establishment.
The undersigned further begs to inform those who may entrust him with their wool that he has already washed upwards of two hundred bales, and given the highest satisfaction. Every care and precaution is taken that no wool escapes out of the dams.
Graaff Reinet May 5th 1855
Wednesday 20 June 1855
Departed this life yesterday evening at half past six o’clock, Mr. Pieter Fredrik DUSING, aged 78 years and 6 months, of which notice is hereby given to relatives and friends.
W.G. ZINN, Executor Testam.
Graaff Reinet 20th June 1855
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