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Graaff-Reinet Herald

Graaff-Reinet Herald 1855 - 1 - January to March

Wednesday 10 January 1855

Married at Somerset (East) on Tuesday the 2nd inst, Alfred Everitt MURRAY Esq, Government Land Surveyor, and second son of Alfred MURRAY Esq JP, residing at Graaff Reinet, to Anna Christina, eldest daughter of the Rev. John PEARS AM, Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church of the Town and District of Somerset

Married (by Special Licence) at Graaff Reinet on Friday the 5th inst, by the Rev. Andrew MURRAY Sen, Robert Alexander BAIN of Quaggas Valley, Sneeuwbergen, eldest son of Andrew Geddes BAIN Esq, to Elizabeth Johanna, third daughter of the late Johannus Petrus MEINTJES Esq

Birth at Colesberg , December 30th, Mrs. C.S. ORPEN of a daughter

The undersigned Edward NATHAN of Hamburgh (Germany), known in this Colony as Edward Nathan EDWARDS, hereby informs his friends and the public in general that circumstances have induced him to sign his name, from and after this date, as heretofore
Graaff Reinet 10th January 1855

Wednesday 24 January 1855

Died at Graaff Reinet on the 21st inst after a severe and painful illness, Mr. J.N. DUSING, aged 47 years, 1 month and 25 days, deeply lamented by all who knew him

Wednesday 7 February 1855

Married, by Special Licence, at Graaff Reinet, on Thursday 25th January 1855, by the Rev. Andrew MURRAY, Maurice HOFFA Esq MD of Richmond to Mathilda , daughter of S. LILIENFELD Esq of Marburg, Germany

Died in Graaff Reinet on the 26th ult of a stroke of the sun received while bathing, Richard Southey BROOK, of Goliad’s Kraal, aged 12 years and 6 months

Wednesday 28 February 1855

A court will be held in the Magistrate’s Court Room, Graaff Reinet, on the 15th day of March next at 10 o’clock in the morning for the purpose of determining on the applications hereinafter mentioned for the sale of wines, liquors &c
1 Patrick LYNCH: Tap, Canteen or Public House, to be consumed on or off the premises, No.141 Cradock Street
2 Geo.WALDEK: To keep a Canteen or Tap, to sell malt or spirituous liquors by retail
3 John FINCHAM Sen: Hotel Licence, to sell malt, wine and spirituous liquors, including ginger and spruce beer, to be consumed on the premises, at his residence at the Oudeberg, District of Graaff Reinet
4 C. VAN GROSSICKS: Hotel Licence, No.44 Market Square
5 M.S. PARKINS: Inn, for the sale of wines, malt and spirituous liquors, to be consumed on or off the premises, at his residence in River Street
6 John HEUGH: Hotel Licence, on the premises of the late Mr. ATKINSON, Noordekant Street
7 James VENN: Tap, Canteen or Public House, to sell by retail, wines & spirituous liquors, to be consumed on or off the premises, No.44 Market Square
8 F. O’RYAN: Tap, Canteen or Public House, to sell by retail wines, malt and spirituous liquors, to be consumed on or off the premises. Part of Erf No.5, Hare Street
9 C.L.G. SCHIMPER: Hotel Licence for the sale of wines, malt and spirituous liquors, to be consumed on or off the premises, No.5 Market Square
[10] P.N. WALDEK: Tap, Canteen or Public House [text cut off]..premises in hare Street
11 J.J. FICK: Tap and Canteen, for the sale of wines, malt and spirituous liquors, to be consumed on or off the premises, No.183 Hassey Lane
12 C.L.G. SCHIMPER: Tap and Canteen, for the sale of wines, malt and spirituous liquors, to be consumed on or off the premises, No.2 Market Square
13 P.A. LEY and R.A. FURSTENBERG: Licence for the sale of wines, spirituous and malt liquors, to be consumed on the premises, by retail. No. 8 Cradock Street
14 J.A. HANCOCK: Licence to sell wines, malt and spirituous liquors, by retail. No.3 Somerset Street
15 D.M. MAARTENS: Hotel Licence to sell wines, malt and spirituous liquors, including ginger and spruce beer, to be consumed on the premises. Matjes Fontein, Voor Sneeuwberg, District of Graaff Reinet
16 C.J. WEITZ: Tap, Canteen or Public House for the sale of wines, malt and spirituous liquors, to be consumed on or off the premises, No. 60 Donkin Street
17 Thomas DIXON: Canteen for the sale of wines, malt and spirituous liquors. Corner of Bourke and Somerset Streets

Wednesday 14 March 1855

Married on the 6th instant by the Rev. Mr. STEABLER, Alfred, second son of the late Capt. John THORNTON, to Anna, youngest daughter of C.J. SPILLER Esq, both of Graaff Reinet

An extensive robbery has been detected within the last few days at the stores of Mr. M.H. BENJAMIN. The robbery was perpetrated by Daniel HOGAN, a confidential storeman, who had been in Mr. BENJAMIN’s employ for five years. It was part of HOGAN’s duty to open original packages on their arrival from Europe, or from any part of the Colony where they had been purchased. On opening a case, his practice was to abstract a portion of the contents, prior to their being compared with the invoice. The deficiency was soon detected, of course, but as no suspicion was attached to him, application was made to the consignors for goods short packed, which allowances were made in may instances, with the understanding that the amount should be refunded if the goods turned up. All the missing goods in question have been found in HOGAN’s house. It was also the storeman’s duty to pack goods in cases or bales for country customers. On the arrival of these goods at their destination it was found that many of the goods were not in the cases, although they figured plainly enough on the invoices; and Mr. BENJAMIN was called upon to credit the parties with the deficiencies. Still no suspicion appears to have been entertained of the confidential storeman. But at length some little matters – a missing bridle, and a few bottles of brandy, provoked investigation. HOGAN was taken prisoner; his house was searched and, through the energy and activity of the chief constable, Mr. WATSON, upwards of £200 worth of the stolen property has been recovered. Two other persons were though to be implicated in this affair, but after a rigid examination before the Magistrate they ere discharged.

Wednesday 28 March 1855

Birth at Graaff Reinet on the 19th instant, the lady of Daniel Johannes HAARHOF Esq of her eighth son

The House and Erf
The property of C.L. STRETCH Esq
Situate in Church Street, Graaff Reinet, formerly the property of the late Widow J.H. FAUCHE. The dwelling house contains 13 spacious apartments. The side buildings, two small dwelling houses each containing 3 rooms and kitchen. As also, stable and cellar. The erf is planted with vines and choice fruit trees, and is abundantly supplied with water. If not privately sold, it will be disposed of by auction, at a day hereafter to be notified. Terms favourable. Apply to
Graaff Reinet 27th March 1855

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