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Graaff-Reinet Herald

Graaff-Reinet Herald 1855 - 3 - July to September

Wednesday 11 July 1855


Our late Civil Commissioner, George DYASON Esq, with his family, left Graaff Reinet on Monday last, at about 3pm, intending to proceed to Uitenhage.
Notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather, and Mr. DYASON being confined by illness to an ox wagon, our present Civil Commissioner Mr. BERRANGE, with about twenty other gentlemen on horseback, escorted him out of town to beyond the second drift of the Sundays River, and there bid him and his family a hearty farewell, expressing a hope, however, of seeing Mr. DYASON once more in Graaff Reinet at some future time, should his life be spared to undertake such a journey.
The remarks of Mr. BERRANGE, who spoke on behalf of the inhabitants generally, and the earnest behaviour of all present, produced a great effect on Mr. DYASON, who for himself and family returned his most heartfelt thanks for all the kind attentions of his numerous friends, some of whom had shown themselves more than brothers towards him.

Wednesday 8 August 1855

Died at Richmond on Friday the 3rd August 1855, Catharine Ann, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Richard RUTHERFORD, aged 9 months and 10 days.

Saturday 15 September 1855

Birth at Richmond on the 8th September, Mrs. Geo. GOWER of a daughter

Saturday 29 September 1855

Birth, Mrs. FROST of a son, on the 11th inst, at Thibet Park, District of Queenstown

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