Graaff-Reinet Herald 1854 - 2 - April to June
Wednesday 5 April 1854
Married at Goliad’s Kraal, in the District of Graaff Reinet, on the 30th ult by the Rev. William LONG, Alfred ESSEX Sen Esq to Elizabeth BROOK of Goliad’s Kraal
Just the Thing for Diggings!!
DUNN’s Chocolate
This delicious and wholesome beverage can be used agreeably without either milk or sugar. It does not require boiling and can be prepared in one minute. It is far more conducive to health than coffee and is especially nourishing. Travellers will find it a valuable addition to their comfort while on the road.
To be had in tins and 1lb packets at the Office of the ‘Herald’
Wednesday 24 May 1854
Died on Sunday morning the 7th inst, at the residence of Dr. DREYER in George Town, aged 13 years 7 months and 11 days, Henrietta Elizabeth, only daughter of William SOUTHEY Esq of Graaff Reinet
Died this morning at her residence in Graaff Reinet, aged 40 years and 5 months, Sarah, the beloved wife of Mr. William BRAMWELL of this town, late of Liverpool.
Wednesday 7 June 1854
The undersigned having purchased those extensive premises next door to Messrs. HEUGH, WIMBLE & Co, begs to intimate to his friends and the public in general that he has opened an
Under the superintendance of Mr. C. VON GROSSICKS
Where travelers, merchants &c will find most comfortable accommodation united with moderate charges.
Parties attending the ensuing Circuit will find in this establishment every attention paid to their comfort, and their horses will be well cared for.
A splendid open stable and good forage always on hand
Graaff Reinet April 20th 1854
Wednesday 14 June 1854
SALE in the Insolvent Estate of
James Valentine CROUCH
The sale of the effects belonging to this Estate, already advertised, will now positively take place at the residence of the Insolvent in Parsonage Street in this town on
Wednesday morning the 28th inst at 10 o’clock
Sole Trustee
LEEB Brothers, Auctioneers
Graaff Reinet 15 June 1854
(From Port Elizabeth)
Begs to inform the inhabitants of Graaff Reinet that he has commenced business as a
In Market Square, next door to Mr. MURRAY, tailor
NB All orders with which he may be favoured will be executed with punctuality, and in the very best style.
Market Square, June 14 1854
Mr. D. PAPENFUS, Auctioneer and General Agent, has removed his office from Market Square to Somerset Street, next door to the Graaff Reinet Bank.
Graaff Reinet May 9th 1854
Wednesday 28 June 1854
James VENN
Tent and Marquee Maker
Wagon Sails and Tarpaulins made to order
Orders received at Mr. CROOKS’ Boot and Shoe Maker, Market Square
Graaff Reinet June 21st 1854
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