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Graaff-Reinet Herald

Graaff-Reinet Herald 1854 - 3 - July to September

Wednesday 5 July 1854

FOR SALE by private contract
The farm Trekfontein
Situate in the Winterveld, District of Colesberg
The property of Mr. James SOUNES
For particulars apply to LEEB Brothers
Graaff Reinet 5 July 1854

Wednesday 19 July 1854

Birth on Saturday 15th inst, Mrs. Skelton E. WIMBLE of a daughter

Graaff Reinet is getting quite lively. What with the Dissolving Views, the Races and our Cricket Clubs we are going ahead surprisingly. To be sure there is very little business doing just now, and this melancholy fact doubtless in some degree accounts for our gaiety. However, be that matter as it may, we have the satisfaction of announcing that on Monday week, the 31st July, a grand match will be played between our two Cricket Clubs. The challenge was given by the Tradesmen and cordially accepted by the Gentlemen, with this alteration, that the match should be for bats and balls, agreeably to English custom, instead of being for a sum of money. The number of spectators on this occasion is expected to be very considerable, as the match excites a good deal of interest, and both parties feel quite sure of coming off winners.

Wednesday 26 July 1854

Market Square, Colesberg
Having just returned from Port Elizabeth, after purchasing an extensive assortment of goods, which will on inspection be found unrivalled, either as regards quality of the article, newness of style or lowness of price – feels pleasure in informing his friends and the public that he has now opened his store, opposite the Market House, and rests assured that on being favoured with a visit the above statements will not be found, as they too generally are, mere fictions.
Having been for several years in the employ of Messrs. HEUGH & FLEMING and lately in that of Messrs. DRAPER & Co, JB considers to be a sufficient intimation of his capability of purchasing in such a manner as to suit the wants of his country friends, thus preventing an accumulation of unsaleable goods, the benefit of which must accrue to the purchaser, he having no ‘percentage’ to pay to cover the loss sustained on unprofitable stock.
In consequence of arrangements entered into with one of the first houses of the Colony, as to the purchase of wool, JB intends buying largely the coming season; and where desired is willing to make advances on the clip.
To country dealers JB is able to offer most decided advantages, his extensive stock offering an opportunity of supplying themselves with every description of goods suited for their purposes, and the liberality of his terms will be no small inducement to intending purchasers.
French and Cape brandy at unusually low rates
Foreign liquors of every description
Colesberg July 12th 1854

Wednesday 2 August 1854

Painter &c
Having succeeded in getting a set of men, is now enabled to take on house painting, in all its branches, paper hanging, glazing &c
Graaff Reinet 1 Aug 1854

Attorney at Law
Notary Public and Sworn Translator
Offices – at the rooms of Mr. D. PAPENFUS, Somerset Street
Any business with which Mr. C. van B. may be entrusted will be transacted with punctuality and dispatch
Graaff Reinet 9 May 1854

Wednesday 16 August 1854

It is particularly requested that all books belonging to the Graaff Reinet Library may be returned on or before Saturday next, the 19th inst, preparatory to making a new catalogue.
Graaff Reinet 14 Aug 1854

Carpenter, Joiner and Builder
Begs to acquaint the inhabitants of Graaff Reinet and District that he is prepared to undertake any orders in the above line from parties intending to commence building in the above rising town, and hopes by moderate charges and attention to his orders to merit a share of their support.
James CAMPBELL will furnish plans and specifications for stores, dwelling houses &c &c at a short notice and superintend the building of the same, and hopes by his long practice in the above line to give satisfaction to those who may favour him with their patronage.
Particulars may be known on application to Mr. A. ESSEX, Herald Office, Graaff Reinet
Bedford, July 28th 1854

Not Gone, Nor Yet Going!
Thos. COLE
Saddler &c, Graaff Reinet
Begs to inform his friends and the public in general that he has come to the full determination to remain in this town, and it is his intention to carry on his trade in all its branches as usual, and hopes by a strict attention to his business to merit a share of public support.
T.C. begs to return his sincere thanks for the very liberal support he has received during the last five years.
Saddles and harness made to order. Repairs done as usual at moderate charges.
Graaf Reinet 9th Aug 1854

Wednesday 13 September 1854

Died at Graaff Reinet on the 9th inst, after a few days illness, of brain fever, Henry Nelson, eldest son of Benjamin William and Eliza SUCKLING, aged 8 years and 7 months, surviving his sister only seven months.

Wednesday 27 September 1854

Died on Sunday 24th instant, Armitage Elizabeth, youngest daughter of W.J. DIXON Esq JP, aged 13 months and 2 days

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