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Graaff-Reinet Herald

Graaff-Reinet Herald 1854 - 1 - January to February

Wednesday 25 January 1854

Birth on the 22nd inst, the wife of Mr. Thos. Kalm DOREY of a son

Married in St.James’s Church Graaff Reinet on the 9th January 1854, William CHARLTON Esq, Keeper of Her Majesty’s Prison, to Miss Louisa SMITH, native of St.Helena, the well-known little island where Napoleon breathed his last; she is the step daughter of ___ GREY Esq, late Keeper of the Gaol at Richmond.

Died on Sunday at 4 o’clock in the afternoon of the 22nd inst, William Christian, aged 6 months and 17 days, son of J.S.P. BOTHA of Graaff Reinet

On Saturday last Isaac VAN ASWEGEN, Frederic POTGIETER, David BENADEE, Fietje OCTOBER, Roselyn JULY were brought before the Resident Magistrate charged with ill-using a Hottentot named Piet JACOBS at Zuur Fontein, op Sneeuwberg, who has since died. The case as stated by the deceased a few hours previous to his death is as follows:
On the 4th inst, having returned home where my wife and daughter were, a quarrel ensued between me and my daughter, when she ran out of the house and returned with Izaak VAN ASWEGEN and David BENADIE, who immediately knocked me down and kicked me, and beat me with their fists, and BENADIE trod on me. Izaak VAN ASWEGEN put a reim around my neck and almost choked me by twisting it tight. They dragged me along to a vice and screwed my leg tight in it; they were helped to do this by my wife and daughter. Frederic POTGIETER joined them and asked what was the matter, and Izaac VAN ASWEGEN said I was a vagabond, and ordered him to hold me while he flogged me, saying that he was rich and could pay. POTGIETER held me by one arm and my wife and daughter by the other; Isaac VAN ASWEGEN went and got a candle and a halsband and severely beat me. They all kicked and beat me for about an hour; I was faint and nearly dead when they let me go. The next day I went to Jan COETJEE’s place, the day after to Patrys Fontein and thence to Goliad’s Kraal, and I got to Graaff Reinet on Sunday. I went to the Office on Monday, and one of the constables told me that they had so much to do that day that I must go away and come on Wednesday. I did so, and saw Mr. WATSON, who told me that Mr. BERRANGE being out of town nothing could be done. I then went to Bloemhof and laid my complaint before Mr. G. SOUTHEY JP. I declare that all the marks and bruises on my body, except a cut on my wrist, were caused by the beating at that time, given me by the persons named.
The man died on Friday morning the 20th instant. Mr. DYASON remanded the prisoners till next Friday.

Wednesday 1 February 1854

MAIL between Graaff Reinet and Port Elizabeth
The undersigned, post contractors between Graaff Reinet and Port Elizabeth, beg to notify the public that they are prepared to carry passengers and parcels per mail cart, at the following rated and on the following terms:
For passengers, either way, £4 10s
Each passenger will be allowed to carry 10lbs luggage. All fares must be paid in advance.
The charge for parcels will be 1s 6d per lb. No parcel to exceed 10lbs in weight and no number of parcels to exceed 40lbs. All parcels must be pre-paid.
The contractors reserve to themselves the right to refuse to take any passengers, in case of a heavy mail.
Passengers booked and parcels received at Mr. G. HURFORD’s Post Office, Parsonage Street, Graaff Reinet, and at J.T. REED & Co, Port Elizabeth.
The contractors beg leave to warn the public against sending letters or newspapers in parcels by their mail cart, as in this case they will be liable to a heavy penalty, for which the party so doing will be held responsible.
J.S. REED & Co

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