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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1861 1 January - March

Saturday, January 5, 1861

Mr. Henry WIENAND, having undertaken the agency of the “Advocate” for Adelaide and neighborhood, all persons in that locality indebted, are requested to pay the amounts to him.


INVALIDS. – A hundred and thirty-one invalids from China for the sanatorium were landed from the Imperatriz. There were four deaths on the passage.

A CURIOUS FISH. – A friend has left at our office, for the inspection of the curious in these matters, a certainly very curious specimen of the denizens of the deep. It is beyond our comprehension. It is about 6 inches long, with a snout like a pig and a hump on its back like a [droineclary], and the eyes of an owl. In circumference it is 8 inches; the whole is encased in a tessellated shell of great beauty- if we except the tail – and two fins near its snout. – E.P. Herald.


Jan. 15 – At Uitenhage, in re Annie BOUWER, and surviving spouse James HAXTON.
Feb. 1 – At Somerset, in re Anna Catharian KUNNE, and surviving spouse Johannes Cornelis COETZEE.
Feb. 1 – At Somerset in re Johannes Jacobus Stephanus NEL, and surviving spouse Anna Maria Sophia ERASMUS.


Jan. 8 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Charles Henry THOMAS, third.
Jan. 8 – At Uitenhage, in re George Fredrik MARAIS, special.
Jan. 8 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re the late Regina Catharina ROTHMAN, wife of Johan Fredrik Carel SCHEMPER, first and final.
Jan. 8 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re William SOUTHEY, special.
Jan. 9 – At Grahamstown, in re James FORD, first and final.
Jan. 9 – At Grahamstown, in re William John COOPER, third.
Jan. 9 – At Grahamstown, in re Peter SMITH of the Kareiga, third.
Jan. 9 – At Grahamstown, in re Thomas ALESBURY, third.
Jan. 9 – At Grahamstown, in re William KELLY, third.
Jan. 12 – At Colesberg, in re Henry du TOIT, second.
Jan. 12 – At Colesberg, in re James McCABE, first. 
Jan. 16 – At Grahamstown, in re Stewart TOWNSEND, third.

Saturday, January 19, 1861.

 BIRTH, on Thursday 17th inst., at Fort Beaufort, the Wife of Mr. J. QUIN, of a Daughter
January 19, 1861.


GERMAN IMMIGRANTS. – The tide of German immigration is rapidly increasing in the West. These immigrants give greater satisfaction to the Dutch farmer, it is said, than these introduced from Great Britain. The Johanna Caesar lately landed 220 in Table Bay.

Mr. W.J. DIXON of the farm Meintje’s and Dixon, of Graaff-Reinet, has died from a fit of apoplexy. Mr. DIXON was forty-eight years of age, and was a Major in the G.R. Volunteer Corps.

AN HONEST CHIEFTAIN. – A boer in the Hopetown district having been prosecuted for the payment of a debt, endeavoured to defeat execution by trekking with all his goods and chattels across the Orange River into Griqualand. Intelligence was conveyed to the chief WATERBOER, on which he sent some of his field-cornets in pursuit, who captured the runaway, and escorted him back within the colony, where his creditors succeeded in fingering the cash in his possession.

EXTRAORDINARY DEATH. - We hear that a coloured boy, in the employ of Messrs. REED and EASATES, met his death this morning in the following extraordinary way. It is said that out of fun, one of his fellow workmen fastened the rein of a horse, to his neck, the horse started off, dragging the boy with him, and before the animal could be stopped, the boy received injuries of which he has since died. – E.P. Herald.

In our obituary of today is also included the death of a son, of our fellow townsman, Mr. WORMALD, from coup de soleil. The weather has been frightfully hot lately, and parents would do well to see that their children are not unnecessarily exposed to the sun.

WE REGRET to hear that a few anti separationists, in their despair, are endeavouring to frighten the boers with the most abominable falsehoods. Among others they circulate that when separation is achieved the Dutch churches will no longer be tolerated but all will be forced to acknowledge the English Church. So soon as we can obtain definite proof of any specified party being guilty of so despicable a falsehood we shall not hesitate to expose him to the public execration. – Burghersdorp Gazette.

 A SHOCKING MUDER was perpetrated in Namagualand on Christmas-day. A person named Carel MEYER, a guest of a farmer name GOZLING residing on the farm Doornkraal, near Kamiesberg, quarrelled with the host, where upon GOZLING stuck MEYER in the side with a knife, and, as if thinking the wound might not be mortal, he repeated it. GOZLING’S wife then entered the room, and belaboured Carel MEYER with the knobkerrie. Field-cornet Christoffel DREYER was immediately sent for; but before he arrived, MEYER had breathed his last. GOZLING was then conveyed on horseback, handcuffed, to Springbok prison. No further particulars are yet known.


A paragraph matrimonial. – Choosing a wife is a perilous piece of business. A wife should be selected on the same principles as a calico gown. Bright colours and gay patterns are not always the best economy. Nothing like the suns and showers of matrimony to bleach out, deceptive externals. Don’t choose the gaslight, or in a parlour sitting. Broad daylight is the best time. Bear in mind, sir, that the article once bargained for, can’t exchange it if it don’t suit. If you buy a watch and it don’t run as you expected, you can send it the jeweller to be repaired; in the case of a wife, once paired, you can’t re-pair. She runs in the wrong direction- very well, sir; all that is left for you is to run after her, and an interesting chase you will probably find it. If you get a good wife, you will be the happiest fellow alive; if you get a bad one, you may as well sell yourself for two and sixpence at once; just as well to consider all these things before hand, young man. – Life Illustrated

 At a wedding which took place recently, a gentleman who is sometimes a little absent said, very gravely, “I have remarked that there have been more women than men married this year.”

Saturday, January 26, 1861.


The eldest son of Mr. M.S. PARKINS, of the Black horse Hotel, in this town, was found dead upon his father’s premises, early on Wednesday morning last. He was heard late at night by some of the family, when he came home; but it appears he did not enter the house, and fell down in a fit of apoplexy during the night. A post-mortem examination was made, leaving no doubt whatever as to the cause of death.

Saturday, February 2, 1861


SNAKE. – Mr. HANDLEY of this town was bitten in the hand by a snake last week, while weeding his garden. He suffered much, and his life was in jeopardy, but having promptly called in medical aid he was soon placed beyond danger.

THE PRISON. – The last rain has completely swamped the new prison. The roof, it is said, acts capitally as a shower bath.

Saturday, February 16, 1861


DIED, at Fort Beaufort, on the 31st January, 1861 Margaret ROGERS, widow of the late John LAIDLAW, aged 71 years and 1 month.

THE ASPIRATED “H” – Mrs. Crawford say she wrote one line in her “Kathleen Mavourneen” for the express purpose of confounding the Cockney warblers, who sang it thus “The ’orn of the ‘unter is ‘eard on the ‘ill; but Moore had laid the same trap in the “Woodpecker”  - “the ‘eart that is ‘umble might ‘ope for it ‘ere”.
“Let us remove temptation from the path of youth,” as the frog said, as he plunged into the water, when he saw a boy pick up a stone.


Sudden death. – Mr. J.T. FORBES, of Alice while on a visit to Grahams Town last week, suddenly coughed and brought up blood, and almost immediately fell over a corpse. There was nothing previously to indicate so sudden a visitation, and the deceased was cheerful and well the day before. Deceased was in the last stages of consumption.

The sentence passed on the Rev. Mr. LONG, is suspension for three months, and thereafter until submission is made to his bishop. In Consideration of his wife and family, however, his emoluments are not withdrawn for the present.

THE LATE CASE OF ALLEGED MANSLAUGHTER IN THE FREE STATE – We are informed that Mr. John WHITTLE, who is now in Port Elizabeth or Graham’s Town by virtue of his bail is wanted at the Magistrate Court, to hear the opinion sent up by the Hon. W. PORTER, Attorney General of the Cape Colony relative to his late examination. We hear that it amounts to nothing. K.W. Town Gazette.

Saturday, February 23, 1861

BIRTH, at Fort Hare, on the 15th of February, 1861, the wife of Mr. W. WILSON, of a Daughter.
Fort Hare,
February 22, 1861.

DIED, at Alice, on the 20th inst., Mr. Edward DOONAN, aged 39 years, leaving a bereaved Widow and two infant children to deplore his loss.


George MONTAGUE, Esq., has been appointed Deputy Surveyor General of the colony.

The appointment of Col. McLEAN as Lt. Governor of Kaffraria has been approved of by the Queen.

Saturday, March 2, 1861

BIRTH, at Fort Beaufort, on the 23rd February, 1861 the Wife of Mr. John MACGILVRAY, of a Son.

BIRTH, at Fort Beaufort, on the 24th February, 1861, Mrs. T.L. EMETT, of a Daughter.

WOOL, HIDES and PRODUCE of every description, purchased by the undersigned for CASH, at the highest Market rates.   
A. DEVELLING.  Alice, October, 1860


MELANCHOLY SUICIDE.- Mr. Assistant Surgeon DYER, connected with the Sanatorium department, Cape Town, committed suicide by cutting his throat. His first attempt was not successful, but the second one proved fatal. It seems that he has been under arrest since he came to the colony with the exception of a few days on his arrival.

SMALL POX. – We learn from the ‘Friend  that this disease has made its appearance in the Smithfield Gaol, - said to have been taken there by a Kafir from Colesberg.

Notice is hereby given that the Resident Magistrate of Fort Beaufort, will hold a Court on WEDNESDAY, the 20th MARCH, 1861, AT 10 o’clock, a.m. in terms of the 12th and 13th Sections of Ordinance No. 9 of 1857, and 2nd and 4th Sections of Act. No. 10, of 1860, for the purpose of determining the question of granting of otherwise, the undermentioned applications, viz:-
To keep and Inn or Hotel, with Tap or Canteen attached.
Mary Ann CURLE, Catherine MILLS, James N. WYNNE, Thomas HENDERSON, Alex FERGUSON, Adam WRAGG, Henry KEYS, John William DALTON, Maurice BARRY, Joseph O’GARA, Thomas HANDLEY, James HEPBURN, Widow ANNAN, John MIDGLEY, John Ed DOUGHERTY, Thomas FRANCIS, Donald McKAY, Mary MURRAY.
License to keep a Bottle Store and to sell Wines, etc. Not to be consumed on the Premises.
Hendrik Johannes LOUW.
License to sell Wines, Malt Liquors, etc. by the bottle, to be consumed on or off the premises.
Wm. ESTMENT, jr.
To keep a Tap or Canteen, the liquors to be consumed on or off the premises.
New applications to be submitted.
To keep an Inn or hotel, with Tap or Canteen.
To keep a Tap or Canteen Only.
Res. Magistrate’s Office.
Fort Beaufort, 16th Feb. 1861.
The Quarterly Court for the granting of Licenses to sell Wines, Spirits, etc., under Act. No. 10. of 1860, will be held in the COURT ROOM at Seymour, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th MARCH, 1861, to dispose of the following applications viz:-
To keep Hotel, with Tap or Canteen attached.
James SCOLLIN, Edward SHAW, William CLARKE.
To keep Hotel, or Boarding House.
William T.L. EMETT, Res. Magistrate
Res. Magistrate’s Office, Elands Post, Feb. 21, 1861.

Saturday, March 9, 1861

BIRTH, at Fort Beaufort, on the 2nd Mach, 1861, Mrs. W.H. RAWSTORNE, of a son.

MARRIED, on the 7th instant, at St. John’s Church, by the Rev. T. HENCHMAN, Mr. John BOVEY, of Blinkwater, to Elizabeth Margaret, Daughter of Mr. W. MUGGLETON, of this place.
Fort Beaufort, March 8, 1861.

DIED, at Alice, on the 20th inst., Mr. Edward DOONAN, aged 39 years, leaving a bereaved Widow and two infant children to deplore his loss.


The “Race Horse” sailed on the 27th alt., for Boston. She took 828 bales wool, 9,569 goat skins, and 1,121 Sheep skins: the value of which amounted to L15,700.

A number of Mormons went by her as passengers, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. A. TALBOT and 18 in family, and Mr. and Mrs. WIGGLE and family – amounting in all to 32. – E.P. Herald


Miss Lucy STONE, of Boston, a Women’s rights’ woman, having put the question “Marriage – what is it?”
An Irish echo, in the Boston Post inquires, “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

WEATHER WISDOM. – “I have observed, said a (weather) wiseacre, that when the moon is turning upwards we have fine weather after it; but if it is turned down then we have a wet season; and the reason, I think, is that when it is turned down it holds no water, like a basin you know; and then down it all comes.”

List of Licenses issued from this Office since date of last return.  (Jan. 31.)
Baker’s Licence to expire 31 December, 1861.
Butcher’s Licenses to expire 31st December, 1861.
Auctioneers Licence to expire 19th November, 1861.
Samuel H. ROBERTS.
Auctioneer’s Licence to expire 18th February 1862.
Wm. ESTMENT, jr.
Retail Shop Licences to expire 31st Dec. 1861.
W.H. RAWSTORNE, Dist. Of Stamps.
Stamps Office,
Fort Beaufort, Feb. 20, 1861.
Saturday, March 16, 1861


THE IMMIGRATION  AGENT, Capt. SAMPSON, has, we understand, found it necessary to report several matters in connection with the immigrant ship which has recently arrived at the Cape to the Government. The condition of the vessel was very unsatisfactory, and the immigrants while on the voyage were wet almost the whole way, in consequence of the deck leaking. There were also some little irregularities, to which Captain SAMPSON has felt it his duty to call the attention of Government.


Catharina Maria Elizabeth BADENHORST, a farmer’s daughter, about twenty Five years of age was charged with wilful murder, in that on the 21st of September, 1860, at Matjesgat, she killed her newly-born female child, by tying a ligature around its neck, and so causing strangulation. Mr. Adv. BRAND appeared in her defence. The fact of the case as they were disclosed in evidence were briefly these: On the 26th September a newly-born infant was discovered dead in the River Zonder End, about two hundred from the prisoner’s father’s house. The following day two field cornets examined the body, when it was found that a ligature has been tightly drawn around the neck, and there was also visible the marks of a stab or cut in the infants chest. The field cornets at once reported to the magistrate, who sent down the chief constable to inquire into the case. Not obtaining satisfactory information from BADENHORST and two of the sisters respecting the child, he threatened to take them before the magistrate, when the prisoner unobserved before by the constable came out of the adjoining room, and said that the father and sisters knew nothing about the child; that she was the mother. Being in a delicate state she was left where she was by the constable, who then went to exhume the body, at that time buried by order of the field cornet and removed it to Caledon, where the district surgeon examined it, and came to the conclusion that the probable cause of death was strangulation by means of the ligature. The prisoner again confessed that the child was born alive, and she tied the ligature around the neck. In spite of all this evidence the jury acquitted the prisoner.


Meetings in insolvent estates.
March 20             re Andries Stephanus Jacobus van der WALT, special.
                             re William John COOPER, special.
March 22             re Edward DOONAN, first.
March 26             re Cornelius Johannes SWANEPOEL, jun, third.
                             re William DAWSON, third.
                             re Cornelius Johannes SWART, first and final.
March 28             re William WOOLETT, third.
March 29             re Edward DOONAN, second.
Meetings in deceased Estates.
March 19             re Hendrik Adriaan MEINTJES, second.
                             re Henry du TOIT, third.
March 29             re Frans Pieter MASSYN, third.
April 12                re Hendrik NOVEMBER
                             re Johannes ARENDS.

Saturday, March 23, 1861


PRACTICAL CHRISTIANITY. – A lad about fourteen years of age addressed one of the chief members of the Independent Church to the following effect: “Dear sir, - Mr. THOMPSON preached on Sunday from the following text: “Is there one amongst you that lacketh anything?” and he urged upon Christians that it is their duty to supply their poorer brethren’s needs. “Now, sir, I want a pair of shoes, and if you will give them to me I will be a good boy.” – Argus.

DEATH OF THE REVEREND J. HEAVYSIDE. – We regret to announce the death of the Reverend John HEAVYSIDE, for many years Colonial Chaplain in this city. Mr. HEAVYSIDE’S decease will be regretted by a large circle of friends; indeed, the whole city cannot but feel the departure of one who has so long and actively been engaged in its service.   Mr. HEAVYSIDE, who has long been ill, died at his residence in Graham’s Town on Friday last 15th inst. – Graham’s Town Journal.

Saturday, March 30, 1861

DIED, at her residence in Fort Beaufort, ON MONDAY, 23rd MARCH, after a long and exemplary life, Mrs. Ann STRINGFELLOW, the wife of the Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of this District, and Daughter of the late Mr. William TROTT, of Newport, Essex.

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