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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1861 2 April - June

Saturday, April 6, 1861

BIRTH, at Adelaide, on the 31st March, 1861, Mrs. Frank HOLLAND, of a Daughter.


SELLING A WIFE. – The Preston Guardian says that Christopher CHARLESTON, shoemaker, Blackburnmarried Betty RAMSBOTTOM, beer-house keeper, four months ago, and left her next day; that they were brought together at a public-house on Monday, when mediation failed to reconcile them; that he then determined, with her consent to sell her by auction; and that she was “knocked down” by a veterinary surgeon to a baker for 1½d. and two five shilling bowls of whiskey punch. A formal memorandum of the sale was drawn up, and “the wife” it is said “was pleased with the change.”

MORE THAN ENOUGH. – A young gentleman lately advertised for a wife through the papers, and got answers from 18 husbands, stating that he could have theirs.

As a lame country schoolmaster hobbling one day to his school-room, he was met by a certain nobleman, who asked him his name, and vocation. Having declared his name, he added, “I am master of the parish”.
“Master of this parish!” observed the peer “how can that be?”
“I am master of this parish, said the man; the children are masters of their mothers; the mothers are rulers of the fathers; and consequently, I am master of the whole parish”.

Saturday, April 13, 1861

DIED, at Adelaide, on the 5th April, 1861, Mr. Teunis Christoffel BOTHA, aged 68 years, 3 months, and 27 days, the beloved husband of Mrs. Rosa Hermina BOTHA, born Van der VYVER, and deeply lamented by his numerous relations.

The large irrigating pump now in use by Mr. VENTER, of Lower Zeekoe River in the Colesberg Division, imported by DRAPER and Co., and which cost 150 pounds, has answered its purpose so well, that one of Mr. VERTER’S neighbour has sent to England for a still larger one. – Colesberg Advertiser.


GUNPOWDER SMUGGLING. – The two young men, Christian van BLERK and FINLAY, together with two coloured servants, are now lodged in Bloemfontein goal on the above charge, as mentioned by us three weeks since. We understand they lay the blame on a Mr. DAVIS, a storekeeper Colesberg, and assert that they were in his employ, and that everything they had belongs to him. – Friend.

MELANCHOLY SUICIDE. – We regret to have to chronicle the death of Lieut. James CRAIG, adjutant of the 10th regiment, under very painful circumstances. The unfortunate gentleman was on his way to Grahamstown with his wife yesterday afternoon, and when near the creek, in a fit of temporary insanity, he suddenly started from the wagon, plunged into the water, and attempted to put an end to his life by cutting his throat. He then fell forward into the water and was drowned. The shocking circumstances has cast a general gloom over the town. He was an active and accomplished officer, and respected by all who knew him. We understand his remains will be interred this afternoon. – E.P. Herald.

Saturday, April 20, 1861

SUDDEN DEATH. – An awfully sudden death occurred on Monday morning last. A man named WRIGHT, a carpenter in the employ of Mr. A. FERGUSON, while in the act of taking a drink, fell down and expired almost immediately. A post-mortem examination was held by the District Surgeon, who ascribes his death to disease of the heart, the result of a long course of excessive use of ardent spirits. The deceased, we believe was sober at the time of death.

Saturday 27th April, 1861 missing

Saturday, May 11, 1861


Mrs. HEAVYSIDE, widow of the late Rev. J. HEAVYSIDE, Colonial Chaplain, died at Grahams Town last week.

A man in the service of Mr. PAINTER, met with a severe accident on Wednesday, having been thrown violently from a horse at Yellowwoods. He is much hurt.

May 13 re John DODDS, Middleburg, second
May 14 re William DAWSON, Colesberg, special
May 15 re Francis Frederick ZEILER, Cradock, special
              re John Christopher ARMSTRONG, Graham’s Town, first
May 17 re John Thomas FORBES,Alice, second
              re James McMASTER, Somerset, second
May 20 re John DODDS, Middleburg, second
May 22 re Christopher ARMSTRONG, Graham’s Town, second
May 29 re John Owen SMITH junior, Port Elizabeth
May 30 re Robert FOXCROFT, Peddie
May 31 re Hans RUITERS and surviving spouse Saartje RUITERS, Stockenstrom
May 31 re Andries MICHEL, Stockenstrom
   “         re Isaac TAMBOER and surviving Spouse Mietje KWAGA, Stockenstrom
   “         re Marthinus MATTHEWS, Stockenstrom
   “         re Hermanus Carel du PREE, Richmond –Minor
   “         re Phillippus Jacobus de PREE and surviving spouse Susanna Johanna Hendrina Van der BERG, Richmond
June 5  re Robert DICKSON, Graham’s Town

Saturday, May 18, 1861

DIED, At Fort Beaufort, on the 15th instant, after a short illness, Theresa Ann Usher GUNN, the only child of J.J. and A. GUNN, - Aged 2 years and 3 days.
17th May, 1861.


A MURDERER CAPTURED. – Piet VAN WYK, an escaped prisoner from the Queen’s Town gaol in December, 1857 who was committed for trial on a charge of murder, was captured at Port Elizabeth this morning by one of the constabulary force. This prisoner had been to England with some gentlemen and entered service at this place; he was assaulted by a party, who was tried & punished for the offence, upon which that party immediately gave information of his being an escaped prisoner, on a charge of murder. He is now in custody and will be immediately forwarded to Fort Beaufort. – E.P. Herald.

Saturday, May 25, 1861

DIED, at Fort Beaufort, on Tuesday 21st May, 1861, of measles, Elizabeth May, daughter of Isabella and Edward SAUNDERS, of Kaal Hoek, Winterberg, - aged 13 months and 10 days.

Saturday, June 1, 1861

June 5 – At Port Elizabeth in re Frans Peter MASSYN, of Bedford, special
June 5 – At Grahamstown, in re William WRIGHT, special
June 5 – At Grahamstown, in re Johannes DE SMIDT, first
June 6 – At Burghersdorp, in re William Crosby KEEBLE, third
June 7 – At Fort Beaufort, in re Johannes Cornelis COETZEE, first

Saturday, June 8, 1861


OLD PIET ABRAM. – Everybody knows old Piet ABRAM. He was one of the most noted characters in frontier history. It was generally thought he had taken farewell of this world long ago, - but it would appear from the “Monitor” that he had only lately made his exit. – Old Piet was in the Royal African Corps, at the time of the Kafir attack on Graham’s Town in 1819, and was in receipt of a pension          :-

DEATH OF THE CALCRAFT OF THE EASTERN PROVINCE.- A regular reader has sent us the following:- Few of your readers in Afric[a]’s Albany are unacquainted with the name of Piet ABRAHAMS, the hangman. His doom, like many others, through disease and penury, was Robben Island. In this refuge he became converted and received the baptismal name of Mark. Mark the executioner then, enjoy’d a pretty good flow of animal spirits and tolerable health, though a leper. It was only on Saturday last, when the honourable members of Parliament visited the island that he recognised and spoke to one of the Eastern gentlemen. About 5 or 4 o’clock this morning (Sunday), 27th May, he rose out of bed, and coughed a couple of times when he fell back a dead man, though he went to bed as full of life and health as possible. This quickly was he snatched from life, and cast among
“The wrecks of nations, and the spoils of time,
With all the lumber of six-thousand years.”
I, John BERRY (Hermanus son), do hereby acknowledge that I falsely and with “malice prepense” did circulate a scandalous and slanderous lie against the character of Charlotta Maria FERREIRA, to the effect, that she, Charlotta Maria FERREIRA, had been guilty of immoral conduct, - and declare, that the slander spoken by me is false and unfounded, - and I further declare that I know nothing against the character and conduct of Charlotte Maria FERREIRA, whom I know to be a respectable lady.
I certify the above to be true, and correct copy of the original.
King Williams’s Town
April 9th, 1861.
June 10 re Arnold SHEPERSON, Queen’s Town, first
June 12 re Johannes de SMIDT, Graham’s Town, second
               re Isaac Thomas WHEELER, Port Elizabeth, second
June 15 re Johannes Cornelis COETZEE, Fort Beaufort, second
June 17 re Arnold SHEPERSON, Queen’s Town, second
June 18 re Josephus Jacobus HOMBERG, Graaff-Reinet, first and final.
June 19 re Richard JONES, Aliwal North, third
               re James Cornelis FROST, Port Elizabeth, special
               re George Edward WHILEY Port Elizabeth, special
June 25 re John Andrian VERMAAK, Uitenhage, third
June 26 re George BROAD, Aliwal North, third
June 14 re Frederick BOOY and his wife Anna SWARTBOOY, Stockenstrom
               re Christophel Jacobus van der MERWE, Somerset
June 21 re Frans JANSEN and surviving spouse Anna DAVIDS, Stockenstrom
               re John William COUSSONS and surviving spouse Martha Helena NEL, Fort Beaufort       
June 25 re Marthinus Jacobus BOTHA and surviving Elsie Sophia BOTHA, Cape Town
               re Sarah Maria Helena GOOSEN and surviving husband Gerrit Pieter GOOSEN, Cape Town
               re Hester Alberta Jacomina CONRADIE and surviving spouse Christoffel LOTTER, Cape Town, Bedford district     
June 26 re William WEBSTER, Graham’s Town
               re Sarah Mary Helena GOOSEN, and surviving husband Gerrit Pieter GOOSEN, Graham’s Town
June 28 re Andries Nicolaas Frans DU PREEZ, and surviving spouse Susanna Johanna Dorothea MARETZ, Alexandria
July 5    re Doortjie SWARTBOOI, widow of Klaas SWARTBOOI, Stockenstrom
               re Elsie PLATJES, Stockenstrom
               re Frans CAMPHOR, Stockenstrom         

Saturday, June 15, 1861

DISCOVERY OF A COMET. – At five o’clock on Monday morning Mr. G.W.H. MACLEAR, Assistant Astronomer, discovered a comet in the east horizon, in R.A., 3 hours 58 minutes 30 seconds; declination south, 30o 10? Nucleus about brightness of a star of 2½ or third magnitude; length of tail about three degrees, and inclined towards the south pole. The sky has been clouded in that direction for the last seven days, or it would have been seen earlier. - Argus  

CURE FOR BRANDZIEKTE IN SHEEP. – Take 6 oz. corrosive sublimate, 9 oz. salammoniac, and 9 lbs. tobacco. Boil the latter in several waters until all the strength is extracted, and mix with other ingredients. Apply to the effected sheep once a week until cured.

Among the games announced for the recreation of the intellectual at Port Elizabeth on the 9th June, is that of “Aunt Sally”.  Three shies a penny. Isn’t that progress!

Saturday, June 22, 1861

DIED, at Fort Beaufort, on Friday the 14th inst. Mr. William MUGGLETON, aged 49 years, 6 months, and 7 days, - after a protracted and severe illness. Deceased arrived in this colony in 1850, and was remarkable for the benevolence of his heart, and the most unaffected courtesy of demeanour; and whether viewed in the light of a citizen of the world, or in the more tender relations of domestic life, his loss will be long and severely felt by his family and a large circle of friends. His relatives avail themselves of this opportunity to express to those who followed the remains of the deceased to their last resting place, their grateful appreciation of the mark of respect thus shown to his memory. They at the same time, willingly bear testimony to the very efficient manner in which the Undertaker, Mr. Andrew QUINN, conducted the melancholy duties with which he was entrusted in connection with the interment.

The R.M. Steamer “Athens,” Capt. DAVIS, anchored in the Bay between ten and eleven o’clock on Monday the 10th inst., after a capital Passage of thirty-five days. She brings the following passengers:
Mr. and Mrs. BLACKBURROW, four children and one female servant; Miss SAUNDERS, Mr. RICH, Mr. GREEN, Mr. LAWRENCE, Mr. BENNETT, Mr. TORSETT, Mr. SCHUSTER, Mr. BONN, Mr. BELL, Mr. COUPER, Mr. McDONALD, Mr. PETSEY, Ensign CAMPBELL, Mrs. GREENHAM, Miss. GREENHAM, Mr. CAWOOD, Mr. F. GUTHRIE, Miss. MEARES, Rev. Mr. PETHERGREEN, Mr. and Mrs. ELAM, Mr. and Mrs. DYKE, Mr. PEACOCK, Mr. A.J. READ, Mr. MYERS, Mr. ALDER, Mr. COQUI, Mr. H. PADDISON, Mr. ROBERTSON, Capt. WILKINSON, Mr. and Mrs. SHEPPERSON, two children and nurse, and Mr. CLARKE.  

The Royal Mail steamer "Dane", Captain HOFFMAN, arrived at Plymouth April 30th.

The "Sedgmoor", with emigrants to Table Bay, was to sail from Southampton on 14th May.  


We regret to learn that much respected colonist, W. FLEMING, Esq., of Port Elizabeth, died on Saturday, the 15th instant, aged 64. Deceased was associated most intimately in the rise and progress of this Province. His loss will be sincerely felt by many throughout the frontier. 

GARDENING OPERATIONS. – Addressed to the Ladies – Make up your beds early in the morning; sow buttons on your husband’s shirts; do not rake up any grievance; protect the young and tender branches of your family; plant a smile of good temper in your face; and carefully root out all angry feelings, add you may expect a good crop of happiness.

SUDDEN DEATH FROM SPEEDY TRAVELLING. – An unfortunate young man, a Dutchman, a few days ago, had accomplished the whole distance from the Free State to within a few miles of Mr. VAN DER MERWE’S at Karoo Poort. There the effort proved too much for him. He begged the driver of the cart to stop; he dismounted raving mad; and shortly afterwards perished miserably in the veld.

Saturday, June 29, 1861


Mr. Michael UPTON, member of Fort Beaufort, was introduced by Mr. PAINTER and SCANLEN, and took the oaths, and his seat on the 17 inst.
Mr. KROG, M.P. for Uitenhage, took his seat in the House of Assembly at the same time.

RATHER COOL – Mr. de PASS of Cape Town, we are told, is about importing from England an ice-machine, capable of producing 2,600 lbs of ice per diem.

Mr. GERHARDUS Petrus VOSLOO has been appointed a Field-cornet of Balfour, Stockenstrom, in the room of Mr. W. WEBSTER, resigned.

Mrs. FADDY, wife of Major FADDY, and widow of the late Martin WEST, Esq., formerly Civil Commissioner of Albany and Lt. Governor of Natal, died at Plymouth on the 30th April last.


This calamitous event which resulted in the loss of seven lives occurred on Sunday night. The Bernicia was from England, and was commanded by Capt. PIERCE. She had on board the following passengers:
Mr. and Mrs. OLIFF and three children, Mrs. PRITCHARD and three children, Mr. Van BOORK, Mr. HASSELL, Mr. NICOLL, and a girl in the service of Mrs. PRITCHARD.
It appears just before midnight of the date in question, the vessel running for Table Bay, struck on Robben Island, near Shell Bay. The utmost confusion of course prevailed, but every possible arrangement for the safety of the passengers was immediately seen to. To the exertions of the captain and mate those of the passengers who live to bear witness in their heroism may attribute their safety, and the relatives of those who were drowned can console themselves with the reflection that all that mortal man could do these intrepid men attempted. Almost immediately that the vessel struck she parted, the fore part being carried by the force of the waves inshore. From the position of this portion of the vessel, the sailors, of whom there were four, contrived to scramble on the rocks. Of course large quantities of the cargo, were by the parting of the vessel, strewn upon the beach, and among it, unfortunately, there were liquors of various description. These the sailors seized, and while the unfortunate occupants of the other part of the vessel were enduring the most fearful suffering; these, worse than beasts were filthily intoxicated. The position of the parties on the after part of the ship was almost insupportable, and it might be expected shortly heeled over, compelling the passengers to take refuge on her side. Some spars, a portion of the cargo, had drifted under the lee of the wreck, and being supported by the rocks, formed a raft. On to this the half dead women were placed, and the men lost no time in taking their places beside them. By the time this ill-fated vessel was nothing more than a mass of timbers, and the parties who had recently found a home in her, were beside her almost dead with cold and fatigue, and anxiously praying for the dawn. Their position was now frightful, they were benumbed with the cold (some of the ladies being in their night clothes), the breakers were dashing over the raft, and every few minutes some poor unfortunate of their number found a watery grave. The first of these was Mr. PRITCHARD’S youngest child, who was washed out of her arms soon after they had left the vessel. Not many minutes elapsed before her second child was torn from her and precipitated into the boiling foam which surrounded them. The next one who shared their unhappy fate was Mrs. OLIFF and her two children who perished with a few minutes of each other. It was this time that one of those episodes, which excite the admiration of all occurred, Mrs. PRITCHARD was at the time literally dying from the effect of the cold, when the captain & mate, who were in almost as bad a condition, stripped off their coats and vests, and wrapped the unfortunate lady in them. They then placed her between them and contrived to sustain animal warmth in her system until morning. When daylight dawned, it found them still in existence, but in an awful position; the waves had torn the planks away in several places, the raft was in a fearful frail condition. They waited until 8 o’clock, and then the captain and the mate swam on shore and obtained assistance from Dr. MINTO. A number of the lunatics were immediately on the spot, who rendered the most valuable assistance. One especially, named McKENNA, at the peril of his life got Mrs. PRITCHARD on shore. Every kindness was shown to the sufferers by Dr. MINTO and his family. In addition to the death mentioned above Mr. van BOORK, and one of the sailors were drowned. Mr. ANSDELL, on behalf of Messrs. SEARIGHT, was early on the spot, and made arrangement for the safety of the cargo. We understand that some of the bodies have been recovered and interred. – Cape Chronicle.
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