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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1860 4 October - December

Saturday, October 6, 1860

MASTER’S OFFICE – Insolvencies declared, Sept.21, 1860; William John COOPER, of Graham’s Town; liabilities, L827 7s. ; assets, L430 14s. 91.; deficiency, L396 12s 3d. 22nd; Edward WRIGHT, of Uitenhage; liabilities, L98 0s. 1d.; assets, L32 10s.; deficiency, L63 10s. 1d.; William Dansor BOTTRILL, of Port Elizabeth; liabilities, L249 19s. 64.; assets L190 17s.; deficiency, L59 2s. 64. 23rd: Gabriel Hatcourt COOKE, of Winburg; liabilities, L2, 525 14s.; assets L1, 727 16s. 9d.; deficiency, L593 17s.6d.

Mr. Charles BENDELACK, inn keeper at Daggaboer’s Neck, has written a long letter to the Anglo African, in exculpation of the charge which has been brought against him, of having cause the death of a man named John PHILLIPS, who had called at his house in a state of drunkenness, by administering opium to him. From this letter, it appears that the account of the affair, as previously published in the newspapers, was false, and had been got up by one CAMERON, who owes BENDELACK some grudge. Opium was administered to PHILLIPS, but in a small quantity, and not for the purpose of keeping him quiet while drunk, but to counteract the violence of an attack of delirium tremens. The statement that PHILLIPS was “buried sharp,” is also contradicted. An enclosure is added to the letter, signed MCDONALD AND KIRKWOOD, of Port Elizabeth, testifying to CAMERON’s being a “thorough swindler.”


SUSPECTED MURDER. – The body of Provost Sergeant SMITH, 59th Regt., who had been missing since Tuesday, was discovered last night in the river below the tanpits near the Hottentot location. There were marks of violence on the body which lead to the inference that he has met his death by foul play. Two parties suspected are in custody, and a warrant has been issued for the apprehension of two others who have gone to Adelaide.

SALES OF LANDED PROPERTY. – On Wednesday last Mr. S.H. ROBERTS sold the following landed property by auction: - The Blinkwater Hotel, to Mr. Geo. MCKAY for L405; and erf of land, 2 morgen in extent, in the village of Blinkwater, to Mr. R. BOVEY for L53; and erf, 13 morgen in extent, in the Winterberg, to Mr. G. MOORCROFT for L101, and an erf in D’Urban Street Fort Beaufort, to Mr. Geo. W. Clarke for L70.

In the Estate of the late Priestwood BOUCHER, of Fountain Head, fieldcornetcy of the Winterberg, Division of Fort Beaufort.
All persons claiming to be creditors upon this estate, are hereby called upon to file the same, duly authenticated, with the undersigned within One Month from the date hereof, preparatory to a distribution of the assets and closing of the Estate.
Executive Dative.
Graham’s Town,
Sept. 22, 1860.

Saturday, October 13, 1860

DIED, at Adelaide, on Thursday the 12th instant, Robert GEORGE, fourth Son of J. E. and L. DOUGHERTY, - aged 5 years and 9 months.

In the ESTATE of the late John FARRELL, of Fort Beaufort.
Sale of Valuable Landed Property.
The Undersigned duly authorized by the Executors of the late John Farrell, will Sell by Public Auction, on Thursday, Nov. 8,
The whole of that Extensive and Valuable Range of Buildings situate in Market Square, belonging to the above Estate, viz. –
1st – Those commodious premises facing D’Urban St. Now occupied by Mr. A. FERGUSON, as Hotel, Canteen, Retail Shop, and Bakery, at a rental of £100 per annum.
This is, beyond dispute, the BEST Business Stand in Fort Beaufort, being within a stone’s throw of the Market on one side, and of the Main Barracks on the other, while the Great Trunk Line of Road to Queen’s Town, etc., runs close to the door, - it being also the great centre of all the Native Traffic of the Town. A thriving Ready-money Business is now, and has for years past, been conducted on these Premises, - which, it may be mentioned, are in a state of thorough Repair, and will require no outlay under this head for many years. The whole is under Zinc Roof, and substantially enclosed by a wall eight feet high.
2nd. – Those Conveniently situate Premises, now occupied by the Widow Farrell, together with the range of neat cottages in the rear. This property adjoins the foregoing, and faces Somerset Street, being just opposite the Military Barracks, and presents an opportunity for profitable investment seldom met with. The Cottages in rear of the principal Building on this lot (occupied as a Retail Shop) are conveniently divided, and never without good tenants.
The Two foregoing Properties will be sold separately, and they are so well known, that a single word of comment as to the advantages which they hold out to the Capitalist and the Trader, would be quite superfluous.
Terms Liberal.
Fort Beaufort, October 13, 1860.

POST MORTEM EXAMINATION. – Since our last, a post mortem examination was made by the District Surgeon on the body of Provost Sergt. SMITH, of the 59th Regt. whose sad fate we announced in our last. He did not discover, as was at first imagined, any signs of violence on the body. The cause of death is still a mystery. The parties who were apprehended on suspicion, had been examined, but nothing has yet been elicited to connect them with the drowning of deceased, They have been remanded for further examination.

AN UNFORTUNATE PROPHET. – A little grey-haired man, named Richard PARKINSON, was lately charged with fortune-telling at the Liverpool police-court. It transpired that the prisoner did a “roaring trade” and that he was patronized by some of the families in and about Liverpool; and, judging from the number of letters found in his house, written on fancy and scented paper in the most approved style of female calligraphy, there is no doubt that the “little man” was quite a favourite with some of the Lancashire witches. One of the letters, signed “AUGUSTA” and dated form Waterloo, near Liverpool, containing an enclosure of money, requested “My dear Mr. PARKINSON” to look in the glass and tell his fair correspondent if Miss ______ had an ‘evil eye’ on Miss AUGUSTA’s beau.” The same billet also stated that “Pa” had been very kind of late with his allowance of “pin money,” and thanked Mr. Parkinson for his kind interposition on her behalf with the “ruling planet.” Several other documents contained matter of the most offensive and blasphemous nature; and, after a severe reprimand from the magistrate, the prisoner was sent to gaol for three months.

Saturday, October 20, 1860

DIED, at Way Kraal, Winterberg, on Monday, the 15th October, 1850 [sic] Mr. John ANNAN, - aged 48 years and 5 months, - leaving a bereaved Widow and a numerous circle of friends to deplore their loss. Deceased was highly respected by all who knew him, and was followed to his last resting place by upwards of 100 sorrowing friends.

DEATH BY LIGHTNING. – On Sunday last, Corporal FINKE, B.G.L., was struck by lightning, at the Dohne Post, and expired immediately afterwards. – Banner.

IMMIGRATION TO KAFFRARIA. – We understand that Mr. MCKENZIE’s proposal for filling Kaffraria with a number of Nova Scotian Immigrants, has met with the approval of the High Commissioner, and that several thousand acres of land are to be set apart for the purpose. Mr. MCKENZIE will probably leave next month. – Adv. and Mail.

JUDGES CHAMBERS. – On Thursday last, the Attorney-General, instructed by Mr. FAIRBRIDGE, made an application to the Chief Justices BELL and CLOETE, in chambers, in reference to the insolvent estate of W. H. BATES, of Eland’s Post, Stockenstrom. It was made to appear from the ;earned counsel’s statement that the estate when wound up had more that paid all the creditors, but that, notwithstanding, the trustee, Mr. J.J. GUNN, of Fort Beaufort, had never filed an account and had himself turned insolvent. Judge BELL suggested that it would, under the circumstances, be as well to release the estate from sequestration; but, after a vrief conversation, it was ordered that the application for rehabilitation should be agreed to, and that the Master should be instructed to see to the filing of an account by GUNN. – Ibid.


Oct. 24 – At Grahamstown, in re Thomas AYLESBURY, retail dealer and sausage maker, first.
Oct. 24 – At Grahamstown, in re William John COOPER, confectioner and biscuit baker, second.
Oct. 24 – At Port Elizabeth, in re William Dawson BOTTRILL, carpenter, second.
Oct. 24 – At Aliwal North, in re George BROAD, deceased, first.
Oct. 31 – At Aliwal North, in re George BROAD, deaceased, second.
Oct. 31 – At Grahamstown, in re Thomas AYLESBURY, retail dealer and sausage maker, second.
Nov. 5 – At Colesburg, in re Anthony Alexander O’REILLY, second.
Nov. 6 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Charles Henry THOMAS, hotel-keeper, first.
Nov.13 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Charles Henry THOMAS, hotel-keeper, second.


Oct. 26 – At Alice, in re George HINTON, of the Alice district.
Nov. 15 – At Cradock, in re Christiaan HATTINGH and surviving spouse Hendrina Jacomina PRETORIUS.
Nov. 21 – At Grahamstown, in re John BARTON.
Nov. 21 – At Uitenhage, in re Barend Jacobus KRUGER, of the Somerset district.
Nov. 22 – At Cradock, in re Catharina Maria PRETORIUS, widow of the late Willem Hendrik van HEERDEN.

Saturday, October 27, 1860

BEDFORD. – The Kafir accused of murdering young NEL, has been found guilty by the jury, and sentenced to death by Mr. Justice WATERMEYER. It is rumoured that his accomplice who escaped at the time, has been recaptured in Graaff-Reinet, and is at present in gaol at that place.

The authorities, it will be seen by an advertisement, have offered a reward of L10 for the discovery of the murderers of the late Provost Sergeant SMITH of the 59th.

FALSE ALARM. – A Dutchman was brought into town last week in a very exhausted state, his horses covered with blood and stabbed in several places. Becoming concious, his story was that he had been set upon by four Kafirs, robbed of L45, and nearly killed, the wounds of his horses having been made by the assegais of Kafirs. He stated his fears that some of his ribs had been broken. The District Surgeon was promptly on the spot and having examined him, found no marks of violence on his body – and in fact was inclined to discredit the story. On search being made, a shilling and a clasp knife were found, the latter covered with blood and horse hair fitted the wounds that were supposed to have been made by assegais. On the following morning the victim was found to have decamped, leaving his hotel bill unpaid. The mounted police who were sent out to apprehend the offending Kafirs, returned with one who was at once released. – Ibid.


The R.M.S. Celt arrived in Table Bay on Sunday last, the 14th instant after a passage of 38 days.

The Rev. Mr. AYLIFFE and family are among the passengers by the Celt.

The Hon. Joseph CAWOOD and family have arrived in England. Mr. Geo. WOOD and family were to leave early this month on the Maravi. Sir Andreas STOCKENSTROM is also about to return to the Cape.

Col. DONOVAN is gazetted as a full Colonel of the C. M. Rifle regiment.

The Bride has been chartered to convey 200 immigrants from Southampton to Algoa Bay at L13 13s. 5d. per head.

Saturday, November 3, 1860


We, the undersigned, inhabitants of Fort and its neighbourhood, duly impressed with the importance of and necessity for having a Separate and distinct Government for the Eastern Province of this Colony, call upon all “good men and true” to attend a PUBLIC MEETING to be held in the Govt. School Room, on Wednesday evening 7th instant, at 7 p.m. there to give expression to the sentiments on so important a subject.

W. ESTMENT, jr.,
B. BOOTH, jr.,
J. QUIN, jr.,

The erf forfeited by John CLOWES, in consequence of the non-fulfilment by him on the condition of sale, which was advertised to be sold on the 16th proximo, will be submitted to Public Auction on the 8th Instant, immediately after the sale of FARREL’s property.
By order of the Board.
Town Clerk.
Municipal Office
Fort Beaufort, Nov. 3, 1860.


Mr. W. ANDREWS of Endwell, sent one of his herds on Saturday last, to look for some horses which had gone in the direction of the Klu Klu, and while the man was engaged in the search, he was seized by two Kafirs who dragged him into the Waterkloof, and there robbed him of his short, etc. One of the Kafirs afterwards left the spot with a lasso to catch some horses, as he said, leaving the other Kafir to guard Mr. ANDREWS servant, who was kept prisoner for about three hours, when his guard falling asleep he watched his opportunity and made off home.

VICTORIA BRIDGE. – Both the parapets of this bridge, we are glad to say, will shortly be finished, under the superintendence of Mr. BAIN, - the coping only remains to be put on.

THE NEW PRISON. – Mr, HIGGS will have the prison ready for occupation in a week or ten days from this time, after which he proceeds to fulfil his contract in the erection of the gaol at Somerset.

MR. WALKER. – The Judges of the Supreme Court have assented to the trial of Mr. WALKER, ex-Civil Commissioner of Colesberg, who is charged with embezzling government money being held at Burghersdorp. This course will secure him an impartial jury at all events. The Burghersdorp Gazette says: - “We are happy to learn from rumor that the defendant after careful research, will be in a position to account for more than two-thirds of the missing sum, by disbursements which from time to time had escaped entry.” It is just this escaping of proper entries which has brought Mr. Walker into trouble.

THE “ISTANBOUL,” TROOP SHIP, bound from London to Bombay, with 183 soldiers (under the command of Capt. CLARKE, 57th Regiment), put into Table Bay yesterday to repair damages. She was caught in a heavy squall on the 30th ult., in lat. 25, long. 36, and lost her main, mizen, and fore topmasts, besides one of the soldiers. – Argus.

A YOUNG MAN, named Samuel Oliver WELSFORD, clerk of the Cape of Good Hope Trust and Assurance Company, DIED yesterday, after a lingering illness, from the effects of injuries received by an explosion of fire works at the last illumination. – Ibid.

Saturday, November 10, 1860 (Missing)

Saturday, November 17, 1860


Whereas, on Tuesday the 2nd day of October last, Provost Sergeant M. SMITH, of the 59th Regiment was missing, and after diligent search his body having been found in the Kat River near to the Native location of this place, and as no information has been obtained as to how the deceased met his death, whether by accident or otherwise, and circumstances attending the same being of a suspicious nature, the undersigned has been duly authorised by Government to offer a Reward of TEN POUNDS to any person who can give authentic and satisfactory evidence respecting the same.
Res. Magistrate.
Fort Beaufort,
Nov. 16, 1860.


The Court constituted under and by virtue of the Ordinance No. 9 of 1860, will sit in the Court Room at Seymour on WEDNESDAY, the 19th of December, 1860 for the purpose of determining the question of granting, or otherwise, of the undermentioned applications, viz, :-
To keep a Hotel with Tap or Canteen attached.
James SCOLLIN, at Seymour.
Edward SHAW at Lushington.
William CLARK at Maarsdorp.
To keep a Bottle Store, to be consumed off the premises.
John ROBERTSON, at Seymour.
Geo. Greig MEURANT,
Clerk of the Court.
Resident Magistrate’s Office,
Eland’s Post, Nov. 13, 1860.

The man found guilty and sentenced to death for aiding and assisting in the MURDER of young NEL, has made a full confession. He states that the murderer HANS, who escaped, first attacked NEL, but in the struggle he was getting the best of it, when HANS called to JAN for assistance, which he rendered by pinioning his arms while the other strangled him – Journal.

Thomas STRINGFELLOW, Esq., C.C., has been gazetted as Commandant of the Fort Beaufort Volunteers.

An unfortunate man named Isaac PRATT attempted to commit suicide last evening by cutting his throat. He now lies in a very precarious state. – Ibid.


Nov. 20 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Joseph SIMBEEK, second.
Nov. 21 – At Port Elizabeth, in re Joseph BAKER, second.
Nov. 21 – At Port Elizabeth, in re James Cornelius FROST, third.
Nov. 21 – At Port Elizabeth, in re Charles Goodalt Smith SHEENAN, third.
Nov. 21 – At Grahamstown, in re Gerhardus Cornelius Josias JACOBSZ, first and final.
Nov. 22 – At Albert, in re Philip William BOARDMAN of Spijoenkop, first.
Nov. 27 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Petrus Johannes WELMAN, first and final.
Nov. 27 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Dirk Pieter VAN DER BERG, sen., of Aberdeen, second.
Nov. 28 – At Port Elizabeth, in re William Frederick Hide, third.
Nov. 28 – At Port Elizabeth, in re Thomas SEPHTON, third.
Nov. 28 – At Port Elizabeth, in re William NASH, of the division of Uitenhage, special.
Nov. 29 – At Uitenhage, in re Peter CRECAR, baker, third.
Nov. 29 – At Uitenhage, in re George STOWE, third.
Nov. 29 – At Uitenhage, in re John SMITH, first and final.
Nov. 30 – At Fort Beaufort, in re J.J. GUNN, special.
Nov. 29 – At Hopetown, in re Hester Elizabeth VAN HEERDEN, widow of the late Erasmus Stephanus JACOBS.
Dec. 4 – At Peddie, in re George Harrison, third.


Nov. 21 – At Grahamstown, in re John BARTON.
Nov. 21 – At Uitenhage, in re Barend Jacobus KRUGER, of the Somerset District.
Nov. 22 – At Cradock, in re Catharina Maria Pretorius, widow of the late Willem Hendrik VAN HEERDEN.
Nov. 27 – At Colesberg, in re Meinert Adriaan Petrus KLAASEN, and surviving spouse Elizabeth Susanna Catharina VISSER.
Nov. 27 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Henry MARRIOTT, and surviving spouse Selina JOSEPH.
Nov. 28 – At Albert, in re James MUNDELL, and surviving spouse Ann MCCALLIGAN.
Nov. 30 – At Stockenstrom, in re Adam Hendrik BOOY.
Nov. 30 – At Hopetown, in re Hester Elizabeth VAN HEERDEN, widow of the late Erasmus Stephanus JACOBS.
Dec. 12 – At Albert, in re William CIGGS.
Dec. 14 – At Aliwal North, in re Alexander Forbes, and surviving spouse, James THOMAS, now widow of the late – SIMES.

Saturday, November 24, 1860

The members of the Committee of the above, are requested to attend in the Old Court Room, in Alice, on Saturday, 1st Dec., at 12 o’clock, for the transaction of business connected therewith.
Robt. P. CHURCH.
Hon. Sec.
Alice, Nov. 22, 1860.
James STEWART, President.
S. HARTMAN, sen.,
Robt. P. CHURCH.

Members of Committee will meet at 3 p.m. on Wednesday 28th inst., at Mr. ROBERT’s Office, for the transaction of business in connection with the above object.
Geo. W. CLARKE, Sec.
Fort Beaufort, Nov. 10, 1860.

R.J. PAINTER, Esq., M.L.A., Chairman of Committee.
PEDLAR, senr.,
STOKES, G. F. senr.,

The following particulars of the wreck of the Gladiator, a large ship 1, 500 tons, are furnished to a friend, by Mr. Robert RESTALL of Oliphant’s Hoek. The catastrophe occurred between Point Padrone and the Bushman’s River, on the evening of the 12th or early on the morning of the 15th inst.:-
“A most disastrous shipwreck has just occurred below our cottage. The Gladiator, 1,500 tons, bound from Bombay to Liverpool, laden with cotton and seeds. This morning when we awoke we saw the vessel on the shore. I then sent down to tell the people to come up, and an express to Mr. PHILPOT, the Magistrate of Alexandria, for assistance. There are forty five lives on board. Three men came up with the boys. They could hardly relate their story. We had them clothed and fed. We went down again with J. CANNON and tried with one of the boats to reach the vessel, but we could only save seven. Two boats came from the Bird Island, but the surf was so high that could not approach her and therefore returned. She is in two pieces – the waves dashing over her. The shrieks of the poor people on board are awful. It is now 4 o’ clock and only ten safe. We can have no communication with the vessel. Mr. and Mrs. PEERING and two children are the only passengers. She with the two children were put in the boat, which swamped and they were all DROWNED, Mr. PEERING, Captain JEFFRAY and crew still on board. Two of the masts are still standing. She is a new vessel.
14th INST. – The passengers and captain were brought in last night. It was a pitiable sight to see Mr. PEERING grieving over the loss of his wife and children, while we were binding up his legs and arms. The little baby, 15 months old, has washed up – dreadfully cut. The last seven men are safe this morning. The captain alone has lost in furniture about L500. He was part owner.” – E.P. Herald.

SHOCKING SUICIDE. – On Sunday, a man named EDWARDS, residing near the Castle, a painter by trade, committed a desperate act of suicide by ripping open his bowels. Drs. SYME and LAING were speedily in attendance, but all efforts to save him were of no avail. He died about an hour after he had committed the act.

IN ACQUITTING James MURRAY of the charge of theft, his lordship commented severely upon the injustice and cruelty of putting fetters upon prisoners merely committed for trial, and against whom no offence is proved. His lordship said it was not the aim of law, nor was it just, that unfortunate wretches, unconvicted of against the laws, should be tortured in that manner; the Government were bound, if they desired to bring prisoners to trial, to erect proper and safe gaols for the custody of such as were charged with crime. The injustice was inexcusable and cruel, and his lordship would not, therefore, inflict the full penalty merited on those who had been incarcerated in the gaol at Aliwal North. On these grounds, therefore, his lordship inflicted the very light sentence of one months imprisonment with hard labor on the prisoner James Murray, for the second indictment against him, to which he pleaded guilty, and which charged him with offence of breaking away from H. M. ‘s gaol.- Burghersdorp Gazette.

His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to sanction the establishment of a Pound at Buxton, and to appoint Mr. Johannes Petrus NEL, to be Poundmaster thereof.
W. T. L. EMETT, C.C.
Civil Commissioner’s Office,
Eland’s Post, Nov. 20, 1860.

His Excellency the Governor has been pleased Mr. John ROBERTSON, Jun., to be the Poundmaster of the Pound at Eland’s Post, (Seymour)
W. T. L. EMETT, C.C.
Civil Commissioner’s Office,
Eland’s Post, Nov. 20, 1860.

Saturday, December 1, 1860

We the undersigned, inhabitants of the Town and District Bedford, invite our fellow countrymen of this district, to attend a Public Meeting to be held on Monday, the 17th Dec. next, for the purpose of considering the subject of Separation.
Thos. QUIN,
W. SAMPSON, junr.,
W. SIMPSON, senr.,
Francis KING,
George KING.

MARRIED, at St. Michael’s Church, on Tuesday, 27th of Nov., by the Rev. J. O’CONNELL, Joseph O’GARA, youngest son of the late Mr. F. O’GARA, Great Britain Street, Dublin, to Eliza Anne BATES, eldest daughter of Mr. W. H. BATES, Eland’s Post.

Mr. HALL, R. E. D. – Many of our readers will be interested in learning that this gentleman has received an appointment in the War Office at a salary of L400 per annum with the usual allowances.

It is rumoured that Col. FREEZE, C.B. Commandant of Fort Beaufort, will shortly proceed to Graham’s Town. The 13th Regt., it is said, will now proceed to New Zealand, the reinforcements from the adjoining colonies being thought sufficient to quell the native disturbances.

(Naval and Military Gazette.)
We regret to announce the death of this gallant veteran on the 13th Sept. For a considerable time his health had been in a declining state, and friends had for some days relinquished all hopes if his recovery. Few of our old Peninsular friends have through life been more regarded than Sir Harry SMITH, whose generous hand was always open to help a comrade or relieve a soldier’s misfortune. His services are better known than his liberalities and charities, for he was not the man to make them known. We give his services, briefly but accurately chronicled by Lieutenant-Colonel Hart. Alas! How rapidly are passing away the glorious soldiers of the Wellington period!
Sir Harry SMITH served with the Rifle Brigade at the siege, storm, and taking of Monte Video under Sir. AUCHMULY, and at the assault upon Buenos Ayres under Brig.-Gen. CRAUFORD, Employed with the troops in Spain under Sir John MOORE, from the battle of Vimiera to embarkation of the troops at Corunpa. Embarked for the Peninsular under Major-Gen. Robert CRAUFORD in 1809; was seriously wounded in the action upon the brigade of the Coa near Almeida. Commanded a company in the pursuit of Massena from the Lines of Lisbon; at the actions of Rediaha, Condeixa, and Foz d’ Arouer. Appointed Brigade-Major to the 2nd Light Brigade in the Light Division, and was present in the action of Sabugal, battle of Fuentes d’Oner, siege and storm of Cindad Rodrigo, siege and storm of Badajoz, battles of Salamanca and Vittoria, attack of the heights of Vora and passage of the Bidassoa, battle of Sarre, attack upon the position of St, Jean de Luz and heights of Arcanguez, battle of Orthes, affair at Tarbes, and battle of Toulouse. Appointed Asst.-Adj-Gen. to the troops under Major Genera; KOSS destined against Washington, and was present at the battle of Bladensburg and destruction of Washington. Brought home despatches, and went out again immediately under Sir Edward PAKENHAM, and was present at the attack upon the enemy’s lines near New Orleans. After the death of Sir Edward he was appointed Military secretary to Sir John LAMBERT, commanding the Army, and was present at the siege and taking of Fort Bowyer. Appointed Assist. Quarter-Master-Gen. to the 6th Division of the Army under the Duke of Wellington, and was present at the battle of Waterloo. In 1828 he was appointed D. O. M. Gen. at the Cape of Good Hope, and commanded a division under Sir Benjamin D’URBAN throughout the operations against the Kafir tribes in 1834 and 1833. In 1840 he proceeded to the East Indies as Adj. General and was nominated a K.C.B. for the action of Muharajpore, in which battle he was present as Adj.-Gen.; and for his distinguished services in the campaign on the Sutlej and brilliant victory over the Seikhs at Aliwal, he was nominated a G.C.B., and afterwards created a Baronet. Finally, as Governor and Commander-in-Chief at the Cape of Good Hope, he attacked and defeated the rebel Boers at Bloem Plaats, 29th August, 1848, Sir Harry has received the War Medal and twelve clasps.
[Transcriber’s note – See correction in issue of 15 Dec 1860]

SHOCKING DESTITUTION. – Last week, while at Heidelberg, the following painful circumstance was brought to the knowledge of Mr. van OUDTSHOORN, C.C., and is an illustration of the melancholy effects of the drought, from which so many country people are now suffering. Mr. van OUDTSHOORN was informed, that about two hours’ ride from the main road, there was a family in the last stage of starvation. He proceeded to the spot, and found, living in a wretched tenement, three old Hottentots upwards of 100 years of age each, five between 80 and 90, three between 60 and 70, besides an old leper and a crippled lad. These people were literally starving, and their condition was most distressing. Mr. van OURDTSHOORN ascertained that the poor creatures had been without food for two days, and that some of them had endeavoured to sustain life by devouring some yellow roots which grew by. This had induced a low fever. To supply their immediate wants, Mr. van OUDTSHOORN at one sent an express to Heidelberg, with an order on Barry and Nephews for a sheep, half a muid of meal, 12 lbs. rice, and 3lbs. coffee. He has since reported the circumstance to Government, and, we are informed, would visit the poor people again on Monday.-Overberg Courant.

BANKRUPTCY OF GORDON CUMMING. – Gordon CUMMING, the well known lion hunter and South African traveller, has been examined before the Inverness Bankruptcy Court, in Scotland. He stated, in his examination, that he had no other means of support than what he derived from the exhibition of trophies taken from Africa, now in his museum in Fort Augustus. The state of affairs prepared by the bankrupt estimated his debts at L531, and his assets at L206.

Mr. Justice WATERMEYER arrived in town on Sunday last, and opened the court the following morning. The criminal roll comprises 54 indictment, only about 14 which has been gone through in the first two days, so that the sitting of the court will probably be longer than usual. The most important case as regards interest is in the indictment of two Dutch farmers for culpable homicide, by beating a Hottentot servant with such brutal violence as to cause his death immediately after. The facts of this case, as detailed in evidence are briefly as follows:-
Petrus VERMEULEN and John Albert VAN NIEKERK (two respectable looking boers, about middle age) resided at Wind Poort, in the District of Richmond. A Hottentot servant, PHILLIP, in the employment of the former, had some time previously to the 15th January last been beaten by his master for some neglect of duty, and afterwards went to Richmond to complain to the Magistrate. On his return he was observed, and on Sunday the 15th January, NIEKERK went to the hut where he was, dragged him out and brought him to VERMEULEN saying, “Here is your Hottentot.” VERMEULEN replied, “I will teach him to go and complain.” The farmers made PHILLIP take off his jacket and then assisted by another man, laid him upon the ground to punish him. VERMEULEN took two straps of leather and twisted them together. PHILLIP meanwhile begged that he might not be beaten and asked to be allowed “to serve” instead. A very severe punishment was then given by VERMEULEN with the twisted straps, during which the straps became untwisted and were deliberately plaited again. During this brutal assault, the Hottentot twice broke away from his tormentors, and the blows then fell upon all parts of his body till he was seized again and laid down. During the flogging PHILLIP cried out that he was dying; when VERMEULEN replied, “No matter, if you die, I have plenty money and can pay for it.” Towards the end of the beating PHILLIP was then asked if he would now work well tomorrow; and then the farmers went away, leaving him on the ground where he was. The fellow servant, HANS, finding that PHILLIP was too weak to walk carried him to his hut, where the unfortunate man groaned aloud, gasped a few time, and presently died. As to the severity of the punishment, all the witnesses were agreed. One said the back was all “cut to pieces”; another who saw it said blood was issuing from the nose, and not from the back at all. The testimony of Dr. HOFFA, tended to prove that apoplexy of the left lung was the immediate cause of death; but his examination of the body was made nearly a week after the assault, when decomposition had set in; and therefore was not of value as regards the effect of the blows. The defence set up fir the prisoners, was, that they were the victims of a conspiracy among the servants, and that the man had not died from the beating; but the learned counsel evidently saw that he had no case.
The jury retired for about a quarter of an hour, and returned a verdict of Guilty. The Judge, in passing sentence, characterized the prisoners’ conduct as brutal and cruel in the extreme; he also alluded to VERMEULEN’s idea (several times expressed) that he could get off because he had plenty of money, and could pay. VERMEULEN was sentenced to five years’ penal servitude, and NIEKERK to four years. The prisoners betrayed no emotion in court; but VERMEULEN, on being removed in custody, was sensibly affected. His aged father attended to several of his requests, and seemed quite overcome by the weight of the calamity which had thus befallen his family. – G. R. Herald.

From Somerset a correspondent of the E. P. Herald, send the following account of an assault that had been committed by a Kafir on a farmer in the vicinity. Writing under date, the 21st instant, he says:-
I have enclosed a short account (which is as correct as I can obtain), of an assault which took place this morning. This is calculated to excite considerable apprehension among the farmers, but until the full particulars of the case are known it is impossible to tell in what light to view it, whether as an individual act, or one giving expression to more general feeling. I should think more likely the former. To-day (21st), it was reported that a Dutch farmer named C. RADEMEYER, was murdered by his Kafir herd. A party of police was immediately sent to the place – about ten or twelve miles distant. It appears that C. RADEMEYER, and his younger brother were loading up their wagon with wool. His brother being on top to place the bales heard some noise below, and on looking saw the Kafir as he was withdrawing his arm, having inflicted the blow with a knob kerrie on C. RADEMEYER’s head who fell, apparently lifeless to the ground. The younger RADEMEYER at once jumped down, and was running to the house to get something to bathe his brother’s head with, in the hope of reviving him, when the Kafir pursued him, and having overtaken him was in the act of striking him also when his arm was arrested by some of the coloured people who were present. The Kafir has been lodged in the gaol here. C. RADEMEYER, lies in a very precarious state, perfectly insensible, but still alive when the last accounts were brought in. Dr. HALL has gone out to see him.

OUR BECKY AND THE SAILOR. – A young damsel who is engaged, and will shortly be united to a gallant son of Neptune, lately visited the Mariners’ Church. During the sermon the parson discoursed eloquently and with much earnestness of the dangers and temptations of the sailor. He concluded by asking, “Is there one who thinks anything of him who wears a tarpaulin hat and blue jacket, or a pair of trowsers made of duck? In short, is there one who cares aught for the poor sailor?” A little girl, a sister of the damsel, jumped up, and looking archly at her sister, said in a tone loud enough for every one to hear, “Yes, Sir; our BECKY does.”- Western Morning News.

LT. GENERAL WYNYARD, arrived here on Wednesday, and held a military inspection. He started for K. W. Town on Thursday.

NOTICE is hereby given, that a Dutch Immigrant, about 16 years of age, calling himself Bernard RUBARDT, came to the place of Mr. T. W. ENGELA, Wagon Drift, on the Koonap, in this Division, about three weeks since, stating that he had absconded from his master, named “BURGER,” residing in Camdeboo, district of Graaff-Reinet. Mr. ENGELA has consented to retain the boy until he shall be released by his master, or otherwise disposed of.
Res. Magistrate.
Resident Magistrate’s Office,
Fort Beaufort, Nov 27, 1860.

Divisional Council,
Victoria (East.)
Tenders will be received at this office until noon on Friday, 7th December next, from parties who may be willing to undertake the construction of a new line of Road to Beaufort from the Alice commonage, to pass through the Fingo location of Ely, as far as the Umdala or the limit of this Division. Particulars may be obtained on application to the Chairman, and the members of the Council, Mrssrs. ATTWELL and HARTMAN.
by order,
Office of the Divisional Council,
Victoria East,
9th of Nov., 1860.

Fort Beaufort.
Tenders will be received by the Undersigned until Monday, 3rd Dec. next, for making the New Line of Road, (as defined by Flagstaffs) between Fort Beaufort and the Umdala.
By order of the Div. Council,
Fort Beaufort, Nov. 8, 1860.

Frans Pieter MASSYN, of the division of Bedford, (compulsary).
John BOARDMAN, of Port Elizabeth.
Lucas Marthinus Nicolaas ANDERSON, of Dordrecht, division of Aliwal North , general dealer.

Dec. 4 – At Peddie, in re George HARRISON, third.
Dec. 5 – At Grahamstown, in re Henry Charles LEE, first.
Dec. 5 – At Port Elizabeth, in re George Ellard WHILEY, first.
Dec. 8 – At Colesberg, in re James WALKER, first.
Dec. 12 – At Grahamstown, in re Henry Charles LEE, second.
Dec. 12 – At Port Elizabeth, in re George Ellard WHILEY, second.
Dec. 12 – At Aliwal North, in re Lucas Marthinus Nicolaas ANDERSON, of Dordrecht, first.
Dec. 15 – At Colesberg, in re James WALKER, second.
Dec. 19 – At Port Elizabeth, in re John BAARDMAN, first and final.
Dec. 19 – At Aliwal North, in re Lucas Marthinus Nicolaas ANDERSON, of Dordrecht, second.
Dec. 19 – At Port Elizabeth, in re William Dawson BOTTRILL, third.

Dec. 12 – At Albert, in re William BIGGS.
Dec. 14 – At Aliwal North, in re Alexander FORBES, and surviving spouse, Jane THOMAS, now widow of the late – SIMES.
Dec. 26 – At Grahamstown, in re Thomas HEWRON.
Dec. 28 – At Hope Town, in re Wilhelmina Petronella Elizabeth HOLMES and surviving spouse William Johannes OBERHOSTER.
Dec. 28 – At Murraysberg, in re Jacoba Johanna STEVENS, and surviving spouse Jacobus Arnoldus VAN DER MERWE.
Jan. 4 – At Stockenstrom, in re Adam JACOBS.
Jan. 4 – At Stockenstrom, in re Kleynfelt KLEYNFELT, and surviving spouse Anna KLEYNFELT.
Jan. 4 – At Stockenstrom, in re Maria VAN BEULEN, and pre-deceased husband Phillip VAN BEULEN.
Jan. 4 – At Fort Beaufort, in re John ANNAN.
Jan. 4 – At Somerset East, in re Johannes Hermina BOUWER, and surviving spouse Johannes WIlhelmus WESSELS.

Saturday, December 8, 1860

Whereas a Vacancy having occurred in the Divisional Council of Fort Beaufort, by the resignation of Mr. B. LAWRIE, as the representative of District No. 2, (Lower Blinkwater,) in this Division, the Field-cornet of the said District no. 2, is required, pursuant to the provisions of Act no. 5, of 1855, to take a poll on Wednesday, 30th Jan. 1860, for the purpose of electing some fit and proper person to fill up the said Vacancy.
Civil Commissioner’s Office,
Fort Beaufort, Dec. 6, 1860.

Tenders will be received by the Undersigned until Monday the 17th instant, from persons willing to repair the road from Stanton’s Drift to the summit of Blinkwater Hill.
Further information can be obtained from Messrs. James SWEETNAM and A. SIMS, at Winterberg.
By order of the Div. Council,
Div. Council Office,
Fort Beaufort, Dec. 8. 1860.

Tenders will be received by the Undersigned until Monday the 17th instant, for repairing the road between Messrs. STOKES’s and AYTON’s farm on the Graham’s Town and Adelaide line.
Parties to apply to Mr. J. G. ROUX, (Member of Divisional Council,) for further information.
By order of the Div. Council,
Div. Council Office,
Fort Beaufort, Dec. 8. 1860.

Fort Beaufort and Bedford Agricultural Society.
TENDERS, addressed to the Secretary at Adelaide, will be received until Monday, the 10th Dec. next, from such persons as may be willing to furnish 50 HURDLES, - each Hurdle to be 6 feet long by 4 feet high, of five bars; rail to be 4 inches broad by 1 inch thick; heads to be 2 inches by 2½ inches, - of hard wood, cross bars of Yellow-wood.
Also, such number of PINS, 5 feet long, of good hard wood, as may be required, at per dozen.
The Hurdles, etc., to be delivered at the Stores of Mr. Chas. HOLLIDAY, Fort Beaufort.
By order.

Mr. ROBINSON, Dep. Colonial Engineer, inspected and took over the prison from the contractor on Wednesday last. He expressed himself well satisfied with the manner in which the whole building had been executed by the contractor Mr. HIGGS. The prisoners have been removed into the new gaol.

ACCIDENT. – Mr. F. YORK, carpenter, met with a serious ACCIDENT last Saturday, by which one of his arms was broken and the other much injured. The mishap was caused by his horse slipping and falling on him.

Lt. LOCKHART, R. E. left this place last week for Cape Town.

Messrs. WAY and CARRUTHERS, the late emigration agents, have presented Messrs. DARNELL and MURRAY, proprietors of the Argus Newspaper, with a splendid edition of the ‘Encyclopaedia Brittanica,’ as a token of gratitude for their exposure of “official tyranny and abuse,” in connection with the immigration scheme.

THE CAPE TOWN VOLUNTEERS celebrated their fifth anniversary, of the formation of the corps at a dinner in the Commercial Exchange. It being the first commemoration held, great interest was manifested. Colonel HILL, presided; and among those present were His Excellency the Governor and staff, Colonel DUPRAT, of the Artillery; Captain PORTER, of the Cavalry, and the principal members of the various corps. Two Hundred and twenty one sat down to dinner, provided in Mr. RUSSELL’s best style. After dinner a number of speeches were delivered, that of Sir G. Grey being especially deserving of notice. The volunteer band was in attendance during the evening under the direction of Mr. IRESON. The evening was spent to the satisfaction of all present, and the party broke up at half past ten. It appeared from a remark made by the chairman that Captain PORTER had made “a bet” that he would not speak on this occasion. If so, he won it, for repeated and urgent calls to speak, failed to bring the gallant captain on his legs.

Mr. Clarence WYLDE, Clerk of the Legislative Council, and son of the late Chirf Justice of the colont, died on Saturday last, at the residence of the Hon. Mr. SOUTHEY, Cape Town.

IMMIGRATION. – A letter has been received by the Colonial Secretary from the immigration commissioner, Mr. FIELD, which details the following arrangements made by that gentleman: -
“I am about to make arrangements for the charter of a vessel, to follow the Bride, now about to embark her passengers for Algoa Bay. This ship has her full complement now provided. She will sail, I expect, on the 11th or 12th October, and will take, unless any of them default, about sixty permit adults. The ship for Cape Town I propose to despatch on or about the 11th December; and at that time I shall also be organizing a freight for the first Algoa Bay ship of 1861, which I think will sail in January. A great number of application forms have reached me through your office from each province during the last four months, including as many as fifty-seven by the last mail; and present appearance induce me to think that a considerable number of the passages, which the proportion of the last vote at my disposal will enable me to provide during the year 1861, will be demanded for permit cases. And a very large number of these being granted in favour for persons in Ireland. I have thought it well, for the present, to decline all applications, save those of permittees coming from that part of the United Kingdom. I shall devote myself to the supply of the best quotas I can get from England and Scotland, while the regulation of that from Ireland (which will be provided under the operation of the permit system) will be thus virtually dependent upon the Colonial Government.”

SUICIDE AT VICTORIA WEST. – A melancholy suicide has been perpetrated at Victoria West. The gaoler having committed himself in some way or other, was placed under arrest to await an investigation of the case. In the interim, however, he seized the opportunity and put an end to his existence by shooting himself through the head.

William de KLERK died, on the 13th instant, at his farm near Somerset. He was the eldest son of the celebrated de KLERK who was deputed by the Boer rebels, in 1817, to fire the wooden cannon which had been made out of a yellow wood tree and bound with iron hoops. This extraordinary machine, says the Journal, was rammed to the mouth with powder and “all sorts,” and threatened to do more injury to friends than foe. Old de KLERK, before obeying the word “fire,” took the precaution to dig a deep hole behind the gun, into which he went.

THE RICHMOND CASE OF CULPABLE HOMICIDE – It is currently reported here that the two persons who were found guilty in this charge, were so confident of getting off with a fine, that they had brought no less a sum than L3, 000 down with them. They have found out however, that money will not do everything, even in South Africa. – G.R. Advertiser.

William WILLIAMSON, a painter, one of the crew of the wrecked ship Gladiator, has been committed to take his trial before the next circuit court on a charge of CULPABLE HOMICIDE. From the depositions taken before the Clerk of the Peace, it appears that the prisoner and the Greek Sailor, whom we mentioned in our last as having fallen from the wagon the wheel passing over him, had been quarrelling, when deceased drew a knife, and threatened to stab prisoner. They then got into the wagon together, and it is stated that the accused struck the deceased a blow which knocked him off the wagon, and the wheel passing over his body caused almost instant death. P. E. Telegraph.

Saturday, December 15, 1860

In the Insolvent Estate of Henry JONES, of the District of Fort Beaufort.
The Undersigned having been duly appointed Sole Trustee of the above Estate, hereby calls upon all parties indebted to the said Estate to settle their accounts within six weeks from this date, to prevent legal proceedings.
And further, as the said Henry JONES is married in community of property, the Trustee hereby cautions tenants of property, belonging to the joint estate, from paying any Rents or other monies from this date, except to the Undersigned.
Sole Trustee.
Fort Beaufort Dec 15, 1860.

Fort BEaufort.
On Lord’s Day, Dec 23, 1860, Two Sermons will be preached in the above Chapel. (D.V.) by the Rev. Tyo SOGA, Missionary from British Kaffraria.

Service will commentce at 11 o’clock in fhe forenoon, and half-past 6 in the evening.
Collections will be made in aid of erecting a New Chapel on the Station.

Builder, & Every description of work in the above line executed on moderate terms, and at the shortest notice, in town or country.
Blind Maker, Picture Frames, Furniture, etc., made to order.
Near the river back of the English Church, Fort Beaufort.


The old prison was sold by auction on Monday, and realized some L10. The Municipal Commissioner purchase one portion for L6, and Mr. McKenzie the other for L4. The latter to be removed within a month.

Burghersdorp. – DRUNKENESS we lament to notice, prevails to an alarming extent. Another victim to that dire curse was sacrificed last week. The unfortuante wretch, whose name was SHAW, arrived in town some three weeks back, with about L60 In his pocket, besides 2 horses, saddle and bridle; all of which vanished in gratifying the insatiable thirst of himself and comrades for ardent spirits. HE was picked up dying in the street, and expired shortly after conveyance to gaol, when it was found that such was the state of penury he had reduced himself to, helped by his boon companions, that it was found necessary for government to inter the corpse at the public cost. It is degrading to human nature to find that, after such a loathsome and terrible example, his comrades are still indulging in vile excess, and probably succeeding weeks will witness more victims of the same vice. Might not the pillory be revived for humanity’s sake to check these wretches who are dead to all moral impressions. – Burghersdorp Gazette.

Aliwal. – The Pioneer announces the DEATH of mr. E. WAY, surgeon dentist. He is brother to Mr. WAY, of Port Elizabeth.

Sir Harry SMITH. - In our last issue we took over from the Naval and Military Gazette of 15th Sept., the announcement of the death of this veteran; it appears from subsequent information that this announcement was a mistake. Sir Harry was very ill at the tiem, and hopes were entertained by last advices that he would rally.

Mr. Advocate DENYSSEN is mentioned as likely to be promoted to the judgeship of British Kaffraria – with what truth does not appear.

The Governor, by a proclamation in the Gazette declared that a VACANCY has occurred in the Legislative Council, by reason of the absence for the whole session without permission, of John PATERSON, Esq., and a new election will immediately take place. Requisitions to nominated candidates must be sent to the Colonial Office, before the 15th day of January next.

Inquiry having been made from Madras, through the Resident Magistrate of George, respecting the family of a widow-woman named Eliza SHEWRING, any person capable of affording information respecting then is requested to do so to the Colonial Office. Mrs. SHEWRING is said to have left two children with a sister of her own, living at the Cape. She is also said to have had a brother resident in the colony.

Too much sail!- During the south easter wind which blew yesterday, as a young lady, well bedecked with crinoline, was walking up Strand-street, a sudden gust of wind capsized her, but beyond a mere fright, and momentary blush, she sustained no injury. – Monitor.

APPOINTMENTS. – (From the Gazette). – His Excellency the Governor, has been pleased to appoint Robert PALMER and Aaron de PASS, Esquires, of Green Point, to be Justices of the Peace for Cape Town and district thereof. – Johan Hendrik Loedolf SMUTS, Esq., to be Justice of the Peace for the district of Malmesbury, and Ebenezer Joseph WARNER, Esq., to be Justice of the Peace for the district of Queen’s Town.

Intelligence has been received from Colesberg, of the sudden DEATH of Mr. John DIXON, a young man who was known here as having been operated upon by Mr. MATTHEWS, in his mesmeric experiments. Mr. Dixon had long been suffering from consumption, and had sought the purer of air the higher districts in the hopes of better health. He died very suddenly at last. He had opened a school the same day, and after having taken tea, said he felt better than usual, when a fit of coughing came on and in a few minutes he was a corpse. – E. P. Herald.

The Cradock News is very wroth at the “most deliberate and disgraceful tissue of misrepresentation and falsehood” which the Advertiser and Mail has published respecting the Separation movement. The League Committee have recommended the Library Committee to discontinue their support to that paper, and to refuse to take it in; and the Library Committee have acted upon the recommendation. – Ibid.

Enrolled Agent in the Magistrate’s Court,
At Eland’s Post, Division of Stockenstrom.
Accounts collected, etc. etc.

Permanent and Lifelike PORTRAITS
Taken Daily, (Sundays excepted) in the
First style of the art, to suit all tastes and pockets, by
No picture passed unless approved.

Saturday, December 22, 1860

Organ Builder, Pianoforte Maker, and Dealer in Musical Instruments. Church Organs contracted for. Organs, Pianos, and other Instruments tuned and repaired.
High Street next to the Post Office.

Highest Market Prices, for Wool, paid in cash by the Undersigned at his stores, Market Square.
Fort Beaufort, Oct, 1860.

Wool, hides, and produce of every description, purchased by the undersigned for cash, at the highest Market rates.
Alice, October, 1860.

Thos. Bates CULLINAN,
Eland’s Post
Wagon and Cart Builder.
Repairs to Wagons and Carts done upon the shortest notice.
Horses Shod, etc., etc.

Field Cornet and Sworn Appraiser to the Master of the Supreme Court.
May, 1860.

Auctioneer, General Agent, &c. &c.
Transfers Effected, Wills, Deeds, Agreements drawn out, and Debts Collected with Punctuality and Dispatch at Alice and Eland’s Post. Division of Stockenstrom.
Address: - Alice.

Enrolled Agent in the Magistrates Court at Fort Beaufort, Eland’s Post and Alice.
Debts Collected with Punctuality, etc.
Address: - Fort Beaufort.

APPOINTMENTS. – G. SANDWITH, Esq., M. D., as district surgeon of Clanwilliam; F. CARLISLE, Esq., as acting secretary to the Lieut.-Governor at Graham’s Town; Mr. C. W. HUTTON, as sworn appraiser for the Master of the Supreme Court, in the district of Bedford.
Mr. R. E. WOLFE has been gazetted as acting clerk of the peace for the districts of Clanwilliam, Calvinia, and Namaqualand.

ASSAULT BY A KAFIR. – News was received in town last week that a farmer had been assaulted in the neighbourhood of Petersburg so violently as to cause some apprehension of his life being endangered. On Saturday last the Clerk of the Peace and the District Surgeon went to the spot and examined the wounded man, recording his deposition as evidence against the culprit. The facts of the case are briefly these. Mr. FOUCHEE had occasion to go to the Pound at Mount Pleasant to release some cattle belonging to him, where he made the necessary payments, and was told where
The cattle were to be found. He then rode to the spot and saw them in charge of a young Kafir, to whom he stated what he had come for. The Kafir said he should not take the oxen, when FOUCHEE dismounted and intended to drive them out. The Kafir came up to him in an insulting manner, pushed against him, and at last beat him violently on the head with a knobkerrie, causing some ugly contusions and scalp wounds. The effects of such an attack have left Mr. FOUCHEE in a very weak condition, but it is expected that he will shortly recover. – Ibid.

A MAN FOUND DEAD UP THE WATER FURROW. – On Sunday, information was given to the police. That the body of a Kafir was lying about a mile up the water-furrow. On proceeding to the spot, a fearful sight was presented – the body lying on its back, with the arms stretched out grasping the grass; the throat being cut, and the face much disfigured. The knife was found about a yard from the corpse. There was a stripe of bark round the neck, which was tied to a tree, but was severed by the knife. The unfortunate man was in the service of Mr. J. L. LEEB, and was last seen on Sunday morning. A report was spread that the man had been murdered; but from the absence of any signs of struggling at the place where the body was found, it is not unreasonable to suppose that it is a case of suicide. Some suspicion rests upon a brother of the deceased, but from all we can learn there is no evidence at present to lead to the supposition that murder has been committed. – G. R. Advertiser.

The three farms on the Tyumie, were sold by auction on Thursday, and brought L4600. Mr. BUCKELY purchased one for L1100, and Mr. S. H. ROBERTS, the auctioneer, the remaining two, for L3, 500.

Dec. 24, – At Queenstown, in re William WOOLLET, second.
Dec. 26, – At Port Elizabeth, in re Henry Coenraad de HART, second.
Dec. 27, – At Uitenhage, in re Joha? ?ATSON of Loots Kloof, second.
Dec. 28, – At Fort Beaufort, in re James CAMPBELL, of Adelaide, first.
Jan. 2, – At Port Elizabeth, in re Joseph BAKER, third.
Jan. 3, – At Colesberg, in re Anthony Alexander O’REILLY, third.
Jan. 4, - At Fort Beaufort, in re James CAMPBELL, of Adelaide, second.
Jan. 5, - At Colesberg, in re Henry du TOIT, first.
Jan. 7, - At Grahamstown, in re William MCCRAW, deceased third.
Jan. 8, - At Uitenhage, in re Edward SMITH, special.
Jan. 8, - At Uitenhage, in re Henry DEVINE, special.
Jan. 8, - At Graaff-Reinet, in re Charles Henry THOMAS, third.
Jan. 8, - At Uitenhage, in re George Fredrik Marais, special.
Jan. 8, - At Graaff-Reinet, in re the late Regina Catharina ROTHMAN, wife of Johan Fredrik Carel SCHEMPER, first and final.
Jan. 8, - At Graaff-Reinet, in re William SOUTHEY, special.
Jan. 9, - At Grahamstown, in re James FORD, first and final.
Jan. 9, - At Grahamstown, in re William John COOPER, third.

Saturday, December 29, 1860

Garret Saddlery Ad

Saddler and Harness Maker,
(Late Forman for Mr. J. VIGNE)
Campbell Street, Directly opposite the store of Mr. R. LAWRIE, Apothecary, etc. Fort Beaufort
F. G. begs most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Fort Beaufort and its vicinity, that he has commenced nosiness in the above line, - every branch of which he engages to perform in the most durable and tradesmanlike manner for those who kindly favour him with their patronage, at the lowest possible remunerating prices.
Gigs and Carts trimmed, Mattresses, etc., made to order on the shortest notice.
NB. - Always on hand every article connected with the above trade. – Country orders punctually attended to.
Frederick GARRETT.
Fort Beaufort, Dec. 29, 1860.

IMMIGRANTS. - The ship Bride, of 563 tons, Capt. Samuel W. GIBSON, belonging to Messrs. TEMPERLEYS, CARTER and DARKE, sailed from Southampton on the 15th of October, for Algoa Bay, with emigrants selected from the agricultural and artisan classes by the Hon. William FIELD. They are under the charge of Surgeon Superintendent J. G. CAMPBELL, and comprise 32 married couples, 74 single men, 39 single women, 38 children, and 9 infants; total, 233 souls equal to 207 statute adults. These emigrants include a small draught of men enrolled for the Cape Frontier Mounted Police Force.
The ship Royal Albert has been engaged to convey immigrants to Table Bay.

SHOCKING CASE OF CHILD MURDER. – A shocking case of infanticide has recently been discovered in the Caledon district, and a young woman, respectably connected is now awaiting trial at next circuit for the crime. The prisoner is a Miss Catharina Maria Elizabeth BADENHORST, aged 23 years, daughter of a farmer named BADENHORST, residing at Matjes Gat, Field Cornetcy Zwart River. From the facts adduced at the preliminary examination, it appears that the body of a child, which evidently had been strangled was found on the bank of a river close to the farm of Matjes Gat. The circumstances was reported to the Field-Cornet, and subsequently to the authorities at Caledon, but for a little time no clue could be got as to who was the mother of the infant. A last it was ascertained that one of the young ladies on Matjes Farm had been sick for some days, and Chief Constable IRISH proceeded there from Caledon to make inquiries. On examining parties whom he found there he received very contradictory statements, with regard to the illness of Miss BADENHORST, and he told then that he would go back to Caledon and report them to the Magistrate for having connived at and wishing to conceal the suspected murderer, and that he should have all apprehended. He felt convinced at the time that they were privy to the crime alleged. Casper Hendrik BADENHORST, father of the accused, and Gertruida Maria BADENHORST, his daughter, then commenced crying, and the farmer said: “This thing will fall upon us who are not guilty.”
At the moment, Catharina BADENHORST, who was in an adjoining room, and who could have heard perfectly all that had been going on, appeared at the door and said in Dutch: “My father and my sisters are not guilty; the child which has been found is my child. God knows it, and why should I hide it from man!” It would seem that she kept her family quite ignorant of her illness, until after the child was born and strangled. The father of the child, she said, was her brother-in-law, named Louis FOURIE. When the prisoner was brought before the Magistrate she made a full confession of her crime, and was accordingly committed for trial. – Adv. and Mail


Sir Harry SMITH died on the 12th of October, after a long illness. The death of Earl DONDONALD is also announced.
The Empress Dowager of Russia is dead. The French court will go in mourning for 21 days in consequence.

A man named Matthew GOULDING, residing in the neighbourhood of Fair-lane, Cork, received a kick in the throat from his step-son, which burst his windpipe. The man’s body became, in consequence, inflated with air, swelled up, and he is not expected to live.

We have to record the death of Vice-admiral the Hon. H. D. BYNG, who died at his residence, Southsea, on the 23rd instant. The deceased was grand-nephew of the unfortunate Admiral BYNG, who was executed in 1757.

ARMY PROMOTION. – (From the London Gazette.) – 59th Foot. – Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Arnold Edward BURMESTER to be Lieutenant Colonel by purchase, vice Brevet Colonel Henry Hope GRAHAM, C. B., appointed Inspecting Field-Officer of a recruiting district; Captain and Brevet Major Robert William ROMER to be Major by purchase, vice Brevet Lieutenant Colonel BURMESTER; Lieutenant Herbert Edward G. CROSSE to be Captain by purchase, vice Brevet Major HOMER; Ensign Charles Wollaston HUTTON to be Lieutenant by purchase, vice CROSSE.
60th Foot. – William Warren, gent., to be Ensign by purchase, vice WORSKEY, promoted; James Blakie KEITH, gent., to be Ensign by purchase, vice MEADE, promoted. The appointment of Lieutenant James S. H. ALGAR as Adjutant, vice TILFORD, resigned, to be ante-dated to the 7th of February, 1860.

SIR HARRY SMITH. – In the obituary notice of the late Sir Harry SMITH it is briefly mentioned that he married a Spanish lady. A somewhat romantic story is told of the manner in which he became acquainted with that lady. After one of the actions in the Peninsula, in or about 1813, a Spanish officer of high rank and great gallantry, with whom Sir Harry happened to have a slight acquaintance, was found mortally wounded on the field. He lived two or three days, and while in the hospital, to which Sir Harry had had him conveyed, he sent for his wife, to whom he had been married only a few weeks, and who was a Spanish beauty of between 15 and 16 years old. The dying officer entrusted the lady to his gallant English friend, with a request that he would see to her welfare. How well he discharged the confidence thus reposed in him was shown by the fact that, no sooner was the war in Spain at an end, than he made the Donna Susanna de LEON, Mrs. Colonel SMITH. The marriage was never blessed with issue. The gallant general has left a brother and a sister to lament his loss.

The first meeting of creditors in the insolvent ESTATE of James CAMPBELL of Adelaide was held before the Resident Magistrate on Friday for proof of debts. No creditors appeared. According to the schedules the assets are L812 6s.9d.; liabilities, L1031 18s.; deficiency, L219 12s.

It is notified in the Government Gazette, that the commissions issued to John St. Georges BOYES, Esq. as justice of the peace for Hope Town, and to John West RAFFERTY, Esq., as justice of the peace for Uitenhage, have been withdrawn.

THE LATE ACCIDENT TO MR. HILL. – A correspondent writing from Selborne on the 20th Dec., gives us some additional particulars respecting the late catastrophe there. He says: - “Yesterday one of the finest tigers I ever saw was shot close to this farm; but I am sorry to say that a very serious accident happened to a young man who has been my neighbour ever since I came to British Kaffraria. – Mr. John HILL. He being an approved applicant, has been living here in the hope of obtaining a grant. It appears that the tiger having killed a fool, Mr. HILL, along with his Uncle, set two spring gubs, and on going to look at then on the following day, found one gun had gone off and he immediately saw the tiger raise its head, when he called out to his companion (MR. J. van RENSBURG) ‘shoot it,’ and he did so, shooting it through the head. Mr. HILL in the excitement forgetting the second gun, advanced, and coming in contact with the line, the gun went off, and the whole charge entered his left leg below the kneem and it being loaded with slugs, you may imagine the wound he received. Fortunately the bone is not broken, but the flesh and sinew are terribly cut. Dr, WENTZEL deserves to be appointed to the District – Surgeoncy for prompt attendance whenever called, which has been the case on several occasions = day and night – and he has given general satisfaction.” – Ibid.

INSOLVENT ESTATES. – The Resident Magistrate held an examination, yesterday, in regard to two insolvent estates – that of Mr. HOLLOWAY, and Mr. COX. The balance sheet put in by Mr. HOLLOWAY, showed that L297 9s.9d. was the amount of his debts, to cover which he had only L99 4s.2½d., leaving a deficiency of L198 5s. 6½d. The only debt proved was one for L112 18s. 2d. owing to Mr. H. HEAD, who was appointed provisional trustee. The second meeting was fixed for Friday, the 11th Jan. In reference to Mr. COX. (for whom Mr. Jones appeared). It was shown that his liabilities amounted to L8342 10s. the assets L6, 807 15s. 7d., and the deficiency L1, 534 14s. 5d. The only debt proved was for L1, 135 13s. 9d. by Mr. Beamish, on behalf of Messrs. WALKER and Co., and an order was made that Mr. Walker should be appointed provisional trustee and that the next meeting be held on the 11th January. – Ibid.

Jan. 15, - At Uitenhage, in re Annie BOUWER, and surviving spouse James HAXTON.

Jan. 9, - At Grahamstown, Peter SMITH, of the Kariega, third.
Jan. 9, - At Grahamstown, in re Thomas ALESBURY, third.
Jan. 9, - At Grahamstown, in re William KELLY, third.
Jan. 12, - At Colesberg, in re Henry du TOIT, second.
Jan. 12, - At Colesberg, in re James MCCABE, first.
Jan. 16, - At Grahamstown, in re Stewart TOWNSEND, third.

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