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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1860 3 July - September

Saturday, July 7, 1860

MARRIED, by Special Licence, at Fort Brown, on the 3rd instant, by the Rev. J. SMITH, Wesleyan Minister, James SAVORY, of Fort Beaufort, to Eliza, eldest Daughter of the late B. WEBB.
Fort Beaufort, July 7, 1860.


MILITARY. – The Head Quarters of the Royal Artillery stationed in this town, received a reinforcement during the week, by the arrival of some fifteen or sixteen men of that corps from Graham’s Town. We understand that a detachment of Cape Corps, of some 70 men and two officers, is shortly expected here from Cape Town, who will be under the command of Major D’ARCY, who has made an exchange with Lt. Col. CARY, of the C.M.R.

IMMIGRANTS. – The Immigrants by the John Masterman for this district reached this place on Thursday. We understand that several of them have already been bespoke. The following is a list of their names and occupations:-
James STEWART, blacksmith and farrier, wife and two children.
Thomas BISHOP, farm laborer, wife and two children, under 12 years.
George BISHOP, aged 16, farm laborer.
William EDWARDS, farm laborer, wife and one child.
Michael BURROWES, farm laborer, wife and two children.
Michael FITZPATRICK, wife and three children.
Mary CARROLL, house servant, permit case.
Ellen CARROLL, house servant, permit case.
John PERT, general laborer.
John INGLIS, general laborer.
John MANSON, do.
William MANSON, do.
John GAMMIE, do.
Rowland HILL, general laborer.
Thomas LITTLE, farm laborer.
S. McALLION, do.
John TAGGARD, do.
Robert FAULKNER, do.
Robert ATKINSON, do.
John ATKINSON, do.
David BURROWES, do.
Edward CATTELL, do. has selected Queenstown.
James COLE, mason’s laborer, do.
Joseph COLE, farm laborer, do.

July 18 – in Re Christopher WEDDERBURN, late of Grahamstown, third.
July 24 – At Uitenhage, in re Frederick Johannes SCHEEPERS, of the Uitenhage district.
July 25 – In re Jan Hendrik COETZEE, of Aliwal North, third.
July 28 – At Graaff-Reinet in re Jeremiah WOODLAND, third.

July 24 – At Uitenhage, in re Fredrik Johannes SCHEEPERS, of the Uitenhage district.

Graaff-Reinet: - John Christian RYNEVELD, Stephanus Jacobus MEINTJIES, Gerald WATERMEYER, Andries HARTENBERG, Geo. Napper VAN RYNEVELD.
Fort Beaufort: - William Henry RAWSTORNE clerk to Civil Commissioner.
Colesberg: - Lorenzo BOYES, clerk to Civil Commissioner.
Alexandria: - Johan VAN BLOMMESTEIN, clerk to Civil Commissioner.
Mr. Johannes A. PREIS, Post Office agent at Kruis River.
Deputy Postmasters: - Mr. Adolph Hermann JANNASCH, at Mamre.
Mr. Aaron TOPHS, of Plettenberg’s Bay.
Mr. Phillip BOTHA, Post Office agents, at Zeerust.
Serjeant Richard PHELEN, 2nd B 4 Lt. Infantry, to be Deputy Poundmaster at Lind Drift.

Saturday, July 14, 1860

BIRTH, at Alice, on the 10th July, 1860, Mrs. William McGLASHAN of a Son.

DIED, in the Hospital at King William’s Town, on the 12th inst., after a lingering disease, Mr. Benjamin FOWLE, late of the district of Fort Beaufort.
Fort Beaufort
July 14, 1860.

In the Insolvent Estate of Donald McKAY, of Fort Beaufort.
The Liquidation Account and Plan of Distribution, will lie for inspection at the Office of the Resident Magistrate, Fort Beaufort, for FOURTEEN DAYS from Monday the 16th inst.,
And at the Office of the Master of the Supreme Court for 14 days longer, from Monday 6th August, 1860; - and if no objection be raised, the Hon’ble the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same and order distribution thereof.
Sole Trustee.

CAPT. HILL, it is officially announced, is to remain as Magistrate of Cape Town, and Mr. KINNEAR at Beaufort West, in consequence of the late decision of the House of Assemly. – Ibid.

At a MEETING held this week in the Winterberg, in accordance with the provisions of the Burgher Ordinance, Mr. J. SWEETNAM was elected Field Captain, and Mr. J. LOTER, Deputy Field-Captain.

MILITARY. – It is rumoured that a detachment of 40 men of the 59th Regt., is shortly to be stationed at Fort White.

Mr. Benjamin FOWLE, of this district, died at the K. W. Town Hospital on the 12th inst. He had only been an inmate of the establishment a few weeks, before his disorder terminated in death. Mr. F. was in the last stage of pulmonary consumption when he proceeded to K. W. Town, and before his departure had finally settled his affairs in this district.

August 1 – At Grahamstown, in re J. J. GUNN of Fort Beaufort, special.
August 1 – At Grahamstown, in re James Bell LOWE of Grahamstown, farmer, first and final.
July 25 – At Grahamstown in re William KELLY of Grahamstown, first.
August 1 – At Grahamstown, in re William KELLY of Grahamstown, second.

Mr. Phillip BOTHA of the ward of Mancazana in the division of Bedford, in the room of Mr. J. B. SMITH, resigned.

James Bell LOWE, of Graham’s Town divisions, of Albany farmer; assets L13 17s. ; liabilities L276 4s ; deficiency L262 7s.
William KELLY, of Graham’s Town, assets L306 7s. 3d.; liabilities L425 18s. 2d.; deficiency L109 10s. 9d.

Saturday, July 21, 1860

His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased to sanction the establishment of a Pound at Philipton and to appoint Mr. Hendrik Vincent to be the poundmaster thereof.
William T. L. EMETT
Civil Commissioner.
Civil Commissioner’s Office,
Eland’s Post,
17th July, 1860.

A very painful case of SUICIDE occurred yesterday afternoon. Mr. M’LACHLAN, one of the young gentlemen who appeared last week before the Board of Examiners as a candidate for the civil service, is understood to have failed; and he took it so deeply to heart that he swallowed poison, and died within a few hours afterwards. Every effort was made by the medical men to save him, but in vain. The deceased was a young man of most amiable character and great promise.

The mail steamer Phoebe, Capt. W. LADDS, arrived in Table Bay on the 13th at seven o’clock, making the voyage out in thirty-six days. An injury to the piston north of the line, and it being completely broken about 1,200 miles from the Cape, detained her several days. Her passengers are-
Mr. ANDARDE, Mr. and Mrs. SHAW, Staff Sarg. POWELL, Mrs. POWELL, Mr. and Mrs. BEAGTHEIL and 2 children, Mr. CRAWFORD, Quarter Master WRIGHT, Mr. PIERCE, Mr. BEVERIDGE, MR. PHILLIPS, Mr. KITTON, Mr. D’URBAN, Miss DICKETT, MR. and Mrs. CROW.

The R. M. St. Athens arrived at Plymouth on 24th May; in thirty-three days. H. M. S. Hermes arrived on the same day.

The Sedgemoor sailed on the 29th May, from Southampton for Algoa Bay, with 230 souls, equal to 210½ statute adults, namely, 29 married couples, 103 single adult males, 38 single adult females, 23 children, and 8 infants.

THE STEAMER SIR GEORGE GREY has again a large complement of passengers, and leaves on Monday next. They are as follows: - For Algoa Bay: Messrs. WESTON, Mr. and Mrs. NIGHTINGALE, and servant; Mr. W. PIERSTON, Mr. HAYTON, Mr. STANTON, Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. CLOUGH, Mr. CAWOOD, Mr. and Mrs. CALDECOTT, Mr. GREATGEAD, Mr. KENNELLY and son, Mr. CONWAY, Captain WARDEN and servant, Mr and Mrs. MEURANT and (2) Miss MEURANT’s, Mr. NIGHTINGALE, Mr. J. WALLACH, Mr. HEAD, Mr. SCANLEN, Mr. HENGH, Mr. JAMIESON, Mr. R. HEART, Mr. TOWNROE, Mr. KROG, Miss BIRT, and Mr. MAEDER. – For Natal: Mr. TURNER, Mr. PARIS, Mr. MASELY, Mrs. CARSTENS, Mr. and Mrs. HULL, Captain WYVILL, Mr. H. E. BUTLER, Mr. and Mrs. RICHTER, and three children, Mr. MUNDY, Mr. and Mrs. BERGTHIEL, and 2 children, Mr. E. CHIAPPINI, Mr. HALL; and 10 in the steerage. – Monitor.

ATROCIOUS MURDER. – A dreadful murder has been committed in the Bedford district during the past week. On Saturday last, Lewis NEL, a fine young man 18 years of age, residing at Kaga’s Mond, met with an untimely fate at the hands of a band of marauding Kafirs. It appears that the unfortunate deceased in the course of a hunting excursion, surprised a party of three Kafir herds in the act of slaughtering one of his neighbor’s goats. And fearing lest an attempt might be made to arrest them, one of the vagabonds contrived to get behind NEL, and with a blow of a stone or Kerrie knocked him down, upon which the other two sprang forward and secured his gun, when the gang speedily deprived the farmer of life by beating him on the head with kerries and finally by breaking his neck. The murderers first concealed the body in wolf-hole, but fearing that the “asvogels” might lead to its discovery, they afterwards removed it and threw it into a hole of water. The gun of the murdered man was wrapped up in a blanket and buried in the sand, and the sheep driven over the spot to remove the traces. On Monday, the three Kafirs were apprehended, suspicion having at once attached to them, and were sent off to Bedford gaol under escort. On the road one of them escaped, and has not yet been recaptured. A reward of L10 has been offered for his apprehension, by Mr. VAN DER VYFER, a relative of the murdered man. The other two Kafirs on arrival at Bedford confessed to the murder, and gave information as to the whereabouts of the body, and the gun of deceased which had been buried.

Saturday, July 28, 1860

To the field cornets, Constables, Police Officers of the Law proper to the Execution of Criminal Warrants.
Whereas information has been laid before me, R. W. H. GIDDY Clerk of the Peace, Fort Beaufort, upon the Oath of William VAN DE VYVER, that Louis NEL, son of Isaac NEL of Cagas Mond, District of Bedford, was MURDERED on the 14th JULY instant by three Kafirs, one of whom named HANS, escaped from custody on the night of MONDAY the 16th instant.
These are, therefore, to command you that upon sight thereof, you apprehend and bring the said HANS or cause him to be apprehended and lodged in the nearest gaol to be further dealt with according to Law.
Given under my hand, at Fort Beaufort, this 18th day of July, 1860.
J.P. and C.P.
A Goonah Kafir, 5 feet 10 inches in height, age about 28 years, yellow complexion, hair short, eyes dull and heavy looking, - slight beard. Has been, at some time, wounded by a bullet, which, cutting through upper lip, has left a heavy scar, making lip resemble a “harelip.” The bullet, in its course knocked away the right centre upper tooth and turned the left one outwards, carried away two-double teeth in the left lower jaw, and passed through left cheek, scar of bullet wound on left cheek.
Prisoner had on, at time of escape, two (one over the other) cowman blue and white striped shirts, old grey cloth trowsers, with white patch on seat, and an old wide awake hat, originally white, at present brown from dirt and smoke, HANS has no pass, was under contract of service to one David VAN DER MEULEN, of Nieuwlings in the Division of Bedford. The man can speak Dutch well, and has a slight impediment in his speech.

DIED at Fort Beaufort, on the morning of the 22nd July, James PAUL, youngest Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. QUIN, - aged 3 years and 3 months.

Mr. W. AYLIFF, J.P. of this district has been appointed to issue passes and attest contracts of service under Acts 23 and 27 of 1857.

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. – The following appears in the Times of the 11th May. At a congregation held at this University, on the 10th May last, “Walter Henry Lay JOHNSON, of Caius College, was admitted to the degree of M.A. by proxy, being absent in the diocese of Graham’s Town.”

A Mr. McGLASHEN, a messenger in the Customs department, Cape Town, and late colour-serjeant of the 73rd regiment, has just come into a fortune of L25,000 by the death of a relative in the mother country.

THE HON. J. CAWOOD, ESQ., is delegated to hand over the amount subscribed to the Sayers’ testimonial to the editors of Bell’s Life. Parties who intend subscribing are desired by the Secretary (Mr. RUSSEL) to pay up sharp. Mr. WIDDOWS is the treasurer. – Argus.

MRS. GREEN, wife of the civil commissioner of Colesberg, left with her husband to make the journey overland. She had been suffering from very ill health for a very long time, and the excessive cold of the Karoo, we regret to say, accelerated her death. She died in the wagon just before arrival at Beaufort West, and was buried at that place. Mr. GREEN writes: - “Eight of the neighbouring farmers, kind, good fellows, came with sympathizing faces and assisted at the funeral. – Ibid.

We regret to learn that the house of Mr. Thomas PRINGLE, Bavian’s River, has been totally destroyed by FIRE. The family had great difficulty in escaping. The origin of the fire is not known.

Previous to the departure of the Rev. Dr. HOFMEYER from Colesberg, he was presented with an address and a purse containing L75.

The will of the late Sir John WYLDE, Chief Justice, has been administered to in London. The personalty in England was sworn under L7,000. He left an annuity to his wife, liberal bequests to his friends and L150 to his faithful old nurse.

Whereas, a warrant has this day been issued by James Henry MEURANT, Esq. J.P., for the District of Stockenstrom, for the apprehension of Mr. Cornelius BENNET, charged with the crime of THEFT, upon the oath of Merchant TAYLOR.
All Field cornets, Constables, Police Officers and other Officers of the Law, proper to the Execution of Criminal Warrants,-
Are hereby called upon to apprehend or cause to be apprehended and brought before me, to be examined and to answer to the said information, and be further dealt with according to Law, the said Cornelius BENNET.
Given under my hand at Eland’s Post the 25th day of July, 1860.
William T. L. EMETT
Resident Magistrate
An Englishman, about 5 feet 6 inches in height, dark hair, thin face, slender built, light blue eyes, about 30 years of age. Had on grey wide awake hat, grey trowsers, shepherd’s plaid coat. He is supposed to have gone to Port Elizabeth.

Aug. 9 – At Burghersdorp, in re Johan Martin ENSLIN, formerly of Burghersdorp, special.
Aug. 11 – At Cradock, in re John WHITE, late of Cradock, special.
Aug. 13 – At Middleburg, in re Andries Godlieb Schombe BEYTIELE, of Middleburg, first and final.
Aug. 15 – At Graham’s Town, in re Andries Stephanus Jacobus VAN DER WALT, of Middleburg, third.
Aug. 21 – At Graaff Reinet, in re Dirk Bernardus JANSEN, of Graaff-Reinet, first and final.
Aug. 22 – At Graham’s Town, in re Robert ECLES, of Bedford, special.

Aug. 24 – A Queen’s Town, in re Henry KEUR, and surviving spouse Sarah KEUR.
Aug. 28 – At Uitenhage, in re Emma Maria FERREIRA, of the Uitenhage district, and surviving spouse Johan Jacob SERLING.

Saturday, August 4, 1860

Arrival of His Royal Highness PRINCE ALFRED.
THE COMMITTEE appointed to conduct the arrangements for the reception of His Royal Highness, respectfully invite the attendance of all Members of the Divisional Council, Fieldcornets, Volunteer Corps, and Burghers, to form a Cavalcade on the day of his arrival, of which due notice will be given.
The contributions and Co-operation of the inhabitants generally are earnestly requested.
By order of the Committee.
Hon. Secretary
Fort Beaufort
July 25, 1860.

On Tuesday morning 20 men of the Cape Mounted Riflemen, under Capt. Poole, left for Graham’s Town. These men are to form an escort for the prince.
It is said that Prince ALFRED will take his departure from our shores, on or about the 1st of September. If so, his visit to the Frontier must be undertaken forthwith, and even then most places will be gladdened with only a passing glimpse of the royal youth.

Saturday, August 11, 1860

DIED, at Fort Beaufort on the 8th inst., James EDWARD, infant Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. DALTON, - aged 14 months.

Another batch of immigrants arrived in our Bay late on Tuesday evening last, in the Sedgmoor, Capt. W. M. KETT, a fine large vessel of 921 tons. The number who have come out by this vessel is 230 souls, equal to 210½ statute adults. There have been no births or deaths on the passage.
From the list which we publish below, it will be seen there are a large number of farm labourers among the immigrants, being no less than 79. There are 23 female domestic servants, whom, we doubt not, will find ready employment at remunerative wages. There are also 17 young men who have enrolled themselves in England for the Frontier Police. The number of tradesman amongst these new arrivals is small; which we are glad to see, as at the present time there is not so good an opening for this class of persons (in this town) as there was some time back.
From a conversation we had with the captain of the vessel, we learn that the conduct of the immigrants on the voyage out has been remarkably good. – Telegraph.






Married couples





Single adults




















Agricultural labourers and farm servants, male 73
Ditto ditto ditto , female 6
General Labourers, male 0
Ditto female 25
Baker 1
Boot and Shoemakers 4
Bricklayer 1
Carpenters and Joiners 8
Cabinet Makers 2
Coachbuilder 1
Clerk and Bookkeeper (permit case) 1
Gardeners 3
Frontier Police (enrolled for) 17
Laundress 1
Milliner and Dressmaker 1
Saddler and Harness Maker 1
Smith 1
Stone Masons 4
Storeman and General Labourer 1
Sawyers 1
Tin-plate Worker 1
Warehouseman (permit case) 1
Wheelwright 1
Wool Sorter 1
Total souls, 230, equal to 210½ stature adults.

Saturday, August 18, 1860

His Excellency the Lieut. Governor has been pleased to sanction the establishment of a Pound at Aberdeen, East Ebenezer, and to appoint Mr. Jan Jonathan DURANDT, Jacob’s Son to be Poundmaster thereof.
William T. L. EMETT,
Civil Commissioner.
Civil Commissioners’ Officer,
Eland’s Post, 17th August, 1860.

His Excellency the Lieut. Governor, has been pleased to sanction the establishment of a Pound at Hertzog, and to appoint Mr. Christian GROEPE, JUN., to be Poundmaster thereof.
William T. L. EMETT,
Civil Commissioner.
Civil Commissioners’ Officer,
Eland’s Post, 15th August, 1860.

His Excellency the Lieut. Governor, has been pleased to sanction the establishment of a Pound at Philipton and to appoint Mr. Hendrik VINCENT to be Poundmaster thereof.
William T. L. EMETT,
Civil Commissioner.
Civil Commissioners’ Officer,
Eland’s Post,
17th July, 1860.

MR. ROBINSON, the Deputy Colonial Engineer, having applied for leave of absence to visit England, his place in the Eastern Province will be temporarily filled by Mr. WOODFIELD, who proceeds to Algoa Bay next month.

APPOINTMENTS. – (From yesterday’s Gazette.) – His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint George William AITCHISON, Esquire, to be Secretary and Accountant in the Post Office; and Reinier Christiaan ELS, Esq., to be Justice of the Peace for the District of Victoria East.

INQUIRY is being made respecting a person name James WRIGHT, and a notice in reference to him appears in the Government Gazette. It is therein stated that he emigrated to this colony about forty years ago, in company with Mr. Isaac DYSON. For some years he carried on the trade of butcher in Cape Town, but subsequently, in company with a son of Mr. DYSON, removed to Graham’s Town. He was last heard of about eight years ago.

Saturday, August 25, 1860

SINGULAR DEATH. – The Cradock News mentions the death of Mr. WOLGEMOED, caused by lock-jaw occasioned through a thorn entering his flesh. “He had been engaged some days previously in cutting a few mimosa boughs for his kraal. A thorn entered near the elbow but the slight pain led to no consideration. On the ninth day symptoms of lock-jaw appeared. And notwithstanding medical attendance, the unfortunate man expired after about 48 hours intense suffering.”

PROMOTIONS. – 59th Foot. – Lieut. George JOY, to be Capt. By purchase, vice KING who retires; Ensign Gerald FITZGIBBON to be Lieut., by purchase, vice JOY; Ensign Arthur William BALL from the 11th Foot, to be Ensign, vice FITZGIBBON. Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet-Colonel Henry Hope GRAHAM, C.B., from the 95th Foot, to be inspecting Field-Officer of a Recruiting District, vice Brevet-Colonel Sir Alfred H. HORSEFORD, K.C.B., appointed Deputy Adjutant-General to the Forces.
The 59th have a good lift. All the officers are promoted a stage. Major ROMER is, after thirty years’ hard service, Lieutenant-Colonel. Assistant Commissary-General DAVENPORT, who recently left the Cape, is promoted to Deputy Commissary-General.

A LAD AT THE AUGSBURG INSTITUTION, Clanwilliam, recently took up a gun and pointed it at a little girl, his cousin, not knowing it was loaded. He, under the pretence of shooting her, pulled the trigger and blew her brains out. – Ibid.

The Zuid-Afrikaan gives merited publicity to the following case of shabby treatment: - “A widow lived with a farmer at Koeberg, in the capacity of governess, and allowed her salary to remain in his possession, his wife being sick at the time. When she drew her money, he kept back a part, as he said, for lost time – for fifteen days holidays during fifteen months including Saturdays and Sundays. The ill-treatment that helpless females meet with from a certain class of boers may well account for the difficulty they have in procuring teachers, and the no less difficulty in keeping them. The lady in question, near sixty years of age, and lame, was, at the expiration of the month she had given notice to leave – and because she refused to ride to Cape Town in an open wagon loaded with sacks from the market – compelled to rise from her bed and walk through the Station River to the house of a neighbouring farmer, where she requested and received an asylum, and was treated with the greatest kindness. She was compelled to defray her own expenses in Cape Town.”


ATTEMPT AT SUICIDE BY AN INDIAN IN THE HOUSE OF LORDS. – The House of Lords, which was sitting, in conjunction with the Common Law judges, to hear appeals the other day, was frightened from its propriety by a sudden yelling. An Indian who was standing amongst the spectators, was seen to draw out a small Indian knife, which he drew across his throat. The messengers of the House, with the aid of the police, succeeded in rescuing him, when he was taken to Westminster Hospital, and the wound examined by the house surgeon. It did not prove dangerous.

IMMIGRANTS. – A party of Immigrants, farm laborers, arrived here the day before yesterday, en route to Queen’s Town, and are now awaiting transport to that place. It will be seen by an advertisement before that a fresh lot of Immigrants per Sedgmore, are daily expected here.

From Bedford our correspondent writes as follows – “A most melancholy occurrence happened near this last week. John PHILLIPS (who was some years since apprenticed to LAWRENCE as cabinet maker) was reported to have died rather suddenly at Daga Boers Neck, at Bandelack’s hotel (on the Cradock Road), of the D. T. The poor fellow was buried rather sharp, which caused his friends to enquire into the circumstances of his death. They applied to the authorities to have the body exhumed; and the district surgeon made his examination, resulting in the fact that Mr. B – had administrered to the unfortunate PHILLIPS, whilst in a state of intoxication, a large dose of opium with a view to keep him quiet - which did so effectually. Mr. B- is now in the Bedford prison, undergoing his examination. I fear, it will be a serious affair to him, although I believe it was done with the best intention.” – KAF. BANNER.

Aug. 29 – At Grahamstown, in re Thomas WALKER, of Grahamstown, third.
Aug. 29 - At Grahamstown, in re William McGRAW, of Grahamstown, deceased, second.
Aug. 29 - At Grahamstown, in re Jo? ?cola ASPINALL of Grahamstown, carpenter, special.
Aug. 29 – At Port Elizabeth, in re Clara HUEY late of Port Elizabeth, special.
Sept. 5 - At Grahamstown, in re Thomas STUBBS, of Grahamstown, special.
Sept. 6 – At Uitenhage, in re Peter CRERAR, of Uitenhage, first.
Sept. 12 - At Grahamstown, in re James MILLER, special.
Sept. 15 – At Uitenhage, in re Peter CRERAR, of Uitenhage, second.

Sept. 7 – At Hopetown, in re Jan Hendrik Harms DOVAN, or Jan Hendrik Harmse DURAAN, of the Hopetown district, and surviving spouse Margretta Johanna BRAAY.
Sept. 14 – At Stockenstrom, in re James COUTHER, of the Stockenstrom district.
Sept. 14 – At Somerset, in re Christina Johanna Barendina Jacoba DE KLERK, pre-deceased spouse of the late Gideon JORDAAN, of the Somerset East District.
Sept. 22 – At Uitenhage, in re Gerhardus Laurens VAN NIEKERK, of the Uitenhage district.
Sept. 22 – At Uitenhage, in re Helena Christina HORN, of the Uitenhage district, and surviving spouse Hendrik Jacobus KILIAN.

Saturday, September 1, 1860

THE UNDERSIGNED in his capacity as Trustee in the Insolvent Estate of John James DUFFY, of the Village of Blinkwater.
Will cause to be Sold by Public Auction ON WEDNESDAY,
The 3rd day of October next,
In front of the Auction Rooms of S. H. ROBERTS, at Fort Beaufort,
Measuring 2 Morgen and 203 Square Roods of Ground, - with the Buildings and Erections thereon, situated in the BLINKWATER Village, better known as THE BLINKWATER HOTEL,
At present occupied by Mr. Donald McKAY, where a Lucrative Business has been carried on for some time past.
The TITLE may be seen, and terms of Credit known on application to
Sole trustee
S. H. ROBERTS, Auctioneer.

To Debtors and Creditors,
In the Estate of the late William WALKER of the District of Fort Beaufort.
All persons indebted to the above Estate are hereby required to take notice that unless the accounts due by them, are paid to the Undersigned within SIX WEEKS from this date, the same will be handed over for recover by legal process:- And all persons who may have any claims against the said Estate, are required to file the same, properly authenticated, within the same period.
Executor Dative.
Fort Beaufort,
Sept. 1st, 1860

MURDER. – A Fingo named GOGO was killed in a drunken brawl among his countrymen on Saturday night. It seems that the men of Hendrik MAZOUKA’s kraal, were invited to attend a beer-drinking bout, held at BABIYAAN’s kraal on the evening in question. In the course of the “spree,” the conversation took a pugilistic tune, and an effort was made to get up and fight between the most noted “champions” present. One Fingo named SOMTU, offered to bet an ox that he would beat Hendrik MAZOUKA, the headman. Henrik, however, declined the honor for himself, but offered to back XAYIMPI against him. One word brought on another, until at length, the beer being by this time finished, the men of the two kraals had a slight skirmish with their sticks, which ended in the vanquished party retiring from the contest to their kraal. Shortly after the other party also proceeded home, but on arriving in the neighbourhood of their late antagonists, which lay in their road, they were assailed by abusive language, which of course was returned with interest. A fight at once ensued, when the deceased GOGO, was stabbed by two of the opposing party, who it appears had after retiring from the first encounter armed themselves with their assegais. Several witnesses present affirm that they saw the man stabbed by two Fingoes, who at the time exclaimed “Isa, ha, ha,” the usual expression when stabbing with deadly attempt. On the affair being reported to the superintendent, Mr. VERITY, the latter immediately informed the Clerk of the Peace, who at once instituted an investigation. The two accused are in custody.

Sept. 17 – At Queenstown, in re Ferdinand Cornelis PRETORIUS, of Queenstown, special.
Sept. 18 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Samuel Veit OEERTEL, of Graff-Reinet, second.

Oct. 2 – At Uitenhage, in re, Jacobus Gerrit Hendrik STANDER of the Uitenhage district.
Oct. 5 – At Somerset east, in re Anna Maria Elizabeth NEL, deceased, spouse of Gideon JORDAAN, also deceased of the Somerset district.
Oct. 6 – At Colesberg, re Martha BEAL, deceased spouse of Richard PIWUT, now also deceased of the Colesberg district.

Saturday, September 8, 1860

IN THE DECEASED ESTATE of Thomas Ignatius RAUTENBACH, of Winterberg.
The Undersigned has been instructed by the Executors in the above Estate,
In front of his Auction Rooms,
That Valuable Property, situated in the WINTERBERG, being Subdivision of the well known Farm,
In extent 13 morgen and 2 square roods.
The whole of this Ground can be irrigated from the Koonap River, which has been led out at great expense by the proprietor of “Rautenbach’s Rust,” There never will be a more favourable opportunity for an industrious and enterprising man of limited capital, to become possessed of a property from which a competence may be speedily acquired. Crops of all kinds may here be obtained in the driest season, and Fort Beaufort and Adelaide present convenient and remunerative Markets. Such a chance seldom occurs,
Diagram etc., may be inspected at the office of the Auctioneer any time.
Fort Beaufort,
Sept. 8, 1860

The Undersigned being duly authorised, will sell by Public Auction, in front of his Rooms, Prince Alfred’s Square.
A Piece of Ground in the above Estate, situated in the Village of Blinkwater,
Erf, No. 40, on the General Plan,
Comprising 2 Morgen, 130 square Roods and 103 feet, with a large street frontage.
Fort Beaufort,
September 8, 1860

The Undersigned being duly authorised by the Executor in the above Estate,
Will Sell by Public Auction
In front of his Auction Rooms,
Lately occupied by the Deceased, situated in Somerset Street,
1 Travelling Cart with Harness for two Horses,
Saddles and Bridles,
And whatever else may be offered.
Sale to commence at 12 o’clock.
Fort Beaufort,
Aug 24, 1860

The Executor in the above Estate has instructed the Undersigned to Sell
By Public Auction,
In front of his Auction Rooms, immediately after the above sale
THAT Very valuable Sheep and Agricultural Farm,
Situated in the
Adjoining the Property of Mr. Teunis BERRY,
On which there is erected a substantial dwelling house, etc.
Horses, etc. etc.
Fort Beaufort,
August 24, 1860

At the above Sale on the 16th October, will be offered to Public Competition, on account of whom it may concern, a CHOICE LOT of about 60 Well-bred Ewes and Lambs, in good condition,
Fort Beaufort, September 1, 1860.


THE RIFLE CORPS. – The Rifle Corps, we are informed, have employed the services of the Sergt. Major of the C. M. Riflemen, to “put them through their facings,” They are to assemble every Monday morning at 6 a.m. for drill and instruction in cavalry ecolutions.

VICTORIA (EAST) RIFLE CORPS. – The Gazette notifies the following appointments in this Corps: David DAVIS, Esq., Captain Commanding; Thos. A. CUMMING, Esq., 1st Lieut. ; E. Thos. COOPER, Esq., 2nd Lieut and Adjudant; J. B. TEMLETT, Esq., Quartermaster and Treasurer.

THEFT. – At Mr. W. ANDREWS farm Endwell, last week, two K****s entered the kraal and seized a sheep, which they boldly carried off. Pursuit was given, and the rascals traced by their spoor. Finding it impossible to escape with their booty the K****s dropped the sheep, and made off.

IMMIGRANTS. – A party of 10 immigrants were forwarded to Queen’s Town on Monday. Only four now remain in the depot, and theses are expected to be engaged in a short time.

THE OFFICERS of the 59th Regt. Stationed in Cape Town, have subscribed among themselves L150 towards the grand ball to be given to the Prince on his return from Natal.

Mr. Antonio CHIAPPINI, sen., DIED on Thursday evening, at Wynberg, at the advanced age of eighty-three years. Mr. CHIAPPINI had resided in the colony upwards of forty years, and was one the first to open up the frontier trade with the western province of the colony. The funeral will take place this afternoon.

Sept. 19 – At Port Elizabeth, in re James Cornelius FROST, of Port Elizabeth, first.
Sept. 19 – At Port Elizabeth, in re Charles Goodall Smith SHEEHAN, of Port Elizabeth, first.
Sept. 26 – At Port Elizabeth, in re James Cornelius FROST, of Port Elizabeth, second.
Sept. 26 – At Port Elizabeth, in re Charles Goodall Smith SHEEHAN, of Port Elizabeth, second.

Oct. 16 – At Cape Town, in re Christian Arnoldus HATTINGH, of the Fort Beaufort district.
Oct. 16 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Anna Susanna RABIE, of the Graaff-Reinet district, and surviving spouse Frederik Anthonie Jansen DIRK, B.son.
Oct. 16 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Maria Johanna BERRANGE, of the Graaff-Reinet district, and surviving spouse George Napier VAN RYNEVELD.
Oct. 16 – At Uitenhage, in re Christian SCHUTTE, of the Uitenhage district, and surviving spouse Catharina KLEINTJES.

James Cornelius FROST, of Port Elizabeth, carrier.
Charles Goodall Smith SHEEHAN, of Port Elizabeth.
Joseph SIMBEEK, of Graaff-Reinet, (compulsory)*

James Black MILLER, Esq., for the district of Fort Beaufort.

Oct. 12. – Re Jesse WILLIAMS, of Fort Beaufort, storekeeper.

Saturday, September 15, 1860

SUDDEN DEATH – An awfully sudden death took place at Adelaide last week. Mr. C. HILTON, a baker lately resident in this town, had just arrived in Adelaide, where he intended taking up his abode, when in passing across the street in company with the wagoner by whom himself and family were conveyed, he dropped down dead. Disease of the heart was the cause of death. The deceased left a widow and four young children, who by his death were deprived of their only means of support. We are glad, however, to state that the people of Adelaide nobly fulfilled the part of the Good Samaritan in their behalf. The deceased was decently interred, and a subscription of upwards of L49 collected immediately, and handed over to the poor widow, who has since returned to Fort Beaufort. In addition to this, the ladies contributed and made mourning clothing for the widow and children. In Fort Beaufort a subscription has also be set on foot, which was liberally responded to, nearly L 50, we are informed, having been collected.

DIED, at K. W. Town, 13th inst., Elizabeth, Relict of the late Mr. John VICE, of Fort England, Graham’s Town. Deceased arrived in this colony with the British Settlers of 1820.

DIED, at Adelaide, on the 8th inst., Charles HILTON, aged 35 years, leaving a Wife and large family to lament his loss.

Saturday, September 22, 1860

A CURIOUS CIRCUMSTANCE was brought to light a couple of days ago. Last Year a Dutch vessel touched here on its way from Batavia to Holland, and having a prisoner on board of the name of BRAKMAN, charged with the crime of murder. It appears the man escaped at the time in company with a seaman of the vessel, and succeeded to elude the efforts made to recapture him. A couple of days ago, however, a man names O. M. PETERSEN, who had known both BROKMAN and the party he had killed, met him in the streets here, and got him taken into custody. The seaman who had absconded with him was also hunted out; and on Monday the parties were brought before Capt. HILL, who thus obtained sufficient evidence to warrant his detaining the man till an opportunity offers for forwarding him to the authorities in Holland. BROKMAN was known here by the alias Karl KARKHOF. The Water Police have been very active in this matter. – Adv. and Mail.

Sept.27 – At Peddie, in re George HARRISON, of Stony Drift, KEiskamma, hotel-keeper, second.
Oct. 3 – At Port Elizabeth, in re William Frederick HYDE, of Port Elizabeth, boot and shoemaker and general agent, second.
Oct. 3 – At Port Elizabeth, in re Thomas Sephton, of Port Elizabeth, butcher, second.
Oct. 5 – At Uitenhage, in re George STOW, of Uitenhage, mason, first.
Oct.10 – At Uitenhage, in re George STOW, of Uitenhage, mason, second.
Oct.12 – At Fort Beaufort, in re Henry James JONES, of Fort Beaufort, Schoolmaster, special.
Oct.17 – At Graham’s Town, in re John HALLIDAY, of Graham’s Town, retail dealer, second.

Oct. 17 – At Grahamstown, in re Cornelius Tobias van ROOYEN, of the Grahamstown district.
Oct. 19 – At Queen’s Town, in re Catherine CORY, of the Queen’s Town district, and surviving spouse Hendry Golding.
Oct. 26 – At Alice, in re George HINTON, of the Alice district.

Saturday, September 29, 1860

The Undersigned hereby announces to the Farmers of this District, and the public generally, that he has at considerable outlay erected a powerful WATER MILL on the Fort Beaufort Commonage, at the junction of the Main Roads from Queen’s Town, Winterberg, etc., to Fort Beaufort, Graham’s Town, and British Kaffraria, and that he is now prepared to Grind any quantity of Corn and Mealies at very reasonable rates.
The superior Machinery in use, combined with his personal superintendence, enables the undersigned to promise with confidence that those who may patronize the Fort Beaufort Mill, will receive every satisfaction in the fulfilment of their orders.
The scale of prices for Grinding will be as follows:-
Wheat, per muid, 2s 6d
Mealies, 3s 0d
Crushing Mealies, p md 1s 6d
When the corn is dirty 6d per muid will be charged for cleaning.
Fort Beaufort, Sept, 29, 1860.


NEW MILL. – The first meal ground at the new Mills was sold on the market on Wednesday morning, and realized good prices, viz, from 32s to 33s. A muid of mealie meal fetched 16s 6d.

In the Estate of the late Mr. James COUCHER.
The Undersigned having been appointed Executor in the above Estate, requests that all claims against the same be sent to him within SIX WEEKS from this date. – And further, all Debts due to the Estate are requested to be paid to him within the same period.
District of Stockenstrom.
17th Sept., 1860.

PROMOTIONS, (59th Foot). – Capt. Henry Ridge WOLDRIDGE, from the Military Train, to be captain, vice JOY, who exchanges.

PATO, the Kafir Chief formerly imprisoned on Robben Island, but lately confined in Somerset Hospital on account of his health, has received a free pardon from His Excellency the Governor, in consideration of past services to the British Government.

We had the pleasure this week, in company with many others, of a visit to the Fort Beaufort Mill now for the first time in operation. The site of the Mill is a beautiful spot, well chosen, about two miles and a half to the north of the town, on the main road to and from the Winterberg, Queen’s Town etc. We little expected to see so large a number of substantial buildings where but eight or nine months ago no traces of the hand of man were visible. The place has already the appearance of a hamlet, and is a striking instance of what can be accomplished in an incredibly short time by the energy and enterprise of a single individual. The Mill building is very large, being three stories, and is built in a most substantial manner of stone and lime mortar, the roof being of galvanized iron. The first thing that strikes one on approaching the mill is the immense body of water which has been brought out of the Kat River, and which rolls through a furrow of four miles in length, from the point where it is led out. A portion of this water is turned off a few yards above the mill, and the remainder led through a massive furrow three feet broad, supported on massive stone work, to the large wheel 18 feet in diameter. Which its force causes to revolve with the greatest ease. The mill is fitted with two pairs of stones, and can grind 50 muids of wheat in the 24 hours. We cannot now attempt a description of all the machinery at present in operation, and to be erected in connection with this mill. Everything appears to be of the best description. By a simple contrivance, the wheat is hoisted, from the ground floor to the upper story, and emptied into the “hopper,” without any labor beyond securing and loosening the sacks, from whence it descends in the shape of the meal.
There is large space devoted in the building for a bolting machine which will be shortly erected, when we shall no longer be under the necessity of importing fine flour. A thrashing and cleaning machine is also to be put up, as well as a sawing apparatus, all to be worked by water power, and in connection with the mill machinery. We derived much satisfaction from our visit to this mill, Mr. AINSLIE the proprietor, kindly explaining the nature and purpose of all the works, and we hope that he will receive the encouragement he deserves in the patronage of the public. The district, and this town especially, will derive many advantages from the mill. The Kat River has been led out, and at very moderate expense may now be brought by the people here into the town. It was estimated by the surveyors that some thousands of pounds would be required to bring this river into Fort Beaufort, but now after Mr, AINSLIE’s labor a few hundreds will be ample for that purpose. The public will be glad to see by another column that it is intended to invite Mr. AINSLIE to a public dinner. It will come off in about 3 weeks from this time.

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