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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1860 2 April - June

Saturday, April 7, 1860

Divisional Council – Fort Beaufort

Notice is hereby given that the Divisional Council have appointed Mr. Hugh Edward McTAGGART, to be Poundmaster at Healdtown.
Sec. Div. Council
Fort Beaufort
4th April, 1860.

MILITARY. – On Wednesday the detachment of 59th Regt. Stationed at Koonap marched into Fort Beaufort. The Koonap Post is to be garrisoned by a party of the 10th from Graham’s Town; and a company of the 59th is to be stationed at Fort Hare.

MOUNTED POLICE. – A party of Mounted Police, under Sub-Inspector HOOKE has been stationed at Post Retief. Mr. HOOKE was lately posted at Fort Fordyce.

GRAAFF-REINET. – The foundation stone of a new Dutch Reformed Church was laid at Aberdeen on the 20th March. A Boer bazaar was held afterwards, at which a cow and 20 sheep and goats, valued at about L20, realized L43. One sheep was sold 15 times and realized L15. Nearly L1000 was subscribed in aid of the building. A concert had been held in aid of the Jews-of-Morocco relief, which according to the Herald, was a complete success.

AN IMPROVEMENT IN PRINCIPLE. – A short time ago, Mr WILHELM of the Dohne, had the misfortune to lose his horse, and despite every attempt made for its recovery, failed to obtain any tidings of the lost animal. A day or two back, some men of SANDILLI’s tribe found a stray horse, and brought it to their chief, who immediately recognised the horse as that of Mr. WILHELM, which he at once forwarded to its owner, with his compliments and stating that he felt most happy in obliging him. – Kaf. Banner

Mr. BAIN and family arrived in town yesterday evening to take up their abode here. We understand Mr. B will proceed to Branden’s Kop, the headquarters of the convict stations, in about a week. The buildings at the convict stations under the Kat Berg are now in course of erection.

We much regret to hear that the death of Major General BOLTON is hourly expected. The General is at Port Elizabeth. – Ib.

April 11 – At Port Elizabeth, in re Robert CALTON, of Port Elizabeth, Carpenter, first.
April 11 – At Port Elizabeth, in re William HUTCHONS, of Port Elizabeth, special.
April 13 – At Somerset East, in re Joseph S WRIGHT, of Somerset, third.
April 18 – At Port Elizabeth, in re Robert CALTON of Port Elizabeth, Carpenter, second.
April 17 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Barend Hermanus GELDENHUYS of Graaff-Reinet, first and final.
April 18 – At Grahamstown, in re William Thompson LLOYD, third.
April 23 – At Alexandria, in re Gerhardus Ignatius DU PREEZ, of Alexandria, third.
April 23 – At Cape Town, in re Jacob LEWIS, now a prisoner in Uitenhage gaol, trader, second.
April 30 – At Alexandria, in re Gerhardus Ignatius DU PREEZ, of Alexandria, second.
May 2 - Capetown, in re Jacob LEWIS, now a prisoner in Uitenhage gaol, trader, second.

April 7 – At Fort Beaufort, in re Aletta Susannah Elizabeth BEZUIDENHOUT, born VAN DER MERWE.
April 24 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Anne Gertrude VILJOEN, of the Graaff-Reinet district, and surviving spouse Fredrik Johannes VAN ZYL.
April 24 – At Capetown, in re Johannes Wilhelmus Christiaan WESSELS, of the Bedford district.
April 25 – At Port Elizabeth, in re William KELLY, of the Port Elizabeth district, and surviving spouse Margaret Jane KELLY.
April 25 – At Port Elizabeth, in re Samuel RICH, of the Port Elizabeth district, and surviving spouse Ann Susanna RICH.
April 27 – At Alice, in re Charles CUMBERS, of the Alice district, and surviving spouse Hannah CUMBERS.
April 28 – At Colesberg, in re Sarah DIXON of the Colesberg district, and surviving spouse William ASHTON.
May 2 – At Grahamstown, in re Dirk Willem P. VAN ROOYEN of the Graham’s own district, and surviving spouse Cornelia Margrieta BOSCH.
May 4 – At Hopetown, in re Dirk Wouter DE CLERK of the Hopetown district.
May 4 – At Fort Beaufort, in re Charlotte BOUCHER, widow of Priestwood BOUCHER, of the Fort Beaufort District.

Saturday, April 14, 1860

59TH REGT. - The Following paragraph extracted from an English paper, has been handed to us for publication. It contains an account of the recent discovery of an interesting relic of the 59th Regt., in Tramore Bay, Ireland, where so many of this regiment after escaping the bloody fields of the Peninsula in 1815, met with a watery grave on their return home in 1816: -
RELIC FROM A WRECK. – TRAMORE. – A very curious and valuable relic of the ill-fated Sea Horse, wrecked in Tramore Bay in 1816, has been discovered. It consists of a musket, marked D 10, in a perfect state of preservation, after being under water for 43 years. And belonged, no doubt to the gallant 59th Regiment, who, after passing the perils of the Peninsular wars and the Battle of Waterloo, were wrecked in Tramore Bay, when over 300 perished. The stock is in perfect order; the lock and barrel are encrusted with shells, sand, etc. It is with great curiosity, and is at present in the possession of Captain FRY, of the Tramore Hotel. It was found at low water mark by a man named KELLY.

We regret to have to record the rather sudden death of our fellow townsman Mr. W. RICHARDSON, who died on Thursday morning last, after a brief illness of about a week. He had been ailing a few days, when contrary to the advice of his medical man he went to Uitenhage, and on his return became worse, a rapid attack of typhoid fever came on from which he sank in a very short time. Mr. RICHARDSON was much respected by his fellow townsmen and his loss is deeply regretted by a large circle of friends.

SHOCKING ACCIDENT. – We are sorry to have to record a shocking incident that occurred on Thursday afternoon at the corner of Oak Terrace and Queen-street, by the upsetting of a large American wagon on springs, with captent, recently imported by Mr. A. GREEN of this city. Four spirited horses were put before the wagon – and two leaders being the well known pair belonging to Mr. YELLING – and about a dozen persons got into it for the purpose of trying it. Mr. BRINK, well known for his skill as a driver taking the reins. They proceeded through several streets, turned out of High Street into Oak Terrace round the school, and were in the act of again turning to the left in Queen street, which is narrow, and the turn consequently short, when the vehicle capsized. The persons inside were thrown out with great ciolence, the tent and sides were smashed, and the horses ran down Queen-street with part of the understell. Six or eight of the persons in the vehicle escaped without serious hurs, but Mr. BRINK, Mr. HORN, Mr. YELLING and Mr. BOYLE are much injured. We hear that Mr. BOYLE is in a most precarious state. – G. T. Journal

 SUICIDE. – A corporal in the Cape Mounted Riflement, made an attempt to hang himself on Monday evening last. He was discovered suspended in his room before life was extinct, and medical aid being promptly obtained, every effort was made for his recovery. The injuries sustained, however, were so severe that the man never rallied, and died on Thursday last.

THE BODY OF A SOLDIER belonging to the 59th regiment was found floating in the Baaken’s River on Friday morning last. It is supposed that deceased had attempted, while more or less intoxicated on Thursday night, to cross the river in order to reach the Camp, and getting into one of the deepest parts of the stream was drowned. The deceased belonged to the sixth company of the 59th Regiment, was named William PENFIELD, about 21 years of age, and a native of Kidderminster. – E.P. Herald.

S.S. “SIR GEORGE GREY).” – The following is a correct list of the passengers by the Sir George Grey which sailed for Table Bay at noon on Sunday last: - Major-General BOLTON, Mr. E. KEMP, Rev. LANGDEN, Mr. COPE, Major ELLERMAN, Lieut. SMITH, Mr. HOOLE and family (4), Mr MEURANT and family (5), Dr. SALTER, Mr. and Mrs. And Misses (2) METELERKAMP, Mr. J. SIMPSON and family, Mr. W. BERG, Misses FLEMING (2), Mr. C. WATSON, Miss Walker, Mrs. DU TOIT and family, Mr and Miss CUMMING, Mrs. Capt. ROCKE and family, Mrs. Col. JEPHSON, Mr. Blythe, Capt. HOLMES and son Mr. TEMLETT, in cabin, and 23 second class passengers.

MEETINGS IN INSOLVENT ESTATES [Omitted those repeated from previous issue]
May 2 – At Grahamstown, in re James COLLINS, of Queen’s Town, third.

Saturday, April 21, 1860

DIED, at Fort Hare, on Monday the 16th instant, after a painful illness of upwards of twelve months, induced by an attack of paralysis, Mr. William WALKER, of Fort Beaufort, of which town deceased had long been a respected resident.
Fort Beaufort, April 20, 1860.

SERIOUS CHARGE. – The Cape papers contain a grave charge of ill-treatment by Mrs. WILSHIRE of Uitenhage, on a little girl committed to her charge, daughter of A. COWAN, late piper in the 74th Regt. It appears that the subject has engaged the attention of the public prosecutor, and the following correspondence, containing an account of the alleged ill-treatment is published: -
(To the Editors of the Cape Monitor.)
No. 2. Shortmarket-street. 10th April 1860.
Sirs. – I am a poor man, but I hope a good father. Fathers and mothers may judge for themselves my feelings at the plaint statement I now law before them. I left England with my wife in 1851, and served as a piper with my Regiment, 74th Highlanders, in India, when being entitled to my discharge, I claimed it and came to the Cape. In India I had the misfortune to lose my wife, thus leaving my two children, a boy and girl, motherless. Since this sad loss, which occurred in 1854, I have devoted all my spare time, my attention and my means (small though they were) to the proper maintenance of my two children, and now, sirs, comes my grievance. A Mrs. WILTSHIRE was a passenger in the same ship that I sailed in from India to the Cape, viz., Earl of Hardwick. She professed to take a great liking to my daughter, a dear child of six years of age, and beloved by all on board for her sweet kind looks and amiability. On our arrival at the Cape she begged my child of me; being a poor man and unoccupied, and the lady a Clergyman’s wife, I felt that I was doing an injustice to my child to refuse her request. It was painful to my feelings as a father, but I thought I was doing right in parting with her. I gave her my dear child, and now see the result, comment is unnecessary. Parents judge for yourselves. – Your most obedient servant.
Public Prosecutor’s Office
Uitenhage, 3d April, 1860.
Sir, - I think it necessary that you should be made acquainted with the state in which I found your daughter, Nanny COWAN, at the residence of Mrs. WILSHIRE.
I had occasion to visit her, as being officially informed that she very severely chastised by her employer, Mrs. WILSHIRE.
It appears by the evidence, that for simply taking a sardine without permission, on the 28th March, Mrs. WILSHIRE first flogged her with a cane, then bound her to a post, and when so bound, inserted her two hands forcibly into a vessel containing boiling water.
The child has, since the 28th March, been confined to her bed, and at one time her life was despaired of, but I believe she is now somewhat better. Copy of the District Surgeon’s certificate is enclosed.
On behalf of the public prosecutor, I have to suggest the propriety of having the child removed, when sufficiently recovered to admit of it – and either to take her back yourself or authorise me to have her indentured to some suitable person.
I have the honor to be, sir, your ob’t. servant,
(Signed,) J. H. TENNANT
Mr. COWEL, late piper of the 74th Highlanders.
Uitenhage, Friday, four o’ clock, p.m.,
March 30th, 1860
These certify that in compliance with instructions received from J. H. TENNANT, Esq., J. P., I waited upon Dr. F. ENSOR, and proceeded in company with that gentleman to the residence of Mr. WILSHIRE in Cuyler-street, and at about the above time and date made an examination of a little girl.
named Nannie COWAN, of which the following are the particulars.
Upon Dr. Ensor removing his dressings from the little patient’s hands and arms, I found both hands very severely scalded to a little above the wrist joint, the arms hot and highly inflamed, and swollen to near the shoulder joints, but apparently somewhat relieved by treatment.
I also discovered an extensive bruise upon and at the back of the left shoulder joint, which still bore marks of recent stripes on its enchrymosed surface – there were several marks upon her person, both in front and behind, as of recent whipping, and her nates, more particularly on the left side, presented unmistakeable proofs of the infliction of recent severe chastisement,
Nannie Cowan appears to have been an interesting, healthy, little European child of about six years of age, but now labouring under irritative sympathetic fever, with considerable exertement of the circulating and nervous systems – a condition for the present highly dangerous, but which I trust (under Providence) may be removed by the judicious and painstaking treatment of my friend Dr. ENSOR, in whose opinion and practice I entirely concur.
(Signed) Alexander W. McMASTER,
District Surgeon, etc.
To J. H. Tennant, Esq., acting for The Clerk of the Peace.

Colonial Extracts
A FOOLISH WOMAN. – Mrs. HUEY, a widow with six children – having embraced the degrading doctrines of Mormonism – took a passage on board the Alacrity for Boston en route for the earthly hell, Utah. In consequence of want of water, the vessel had to put into Table Bay; and last Wednesday, as Mrs. HUEY had thought proper to leave without squaring accounts, she was arrested for a debt of L73, due to MOSENTHAL Brothers. Feeling confident of being able to regain her liberty, (as she had left funds in the hands of some person at Port Elizabeth,) she brought only her baby ashore, leaving the other five children and her baggage on board. On Thursday she was brought before the Chief Justice, who, on learning the circumstances, liberated her on condition of surrendering her estate, to which she assented. Meanwhile the Alacrity had sailed! The surrender of the estate had since been revoked, and Mrs. HUEY has since gone to reside with a Mormon family in Rondebosch. The case is a hard one, we admit; but the idea of a woman with six children, deliberately selling herself to the vilest slavery, and not only herself but her children, is so repugnant to one’s feelings, that we have little sympathy with her.
A warrant was out for the arrest of STOCK, the leader of the party, who had chartered the Alacrity for Boston. He managed, however, to elude detention; but we trust that Captain Holmes will advise the authorities at Boston of the matter, and that at least Mrs. HUEY’s children will be rescued from the cruel fate that awaits them at the Salt Lake. As for STOCK, we believe hi, to be an arrogant rogue, and if we had our way with him we should “clip his wings”. The idea of a woman with six children going to Utah! – Monitor.

IT IS RUMOURED that the notorious convict, SMITH, has made his appearance in the neighbourhood, and that on Thursday last, he was at Adendorp, where he changed some horses; he was also at the farm of Alfred RUBIDGE Esq. We heard that a party of the Cape Mounted Rifles are in pursuit of him, and hope they may be successful in capturing the scoundrel. – G. R. Herald.

CATCHING A SCOTCHMAN INSTEAD OF A TARTAR. – The sported presence of this convict SMITH in this District, led to his supposed capture in the person of a respectable resident of this town. A patrol of the Cape Corps came across a young gentleman enjoying the exciting sport of springbok shooting, and from some slight marks on the face, he was arrested as the identical SMITH of Jack SHEPHERD notoriety. In vain he pleaded his innocence and his peaceful occupation in the great city of the Karoo. He had a mark near his nose, and that was enough. Then he was question about Australia, - and he seemed to know something about it – another evidence. He was taken to sundry farm houses, but no one could identify him. He was then placed in charge of four troopers, and the click of the carbine locks, plainly gave our young storekeeper to understand that any attempt to escape would incur the chance of eight ounces of lead into his body. He managed to get released after about five hours detention. – G. R. Advertiser

May 2 – At Grahamstown, in re James COLLINS, of Queen’s Town, third.
May 9 – At Grahamstown, in re Jan Hendrik COETZEE of Riet Vley, division of Aliwal North, second.
May 23. – At Grahamstown, in re Charles BARBER, special.

May 7. – At Queen’s Town, in re James THOMPSON, of Queen’s Town carpenter, first.
May 7. – At Queen’s Town, in re James THOMPSON, of Queen’s Town carpenter, second.
May 22. – At Graff-Reinet, Sarah Johanna AURET, of the Graaff Reinet district.
May 23. – At Grahamstown, in re John Nedhouse BEALE of the Albany district.

James THOMPSON at Queenstown, Carpenter, and Cabinet-maker.

June 5, - John West RAFFERTY, of Ganna Vlakte, Division of Uitenhage.

Wm. L. HUTCHINSON, Esq., to be a Justice of the Peace for the districts of Albany, Bathurst

Saturday, April 28, 1860

Albert – G. CROMAR, Esq.
Albany – R. GRAHAM, Esq.
Alexandria – E. PHILLPOTT, Esq.
Bathurst – A. N. B. ARMSTRONG, Esq.
Bedford – W. F. LIDDLE, Esq. (gone home on leave), P. NIGHTINGALE, Acting.
Colesberg – James WALKER, Esq.
Cradock – L. H. MEURANT, Esq.
Fort Beaufort – T. STRINGFELLOW, Esq.
Graham’s Town – H. GRAHAM, Esq.
Graaff-Reinet – A. BERRANGE, Esq.
Middelburg – R. C. R. BOYES, Esq.
Peddie – W. M. EDYE, Esq.
Port Elizabeth – John CAMPBELL, Esq.
Richmond – John BLAKE, Esq.
Stockenstrom – W. EMETT, Esq.
Somerset – H. HUDSON, Jr., Esq.
Uitenhage – J. C. CHASE, Esq.
Victoria – H. CALDERWOOD, Esq.
Aliwal North – J, BURNET, Esq.

Colonial Engineer – J. Scott TUCKER.
Deputy Colonial Engineer – M. R. ROBINSON.
Assistant-Colonial Engineer – M. WOODIFIELD.

Chief Commissioner of Roads – J. Scott TUCKER.
Dep. Commissioner of Roads – M. R. ROBINSON.
Asst.-Commissioner of Roads – M. WOODIFIELD.
Second Asst.-Com. of Roads – W. PILKINGTON.
A. G. BAINS - Inspector of Roads, in charge of Works over Katberg and through the Stockenstrom division.
C. L. STRETCH – Inspector of Roads (unattached).
John ROGERS – In charge of Works in the division of Graaff-Reinet, Middleburg, (Paarde Poort line).
- M. KENZIE, in charge of Roads, Uitenhage.
H. H. GOING, in charge of Roads, Grahamstown and Coega.
John POWELL, in charge of Roads, Sunday’s River and Zuurberg.

Hon. W. FIELD, Esq., Immigration Commissioner.
William SAMPSON, Esq., Cape Town.
Herbert LONGLAND, Esq., B.A., Port Elizabeth.

Colonial Secretary – Hon. RAWSON W. RAWSON, C.B.
Treasurer-General – Hon. Harry RIVERS, Esq.
Auditor-General – Hon. E. M. COLE, Esq.
Secretary to Lieut.-Gov. – Richard SOUTHEY, Esq.
Chief Justice – Hon. Sir William HODGES.
Puisne Judges – Hon. S. S. BELL, H. CLOETE, and E. B. WATERMEYER. LL. D., Esqs.
Attorney-General – Hon. W. PORTER, Esq.
Master of the Sup. Court – J. STEUART, Esq.
High Sheriff (acting) – J. STEUART, Esq.
Registrar Supreme Court – T. H. BOWLES, Esq.
Surveyor-General – Charles BELL, Esq.
Civil Engineer – J. Scott TUCKER, Esq.
Registrar of Deeds – James CAREY, Esq.
Col. and Compt. of Cust. – Hon, W. FIELD, Esq. (absent on Emigration duty) W. S. FIELD (acting)
Postmaster-General – J. A. LE SEUR, Esq.
Sup. Gen. of Education – L. DALE, Esq. LL. D.
Clerk of the Ex. Council – J. Rivers, Esq., (acting).
Distributor of Stamps – J. D. OVERBEEK, Esq.
Sup. Gen. of Convicts – G. PIERS, Esq.

Hon. Jos. CAWOOD, Esq., Hon. Charles POTE, Esq., Hon. John PATERSON, Esq., Hon. H. KENNELLY, Esq., Hon J. L. F. MALTITZ Esq., Hon. J. H. GREATHEAD, Esq., Hon. ---- ------- Esq.,

EASTERN PROVINCE – Albany: C, SLATER, S. GAWOOD, Albert: ----- BOTMAN, F. H. HOPLEY. Colesberg: N. H. THEUNISSEN, P. J. A. WATERMEYER. Cradock: C. SCANLEN, C. H. CALDECOTT. Fort Beaufort: R. J. PAINTER, Jas. McMASTER. Graham’s Town: S. MANDY, G. C. CLOUGH. Port Elizabeth: C. L. STRETCH, Jos. CAWOOD. Somerset: R. M. BOWKER, W. STANTON. Uitenhage: J. C. KROG, D. J. ASPELING. Victoria: T. H. BOWKER, R. H. DARNELL.

Chief Commissioner – Colonel John MACLEAN, C. B.
President of the Court of Criminal Sessions – Hon. H. BARRINGTON, J.P., Barrister-at-law.
Resident Magistrate, Ling William’s Town – Richard TAYLOR, Esq.
Gaika Commissioner – C. BROWNLEE, Esq.
Superintendent of Native Hospital – J. P. FITZGERALD, Esq.


NEWS FROM THE SALT LAKE. – Letters have been received in this town by the last English Mail from some parties who left this district in 1857, for the territory of Salt Lake, while labouring under the fearful delusions of the Mormonism. The letters give anything but a flattering account of the state of things at Utah. The climate is miserably cold, and firewood is hardly procurable. The cost of a load is L2, which is paid for not in coin, that being a scarce article in those regions, but in produce. Oxen are from L12 to L20 each, in the same place. The United States troops are still quartered amongst the Mormons. The infatuated beings who left this colony some three years ago, in spite of the warnings and entreaties of their friends are now reaping the bitter fruits of their insane folly. All of them were in comfortable circumstances here, and some of them had accumulated considerable property. Their position now, however, presents painful contrast to that which they abandoned, and what makes it worse, there is little chance of their being able to retrace their steps. Once under the influence of Brigham YOUNG and his 70 elders, retreat is next to impossible, and friends who would gladly aid the unfortunates to return, know not how to do so with effect. One individual, well known in this part, manages to get enough to eat by working as a laborer for those who can afford to employ him, and he considered himself fortunate last year that he was enabled to raise a few potatoes and other vegetables, on another man’s land for the half of the produce. He was not however, able to raise sufficient to pay the postage op his letter direct to this colony and so was obliged to send it to a friend in England first – prepayment not being necessary between American and England – with a request that the postage might be paid on to the Cape! If there should be any meditating a trip to Utah, we hope they will be advised before it is too late. Any persons who feels sufficient interest in the matter, may see the letters alluded to above, by applying at this office.


THE ESTATE of Mr. John STOCK, who left this town for the Salt Lake without having first settled the claims of his creditors, has been placed under sequestration by order of the Supreme Court. – Telegraph.

A REMARKABLE CASE. – The Supreme Court held a sitting last Saturday for the purpose of hearing the arguments in a case which is of a nature happily not often heard of. It was that of HORAK v. HORAK to procure the annulment of marriage. The Attorney-General (instructed by Mr. FAIRBRIDGE) appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. BRAND (instructed by Mr. TREDGOLD) for the defendant, and the point for the consideration of the court was, whether, in the event of proof being afforded in the Beaufort Circuit Court that Mr. HORAK was not the father of the child of which his wife (the defendant) was delivered on the 16th Nov., 1859, 188 days after their union (May 12th, 1859,) the marriage would in law be considered as void, ab initio, or avoidable, or be made dissoluble and dissolved, on the ground of fraud, the woman knowing that she was not, as she represented, a maid, at the time of the nuptial ceremony, having been previously seduced (by one Lorenzo BOYES, at Richmond, or some other party), and being there and then actually enceinte. The defendant, in her plea, denied the allegation of fact and the assumption in law; but for the sake of argument, the circumstances, as represented were assumed, and the question turned on the probability or impossibility of the plaintiff knowing the condition of his bride. The Attorney-General argued that it was utterly unlikely that the plaintiff, a mere trader, could possess sufficient physiological knowledge to detect the fact of his having been deceived as to her virginity, or that he could discover, pending her sudden lying-in that she was further humbugging him in making him believe that her noticeable condition was the natural result of cohabitation. Taking it for granted that fraud had been committed, the learned counsel cited a number of works illustrative of the Roman-Dutch, English and American law, relative to marriage and contracts, in order to prove that in point of law the plaintiff was entitled to the relief which he sought. Mr. BRAND, on behalf of the defendant, sought by quoting authorities, to show that even the plaintiff had been deceived, it was an incorrect assumption in law that the marriage was thereby null and void, thought it might be within plaintiff’s power to get released from any responsibility in respect to the child, by procuring a decree of bastardy against it. A short and resultless conversation took place on this collateral point, between the bar and the bench, and after the Attorney-General had made a rejoinder to his learned friend, the Chief Justice announced that the court would take time to consider its judgement. - Monitor.

May 2 – At Graham’s Town, in re James HONEY, second.
May 9 – At Graham’s Town, in re Christopher WEDDERBURN. First.
May 14 – At Hopetown, in re Hendrik Adriaan GREEFF, of Hopetown, Special.
May 16 – At Graham’s Town, in re William WRIGHT of Graham’s Town, third.

May 9 – At Graham’s Town, in re Thomas Sellom KING, of the Graham’s Town district.

John STOCK, of Port Elizabeth.
Christopher WEDDERBURN.

To attest Contract of Service under Act No. 27, of 1857.
Mr. Jan Hendrik NEL, of East Fish River, division of Albany; Mr. John RORKE, field-cornet of the ward Blinkwater, division of Fort Beaufort.
To be Justices of the Peace
John RORKE, Esq., for the district of Fort Beaufort; John George James RAWSTORNE, Esq., for the district of Richmond; Wm. Henry ADDISON, Esq., for the district of Hope Town.
W. H. ADDISON, Esq., to be acting Civil Commisioner and Resident Magistrate for the division and district of Hope Town, during the leave of absence of Wm. DELY. Esq.

Shop Licences.
To expire 31st December 1860.
Peter DARGAN, Post Retief; James MOORCROFT, Weltevreden; R. M. ROBERTS, Adelaide; Jeremiah THOMAS, Blinkwater; J. N. HOLDEN, Fort Beaufort; James VIGNE, do. do.; James CAMPBELL, Adelaide; John MARRIOTT, do.; C. HOLLIDAY, D’Urban Street, Fort Beaufort’ James SCOTT, do. Do.; H T. LLOYD, Blinkwater.

Butcher’s Licences.
To expire 31st Dec. 1860.
E. BUCKLY, Fort Beaufort; C. van der WESTHUYSEN, Adelaide.

Hawker’s Licences.
To trade in the Colony and to expire 31st Dec. 1860: -
Oswald BRIGG, Healdtown.
To trade over the boundry and to expire 31st Dec. 1860:-
H. E. McTAGGART, Healdtown.

Baker’s Licences
To expire 31st Dec. 1860.
W. CALLAGHAN, Fort Beaufort; Edward BUCKLY, do.; James CAMPBELL, Adelaide; C. van der WESTHUYSEN, do.

Wholesale Wince Licence.
To expire 10th March 1860 [sic- I think this should be 10th March 1861 or 31 Dec. 1860]
C.HOLLIDAY, Fort Beaufort.

Billiard Table Licence.
To Expire 31st Dec., 1860.
Mary Ann FITZPATRICK, Henrietta Street, Fort Beaufort.

Auctioneer’s Licences.
Donald McKAY, Blinkwater, to expire 6th Feb., 1861.
James CAMPBELL, Adelaide, to expire March 6, 1861.

Dis. Of Stamps.
Stamp Office,
Fort Beaufort
31st March, 1860.

Saturday, May 5, 1860

THE LATE J. BREHM ESQ. – In our obituary of today, we have to record the death of J. BREHM, Esq., of Uitenhage, one of the oldest and most respected inhabitants of the rural town. The name of Mr. BREHM, is known throughout the colony as one who always took great interest in horticultural pursuits, and who was ever on the alert to promote to the best of his ability the interests of this province. – E. P. Herald.

LAUDIBLE EXAMPLE. – The Port Elizabeth Boating Company received, a few days since, a complete set of life preserving apparatus. It comprises twelve life buoys, twelve life-belts, twelve life-lines and a stomach pump. Each of the company’s whale boats (six in number) is, we understand, to be furnished with a life-buoy, while the remaining six are to be hung at the entrance of the company’s stores, so as they can be had at a moment’s notice. The life-lines and belts will be placed equally convenient. The sad accident which resulted in the death of Col. ROSE, R.E., in November last, suggested the necessity for the provision the company had just made; and we would commend its consideration to the Directors of the Eastern Province Company and to the attention of Mr. DAWSON. There is the Post-office, too. We don’t know exactly how it is provided, but believe its supply of buoys, etc., to be very deficient. The Post-office, above all other establishments, ought to have an abundant supply of such apparatus, and, it need hardly be said, that the greater the means for saving life – the possession of it by this establishment as well as by the boating Companies – would greatly diminish the risk of death by drowning. – Ibid.

NEW ARRIVALS. – Amongst new arrivals we observe with pleasure Mr. James MULLETT, late of Burghersdorp, and Mr. A. ELLIOTT, late of Winburg, the former establishing a wholesale business, under good prospects. Our Storekeepers say, the more the merrier, and we wish this new establishment every good luck. – Ibid.

WE REGRET to have to record the occurrence in this neighbourhood of a very melancholy case of suicide on Saturday last. Intelligence reached town on Sunday at noon, to the effect that Mr. H. J. RUBIDGE, residing at Gletwyn, about 6 miles from this city, was lying dead in the field; in the absence of further information it got bruited abroad that he had been murdered. The Clerk of the Peace, the District Surgeon, Commandant CURRIE, a few policemen and several of the inhabitants, at once hastened to the spot; but alas! The melancholy tale was soon told. On examination he was found to have died from the effects of a dose of strychnine. The vial in which it had been mixed was found in his jacket-pocket, (where he must have put it after drinking the draught) and in his waistcoat pocket was a further quantity of the same poison in paper. The body was lying downwards, resting on one arm, with the hat drawn over his face. In one of the pockets was found a memorandum-book, in which he had written to his wife, giving most minute directions with regard to the management of certain matters of business and other things which it would be unbecoming to make public. The act seems to have been most coolly and determinedly done, and by it a widow and family of seven children are left to work their way in the world without the aid and counsel of an affectionate husband, and a kind and indulgent father. Universal sympathy has been expressed for the unfortunate and bereaved family. No cause is assigned for the deed; at first it was said to have been pecuniary difficulties, but we are glad to be able to state, upon good authority, that he had recovered from some recent embarrassments, and was now in a fair way of enjoying a considerable degree of material prosperity. – G.T. Journal.

Saturday, May 12, 1860

BIRTH, at Adelaide, on Tuesday the 8th of May, the Wife of Dr. William BROWN, of a daughter.

THE LATE COLONEL COWPER ROSE. – We are informed that the Admirility are causing inquiry to be made into the circumstances connected with the death of the late Colonel ROSE, as they appear to think there has been some mismanagement or neglect. We have frequently urged the importance of immediate inquiry into accidents of this kind. It would have been much better if the necessary inquiry had been made at once instituted on the spot. – E. P. Herald.

CRADOCK. – A Volunteer Corps has been raised at Cradock. The following are the officers as reported by the News: - J. E. NELSON, Captain; T. C. SCANLEN, Lieutenant; L. SCHRYVER, Adjudant; Dr. GREY, Surgeon.
The election of a member for Albany is to take place on the 6th June next. As the new member will not be able to go down until the end of the session, there are likely to be a number of Candidates. Mr. FRANKLIN is willing to go downm and Mr. W. M. Bowker is named as likely to be put up. Should there be a contest, it will be country versus town, on account of the opposition to the sub-guarantee. – G. T. Journal.

May 16 – At Port Elizabeth, in re Clara HUEY, late of Port Elizabeth, now in Cape Town, first.
May 16 – At Graham’s Town, in re James MILLER, Special.
May 19 – At Cradock, in re Jeremiah WOODLAND, of Cradock, horse dealer, first.
May 22 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re William SOUTHEY, of Graaff-Reinet, special.
May 23 – At Graham’s Town, in re Charles BARBER, special.
May 23 – At Burghersdorp, in re Robert Alison SMITH, deceased, first and final.
May 30 – At Port Elizabeth, in re Joseph Lewis, deceased, special.
May 30 – At Port Elizabeth, in re John Alexander Lund, of Port Elizabeth, special.

Meetings in Deceased Estates
June 12 – At Uitenhage, in re Emily TERRY, deceased spouse of John Alexander LUND, of the Uitenhage district, deceased.
June 12 – At Uitenhage, in re Joachim BREHM, of the Uitenhage district, deceased.
June 13 – At Port Elizabeth, in re William RICHARDSON, of Port Elizabeth district, and surviving spouse Sarah Lavinia COOPER.
June 15 – At Hopetown, in re Albert PAICE, of the Hopetown district, and surviving spouse Helena GEYRE.

Saturday, May 19, 1860

Port Elizabeth
PASSENGERS BY THE “SIR GEORGE GREY.” – The Following is a list of passengers who left by this steamer for Cape Town this morning: - In the Saloon: Mr. & Mrs. HILDER, Mr STANTON, M. L. A., Hon. Mr. KENNELLY, M. L. C., Master KENNELLY, Mr. R.J. PAINTER, M. L. A., Mr. J. McMASTER, M. L. A., Mr. and Mrs. A. PHILIP and two children, Mr. G. C. CLOUGH, M. L. A., Lieut. BROOKS and an Ensign 13th regiment. Fore cabin: Messrs. J. HAM, G. Doij, E. MAHER, H. GARTRELL, H. SMITH, J. TREELOOR, F. HONEY, and E. EDBROOK. – P. E. Telegraph

THE FUNERAL OF THE LATE MR. HENLEY, formely Adjudant of the “Port Elizabeth Rifle Corps,” took place on Tuesday afternoon last, accompanied by the usual military honours. At 3 p.m. a procession, consisting of the Port Elizabeth Rifles, members of the Volunteer Artillery, and other followers, left the market Square, preceded by the band, and marched to the house of the deceased, situated at the north end of the town. Here they encountered the hearse containing the body, and after a short interval resumed their march in slow movements to the Roman Catholic burialground on the hill, the band in the meanwhile playing an appropriate march for the occasion. After the close of the burial service, which occupied but a few minutes in delivery, three successive volleys were fired over the grave of the deceased, and the procession returned. This scene was witnessed by a large concourse of spectators, many of whom had collected near the burial ground and on the adjacent hill, whilst numbers line the street on either side en route of the procession. We believe this is the first time that a military funeral of any member of a volunteer corps has taken place in this town; consequently the proceedings reflect the greatest credit on all those engaged in it. – Ibid.

Saturday, June 2, 1860

NOTICE is hereby given that the Civil Commissioner of Fort Beaufort will hold a COURT at his office on the 5th June next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of hearing objections, if any, to the names of the undermentioned persons, who are supposed to have become disqualified, being struck off the list of Registered Voters in the Electoral Division of Fort Beaufort: -

BELL, B. D., Fort Beaufort
BENSON, James do.
BUCKLEY, Alfred, do.
BLAKEMORE, George, do.
BOWKER, Thos. Henry, do.
CALLAGHAN, Hugh, do.
CORNES, Charles, do.
CURIE, Geo. Butler, do.
DOYLE, James, do.
EICHBAUM, Chas. Wm., do.
GILMORE, Michael, do.
FARREL, John, do.
HENRY, George, do.
HOLLAND, John, do.
HEPBURN, Ebenezer D., do,
McKENZIE Adam J., do.
MUNRO. John, do.
MELHAS, Wm., do
McINTYRE, Donald, do.
NORMAN, Samuel, do.
NORDEN, Benjamin, do.
PIERS, Henry Wm., do.
WRIE, John, do.
WINDELL, Benjamin, do.
WILLIAMS, Charles, do.
WALKER, William, do.
WATON, Nicholas, do.


BOTHA, Renier, Klu Klu
BOTHA, Hercules, do.
DU PREEZ, J. L. Rhenoster Hoek
DEL PORT, Gert, Klum Fontein
GREEF, F. J., Wagon Drift
GREEF, L. J., Wagon Drift,
HOWSE, James E., Leeuw Fontein
KNOTT, B., Botha’s Post
VAN DER VYVER, Jan, Botha’s Post


BARCLAY, H., Blinkwater
RORKE, Michael, do.
RORKE, James, Blinkwater


DARGAN, Peter, Post Retief
DE VILLIERS, J. N., Hartebeste Hoek,
ERASMUS, M. D. Tambookie Fontein,
ERASMUS, Daniel, Roode Krantz,
ENGELBRECHT, Wm., Groen Draai,
LOMBARD, Jan, do.
DEL PORT Petrus, Besters’ Kraal,
MORRIS, James, Ried Valley
O’NEIL, Felix, Ft Beaufort
O’CONNER, J., Winterberg,
RAUTENBACH, T., Rautenbach’s Rust,
RUDMAN, James, WIggil’s Farm,
RUDMAN, Samuel, do
SALT, W., Hartebeste Hoek
SMITH, T., Hartebeste Hoek
SMITH, A., St. Lawrence
SEVRON, John, Kal Hoek,
VAN STADEN, A., Groen Kop
WYONE, W., Post Retief

Civil Commissioner.

In the ESTATE of the late Benjamin NORDEN, of Fort Beaufort, Notary Public.
All persons having any claims against the above Estate are requested to file the same with the Undersigned within SIX WEEKS from this date: and those indebted thereto to pay their debts within the said period.
Executor Dative
Fort Beaufort
May 26, 1860.

DIED, at Fort Beaufort, on Thursday, 31st May, 1860, Clement Nevil, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. NETTLETON. – Aged 3 months and 16 days.

FORT BEAUFORT RIFLES. – The following appointments are officially announced in the Government Gazette: - George VALENTINE, Esq., Captain; James VIGNE, Esq., Lieutenant; John James GUNN, Esq., Lieut. and Adjutant.

MILITARY. – A detachment of the 85th under Lieutenant TAYLOR numbering 75 men, arrived from Graham’s Town on Wednesday last. The men are destined for Kieskamma Hoek, and continued their march the next day.

June 6 – At Grahamstown in re Thomas WALKER, of Grahamstown, deceased, first.
June 12 – At Graaff-Reinet in re Hendrick Christoffel JANSE VAN RENSBURG, of Aberdeen, first.
June 13 – At Grahamstown in re Thomas WALKER of Grahamstown, deceased, second.
June 19 – At Graaff-Reinet in re Hendrick Christoffel JANSE VAN RENSBURG, of Aberdeen, second
June 19 - At Graaff-Reinet in re Benjamin FINCHAM, of Middleburg, third.
June 18 – At Middleburg in re Andries Stephanus Jacobus VAN DER WALT of Groot Fontein, Middleburg, first.
June 20 – At Port Elizabeth in re Robert CALTON of Port Elizabeth, third.
June 25 – At Middleburg in re Andries Stephanus Jacobus VAN DER WALT of Groot Fontein, Middleburg, second.

June 27 – At Port Elizabeth, in re John QUIGLEY of Port Elizabeth district.
June 27 – At Grahamstown, in re Jemima Ann WATSON, of the Grahamstown district, and surviving spouse, William Page.

Saturday, June 16, 1860

In the Insolvent Estate of H. B. CUNNINGHAM, of Fort Beaufort, Boot and Shoe-maker.
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate, are requested to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee in the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his office, Graham’s Town, Wednesday, the 20th June, 1860, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and giving directions as to the management of the said Estate. And all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to pay the same to the Undersigned forthwith, or legal proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee.
Fort Beaufort, 16 May, 1860.


MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT. – On Thursday evening last, the Rev. Mr. HOENDERVANGER, Roman Catholic Priest of Bloemfontein, was brought into Graaff Reinet with both legs fractured across the thighs, and conveyed to the house of the Rev. Mr. GRENNAN, where he now lies. It appears that Mr. HOENDERVANGER had been on a visit to this town, and was returning to Bloemfontein, by way of Colesberg, travelling in an ox-wagon. On the day in question he had put himself into a hammock between the wheels of the ox-wagon to secure a little rest. When the wagon began to move along the poor old man was suddenly thrown out from the hammock, owing to some inequalities of the road, and the wheels of the wagon passed over his legs, breaking them across the thighs. This occurred near the Oudeberg. The old gentleman is in a very precarious state at present, and may be regarded as a proper object for Christian charity. It is not likely, under the most favourable circumstances, that he will recover in less than three months; and we beg to call attention to this case, as one towards which the public ought to feel a pleasure in lending their assistance. The Rev. Mr. STEABLER, or the Roman Catholic priest, the Rev. Mr. GREUNEN, will receive any sums of money that may be devoted to the relief of this case of real distress. A later account states that the Rev. gentleman was in a favourable way towards recovery. – G. R. Herald.

June 21 – At Burghersdorp, in re John Martie ENSLIN, formerly of BURGHERSDORP, special.
June 20 – At Graham’s Town, in re H. B. CUNNINGHAM, of Fort Beaufort, boot and shoemaker, third.
June 27 – At Grahamstown, in re Felix O’ NEIL, late of the district of Fort Beaufort, third.
June 27 – At Grahamstown, in re Gerhardus. Hendrik WOEST, of the district of Alice, third.
June 23 – At Colesberg, in re Samuel DE BEER, late of Cradock, now of Colesberg, first.
June 30 – At Colesberg, in re Samuel DE BEER, late of Cradock, now of Colesberg, second.

July 11 – At Port Elizabeth, in re Joseph BENSON, of the Port Elizabeth District, and surviving spouse Elizabeth MANUEL.
July 13 – At Fort Beaufort, in re William WALKER, of the Fort Beaufort district.
July 17 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Elizabeth Anna RUBIDGE, deceased spouse of Alexander JAMES, of the Graaff-Reinet district. [sic- husband was Alexander INNES]

Samuel DE BEER, late of Cradock, now of Colesberg.

Saturday, June 23, 1860


IMMIGRATION. – By the arrival of the John Masterman, in Algoa Bay, 245 souls have been added to the population of this Province. Amongst the emigrants, we observe 12 who have come out to join the Mounted Police. The trades and callings are well assorted. About one half the females as domestic servants. There are a good many permit cases amongst the lot.


The immigrant ship John Masterman, J. WESTGARTH, commander, arrived in our Bay on Tuesday last from Southampton which port she left on the 24th of March – being thus 79 days on the passage. She brings 245 emigrants – a large portion of whom are agricultural laborers. Of female domestic servants who are in such request, she brings a good number – 36. There are not so many tradesman among this batch as were brought out by previous vessels. As the weather was very boisterious on Tuesday last, neither the chairman nor secretary to the immigration board proceeded on board till yesterdat when arrangements were made for the landing of the immigrants, and which were carried out during the day. From appearances they are a very respectable class of people. And we hope they will succeed in obtaining ready employment. For further particulars respecting their trades and callings, etc., we must refer our readers to subjoined list; -





Married Couples




Single Adults




Children (1-13)












Total 245 souls, equal to 220½ statute adults.

The following is a list of the trades and callings of the emigrants: - “Agricultural labourers and farm servants, male, 72; female, 7; general labourers, 18; domestic servants (female), 38; bricklayer, 1; baker, (permit case), 1; boot and shoe makers, 4; cabinet-makers, 2; carpenters and joiners, 3; gardeners, 4; milliners and dress-makers, 4; overseers, 2; police (for the Cape Frontier Mounted Police Force), 12; printer and bookbinder (permit case), 1; slater (permit case), 1; smiths of various kinds, 5; tailor, 1; teachers and school-mistresses (permit cases), 2; warehouseman (permit case), 1; wheelwrights, 3. – Telegraph.


The farm “LENTENDAAL,” 870 morgen, belonging to the deceased estate of Van NIEUKERK, was sold at Alice last Wednesday by Mr. J. B. TEMLETT for the sum of L1,540. Mr. W. GLASS was the purchaser.

Saturday, June 30, 1860

DIED, at her farm Kareiga, Albany, on Thursday, 21st June, 1860, Bridget McGEER, Widow of the late W. McGEER, aged 68 years. Deceased arrived in this colony with the British Settlers of 1820.

BIRTH, at Fort Beaufort, on the 27th inst., the Wife of a. WILMANS, Esq., M. D., of a Son.

Estate of Alexander STEWART, of the Stockenstrom District, deceased.
All persons having any claims against the above Estate, are requested to send them to the first undersigned within SIX WEEKS from this date: and those indebted to the Estate to pay their accounts within the same period.
C.J. GROEPE, J.P. ) Executors
Jacobus CORELSE ) Dative.
Tambookie Valley, near Hertzog
16th June, 1860.


SUDDEN DEATH. – We deeply regret having to record the sudden death of Miss. Agnes McKENZIE daughter of Mrs. McKENZIE of this town. The deceased young lady had not been in good health for some time; but nothing serious was anticipated. On Monday last she complained in the morning of being ill; but this seemed to have passed off during the day. In the evening, however, she was taken suddenly ill, and death resulted almost immediately. – Telegraph.

ACCIDENT. – We regret to state that our townsman, the Rev. Mr. HOENDERVANGERS, P.P., met with an accident on his return from Graaff Reinet, the details of which, we perceive, are in course of being copied into the Colonial papers from the Graaff Reinet Herald. Immediately on the tidings being received here, L26 were collected for his use, and L10 of it remitted to the Rev. Mr. STEABLER, by the first post thereafter. – Ibid.

FEARFUL DEATH. – The body of an European, named WALMSLEY, was found last week in a small room, occupied solely by himself, near Dooley Square. From the appearance of the body, it was thought by the Clerk of the Peace that death had resulted from violence; but it was the opinion of the medical men who viewed the body, which was in a very decomposed state, that death had resulted from apoplexy. – Kaf. Banner.

SHOCKING OCCURRENCE. – Last Monday evening, Mr. SOLE, contractor’s agent at Keiskama, went out to gather watercresses on that river; but not returning in the evening, much anxiety was manifested by his family for his safety. The next morning he was found in the river quite dead, from drowning. Sad to relate, he leaves a poor wife, near her confinement, and several children. – Ia.

July 24 – At Uitenhage, in re Fredrik Johannes SCHEEPERS, of the Uitenhage district.

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