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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1860 1 January - March

Saturday, January 7, 1860

DIED, on Sunday the 1st instant, at her residence in Fort Beaufort, after a long and painful illness, Mary Anne, the beloved wife of Mr. Thomas WARD, aged 35 years.
Fort Beaufort, Jan. 6, 1860.

DIED, at Bedford, on the 2nd January, 1860, Mary, the wife of W, SAMPSON, Sen., late Sergeant in the 27th Regt., after a long and painful illness. Aged 56 years, 6 months, and 14 days. – R.I.P.

FEARFUL DEATH AT ALICE. – (Our Correspondent.)
Yesterday Morning (5th) the body of an European was discovered lying on a cairn of stones by the door of the Scotch Church. On examination it was discovered to be that of William BELFOUR, a native of Ireland, formerly belonging to the 27th Regt., and a settler of Ely military village. When discovered the body was almost in a state of nakedness, the (trowsers) about the (ancles), the short torn and bloody, the body scratched and bruised, and besmeared with mud and dust, evidently the result of tumbling and falling on the ground and among the stones. An inquest was held, and the conclusion come to was “Death caused by excessive drinking and exposure to the weather.” Deceased was a carpenter by trade, and came to live in Alice when obliged to flee from Ely on the breaking out of the war in 1850. For the last twelve months he was working at the new Bridge at the Koonap and came to Alice to spend the Christmas. BELFOUR was a civil, inoffensive man when sober, but unfortunately addicted to drinking. A few days before his death he had plenty of money, and possessed friends, but those who professed attachment are not the sort of people to befriend those who stand in need of a friend. BELFOUR’s money was gone, and therefore he, if not driven out, was allowed to wander about in a dark wet night, quite unconscious of his own existence, and in this state he died. This is not a solitary case, there have been many similar occurred here during the past few years. What are our friends in Graham’s Town doing, who advocate the doctrines of Father Mathew, that great moral reformer? Are their efforts confined exclusively to the locality in which the Temperance Society exists? If so, it does not speak much for its healthy state. We say come and help us. Send one of your members to deliver one or more lectures, and form a branch Society. The writer would gladly give his support to it, and he knows three more who are prepared to set upon the same principles.
[Transcriber’s Note: typed as written]

Saturday, January 14, 1860

The following description IMMIGRANTS having arrived at Fort Beaufort this morning, parties requiring their services will please communicate with the undersigned, viz. :-

David JUPP Farm labourer Married
Rich'd RICHARDSON Carpenter     Do.
Alex. WALKER Farm labourer     Do.
Wm. HODGE          Do.     Do.
Wm. BIRTS          Do.  Single
James SMITH Sawyer Married

W.H. RAWSTORNE, Secretary
Immigration Office
Fort Beaufort, Jan 14 1859 [sic]

Saturday, January 21, 1860

A Private of the Cape Mounted Rifle Regiment was found dead near the Cape Corps Barracks on Sunday last, and from a post mortem examination it appears that he must have met his death by violence – there being marks of a heavy blow on the top of his skull. The man when last seen, on Saturday night, was in a state of intoxication. A comrade has been taken on suspicion, and a rigid examination is being conducted by Mr. HUNTLY, the Clerk of the Peace, but at present the evidence is not sufficiently conclusive to secure a committal. – G.T. Journal

A very melancholy accident occurred a few yards to the South’ard of the breakwater on Sunday afternoon. A private – named Thomas PIGOTT, a native of London, and about one-and-twenty years of age – belonging to H.M.’s 13th Regiment, was bathing, when getting within the influence of the current which, owing to the heavy sea sent in by the breeze that had blown for several days previously from the South’ard, he was swept down towards the breakwater, despite his efforts he could swim a little to reach the shore. A number of coloured youths, several soldiers, and it is said one or two sailors, witnessed this sad affair; but with one exception, little or no assistance seems to have been attempted. – E.P. Herald

Saturday, January 28, 1860

We regret to hear that several accidents occurred during the heavy storm which passed over this on Friday evening the 20th inst. – A Fingo woman at Healdtown was killed by the electric fluid, and a Hottentot woman and child were struck in the Kat River settlement, - the former being killed on the spot, the latter only stunned. Three oxen belonging to Gert NEL of Blinkwater were killed by the lightning; and a whole span of oxen belonging to a wagoner proceeding to K. W. Town were stunned, the electric fluid passing along the trek chain. Only three oxen recovered. A Kafir woman, we hear, was also killed in the neighborhood of K. W. Town.

The Royal Mail Steamer Norman, Capt. Boxer, arrived in Table Bay, with the English Mail, on Sunday, 15th inst, from Plymouth, Dec. 6, with a full cargo, L4000 in specie, and the following PASSENGERS: - Lord BISHOP of Graham’s Town; Col. STAUNTON, C.M.R., Mrs. Staunton and servant, Mr. S. van der BYL, Mr. HICKMAN, Mr. and Mrs. WRENCH, Miss BELL, Miss PICKWORTH, Mr. and Mrs. VOIGT, two children and servant, Mr. and Mrs. KNIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. BRODERICK, and child, Mr. P. STRUTT, Mr. C.E. READ, Mr. de PIERMONT, Mr. THOOFT, Mr. and Mrs. BARTH, Mr. and Mrs. DASTRE, child and servant, Mr. CHILDERS, Mr. J. RIGBY, Mr. LEFIND, Le BIHAM, Mr. S. M. NORMAN, Mr. ADCOCK, Mr. KEMP, ARTHUR, FITZSIMONS and Michael CAUD, in charge of horses for St. Helena.

A frightful MURDER has been committed in the streets of Coventry, a militiaman named KINGSTON having attacked his wife, from whom he had been living apart, and with a clasp knife first stabbed her and then cut her throat. The murderer is in custody.

COMMISSARIAT. – Amongst the promotions recorded in the London Gazette, we observe the following names: - Asst. Com. Gen. ROUTH, to be Deputy Com. Gen.; - Dep. As. Com. Generals EICHBAUM and G. A. SKINNER, to be Asst. Com. Generals; - Commissariat Clerks E. C. SAUNDER, W. W. MOORE, R. STANES, E. COURTNEY, F. B. WINGFIELD, and J. H. RANDALL, to be Dep. As. Com. Generals.

Saturday, February 4, 1860

ACCIDENT. – On Monday morning, a mason of the name of Pat. HAYES, employed by Mr. BARRABLE in the erection of Messrs. BLAINE’s new stores in High Street, fell of the scaffolding on the first landing, a height of about 14 feet, and was seriously injured. He was conveyed to the hospital, where he expired last night. He has left a wife and family totally unprovided for. – Anglo African.

A dreadful and mysterious MURDER has been perpetrated at Fauresmith, and although every means are being to discover the murderers, it is at present entirely involved in obscurity. On Friday, the 6th January, a Mrs. ROSSOUW, wife of the koster (sexton) to the Dutch Reformed Church, went with another female and a servant to a pool at some distance from the town, situate amongst some small hills, to wash some linen. Having completed what she required, she went away, telling the other woman that she fancied she saw her husband at a short distance, and that she was going to drink some water at another pool about 200 yards further. She was never seen again alive by her friends. Not returning home, search was made for her during three days and night (being moonlight) of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. On Monday morning her body was found, with every evidence of murder, having being covered with stones. The right leg was nearly eaten up by dogs, and the whole body in a horrible state of decomposition. On examination it was discovered that a violent wound had been inflicted over the right ear, fracturing the skull, and no doubt causing her death. As her rings, etc., were found still on her body, there is but one surmise as to the motives of her murder, and it is pretty evident that it must have been fear of her report of brutal usage that incited the fearful act. The matter is under investigation, and several parties, white and coloured are in custody of suspicion, but without very great proof against them.

Saturday, February 11, 1860

It is our painful duty to record one of the most melancholy accidents which has occurred in Cape Town for a very long time past, and which has ended fatally to one of the most respected and popular young men in the city.
On Saturday, the 28th ult., the Volunteers assembled at drill, for Colonel in-Chief’s parade, when the various corps mustered tolerably strong, and were as usual attended by a very large concourse of spectators. At a little before seven o’clock, the corps were drawn up with the artillery in the centre, flanked by the Sappers and Miners, who were again flanked by the Rifles, formed in squares of two companies with the cavalry facing this force in line. The command to the cavalry to charge being given, Captain PORTER ordered only those to charge who understood the pursuing practice. One of these was Mr. TURPIN, mounted unfortunately on a horse which he had recently purchased, but which was not quite so manageable as he should be. The word charge being given, the cavalry dashed forward, the main bodies down the centre of the parade towards the artillery parting off right and left to the Rifles, and retiring when within about twenty paces of the squares. Mr. TURPIN’s horse however taking fright, broke away with his rider, and galloped down between the crowd, and the square nearest them, namely that nearest Darling-street side, when on the firing of the corps, Mr. TURPIN , exclaimed two or three times “ oh! oh! I am shot” and putting his hand to his left side, where the wound was, just at the upper edge of the sword belt, he dropped onto his horse’s neck, and with remarkable coolness and presence of mind deliberately got out of the saddle, disentangling his scabbard as he dismounted, and laid himself down on the ground, when he fainted. He was scarcely heard to call out or droop in his saddle before he was surrounded by friends, and officers and privates of the various Volunteer Corps, amongst whom the greatest anxiety was evident for his safety General WYNYARD, the Lieut. Governor, who with his suite was present at the parade of the Volunteers, rode at once to the spot, and ordered means for removing him comfortably to be got quickly from the Barracks. In the meantime, Mr. RUSSELL, of the Masonic Hotel, who was very close to Mr. TURPIN when he fell, ran for water, for which the poor fellow on recovering from his swoon, expressed himself extremely grateful. Dr. ABERCROMBIE, Jun., surgeon of the cavalry corps, was speedily in attendance, but not before Dr. ROUX, who happened to be present when the accident occurred. Dr.’s BICKERSTETH, FLECK, and BROWN were soon in attendance, and rendered the unfortunate gentleman all the assistance in their power, removing him to the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. Attorney GAIN, in Roeland-street. Having undressed him, placed him in bed, his medical attendants examined the wound, and found the injury he had sustained was an extremely critical one, and feared from the first that it would prove fatal. The exact amount of injury which he had suffered it was impossible to ascertain then, but on probing the wound pieces of a leather belt, hemp- and waist belt, which is worn under the leather one, fragments of linen, and a portion of the trowsers were extracted. The greatest anxiety throughout the town prevailed on Mr. TURPIN’s behalf. His sad condition cast a gloom over the whole community, and the inquiries after his condition were incessant at the house from Saturday evening till Monday noon, especially when it was found on Sunday afternoon that all hopes of his recovery were gone. The attention of his relatives, friends, and comrades were uninterrupted from the moment of the accident to the last, and to Dr. ADAMS, of H.M.S. Boscawen who was one of his fellow-passengers on his late return trip from Europe, and who called to seem him, he declared that all his pain and suffering were compensated by the kindness and attention shown him in his misfortune. His Captain, the Honourable Mr. PORTER, watched over him with the solicitude of a parent. To the last he retained the entire use of his faculties, receiving the expression of his friends and directing the control of his affairs in the most cheerful and collected manner. When it was known that he could not recover he prepared to meet his end with manly and Christian fortitude. At mid-day on Monday the Hon. Attorney General himself, with Mr. FAIRBRIDGE and Mr. MEINTJIES in attendance, drew out his last will and testament, and he signed his name to it calmly and firmly. An old and esteemed friend of Mr. TURPIN’s family, who had known him from his childhood, the Rev. Mr. CAMERON, the Wesleyan minister, was with him till the last, encouraging him and consoling him, in his rapidly fleeting moments. At a quarter past three o’clock, in the afternoon, this fine young man turned his face from this world – and died, in the 29th year of his age, beloved and deeply deplored by all who knew him. - Monitor

Saturday, February 18, 1860

DIED, on the 13th instant, of Hooping Cough, Edith, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. H. GIDDY, aged 8 months.

IMMIGRANTS. – The last batch of immigrants received at the depot here (per Ascendant) have been disposed of as follows. We purpose in future to publish similar lists to that given below, of the names of immigrants arriving, their trades or occupations, by whom employed and where, and the rate of remuneration: -
Wm. BIRBS, farm labourer, employed by W. STANTON of Fort Armstrong, at 30s. per month with board and lodging,
James SMITH (married) farm laborer, by R. AINSLIE, Kowie, at L2 per month, board and lodging.
Terence SMITH, general servant, by R. WRIGHT, Fort Beaufort, 50s. per month board and lodging.
John O’BRIEN, general servant, G. BANTJES, of Adelaide, at 30s, per month, board and lodging. Wm. Field, bricklayer, by C. HIGGS, Fort Beaufort, at 10s. per diem.
K. BEATON, shepherd, by C. BLAKEWAY, Longor, at L2 per month, board and lodging.
Wm. HODGE (married), farm servant, R.J. PAINTER of Yellowwood, at L3 per month, board and lodging.
A. WALKER (married), farm servant, by A. SIMS, Winterberg, at 55s, per month, board and lodging.
W. HEPBURN, slater and plasterer, by A. Moorcroft, WINTERBURG, employed by the job.
___________, general servant, by J. VIGNE, Fort Beaufort, L1 per week.
1 Farm Labarer still in depot, expects to enter into an engagement to-morrow.
[Transcriber’s Note: Typed as written]

(FROM THE GAZETTE.) – Mr. T. CULLUM, to be fieldcornet of the ward of Eland’s River; Mr. W.H. WEBSTER, to be fieldcornet of the ward Balfour; Mr. M. J. NEL, to be fieldcornet of the ward Mancazana, including East and West Ebenezer and Gonzana; Mr. James UPTON, to be fieldcornet of the ward of Buxton and Upper Blinkwater.

MELANCHOLY OCCURRENCE. – Intelligence has just reached us from East London, to the effect that Mr. Charles CUMBERS, Inspector of Police, had met with a sudden death, under the following circumstances.
It appears that Mr. CUMBERS had been down on a visit to East London, and on Sunday morning was taking a bath in the surf, when he was suddenly seized with the cramp in his limbs, assistance being at hand he was quickly conveyed to his place of abode, and medical skill promptly administered, under which he, for a time, appeared to rally; his attendants had left him for a short time to seek refreshment at the breakfast table, when on their return, to their dismay, they found the life was extinct. Mr. CUMBERS was well and deservedly respected by a very large portion of the inhabitants, both here and in the colony. Throughout a long Kafir was, he did good and efficient service to the country as captain in the Levies, and subsequently as Inspector of Police. His name will be long remembered in the Colony, as amongst one of its most brave and gallant defenders. Mr. CUMBERS was interred on Monday, at East London. A large number of the inhabitants attending his funeral. – Kaf. Banner

Saturday, February 25, 1860

A young man, of the assumed name of THOMPSON, recently arrived from Mauritius, committed suicide at the George Hotel on Saturday last. He had been slightly involved in pecuniary embarrassment, and in a fit of melancholy drank the poison with great deliberation. – Mer. Advertiser

He expired of disease of the heart at his residence in Kensington, at 8 o’clock in the evening. Although in 1832 he had a serious and protracted illness, from declared disease of the heart, the attack was subdued, and within the preceding three weeks his health was tolerably good. About a fortnight since he had a second attack, from which, however, he rallied, and his medical advisers considered him out of immediate danger. Up to the end of last week he continued to amend, but a relapse took place, and terminated fatally. Lord MACAULAY was never married, and the title dies with him. He was only 52 years of age. It affords a curious instance of the privacy in which the noble Lord lived, that his death took place at Kensington, and the 1st intimation of his decease was made through the Times on Friday morning, and that journal was indebted for the intelligence to the columns of the Leeds Mercury. Your readers will be glad to hear something of the career and history of this great man.
Lord MACAULAY was the son of that excellent man Zachary MACAULAY, whose honoured name is inseparably connected with the anti-slavery movement of the beginning of this century. He was born in 1808. The first of his long Trinity College, Cambridge, where he took his Bachelor’s degree in 1822. Very high were those early honors; and thenceforth many eyes were upon him to watch the next turn of a career which could not but be a marked one. He obtained a fellowship at Cambridge, went to Lincoln’s Inn to study law, and was called to the Bar in 1826. His first recorded speech was made in 1824, at an anti-slavery meeting, where the tone he had caught up by the associates of his life thus far expressed itself in a violence and bitterness, which, being exceedingly eloquent, at the same time brought on him the laudation of the Edinburgh Review, and the scoldings of the Quarterly – the former being the organ of the abolitionists, and the latter of the West India interests – at that time very fierce from excess of fear. This was, however, the last occasion, or nearly so, of the young orator appearing as one of the abolitionist party. In the same year he presented himself as a poet, in Knight’s Quarterly Magazine; and not long afterwards obtained high credit, even from the Quarterly Review, for his fine translation of FILICAJA’s Ode on the Deliverance of Venice from the Turks. The versification was pronounce to be loftily harmonious, and worthy of MILMAN. In 1826 he reaped his first fame as an essayist in his article on MILTON, in the Edinburgh Review. Parliament was his next field; and to parliament he was returned in the first days of reform. Becoming member for Calne in 1832, and for Leeds in 1834. He was rendered independent in the first instance by his office of commissioner of bankrupts, given to him by the Grey government; and then by being secretary to the Indian Board. In Parliament his success at first did not answer to Ministerial expectation, though it was a vast gain to the Administration. In 1834 he resigned his office and his seat in Parliament to go to India as a member of the Supreme Council of Calcutta, to frame a code of law for India. It was understood that his main object, favoured by the Whig Ministry, was to make his fortune, in order to be able to pursue a career of statesmanship for the remainder of his life. Ten years was talked of as the term of his absence; but he came back in three, with his health considerable impaired, his code in his hand, and a handsome competence in his pocket.
After his return in 1838 he was elected by Edinburgh, on his avowal that he was converted to the advocacy of Ballot, Household Suffrage, and short Parliaments. Nevertheless, when appointed Secretary at War the year after he turned out rather more aristocratic than other reformers to whom fate affords the opportunity of dating their letters from Windsor Castle, when sent for to attend a Council.
In 1842 he published his Lays of Ancient Rome, very charming, but very eclectic. In 1847 he was excluded from Parliament by his rejection at Edinburgh – on account merely of the Maynooth question. The citizens compensated this slight, however, as far as they could by promoting his election to such Scotch honours as could be conferred upon him – such as being chosen Lord Rector of Glasgow University, and on the death of Professor WILSON in 1854, President of the Edinburgh Philosophical Institution. Meantime, while he was in this parliamentary and official abeyance, he brought out what were called the first volumes of his History; neither he or anyone else having any doubt that the rest, up to the reign of George III., would follow regularly and speedily. The beauty of the book exceeded expectation; and its popularity was such as no book had met with since the days of the Waverley novels; and with regard to some characteristics and some portions of the book, the first enthusiastic judgement will stand. His portrait of William III., and the portions which may be called the historical romance of the work, will be read with delight by successive generations. But the sober decision already awarded by time is that the work is not a history; and that it ought never to be so called. Of praise and profit MACAULAY had his fill, immediately and tumultuously; and openly and heartily he enjoyed it. But the critical impeachments which followed must have keenly annoyed him. Failing health added its dissuasive to industry. He became a subject to bronchitis to a degree which rendered his achievement and his movements uncertain. He was one more elected for Edinburgh in his absence; and it was on this return to the house that the rush to hear him was so remarkable a spectacle. He spoke seldom, and men felt that their opportunities would henceforth be few. Before his retirement from the House of Commons in 1856, he was the mere wreck of his former self. His eye was deep-sunk and often dim; his full face was wrinkled and haggard; his fatigue in utterance was obviously very great; and the tremulousness of limb and feature melancholy to behold. In 1857 he was raised to the Peerage, a graceful compliment to literature.
Lord MACAULAY is to be honoured with a resting place in Westminster Abbey. The spot selected is in the Poet’s Corner, where his ashes will rest with those of kindred spirits who have gone before him.

Saturday, March 3, 1860

Fort Beaufort.
Notice is hereby given that Robert LAWRIE, Esq., has been duly elected as Member for the Divisional Council for Fort Beaufort, for the District No. 2, in conformity with my notice dated 7th January, 1860.
Civil Commissioner’s Office,
Fort Beaufort,
1st March, 1860.

DIED, at Brakfontein, near Fort Beaufort, on the 24th Feb., 1860, our most beloved Daughter, Susanna Hendrika after a dangerous sickness and deadly disease of only 9 days, - Aged 17 years and 1 month.
Brakfontein, Feb. 21, 1860

DEATH OF ADVOCATE TURNER. – This gentleman died in Cape Town on the 20th Feb. rather suddenly. He had been ailing for some time before. The deceased was son of T.J. TURNER, Esq., of “Little Olivers,” near Colchester, and nephew and heir apparent to Lord Justice Sir G. TURNER, of the Court of Appeals. He represented the district of Victoria for a short time in the House of Assembly.

IMMIGRANTS. – The ship Tudor has arrived in Algoa Bay, after a passage of 80 days, with 303 immigrants, equal to 278 adults. A great deal of sickness, we regret to hear, prevailed during the passage – 18 children having died from inflammation of the lungs, measles, and diarrhoea; and one adult from dysentery. There were three births during the voyage. The vessel, it appears, was sent to sea in a condition not at all adapted to the health and comfort of the immigrants, and culpability rests with the Government surveyors. During a great part of the time the immigrants suffered from wet births, bad ventilation, etc. A representation of the case will of course be made in the proper quarter. As far as depended upon the officers on board, everything was done to make the situation of the immigrants as comfortable as possible. The principal part of this batch it will be seen from the summary below is composed of agricultural laborers and domestic servants: -
Agricultural Laborers,
Males 95
Females 2
General Laborers 15
Domestic Servants 74
Brickmakers 2
Boot and Shoemakers 3
Carpenters and Joiners 9
Cooper 1
Laundresses 2
Milliners and Dressmakers 4
Painters and Plumbers 4
Stonemasons 2
Smiths of various kinds 8
Saddlers and Harnessmkrs 2
Tailors 3
Wheelwrights 2
Woolsorter (perm. case) 1

INTESTATE MEETING. – A meeting in the intestate estate of A. S. E. BESUIDENHUIT will be held at the Magistrate’s Office on the 7th April.

MILITARY PROMOTIONS. – 2nd Foot, Assist.-Surgeon R. Beresford CARSON, M.D., from the staff, to be assistant-surgeon, dated December 16th, 1859; gentleman cadet Henry Augustine ROBINSON, from the Royal Military College, to be ensign without purchase, vice POLLARD, appointed to the 67th foot, dated 30th December, 1859. – 10th Foot, Christopher Campbell OLDFIELD, gent., to be Ensign by purchase, vice BERGER, promoted, dated 30th December, 1859; Lieut. Samuel H. HAYES, from the 21st foot to be lieutenant vice DONALD, who exchanges , dated 16th December, 1859. – 13th foot, Ensign Wm. MUNNINGTON, from 58th foot, to be ensign vice HALL, who exchanges, dated 30 December 1859. – 59th foot, Ensign James Dillion MACNAMARA, to be lieutenant by purchase vice LATHAM, who retires, dated 20th December, 1859; Edward VANREENEN, gent., to be ensign by purchase vice RANDELL, promoted, dated 20th December, 1859.

The Maria Somes arrived in Table Bay on Saturday afternoon, with 252 emigrants on board for Table Bay. There have been no deaths and no births during the voyage. The surgeon superintendent reports to the emigration agent that they had conducted themselves satisfactorily during the voyage. All of them were landed in the course of the evening, and received into the depot. One boat with a portion of them, owing to the extreme distance of the vessel from the shore (about four miles), and the want of the wind, did not reach the jetty until about half past eight. The secretary of the emigration board, however, was in attendance, and they were all directed to the depot.
The board has announced in an advertisement that the emigrants will be open for engagements at the depot today. – Mer. Adv.

A young farmer, of the name of JURGENS, in the Saldanha Bay district, met with a terrible accident last week. Having slipped off a wheatstack, he fell with one leg into the drum of the thrashing machine while going at full power. The small bones of the foot were literally thrashed out, and the larger ones smashed, leaving a frightful remnant, with a string of tendons and flesh.

Saturday, March 10, 1860

IMMIGRANTS PER TUDOR. - Out of 303 souls brought by this vessel there only remain 150 souls, viz., 48 women, 81 men, and 20 children. The number of permit cases (80), chiefly to friends in Port Elizabeth, will partly account for the smallness of the number remaining, but not altogether so. The only number dispatched to the country has been a party of thirty-five to Graham’s Town. The rest have been absorbed in the town. – Telegraph.

SERIOUS ASSAULT. – A very serious assault was committed at Adelaide this week, by a Kafir named LANGBENE, on James COOK, an Englishman residing at that place. Both the assaulter and assaulted are in the service of Mr. Robert RICE of Adelaide, and were at work together, when an altercation arose between them, and the K***r seized his knobkerrie, and attacked COCK, inflicting severe injuries. Dr. BROWN, District Surgeon, was fortunately at hand and dressed the wounds, but he is of opinion that the wounded man will be prevented from following his occupation for some time. The Kafir was forwarded in custody, and is now in gaol here.

J. V. CLOETE. Esq., has been appointed Clerk of the Peace for the Districts of Somerset and Bedford, in the room of J. H. B. WIENAND, who has been allowed to retire on a pension.

J. J. VAN AARDT, Esq., J.P., District of Stockenstrom, has been authorized to issue passes and attest contracts of service, under the provisions of the Act. No. 27, 1858.

The ESTATE of Felix O’NEIL of Fort Beaufort has been placed under sequestration.

PROMOTIONS. – 59th Regt. H. H. GRIFFITHS to be Ensign vice MACNAMARA promoted.
Capt. F. L. BENNETT, to be paymaster of the third battalion at Catham vice Capt. M. G. TAYLOR 53rd Regt. Deceased. – 73rd Regt. Brevet Lt. Col. T. ROSE to be Brevet Colonel without purchase vice PINCKNEY, C.B. deceased. Brevet Lt Col. W. E. BEWES to be Major without purchase vice ROSE.

TESTIMONIAL. – An influential committee has been formed in Cape Town for the purpose of collecting funds for a testimonial to Mr. FAIRBAIRN, in acknowledgement of his great services to the country during the last forty years.

Saturday, March 17, 1860

It is doubtful now whether the Hon. R. W. RASWON, Secretary to Government, will resign his office. At all events, it is said, he will not leave for England until the close of the ensuing session of Parliament.

S. V, CLOETE jr., Esq., has been appointed Justice of the Peace for the Districts of Somerset, Bedford, Graaff Reinet, and Uitenhage; and N. MEYER Esq., Justice of the Peace for the District of Fort Beaufort, Mr. J. C. HATTON of Post Retief to attest the contracts of service.

March 16. - At Stockenstrom, in re Alexander STEWART, of the Stockenstrom district, and surviving spouse Susanna Aletta SWANEPOEL.
April 7 – At Fort Beaufort, in re Aletta Susanna Elizabeth BESUIDENHOUD, born van der MERWE. April 27 - At Alice, in re Charles CUMBERS, of the Alice district, and surviving spouse Hannah CUMBERS.

Saturday, March 24, 1860

List of Shareholders holding 25 Shares and upwards, and eligible for election as Directors –
BERRY, Matthew
CROSS, Joseph
ESTMENT, W., Senr.,
ESTMENT, W., Junr.,
LLOYD, Robt.
MEURANT, L. H., Jun.
SCOTT, James
TAYLOR, Walter
UPTON, Michael
VYVER, W. A. van de

We have heard it rumoured that Mr. W. SURMON, the well-known sub inspector of Police, is likely to be promoted to the vacancy in the force caused by the death of Inspector CUMBERS of Alice.

FAMILY REUNION. – On Sunday last March 18th, Mr. and Mrs. LLOYD, sen., of this town, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day, surrounded by a great portion of their numerous family. The entire family numbers some 60 members, but as some live a great distance, they were prevented from being present; as it was, however, 37 assembled round the family board to do honor to the occasion. It need hardly be said, that Mr. and Mrs. LLOYD are two of the “originals” of 1820, and it must have been a source of gratification to all present to observe the hale and vigorous age which crowned a long and active struggle with the realities of life, and which promised to both the celebration of yet many more anniversaries of the hymeneal day. – (Communicated.)

Capt. HARRISON, the commander of the Great Eastern, was unfortunately drowned by the upsetting of a boat in entering the Southampton harbour.

Rear Admiral KEPPEL is to succeed rear Admiral GREY, as commander-in chief on this station.

The ship Washington has been taken up to convey 200 emigrants to the Cape.

March 26 – Queen’s Town, in re Robert Bradshaw URRY, of Queen’s Town, special.
March 28 – At Graham’s Town, in re Felix O’NEIL of Fort Beaufort, second.
March 28 – At Graham’s Town, in re Gerrit or Gerhardus Hendrik WOEST, second.
April 13 – At Somerset East, in re Joseph S. WRIGHT, of Somerset, third.
April 7 – At Fort Beaufort, in re Aletta Susannah Elizabeth BESUIDENHOUD, born van der MERWE. April 27 – At Alice, in re Charles CUMBERS, of the Alice district, and surviving spouse Hannah CUMBERS.
The Estate of W. STANTON, Junr., of Fort Beaufort.

Saturday, March 31, 1860

April 13 – At Somerset East, in re Joseph S. WRIGHT, of Somerset, third.


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