Eastern Province Herald 1850 - 2 - April to June
Saturday 6 April 1850
Mr. John HASSETT, having left Bloemfontein, is desirous of selling his two farms situated on the Modder River. These farms can be recommended as being very superior sheep and grazing farms, out waters are plentiful, the Modder River running through the whole extent of each place. Each of these farms are upwards of three thousand morgen. Further particulars may be had of
Mr. Thomas S. COLLEY begs to inform farmers and others that he has now removed to his new premises at the corner of Market Square, where he has on hand a large assortment of New Goods and a splendid stock for the Dutch trade, which he will sell at the very lowest remunerating prices. T.S.C. is now enabled to offer to traders and others, goods at very reasonable prices; such persons will find it worth their while to inspect his large stock.
Wool and other produce taken at the highest market prices.
Bloemfontein, March 25 1850
Saturday 27 April 1850
In St. Mary’s Church by the Rev. F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain, on the 21st April
A daughter of John DAVIDSON baptized Ann
A daughter of John MATHEWS baptized Sarah Elizabeth
Saturday 4 May 1850
DIED at his residence in the town of Uitenhage on Tuesday the 30th April, E.H.S. GIE Esq, late Clerk of the Peace at Port Elizabeth. Aged 47 years, leaving a widow and five children.
Uitenhage 2nd May 1850
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Thursday evening, the 2nd May, Walter OWEN, infant son of Mr. Edward OWEN, aged 6 weeks and 4 days.
Saturday 11 May 1850
DIED at Cuyler Manor, on the 3rd instant, Abraham John CUYLER, in the 40th year of his age, leaving a widow to lament his loss.
Cuyler Manor, 7th May 1850
Saturday 18 May 1850
We lament to have to announce the death (after a long illness, resulting from a paralytic attack) of Mr. G.W. SILBERBAUER, well known as an old and universally esteemed citizen of this town and as the proprietor and editor of “Shipping and Mercantile Gazette”. Mr. SILBERBAUER was sixty-four years of age, of which he had passed twenty-eight in this colony, - where his benevolent character and his interest in all useful undertakings had secured for him the general regard of his fellow colonists, and the warm attachment of many friends. He leaves a numerous family to lament his loss.
Saturday 25 May 1850
DIED at Burghers Dorp on Sunday 12th instant, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of James BOARDMAN, aged 35 years, leaving an afflicted husband and four children to deplore their loss. Her end was peace.
Burghers Dorp 14 May 1850
Saturday 1 June 1850
In the Insolvent Estate of William NOTHARD, of Port Elizabeth, Shoemaker
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate; and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office at Port Elizabeth on Friday the 28th June next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate.
And all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned at his Office, Port Elizabeth on or before the 30th inst, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee.
Port Elizabeth, 14 May 1850
On the 21st instant at about 3 minutes to 10pm a severe shock of an earthquake was felt here. It was so strong that glasses, candlesticks &c on sideboards, tables and other things were set in motion. The sound resembled heavy laden wagons passing over bridges at full speed. The shock lasted about a minute, but the noise nearly five minutes. It is impossible to describe the anxiety of those who felt the shock. – Zuid Afrikaan
Saturday 15 June 1850
Cabinet Maker
High Street (Opposite the Wesleyan Chapel)
Begs to inform his friends and the public generally that he has commenced business in the above line, and hopes by strict attention thereto to merit a share of public patronage.
On hand at low prices
Chests of Drawers, Wardrobes, Sofas, Tables, Wash Stands &c
NB All orders and repairing strictly attended to.
Port Elizabeth, June 8th 1850
Saturday 22 June 1850
DIED on Wednesday 19th instant at Port Elizabeth, Arthur, youngest son of Wm. FLEMING Esq, aged 8 months.
In the Estate of Mr. Abraham John CUYLER, deceased, of Cuyler Manor, near Uitenhage Town
All Persons having Claims against the above Estate are required to file the same within two months from this date, with the second Undersigned, at the Stores of Messrs. Heugh & Fleming, in Uitenhage, and those indebted to the said Estate to pay their debts forthwith.
Adrian Rosina CUYLER, born LANGE, Executrix
Cuyler Manor, 7th June 1850
Saturday 29 June 1850
From circumstances over which the Editor of this Paper has at present no control, he feels himself under the imperious necessity of giving Notice to his numerous Subscribers and supporters that he must desist, for a time, from his labours as a Public Journalist. He confidently expects that this vacation from usual duties will not be inconveniently prolonged, as he has put in train those arrangements necessary to enable him soon to resume his office, arrangements which he confidently anticipates to have in full operation before the lapse of many weeks. In the meantime, however, he must draw to a certain extent upon the indulgence of his Supporters, and ask of them to bear with him a little during the present unavoidable interruption.
Editor of E.P. Herald
ged 8 months.
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