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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1850 - 1 - January to March

Saturday 5 January 1850

BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on the 23rd inst, Mrs. L. LEEB of a son

Saturday 12 January 1850

Elizabeth Frances Gordon DILL, daughter of Marcus DILL Esq, Captain Royal Engineers, aged 9 months.
Emma HAFFIELD, aged 2 years 2 months

Saturday 19 January 1850

The Proprietor of the Flying Welshman Omnibus hereby gives notice to the public that from this date (January 17th 1850) he will change the days of his leaving Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth. Henceforth he will leave
Uitenhage every MONDAY at ONE pm and every FRIDAY at ONE pm
Port Elizabeth Do, WEDNESDAY at do. and every SATURDAY at ONE pm.
Terms for Passengers:
7s per single trip for one passenger
10s for trip and return for one passenger
Every passenger is allowed free 14lbs in the shape of luggage – for every pound above that weight one penny additional will be charged.
Terms for Parcels:
For 1lb and under 3d
For from 1lb to 5lbs 6d
All parcels weighing more will be charged according to agreement when entered.
Uitenhage parcels for Port Elizabeth to be entered at the Prince of Wales Hotel.
Port Elizabeth parcels for Uitenhage to be entered at Mr. PAXTON’s, Main Street, Port Elizabeth.
D. REES, Proprietor

The undersigned begs to inform the inhabitants of Uitenhage and Port Elizabeth and the public generally that he has now completed his arrangements for opening the above Hotel in Market Street, Uitenhage, where travellers and other customers will find every comfort and convenience at the most moderate rates. The recommendations of the Prince of Wales Hotel are indeed moderate charges, order, the best attention, and the circumstance that the Omnibus plying regularly between Uitenhage and Port Elizabeth puts up there.
NB Horses for hire at the Hotel in Uitenhage and at the Proprietor’s Stables in Strand Street, Port Elizabeth.
D. REES, Proprietor
17th January 1850

Died January 8th 1850, aged 21 years, leaving a husband and infant son to bewail her loss, Margaret, wife of John McDonald ASHTON, daughter of Thomas GALLEY, Grocer, Port Elizabeth, and late of Salford, Manchester, Corn Dealer.

By the Rev. F. McCleland AB (T.C.D.)
A daughter of J.H. CLARKE baptized Sarah Jane
A son of R. ESSENHIGH baptized William Richard Lenox

Saturday 26 January 1850

DIED on the 24th inst, Mary Helen, the beloved wife of W. PATTINSON, aged 32 years, leaving a husband and three children to deplore the loss of an affectionate and tender mother; deeply regretted by all who knew her. Her remains will be interred this afternoon at 4 o clock when the attendance of all sympathising friends is requested.
Port Elizabeth, 15th January 1850 [sic]

DIED Jan 17 1850, aged 10 months, John, the youngest son of Mr. Geo. GOWER, Graaff-Reinet

Saturday 2 February 1850

BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on Saturday 12 January, Mrs. John VAN RYNEVELD of a daughter

BIRTH at Richmond on the 11th January, Mrs. Pieter Daniel RUSSOUW of twins, a son and a daughter
Richmond, January 16th 1850

Saturday 9 February 1850

BIRTH at Chumie, Caffreland on the 14th current, Mrs. CUMMING of a daughter
Chumie, 24th January 1850

BIRTH at Uitenhage on the 2nd inst, Mrs. GIBSON of a son
Uitenhage, 4th February 1850

The usefulness of a steam tug was strikingly exhibited on Tuesday last. The Dutch Man of War ‘Sambre’ and the English bark ‘Queen’ were both becalmed at some distance to the eastward of the lighthouse; and as these vessels were close to the shore, towards which a current was at the time setting, there would have been considerable danger in their remaining in their position during the night. Signals were accordingly made by them for a steam tug to tow them in, and this assistance was most speedily and effectively rendered by the ‘Phoenix’, which was fortunately in harbour at the time. The ‘Phoenix’, it is understood, is to have £300 from the ‘Sambre’ and £225 from the ‘Queen’ for services rendered on the occasion. – Mail

Saturday 16 February 1850

BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on Friday 1st February Mrs. F.C.R.J. CENTLIVRES of a daughter

Saturday 23 February 1850

DIED at Graaff-Reinet on the 14th inst, after a lingering illness, Isabella, eldest daughter of Patrick C. ROSS, aged 2 years and 5 months
14th February 1850

Saturday 2 March 1850

DIED on Saturday the 23rd instant , deeply regretted by her afflicted parents and all who knew her, Mary Frances, eldest daughter of William SMITH Esq, of Port Elizabeth, aged 10 years 10 months and 3 weeks

DIED at Uitenhage on Wednesday 27th February, Alan, only child of Mr. Jos. BILLINGHAM of Port Elizabeth, aged 13 months

St.Mary’s Church by the Rev. F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain, on the 29th January
A son of Mr. DOBSON baptized William Flechter
A son of Mr. Jas. REED baptized George Thomas
A son of Mr. A. JARVIS baptized Frederic Joly
A daughter of captain CLARKE of the schooner ‘Curlew’ baptized Julia Sophia

Saturday 9 March 1850

The Undersigned having in June last removed his Boarding School from the boundaries of Graaff-Reinet and Colesberg Districts to Doorn Hoek, on the road from Burghersdorp to Cradock, formerly the residence, and still the property, of Mr. John MONTGOMERY, intends, should life and health be spared, to continue to conduct it during the remainder of his lease of 3 years. There are still vacancies for two or three additional boarders, at £24:15 per annum, including all petty charges.
Parents or guardians desirous of availing themselves of the opportunity would do well to apply at this early period of the year, when the classes are usually to a certain extent remodelled, independent of the probability of the advertiser’s retiring from his tutorial labours at the expiration of his present lease, the remnant of which (two and a half years) will scarcely afford more than sufficient time for an average course of instruction, even on the moderate scale on which education is usually conducted in this Colony.
Apply to the owner by letter prepaid at Doorn Hoek Bamboes Bergen (care of Messrs VORSTER Brothers, Burghersdorp) or to J.A. AURET Esq, Fort Beaufort
NB A quarter is the shortest term for which a pupil is received, and a quarter’s notice is required before removing one.

Saturday 16 March 1850

DIED on Friday morning the 15th instant, Sarah Anne Howse, only child of Alexander WARES Esq, Port Elizabeth, aged 7 months and 2 weeks

Saturday 23 March 1850

BAPTISM at Uitenhage on the 19th instant, by the Rev. A. Smith of the Dutch Reformed and Scottish Churches, a son of Mr. John GIBSON, Government teacher there, baptized James Slater.

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