Eastern Province Herald 1850 - 3 - July to September
[No issues available from 1 July to 7 September 1850.
From 14 September published under the name Eastern Province News and Port Elizabeth Journal of Commerce]
Saturday 14 September 1850
DIED of Consumption at his residence at “Riet Fonteyn”, near Uitenhage, on the 2nd September 1850, Mr. Cornelis Johannes RENS Bson, aged 24 years, leaving a Mother and large family to mourn the irreparable loss of an affectionate Son and Brother, and a numerous circle of acquaintances to deplore the death of a true Friend.
Uitenhage, 9th Sept 1850
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Wednesday evening, the 11th inst, Mr, Gabriel HAUPTFLEISCH, aged 36 years, leaving a widow, son and a numerous circle of friends to lament his loss.
In St.Mary’s Church by the Rev. F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain
A son of John EAGAR Esq. baptised Henry Joseph.
Saturday 21 September 1850
BIRTH at Uitenhage on the 18th instant, the Lady of Bicton HULL Esq, District Surgeon, of a son.
The Undersigned hereby begs to notify to his Friends and the Public generally that he has taken Mr. William Joshua DIXON and Mr. Stephanus Jacobus MEINTJES as Partners into his Mercantile Business at Graaff-Reinet, the same to be carried on in future under the name of
Mr. DIXON will have the management of the Mercantile Business and the Undersigned will continue his Agency Business in his own person and for his own self, at the usual place in Church-square, - Mr. Stephanus MEINTJES continuing his Auctioneering at his Office, and for his account as usual.
Graaff-Reinet, 4th Sept. 1850
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