Eastern Province Herald 1847 - 1 - January to March
Saturday 2 January 1847
MARRIED at Buffaloe’s Fountain, near Port Elizabeth, on Wednesday the 30th Dec 1846, by the Rev. F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain, Mr. Richard RUTHERFOORD to Sarah Caroline, youngest daughter of John CHISHOLM Sen. Esq, of Capetown.
Saturday 16 January 1847
Chemist and Druggist
Begs respectfully to announce to the inhabitants of Port Elizabeth and the surrounding districts that he intends about the end of this month commencing business in the Main Street of Port Elizabeth, nearly opposite the stores of Mr. J.W. KEMP.
John LESLIE has in stock a good supply of Medicines, Patent Medicines and Perfumery, with every other article in the line, and therefore hopes by strict attention to business and by moderate prices to merit a share of public patronage.
Physicians prescriptions accurately prepared.
Horse and cattle medicines on the shortest notice.
John LESLIE takes this opportunity of offering his most sincere thanks to the inhabitants of Uitenhage and surrounding district for their liberal support during the short time that he has been in business in that town, and hopes still to be able to transact to their satisfaction such business in his line as they may require of him.
PS Country orders punctually attended to.
Uitenhage, Jan 8th 1847
Carpenter and Joiner
Begs to inform the inhabitants of Port Elizabeth that he has commenced business in the above lines in Port Elizabeth, and hopes by perseverance and punctuality to merit a share of their patronage and support.
NB. W.M., having had ten years’ experience in London and Bristol, feels competent to execute any orders in the above lines that may be entrusted to him.
Residence of Mr. COLLARD, Stationer.
Saturday 30 January 1847
DEATH Jan.27 – Mr. William HOWARD, aged 70 years and 3 months, who for several years had been the laborious Secretary of the ‘Port Elizabeth Total Abstinence Society’. He was a kind husband and an affectionate father. The truths of the everlasting Gospel were his support and his end was peace.
Wm. OGILVIE, Chairman
Wm. COCK Jun
Frederick LEE
J.S. ZIERVOGLE, Graaff-Reinet
G.E. JOSEPH, Somerset
Chas. HOLLIDAY, Fort Beaufort
W.P.R. DICKSON, Colesburg
- W.M. JAFFRAY, Sec.Pro Tem
At Wm. ANDERSON Sen. & Co.
Applications for shares will be received by the Secretary until one month after the date of this advertisement.
W. OGILVIE, Chairman
15th Jan 1847
On Sunday Jan 10th by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (Trinity College Dublin), Colonial Chaplain,
A daughter of Mr. James DRUCE, baptized Anne
On Thursday Jan 19,
A daughter of Benjamin VAN DEN HANGH, baptized Dorothea
A daughter of Mr. John Joseph SACHLINGER, baptized Wilhelmina Fredrika
On Tuesday Jan 26th,
Pascoal Joze DE SOUZA to Pamella Johanna ROBERTS
Jan 12: Mr. Christopher DALE, aged 62 years
Jan 16: Mr. Alfred WARMINGTON, aged 44 years
Saturday 6 February 1847
NOTICE is hereby given that on the day of the date hereof, William PIERCY and his wife Sarah Sophia PIERCY, both of Port Elizabeth, have duly executed before me the Notary and certain Witnesses, a Deed of Separation from Bed, Board, Co-habitation and Community of Property, notice whereof is given to the Public, and that from henceforth all debts contracted by the said parties are to be borne and paid, by him or her, by whom the same shall or may be contracted.
C. WHITCOMB, Notary Public
Port Elizabeth 2nd February 1847
Saturday 13 February 1847
DIED at Monte Video, South America, Robert Berry NIBLETT Esq, of Bletchingley in Surrey. Many years resident in Buenos Ayres. Aged 59 years.
Saturday 27 February 1847
500 Ewes for Sale or Exchange
Mr. R. HART Jun, ‘Glen Avon’, being desirous to reduce his ewe flock, will receive offers for the above number of ewes of his well-known flocks, all in good condition, which he will dispose of at six months’ credit on approved bills, or take in exchange for each ewe 2 young wethers, two-teethed.
On Monday Feb 8th by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (Trinity College Dublin), Colonial Chaplain,
Mr. John HUNT to Miss Caroline LANE
Saturday 6 March 1847
DIED at Glenthorn on the 8th February of dysentery, the Rev. W. CHALMERS of Tyumie, Kafirland, connected with the Glasgow Missionary Society. He was in the 45th year of his age, and has fallen in the cause of his Divine Master, on account of the distresses to which he had been subjected during the present warfare in which this country has been involved. His dying hours eminently illustrated the words “Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace.”
Opposite Hughes’ and Higgins’
Strand Street, Port Elizabeth
Has received per ‘Mary Ann’ and ‘Dublin’ and offers for sale, Rim, Stock, Chest, Box, Cupboard and Pad Locks; Chest Handles and Hinges, Hook and Eye and Butt Hinges; Quirk Ovolo and Astragad, Plough, Bead, Cooper’s, Jointer’s and other Planes; strong cast steel Chisels, Braces and Bitts, Eyed Augurs, Copper and Tin Tea Kettles, British Plate Spoons, Iron Saucepans, Gridirons, Shot Belts, Percussion Cap Cases, Gun Nipples, Rulle Moulds, Ramrods, Ram and Tips, Gun Main Springs, and Sears Zinc and Malleable Slab Nails; Wrought and Cut Clasp, Rose and Horse Nails; Brads, Block and Tin Tacks; Handsaw, Bitsaw, Half-round and Flat Files; Rasps, Cart Springs, Wagon Axles, Bushes, Kuchs?, Rivets, Hoops, Bolts and Nuts; Saws, Vices, Carpenter’s, Felling and Hand Axes; Smith’s, backs, Open Doors, Sash Weights and Line Twine, Screws, Norfolk and Bolted Latches, Rules, Coffin Furniture, Brass Butts, Screw Rings, Brass Cocks, Traps, Hammer Heads, Shoe Bills, Potato Forks, Pickaxes, Garden Rakes, Spades, Brass Wire Sieves, Cornice Pole Rings, Bronzed Fenders, Coffee Mills, Fry Pans, Bellows, Sets of 58 pieces ivory-handled Knives and Forks, Mahogany Knobs, Horse Brushes, Curry Combs &c &c
Has received and has for sale, Fashionable Bonnets, Bonnet Shapes and Crowns, Mohair Aprons, Men’s Linen Shirts, Boys Horse Hair and other Caps, Babies Boots, Frocks and Robes, Flannel Long Cloths, Dresses, White Satin, Cotton and Silk Velvet, Black Orleans, Shawls, Mantles, Parasols, Stays, Gloves, Blond, Worked Trimmings, Quillings, Bobbing and Thread Lace, Footing, Wire-ground Nett, Collars, Flowers, Ribbons, Gymps, Fringes, Crape Beading, Diaper, Crape, Blond and Fancy Scarfs; Cap Fronts, Gauze, Lace, Cambric and Printed Handkerchiefs; Hair Fronts, Coral Necklaces, Whalebone, Berlin Wool, Sewing Silk, Needles, Night Caps, Straw Hats and Bands, Gentlemen’s Black Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Velvet Waistcoat Pieces &c
NB Mourning, Wedding and other Bonnets made to order.
Saturday 13 March 1847
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 9th March, Susanna, the beloved wife of Mr. Charles COOPER Sen, aged 53 years, of which notice is hereby given to relatives and friends
12th March 1847
In St.Mary’s Church by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (Trinity College Dublin), Colonial Chaplain,
Tuesday 9th instant
Mr. John Hedgcock EASTES to Miss Charlotte WATSON
Thursday 11th instant
Mr. John HENLEY to Miss Harriet RALPH
Saturday 27 March 1847
DIED on the 23rd March, Mrs. Ann HOWARD, wife of the late Mr. Wm. HOWARD. Aged 70 years and 4 months.
It is our painful duty to have to record this week the death, by drowning, of Mr. Howard LLOYD, son of our Magistrate, who had gone in command of the Port Elizabeth Volunteers for the Frontier Service. It seems that on arriving at the banks of the Fish River, near the mouth, the boat which is in use there was not on this side, and that Mr. LLOYD, in a kind of infatuated eagerness to cross, had determined to swim the river on horseback, although running out very strong at the time with the receding tide. His brother, Mr. Lennox LLOYD, who had accompanied him, begged him not to attempt the enterprise, but he would not be dissuaded, and before his brother, who is a good swimmer, was able to strip, he had entered the river. He had not advanced far, however, when the horse either by his plunging or by the tossing of his head had thrust him from the saddle, and after little effort he sank never again to rise in life. Parties were employed the whole day on Sunday in search of the body, but without success. It is supposed that the strong current which was running at the time had carried it some considerable distance from the place where the accident occurred.
To his intimate friends, Mr. Howard LLOYD greatly commended himself by many excellences of disposition and character; and by those who did not enjoy his intimacy, he was always admired for his exemplary correctness of conduct. His sudden death has therefore caused a great sensation in the place. With his bereaved parents and family the whole community deeply sympathise.
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