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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1969 - 3 - July to September

Monday, 21 July 1969


Burton. - To Peter and Joanmary, a daughter, on 20th July.

Gould. - To Rodger and Veronica, a daughter and sister to Tessy and Cathy, at Sandford. Next to God, thanks to doctor and staff.

Gush. - To Terence and Avis, of Humansdorp, a daughter, sister to Owen and Warren.

MacBean. - To Ron and Rona, a lovely daughter, on 19th July. Thanks to the Lord and doctor and staff at Sandford.

Pe(name unclear). - To Reginald and Vivian, a son and brother for Helen, born on 18th July, 1969. Thanks to doctor and staff at Sandford.

Van Zyl. - Fanie and Yvonne (nee Daniell) formerly of Port Elizabeth. Glad to announce the arrival of our bonny son on the 18th July. Next to God, thanks to doctor and Pretoria staff of the Mothers’ Bond, Pretoria.


Beyleveld-Viljoen. - The engagement is announced between Cyril and Eulalie.

Charsley-Botha. - Mr. And Mrs. Justus Botha have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter, Christine, to Richard, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Charsley, all of Port Elizabeth.

Goulding-Forrester. - Mr. and Mrs. Len Forrester of Cathcart, have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their only daughter Cherié, to Kenneth, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A.K. Goulding of Johannesburg.

Jopson-Hutchison. - Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutchison of Walmer, have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their youngest daughter Carol, to Philip, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jopson, of Summerstrand.

Noel-Gill. - Mr. and Mrs. L.J.F. Gill of Port Elizabeth, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their youngest daughter, Lynette, to Peter, eldest son of Mr and Mrs H.W. George, of England.

Pittaway-Snyman. - Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Snyman, of Cape Town (formerly Fort Beaufort), wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter Celeste, to Roy, only son of Mrs. I.V. Pittaway, of East London.

Wiggill-Stanley. - Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Stanley, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter Clare, to Theo, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. D.N. Wiggill.


Nicoll-Cox. - Ruth-Ann, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.F. Cox, was married to Derrick, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Nicoll, at the Newton Park Methodist Church, by Rev. R.J. Baston, on Saturday, 12th July.


Burman. - Leon, passed away suddenly, Cape Town, 19th July. Fondly remembered by his son and daughter-in-law, Daryl and Olga, and his grandchildren Francois, Analise and Marius Leon.

Gowar. - Harold Verdale, aged 68 years, passed away peacefully on 19th July, at Port Elizabeth, beloved brother of Beatrice, Blanche, Dora, Neville and Jess. Sadly missed. Funeral notice later.

Gowar. - Harold Verdale, passed away peacefully but suddenly on 19th July. Sadly missed by Pearl, Kestell, Eunice and family.

Leventhal. - Nellie, passed away peacefully on the 19th July, 1969. Deeply mourned by her loving sisters and brothers, nieces and nephews.

Leventhal. - Nellie, passed away 19th July. Mourned by Rubie, Winnie, Florrie and Jimmy.

Meltz. - Kalman, dearly beloved nephew of Beni and Cile Abraham passed away peacefully, 19th July. Deeply mourned.

Meltz. - Kalman, passed away, 19th July. Always remembered by his cousins, Phil and Hazel, Jack and Jennifer Abraham and families.

Roberts. - Dr E. Noel, passed away on 19th July, beloved father of Eugenie and Roland Amery-Behr, and grandfather of Gail, Charles. Noel and Tilly. Funeral service, conducted by the President of the Methodist Conference in Bloemfontein, on Wednesday, 23rd July, at 3 p.m.

Sherman. - Passed peacefully away at Randburg on 20th July, 1969, Karl Stanley, beloved infant son of Karlene and Rocky, loving brother of Susan and Bridget.

Sherman. - Karl Stanley, infant son of Rocky and Karlene, passed away at 3 Delta Road, Blairgowrie, Johannesburg, on 20th July.

Ward. - Stanley, passed away at Provincial Hospital, Sunday, 20th July, dearly beloved husband of Ada, and affectionate dad of Phyllis, Billy and family. Funeral notice later.

Ward. - Stanley, father of Una and Michael, passed away suddenly at Provincial Hospital, Sunday, 20th July, sadly missed by family, Lew, Bessie, Carol and Clinton.

Ward. - Stanley, passed away suddenly on Sunday, 20th July. Deeply mourned by his son and family, Keith, Gisela and Kim.

Watson. - John William (Jack) aged 82. S.A.R. & H. (pensioner) passed peacefully away in Johannesburg, 12th July, 1969. - R.I.P.

Funeral Notices

Van Dyk. - The service in connection with the funeral of Theunis Christian Paul van Dyk, of 4 Baobab Street, Western Hills, will take place in the D.R. Church, Sonheuwels, Tuesday, at 3 p.m. The cortege will proceed to the North End Cemetery – AVBOB, 30 Harrower Road. Phone 4-3349, Port Elizabeth.


Bingham. - Gladys, Dorothy, Robinette, Averil and Lyn, and their families thank all for expressions of sympathy at the passing of their cherished husband and father, Alex. Thanks to the doctors. Very special thanks to the matron and staff of Red Cross Home and staff of Provincial Hospital.

Coldrey. - The family of the late Charles wish to take this opportunity of thanking all their family and many friends for all the help given them during their sad bereavement. Also for the many telegrams, letters, flowers, cards and wreaths. God bless all.

Green. - The husband and children and grandchildren of the late (Chris) wish to thank all relatives and friends for their kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes received during their sad bereavement.

Harris. - Mrs. Millie Harris and family wish to express their sincere appreciation to all those kind friends sent messages of condolence during their sad bereavement.

In Memoriam

Jacobs. - In fond remembrance of my beloved husband, Jack, who was called to rest, on 21st July, 1960. Loving thoughts of years together, Hold memories which will last forever. Always remembered by his wife, Alice.

Jacobs. - In cherished memory of our darling daddy, and grandpa, Jack, who passed away on 21st July, 1960. “resting where no shadows fall.” Ever remembered by Alice, Herby, and children.

Jacobs. - In loving memory of our dear daddy, and grandpa, who left us on 21st July, 1960. Always in our thoughts. Lovingly remembered by Molly, Ronald and son.

Juries. - In loving memory of my dear husband and our father, Peter, who passed away on July 21st, 1966. Deep in our hearts a memory is kept Of one we loved and will never forget. Always remembered by your loving wife Violet, children, and grandchildren.

Norkie. - In loving memory of our dearest mother and grandmother, Mariam Norkie, who passed away 20th July, 1968. Ma never wandered from our sight, And has stayed with us, Both day and night. For your amazing task, dearest mother, Our hearts are saddened as for no one other. Very much missed by Dout, Amina and children.

Norkie. - In loving memory of our dearest mother and grandmother, Mariam Norkie, who passed away pm 20th July, 1968. Every day in some small way, Memories of Ma always come our way. Always remembered by Moegsiena, Jamiel, Amina, Fahima, and Foroza.

Sherrington. - Evelyn, dear friend of Wendy and Frances, 20th July 1968.

Taylor. - In cherished memory of my darling wife Amy who passed away on the 21st July, 1967. Ever present thoughts from your husband St. Leger, children, June, St. Leger John, Ingrid, Graham and Owen, Daughter-in-law Barbara, Son-in-law Colin and grandchildren Troy and Vanessa.

Wynford. - In loving memory of my dear mother and our grandmother, Mary, who passed away on the 20th July, 1938, and my father, and our grandfather, Frank, who passed away on 3rd July, 1959. Softly the leaves of memory fall. Sadly we gather and treasure them all. Always remembered by daughter Violet, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

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