Eastern Province Herald 1971 - 4 - October - December
21 December 1971
Brown. - To Paula (nee Mitchell), a son on 17th, at Park Lane Clinic, Johannesburg. Thanks to Ray.
Deacon. - To Patricia (nee Duff) and Vyvyan, a daughter on 18th December at Mater Dei, East London.
Dunstan. - To Robin and Sylvia, a Daughter, on 20th December, 1971.
Stanley. - To Roy and Elaine (nee Friend), a bonny daughter, and sister for Sharon, on 20th December. Both well. Thanks to doctor and Staff at Sandford.
Szchokke. - To Uyrs and Caroline (nee Dunne), a lovely daughter, Natalie, on 19th December. Sincerest thanks to our wonderful doctor and nurses.
Woolard. - To Martha (nee Botha) and Dennis, a baby son, and brother for Christopher, on 20th December. Both well. Thanks to doctor and nursing staff at Sandford.
Glover-Siebert. – Mr and Mrs Peter Siebert, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their elder daughter, Louise, to Graham, youngest son of Mrs M. Glover and the late Mr R.C. Glover, all of Uitenhage.
Koekemoer-Basson. - Mr and Mors J. Basson take pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter, Cecilia, to Leon, eldest son of Mr and Mrs C. Koekemoer, both of Port Elizabeth.
Long-Auld. – Mr and Mrs David Auld wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Wendy, to Peter, younger son of Mr and Mrs Roger Long.
Nel-Mascre. – Mr and Mrs F. Mascre of Uitenhage, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter Michéle to Owen, the eldest son of Mr and the late Mrs A.O. Nel of East London.
Ffolliott-Wragg. – On 11th December, 1971 at St Peter’s Church, Montreal, Thomas Daniel, younger son of Dr and Mrs Arthur Ffolliott, of Port Elizabeth, to Kathryn Mary, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Leonard Wragg, of Ottawa, Canada.
Silver Weddings
Gilchrist-Van der Miller. – Gilly to Elaine, on the 21st of December, 1946. Love from the Home Circle.
Gilchrist. - Congratulations Mom and Dad, on your 25th anniversary. Love Douglas and Gaynor.
Morgan-Comber. - Heartiest congratulations Uncle Tom and Aunt Mary on your 25th wedding anniversary. Love, Eddie, Carmen and Natasha.
Morgan-Comber. – Tom to Mary, at St Paul’s Church, Durban, by the Rev. Inman, on 21st December, 1946.
Ward-Taylor. – Congratulations Mom and Dad on your silver wedding anniversary. God bless you both. Love, from Faye, Louis and Frederick.
Ruby Wedding
Van Rensburg – Lotter. - Congratulations Mum and Dad, on your 40th Anniversary. Joyce, Doreen, Estelle, Elize and Chantelle.
Blewett. - Mr P.H. Blewett of 51 Cannon Street, Uitenhage, takes this opportunity of wishing his children, relatives and friends a very Happy Christmas and New Year.
Boyce. - Miss H. Boyce wishes her relatives and all her friends a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Hall. - Eustace and Lucy Hall wish all relatives and friends a very Happy Christmas and New Year. Donations in lieu of cards sent to National Cancer Fund.
Keates. - Cyril and Edie wish all relations and friends a merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Pieters. - Mr and Mrs D. Pieters and Mrs W. Jacobs, of Uitenhage, wish all their friends a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Pieters. - Billy, Marge, Carol-Ann, and Sandra, wish all their relatives and friends a merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Doke. - Reverend William Henry, entered into glory on Sunday, December 19, 1971, beloved husband of May, and father of Mae, Trixie, Barry and Glenville. Funeral notice later. If desired, in lieu of floral tributes, donations may be sent to the South African Baptist Missionary Society, PO Box 474, Queenstown.
Doke. - Reverend William Henry, entered into glory on Sunday, December 19th, 1971, beloved husband of Mae, and father of Mae, Trixie, Barry and Glenville. The funeral will leave the Baptist Church, Port Alfred, after a service commencing at 2.30 p.m., tomorrow (Wednesday, 22nd December, 1971), for the Settler’s Cemetery, Port Alfred. If desired, in lieu of floral tributes, donations may be sent to the South African Baptist Missionary, Society, PO Box 474, Queenstown.
Foster. - Sanchia, beloved wife of Ivor, and mother of Michael and Gavin, passed away very suddenly, December 20, 1971. Funeral arrangements later.
Goodford: Gordon passed away on 18th December. The funeral service will commence at 11a.m., tomorrow (Wednesday) in the Roman Catholic Church, Baird Street, Uitenhage. - Alexander Bros. Phone 23032, Uitenhage.
Holt. - Michael Bruce, aged 22 years, passed away suddenly on 16th December. Deeply mourned by his loving family. Service in Jones & Rice’s Chapel, 43 Russell Road, today (Tuesday) at 3.45 p.m., thence to Forest Hill Cemetery.
Leventhal. - Frank (Cuckoo), dearly beloved uncle of Raymond and Nadia, passed away 20th December, 1971. Deeply mourned.
Leventhal. - Frank (Uncle Cuckoo), passed away peacefully. Fondly remembered by Gavin, Nigel, Eugenie, David and Brett.
Leventhal. - Frank (Cuckoo), passed away peacefully. Fondly remembered by Gerald and Joy.
Lumgair. - Jean, passed away peacefully in Springs on 18th December. Beloved mother of Bess and Claude Coghill.
Mitchell. - Ada Rosalie, passed away suddenly at Gatooma, Rhodesia, on Saturday, December 18, 1971, loving sister of Violet, Tommy, Harry, Mary and Colin. Deeply mourned. Cremation at Salisbury.
Nunn. - Passed away peacefully at Settler’s Hospital, Grahamstown, on Monday, December 20, 1971, William Ross, beloved husband of Ada. Memorial service will be held in the Methodist Commemoration Church, Grahamstown, tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 10.30 o’clock, followed by cremation in Port Elizabeth at 2.30 p.m. Donations in lieu of wreaths to the Grahamstown and District War Memorial Homes for the Aged or South African Legion.
Pennacchini. - Ellen, wife of the late Christopher and beloved mother of Raphael, Bernard, Desmond and Marcia, passed away peacefully at Provincial Hospital on 20th December.
Pennacchini. - Ellen, aged 69 years, passed away peacefully at the Provincial Hospital on the 20th December, 1971. Deeply mourned by her loving family. Requiem Mass in St Patrick’s Church, Somers Road, Sydenham, on Thursday at 10.30 a.m. Funeral service immediately thereafter, thence to the North End Cemetery. - Jones & Rice.
Potgieter. - Hermanus Lambertus, aged 69 years, passed away peacefully at the Provincial Hospital on the 19th December, 1971. Deeply mourned by his loving wife and family. Service in the Dutch Reformed Church, Algoa Park North, tomorrow (Wednesday) at 2 p.m., thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery. - Jones & Rice.
Short. - Canon John Martin, passed away at the Settler’s Hospital, Grahamstown, on Saturday, December 18th, 1971. The funeral will leave the Lady Chapel of the Cathedral of St Michael and St George, Grahamstown after a service commencing at 10.30 o’clock, this morning, Tuesday December 21, 1971, for the New Cemetery, Grahamstown.
Solomon. - Monty, beloved brother of Natie, brother-in-law of Esther, and uncle of Lindi, passed away peacefully on Sunday at Mossel bay. Deeply mourned. Prayers Wednesday and Thursday evenings, at 6 p.m., 601 Cape Marina, Summerstrand.
Solomon. - Monty, passed away peacefully at Mossel bay on the 19th instant. Dearly beloved brother of Jack and Phyllis and uncle of Helen and Marlene of Graaff-Reinet.
Souman. - Louisa, of Gibson Street, Uitenhage, passed away on 20th December. Funeral service in the Dutch Reformed Church, Uitenhage North, today at 4 p.m., thence the body will be take to Schweizer Reineke for interment on Friday, 24th December. - Alexander Bros, Phone 23032, Uitenhage.
Terblanche. - Otto, aged 41 years, passed away peacefully at the Willows on the 19th December, 1971. Deeply mourned by his loving wife and family. Service in the Dutch Reformed Church, Fifth Avenue, Newton Park, tomorrow (Wednesday) at 11.45 a.m., thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery. - Jones & Rice.
Van der Walt. - Mary Flora Welhelmina, aged 67 years, passed away peacefully at the Provincial Hospital on the 19th December, 1971. Deeply mourned by her loving family. Service in Christ Church, Alexandria, tomorrow (Wednesday) at 2.30 p.m., thence to the Alexandria Cemetery. - Jones & Rice.
Van Heerden. - Ivy Villers van Heerden (geb De Villiers), moeder van Efan en Rosa, van Bangemanstraat, Groenkloof, Pretoria. Begrafnis Woensdag, Desember 12, 1971, om 11 vm, in die N.G. Kerk, Groenkloof, vanwaar die stoet vertrek na die Zandfontein Begraafplaats. - AVBOB, Telefoon 28187, Pretoria.
Vermeulen. - Wessel Johannes (Johan), aged 25 years, passed away peacefully in Johannesburg on 16th December. Deeply mourned by his loving wife Margaret, and son Johan, parents and family. Service in the Dutch Reformed Church, Sonheuwels, tomorrow (Wednesday) at 10 a.m., thence to Forest Hill Cemetery. - Jones & Rice.
Funeral Notices
Horsband. - The funeral of the late Henry, aged 61 years, will leave 9 Fitchard Street, Gelvandale, after a service commencing at 3.30 p.m. on Thursday, for the Paapenkuils Cemetery. Deeply mourned by his loving wife and family. - Jones & Rice.
Kritzinger. - The funeral of Helena Elizabeth Kritzinger (nee Ferreira), of Joubertina, will take place from the Dutch reformed Church, Joubertina, on Wednesday at 3 p.m. - AVBOB, Telephone 1051, Humansdorp.
Windsor. - The cremation of William Thomas Windsor, of Framesby, will take place on Wednesday at 12 noon at the Crematorium. - AVBOB, Telephone 43340 and 43349, Port Elizabeth.
In Memoriam
Churchill. - In loving memory of my dear beloved husband, Anthony Churchill, who died on 21st December, 1969. Often a secret heartache, Often a silent tear, Often a secret longing. I must remember that a heart full of gold has stopped beating. Close to our hearts you will always remain. Ever remembered by your wife, Elizabeth, Dorothy, Joy, Trevor and Niel.
Coates. - Daisy. In loving memory of our mother and grandmother, who passed on, on 19th December, 1969. From Gary, Val, David and Jennifer.
De Jong. - In loving memory of my dearest dad, who passed away peacefully on the 19th December, 1964. Gone, but not forgotten. Always remembered by your daughter, Valerie, son-in-law, Frank and grandchildren.
Forlee. - Jow Yan. In loving memory of my dearest wife and our dearest mother who passed away on the 21st December, 1965. Although we smile or laugh, Your memory Mother still lays within our hearts. Will always be remembered by your husband, Jow Yan, sons, Cecil George, James, Charles, Raymond, Richard and daughter Yvonne.
Forlee. - Jow Yan. In loving memory of my dearest mother and our grandmother, who died on the 21st December, 1965. God’s greatest gift, remembrance. Always remembered by your son Gordon, daughter-in-law Mable and grandchildren, Ronnie, Pam, Marry Anne and Sandra.
Forlee. - Jow Yan. In loving memory of our dear mother, who passed away 6 years ago today. Will always be remembered by your son Tommy, Sally and family.
Forlee. - Jow Yan. In loving memory of my dearest mother, who passed away peacefully on the 21st December, 1965. Gone but not forgotten. Always remembered by your son Edward, daughter-in-law Olive and grandson Christopher.
Forlee. - Jow Yan. In loving memory of our dearest grandmother, who passed awat 21st December, 1965. Treasure her O Lord in the Thy garden. Ever remembered by daughter Olive, Isaac and children
Haupt. - In loving memory of my dear mother, Lucy, who passed away on December 20th, 1963. Like falling leaves the years go by, But memories of you will never die. Always remembered by Owen, Denise and grandchildren.
Mattheus. - A wonderful woman, a mother so kind, One who is better, we’ll never find, A true wonderful worker, so loyal and true, One in a million, that, Mother, was you. Just in your judgement, always so right, Honest and liberal, even upright. From, Corneels, Maryna and grandchildren.
Mattheus. - This day comes with sad regret, It brings back a day we will never forget. Your end was sudden, you made us cry, But saddest of all, you never said goodbye. Always missed and remembered by Frans and Liena.
Niekerk. - In loving memory of William, who passed away peacefully on 20th December, 1970. Always remembered by brother-in-law, Wally, wife, Dickie and family
O’Reilly. - In loving memory of my dear husband, David George, who was called to a higher service on 21st December, 1970. Gone, but not forgotten. Always remembered by your wife, Frances.
Renze. - In loving memory of our beloved, who passed away on 21st December, 1959. Ever remembered by Colin, Llewellyn, Eric and Arthur.
Renze. - Treasured are the memories of our loving mother, who passed away on 21st December, 1959. Remembered by Lorraine, Fred and grandchildren.
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