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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1944 3 July - September

Port Elizabeth, Wednesday, September 6, 1944.


DU PREEZ. – At Stoneham Maternity Home, to Gertie wife of Gert DU PREEZ, Blue Gum Hill, Alicedale, a bonny Daughter on the 2nd September.

GRUSS. – To Mr and Mrs H. GRUSS (nee Joyce KRENSKI), Aberdeen, a Son at the Aldorado Nursing Home, Graaff Reinet.

HIDE. – To Mr and Mrs S. HIDE (nee JOFFE), a Son on the 5th September, at Stoneham Maternity Home.

MacKAY. – To Ethel and Albert, a bonny Daughter, on the 5th September at the Mothers Hospital, Shepherd Street.

PATON. – To Chuck and Edna (nee BAIRD), a Daughter at the provincial Hospital, on the 5th September.

VAN DEVENTER. –To A/M and Mrs W.S. VAN DEVENTER, a Daughter on the 4th September at Provincial Hospital.


DENT – BRANCH-CLARK. The engagement is announced of Barbara youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs F. BRANCH-CLARK of Sunridge, Plumstead, Cape, to Bill, son of Mrs and the late Captain W.C. DENT, Port Captain, Port Elizabeth.


STIRK – MONTGOMERY. On the 4th September, 1944, at Grahamstown, Audrey Burt, only daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Burt STIRK, of Grahamstown, to James (Lt., S.A.A.F.), son of the late Captain and Mrs S MONGOMERY, of Saltcoats, Scotland.


BOYES – CROTCH. At St Barnabas Church, Heigham, Norwich, England, on 6th September, 1919, by the Rev H.B.J. ARMSTRONG, M.A., assisted by the Rev. C.C. LANCHESTER, M.A. and the late Rev. W.G. KILPACK B.A., George Birrell, only son of the late Mr George Christopher, and Mrs BOYES, Norwich, to Gertrude Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the late Mr Frederick Joseph CROTCH, J.P., and Mrs CROTCH, Norwich. Address: 30 Eastbourne Road, Port Elizabeth.

HUBBARD – HANKINS. Married at St Katherine’s Church, Uitenhage, on the 10th September, 1919, Ethel Kate HANKINS to Ernest Arthur HUBBARD. Present address: 36 Roseheath Mansions, Quartz Street, Hillbrow, Johannesburg.


BRASS. – George, late of “Hopewell”, Alexandria, passed away Saturday 2nd., beloved son of Mrs S.E. BRASS, and loving brother of Fred, Rose, Carrie and Kate.

CRAVEN. – Passed peacefully away at Kingwilliamstown on September 4th, Dorothy, eldest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs E.W. CRAVEN, Interred at Durban.

EKSTEEN. – Passed peacefully away at his home, Hatfield, Pretoria, on Saturday, Major Henry Edward EKSTEEN, of the South African Police Headquarters, eldest brother of Mrs H.H. VORSTER. c/o Police, Grahamstown.

GOEDE. – Died at 160 Lawler Street on the 4th September, 1944, Fred GOEDE, at the age of 48 years. The funeral will leave the above address this (Wednesday) afternoon at 2.45 o’clock, for the North End Cemetery.

HARRAWAY. – Margaret dearly beloved wife of H.J. HARRAWAY, passed peacefully away at her home, “Aloes”, 58 Park Drive, Port Elizabeth, on Tuesday, 5th September, 1944. There will be a Requiem Mass at 11 o’clock this (Wednesday)morning, 6th September, 1944, at St Augustine Church, thence to South End Cemetery.

ISMAIL. – Died at Port Elizabeth on the 3rd September, 1944, Jack ISMAIL at the age of 39 years. The funeral takes place at the North End Cemetery this (Wednesday) morning at 10 o’clock.

KERKHOFF. – Passed away at the Provincial Hospital on the 5th September, 1944, following a motor accident, Ernest Valentine, eldest son of the late W,E, and Mrs A. KERKHOFF, in his 44th year. Service in St Cuthbert’s Church this (Wednesday) afternoon at 3 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the South End Cemetery.

PILLAY. – Passed away at 41 Kidson Avenue, on the 5th September, 1944, Salachie , beloved wife of Willie (Ellie) PILLAY, at the age of 29 years. The funeral will leave the above address this (Wednesday) afternoon at 4.15 o’clock, for the North End Cemetery.

VAN LOGGERENBERG. – Passed peacefully away at 9 Hunt Street, Port Elizabeth, on the 4th September, Hester Maria Elizabeth (born GOUWS), beloved mother of Hena, Lizzie, Hettie, Katie and Joey, at the age of 73 years 10 months. Funeral this afternoon at Klipplaat.

VAN LOGGERENBERG. – Sag ontslape aan haar woning 4 Liecesterstraat, Sydenham, in die ouderdom van 67 jaar, ons geliefde Moeder. Begrafnis vind plaas 3.45 n.m. vandag, vanaf woning.

Port Elizabeth, Monday, September 11, 1944.


BUCKLEY. – To Corporal and Mrs J.C. BUCKLEY (nee Mildred SILLS) a bonny Son, 8th September.

CAMPBELL. – To Colin and Vee (VAN TONDER) a bonny daughter at the Elizabeth Nursing Home on the 9th inst.

DICKASON. – To Sgt. and Mrs J DICKASON (nee Joan EMSLIE), a Son, on the 8th September, at the Provincial Hospital.

DORIA. – To Mr and Mrs M. DORIA, of 44 Princes Street, twin Daughters at Elizabeth Nursing Home.

ELLIOTT. – To Alf and Giralda, on the 19th inst., a bonny Son, at Elizabeth Nursing Home.

GOBLE. – To Gerald and Cora (nee CREIGH-BIGGS), a Son at the Elizabeth Nursing Home on the 8th inst.

KYLE. – To Mr and Mrs Ian T. KYLE, on the 9th September, at Provincial Hospital, a Daughter.

LEVY. – To Phil and Marjorie, on Saturday, 9th, a Daughter, at Stoneham Maternity Home.

PAYNE. – To Thora and Jack, on 10th September, 1944, a bonny Son, at Elizabeth Nursing Home.

ROBERTS. – Daughter born to L.A.C. and Mrs D. ROBERTS (nee Mona KEEVY), 6th inst., at Elizabeth Nursing Home.


BADENHORST – WEYERS. The engagement is announced between Ella, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs P.B. WEYERS, of Murraysburg and Rudolph, eldest son of Mr and Mrs P.A. BADENHORST, of Upington.

BOWER – ROBERTS. The engagement is announced between Baby, youngest daughter of Cpl. And Mrs J ROBERTS, to Johnny, youngest son of Mr and Mrs J.W. BOWER. Both of Port Elizabeth.

MORGAN – BEN. The engagement has been announced of Rosemary, daughter of Mr S. BEN, to Norman Frank, second eldest son of Mr and Mrs A.T. MORGAN. Both of Port Elizabeth.

POZYN – TALJAARD. The engagement is announced between Hendrika (Drekie), daughter of Mr and Mrs E. Pozyn of Mossel Bay, and Frederick, of East London, son of Mr and Mrs F. TALJAARD, Port Elizabeth.

WELGEMOED – HAYWARD. The engagement is announce between Magon HAYWARD, youngest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs A.P. HAYWARD, of Steytlerville, to Cornelis WELGEMOED, youngest son of Mr and Mrs A.J. WELGEMOED, of Uitenhage.


MITCHELL – CARLIN. The marriage of Ronald (Ronnie) Campbell MITCHELL to Daphne CARLIN, of 30 Porter Street, East London, will take place on Wednesday, 13th September.


HENEGAN – PENNELS. The marriage of Roland, the youngest son of Mr and Mrs HENEGAN, of 8 Market Street, to Martha PENNELS, of Greenbushes, took place on Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock in the Methodist Church, North End.

ROGERS – ALLWRIGHT: RICHARDSON – ALLWRIGHT. In the Cathedral St Michael and St George, Grahamstown, by the Ven Archbishop BEAUFORT, on Saturday the 9th September, 1944, at 2.30. p.m. the daughters of Mr and Mrs ALLWRIGHT, Grahamstown, Shurlie to George, son of Mr and Mrs J.A. ROGERS of Fort Beaufort, and Enid to Charlton, son of Mr and Mrs H.WARNER-RICHARDSON of Trappes Valley.


OOSTHUIZEN. Frederick Petrus (ex-Sgt., S.A.P.) (late 51 York Road), aged 66 years, passed peacefully away at Provincial Hospital on September 6th, 1944, Interred North End Cemetery, September 7th.

SINCLAIR. Passed away at Groote Schuur Hospital on the 7th September, S.M. SINCLAIR, of Leeuwfontein, Fort Beaufort.

ZIETSMAN. Passed away peacefully at Woodlands on the 10th September, 1944, Christiaan Frederick ZIETZMANN, at the age of 75 years. The funeral takes place to-day at 11 a.m.


KNIGHT. In loving memory of Petty Officer, Writer (R.N.)Norman WRIGHT, husband of Sheila and daddy of Ronald. Reported missing 10 September, 1942,, Presumed killed.

Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, September 26, 1944.


ARNOT. To Rev. And Mrs A.H. ARNOT, at Boksburg, a Son.

ENGELBRECHT. To Mr and Mrs F. ENGELBRECHT a Son at Stoneham Maternity Home on 23rd September, 1944.

HILL. To Ina and Ted a Son on 24th inst. at the Provincial Hospital.

HOWELL. To Mr and Mrs Rees HOWELL a Son, on the 24th inst., at Stoneham Maternity Home.

HUSTLER. To Mr and Mrs W.A. HUSTLER (nee Ruby FURMSTON), Amsterdam Hoek, a bonny Son, at Stoneham Maternity Home.

MANGOLD. To Mr and Mrs E.C. MANGOLD a Son at Stoneham Maternity Home, on 24th September, 1944.

POWELL. To S/Ldr. and Mrs F.W. POWELL (nee Alma HANCOCK), a Daughter on the 25th inst. at Stoneham Maternity Home.

RUSSELL. To Mr and Mrs W. RUSSELL a Daughter at Stoneham Maternity Home on 24th September, 1944.

SWANEPOEL. To Ron and Edna (nee CAMPBELL), a bonny Son born 28th September, 1944.

VAN ARKEL . To Dr and Mrs De Jongh VAN ARKEL a Daughter at the Stoneham Maternity Home on 24th September.


ATTWELL – KRIEL. The engagement is announced between Elizabeth (Lizzy), only daughter of Mr and Mrs D. KRIEL and Ernest Herbert ATTWELL, youngest son of the late Mr and Mrs R. ATTWELL. Both of Port Elizabeth.

CATEN – BOOTH. The engagement is announced of Madge Loveday, only daughter of Mrs B.B. BOOTH, Port Elizabeth and Mr W.S. BOOTH of Cape Town, to Maurice, elder son of Mrs and the late Mr M. CATEN of Johannesburg.

CUMBERLEGE – DEAN. The engagement is announced between Edith, second eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs H. DEAN and Freddie, eldest son of Mr and Mrs W. CUMBERLEGE. Both of Port Elizabeth.

DE WET – VAN WYK. The engagement is announced of Jacky, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs J.N. DE WET and John, son of Mr and Mrs J.P. VAN WYK, both of Oudtshoorn.


VAN DER WESTHUIZEN – COLLIER. The marriage will take place between Joan COLLIER and Johan Frederick VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Lieut., S.A.A.F., at Holy Trinity Church, at 3.45 p.m. to-day (September 26th)

MOULD – YOUNG. At Holy Trinity Church, on 23rd September, Ted only son of the late E.S. MOULD of Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, and Mrs D.G. KLARES of East London, to Evelyn, youngest daughter of the late Thomas YOUNG and Mrs YOUNG at Somerset West.


ARENDS. Died at the Provincial Hospital on the 25th September, 1944, Minnie ARENDS, at the age of 60 years. The Funeral will leave Jones and Rice Chapel, 43 Russell Road, Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock for the North End Cemetery.

COHEN. Sophia, beloved wife of Samuel COHEN, passed peacefully away Saturday 23rd at 79 Russell Road.

HILL. Passed away at “Lydney”, Kenkelbosch on the 23rd September, 1944. Tebbutt Alfred HILL, at the age of 76 years. Interred at Nanaga, Sunday 24th inst.

MORGAN. Mary Ann, passed peacefully away on the 25th September, 1944, at 45 Main Road, Walmer. Dearly loved mother of Emma, Nell, James and Eric. Service in St Saviours Church, Villiers Road, Walmer, this (Tuesday) morning at 11 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the South End Cemetery.

PULLEN. Passed peacefully away at 99 Haupt Street, Sidwell on the 24th September, 1944, Spainea Dorothy (Dottie), dearly beloved eldest daughter of Mrs and the late Andrew PULLEN. Funeral will leave the above address this (Tuesday) afternoon at 2.10 o’clock for the North End Cemetery.

SOLOMON. Charles, husband of Mrs Bertha SOLOMON, of 36 Observatory Avenue, Johannesburg, 24th September, 1944.


LANE. Killed in action, in Italy, on 12th September, Trooper Rex LANE, second son of the late W. SCOTT-LANE and Mrs M. LANE.


Lieut. R.B. McKECHNIE S.A.A.F. landed north of Bolongoa.


Mrs G. VAN ROOYEN , George, wishes to inform friends and relatives that her son, Lt Ronald PRESTON has been reported P.O.W. in Germany.

Port Elizabeth, Thursday, September 28, 1944


BROWN. To Nell (nee Marquis NUTTALL), wife of Flying Officer C.A. BROWN, a bonny Son, on September 21st inst., at the Lady Chancellor Nursing Home, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia.

CHRISTIE. To Mr and Mrs CHRISTIE, of New Star Fruits, at the Elizabeth Nursing Home, on the 27th September, a Son.

CUMMINS. To F/Lt. and Mrs W CUMMINS, on the 21st inst., a Daughter, at the Provincial Hospital.

OLIVIER. To Mr and Mrs Cyril OLIVIER, of Walmer, twin Sons, at Provincial Hospital, on 26th inst.

SMYTH. To Una and Sydney, on the 26th inst., a bonny Son, at the Elizabeth Nursing Home.

STEYN. Pte. And Mrs H.E. STEYN (Johanna VAN DER WALT), 13 Doyle Street, on 25th September, a bonny Daughter.

WILLIAMS. To Captain and Mrs C.A.J. WILLIAMS (nee Ella RICHARDSON), at the Provincial Hospital, a Son, on 27th September. 1944.


GIBBENS – NICHOLS. The engagement is announced between Ethel, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs NICHOLLS of Port Elizabeth, to Sgt. Dennis GIBBENS, (R.A.F.), second son of Mr and the late Mrs GIBBENS, of Hull, England.

MOORE – ZURICH. The engagement is announced between Joan Doreen, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs W.F. MOORE of Cradock, to Herman, eldest son of Mr and Mrs H.E. ZURICH of Uitenhage.


WEITZ – GREWAR. At Maclean, on the 20th September, Alethea GREWAR of Port Elizabeth, to John WEITZ of Mclean.

WILES – WAGSTAFFER. Married in the Belvidere Church, (Knysna), on the 11th September, by the Right Rev. Bishop WATTS and Cannon SHARPLES, Patricia Mary (S/Sgt. Special Signal Services) only child of Mr and Mrs Bert WAGSTAFFER, Ordsall, Grahamstown, to Henry Paul HARPER (Lt. S.A.A.F.) second son of Mr and Mrs W. WILES, Leisure Isle, Knysna.


BOUCHER. Passed away at Queenstown on 27 September, 1944, Johanna beloved wife of John BOUCHER, and mother of Mrs (Sergeant), A.J. ODENDAAL, S.A. Police, Zwartkops.

BROWN. Passed peacefully away, Brian, darling infant son, of Nell and Clarence BROWN, 23rd September, at Salisbury.

GERTSE. Passed peacefully away at No 6 Peach Street, on the 27th September, 1944, Matha Margaret, beloved wife of Johnnie GERTSE, at the age of 22 years. Service in St. Mark’s Church. To-morrow (Friday) afternoon at 2.15 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the North End Cemetery.

KANNEMEYER. Passed peacefully away at 22 Hancocks Street, on the 26th September, 1944, Muriel KANNEMEYER, at the age of 18 years. Service in St Mark’s Church this (Thursday) morning at 12.15 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the North End Cemetery.

LEPPAN. Derek Glyn, beloved son of Mr and Mrs J.E. LEPPAN, passed peacefully away at Elizabeth Donkin Hospital, on the 27th, at the age of 19 months. Funeral from Elizabeth Donkin to Noerth End Cemetery at 3.30 p.m. to-day.

MALGAS. Johannes MALGAS, at the age of 88 years, passed away at his residence, Kruisfontein. Beloved husband of Cathrina MALGAS. Father of Peter and Dora MALGAS.

PETERSON. Died at 65 Perl Road, on the 26th September, 1944, Dorothy PETERSON at the age of 18 years. The funeral will leave the above address this (Thursday) afternoon at four o’clock, for the North End Cemetery.

VAN RENSBURG. Called home 27 September, 1944, at Provincial Hospital, Mr E.E. VAN RENSBURG, Vlugt, Uniondale.


RHODES. Major W.R. RHODES, D.F.C., S.A.A.F., killed up North, aged 26, third son of Mr and Mrs G.R. RHODES


MOORE. Pte. Nico Neville, 8376V, reported missing, believed wounded, 17th September, in Italy, only son of Mr and Mrs S.J. MOORE, of Stebonheath Street, Sydenham. It will be remembered that Nico was wounded in July also, but rejoined his unit later.

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