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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1944 1 January - March

Port Elizabeth, Saturday, February 19, 1944.


ASHWORTH. To Cpl. and Mrs D.O. ASHWORTH, (serving in Italy), (nee Looly GROENEVELD), a bonny Son born 12th inst.

DU PLESSIS. At Cato Nursing Home, Durban, on 14th February to Justin and Gwen (nee HULTZER) a Daughter.

ELLIOTT. To Andrew and Daphne (nee WIBLIN) a bonny Daughter on the 18th instant at the Elizabeth Nursing Home.


PARKIN – ADRIAANZEN. The engagement is announced between Clarice, eldest daughter of Cpl. (up North) and Mrs M. ADRIAANZEN of Uitenhage, and Pte. D.R. (Bob) PARKIN (ex North), eldest son of Mr and Mrs D.R. PARKIN, of Port Elizabeth.


CHRISTISON – RICE. The marriage between Bernice Pearl, youngest daughter of Mr and the late Mrs P.B. RICE of Port Elizabeth, and Thomas Ian Malcolm, youngest son of Mrs and the late Mr J.B. CHRISTISON, of Johannesburg, will take place at 3 p.m. on Saturday, 4th March, at Hill Presbyterian Church. Congratulations and reception: 40 Uitenhage Road.

GRAY – COX. The marriage between John Gordon , only son of Mrs L. GRAY of Johannesburg and Daphne Una, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs W. COX of Port Elizabeth will take place at 3 p.m. to-day (Saturday) at St Mary’s Church, by the Rev. F.A. AMOORE.

PADDOCK – VIVIERS. To be married to-day (Saturday 19th February) by special licence, A/M James William PADDOCK, S.A.A.F., eldest son of the late J.A. PADDOCK and Mrs PADDOCK, of Port Elizabeth, to Jessie Martha VIVIERS, eldest daughter of Mrs J.S. de VILLIERS and step-daughter of J. DE VILLIERS, S.A.A.F., Port Elizabeth.


MANSELL – FRASER. The marriage took place in the Methodist Church at Cookhouse on Saturday afternoon 12th inst., between Hilda Joyce, only daughter of Mrs M. And the late William FRASER, of “Alicedale,” Cookhouse, to Douglas Rees MANSELL, youngest son of the late and Mrs MANSELL, East London.


GARCIA. Passed peacefully away at 25 Elton Street, East London, on February 8th, J. Elizabeth GARCIA, widow of Arthur GARCIA, I.S.O. and beloved mother of Agnes, Haydon, Claire and Irene GARCIA and Vera WHITING.

LANCASTER. Passed peacefully away at no 2 St Phillip Street, on the 18th February, 1944, Florence, beloved wife of A. LANCASTER. In her 70th year. Service in St Catherine’s Church to-day (Saturday) at 3 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the South End Cemetery.

MEYER. Died at the Provincial Hospital on the 18th February, 1944, John Charles MEYER, at the age of 80 years. Service in St Augustine’s Church this (Saturday) morning at 11 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the South End Cemetery.

VOGEL. Mildred Catherine, aged 49 years, eldest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs F.C. MOORE, at Glenmoore, Willowmore, died at Grahamstown on the 17th inst. Funeral Glenmoore at 4 p.m. Sunday, 20 inst.


BURNETT. - Died at Casablanca, on 5th February, 1944, F/Sgt. Albert BURNETT, S.A.A.F., aged 35 years, beloved brother of Kathleen GORDON.


TERBLANCHE. – Kenneth, Merchant Navy, missing since the 13th July 1943, Beloved son of Mr and Mrs S.E. TERBLANCHE and brother of Olive and Martin.

Port Elizabeth, Wednesday, February 23, 1944.


AMBROSE. – To Lieut. and Mrs Nigel AMBROSE (nee Maureen KEEY), a Son at Settlers Hospital, Grahamstown, on the 18th February, 1944.

HOSKING. – At Elizabeth Nursing Home, to Mr and Mrs S.M. HOSKING, a Daughter, on 20th February.

LOEWNSTEIN. – To Werner and Bessie LOEWENSTEIN (nee BERMAN, a Daughter, on 22nd February, at the Provincial Hospital.

MEIRING. - To Mr and Mrs Joe MEIRING, of Eagles Cragg, a bonny Son, on the 26th February.


GOLDBERG. – Max, eldest son of Mr and Mrs D. GOLDBERG, 20 Young Road, Mill Park, will read a Portion of the Law and Haphtorah at the Raleigh Street Synagogue on Saturday, 26th February. Brocha at Hebrew School Hall, Clevedon Road. At home Sunday 5 to 7 p.m.


SEARLE – SCHWARTZ. – The marriage between Edward Tyrrell (A/Sgt., S.A.A.F.), youngest son of Mr and Mrs I.J. SEALE of Port Elizabeth, and Susan Maria, second eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs J.H. SCHWARTZ, of Goodwood, Cape Town, will take place on Saturday, 26th at 2.30 p.m. at the Mowbray Presbyterian Church, by the Rev R. BARR. Congratulations to 54 Main Road, Goodwood.


BROWN – SAMPSON. – Married at St Barnabas Church, Port Elizabeth, on 19th February, 1944, Staff Sgt. (W.A.A.S.), Margaret Frances Ross (Peggy), only daughter of Mr and Mrs F.C. SAMPSON of Port Elizabeth, to L.A.C. (R.A.F.) James BROWN, eldest son of Mr and Mrs C. BROWN, Edinburgh, Scotland.


ARENDS. Died at 33 Lawler Street, on the 21st of February, 1944, Georgina ARENDS, at the age of 29 years. The funeral will leave the above address this (Wednesday) at 8 o’clock, for the North End Cemetery.

CADER BEG. Passed peacefully away on Monday the 21st February, 1944, at the residence of her son, A.H. CADER BEG, 37 Edgar Lane, Alimabee, relic of the late Cader Ibrahim BEG, originally of Port Louis and Beau Bassin, Mauritius, at the age of 88 years. Interred at the South End Moslem Cemetery, on the same day, 21st February, 1944.

KRAMER. Died at 104 Lawler Street, on the 21st February, 1944, Michael KRAMER, at the age of 33 years. The funeral will leave the above address this (Wednesday) morning at 10.30 o’clock, for the North End Cemetery.


TOWNSEND. Lieut. R.K., S.A.A.F. (Dick) son of Mr and Mrs S.W. TOWNSEND, 36 Cape Road, reported missing, Crete, 3rd February, 1944.


Mr and Mrs Antonia GRISILLO wish to announce they have been informed by the Red Cross that their sons, Gunner Corporal Matthew GRISILLO and Gunner Dimitrie GRISILLO are prisoners of war in Germany and Switzerland.

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