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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1944 4 October - December

Port Elizabeth, Thursday, October 12, 1944.


LOCHNER. On the 9th instant to Mr and Mrs Gerry LOCHNER, a son at the Elizabeth Nursing Home.

POWELL. To the Rev. T.B. and Mrs Laura POWELL, the gift of a daughter, at the Provincial Hospital on the 9th October.


PIANG SEN – SEN SUN. The engagement is announced between Margaret, eldest daughter of Mrs and the late Mr SEN SUN, to Kim Line, youngest son of Mr and Mrs PIANG SEN. Both of Port Elizabeth.

RIDGE – JAKOBI. Engagement is announced between Renee RIDGE, Johannesburg, and Jock JAKOBI, Cape Town.


DE VILLIERS. Passed peacefully away on the 3rd October, 1944, at the City Hospital, Cape Town, Lena, beloved only sister of Mr C. SAULS, Port Elizabeth.

FOGGIE. Passed peacefully away at Dundee, Scotland, on October 10th, 1944, Sarah Stewart FOGGIE (KEITH) at the age of 90 years and nine months.

FORTIEN. Died on the 11th October, 1944, Cedras FORTIEN, at the age of 19 years. The funeral will leave his late residence, No 11, Anderson Street, to-day (Thursday) at 2.30 o’clock for the South End Cemetery.

LOUWRENS. Passed peacefully away at the Queen Mary Hospital, Uitenhage, on the 11th October, 1944, Christian Johannes, beloved husband of Ruby LOUWRENS, in his 50th year. The funeral will proceed from St Katharine’s Church, Uitenhage, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 4 o’clock.

MILLARD. Interment of ashes of the late H.J. MILLARD, who passed away at Leicester, England, on the 2nd September, 1944. A service will be held in Holy Trinity Church this (Saturday) morning at 10.30 o’clock, thence the cortege will proceed to the South End Cemetery.

RALPH. Passed Peacefully away at the Provincial Hospital on the 11th October, 1944, William Henry RALPH at the age of 72 years. (Late Permanent Way Inspector). Funeral announcement later.

Port Elizabeth, Saturday, October 14, 1944.


CIROTA. To Mr and Mrs Hymie CIROTA (nee Vera MORRIS), a Daughter at the Florence Nightingale, Johannesburg.

MANGOLD. To Frank and Lee a Daughter, at Stoneham Maternity Home, on the 12th inst.

MEW. To Mr and Mrs Sid MEW (nee Eileen STONE), a bonny Son, on the 12th October.

STRYDOM. To Lena and Ronie (nee Fuzzy VAN VUUREN), a bonny Son, on the 12th October, at the Salvation Army Mothers Hospital.


DYNE. Harold Nathan, second son of Mr and Mrs Louis DYNE, Mount Pleasant, Emerald Hill, will read portion of the Law at Western Road Synagogue to-day (Saturday), October 14th.


FOX – MOORE. Onah, second daughter of Mr and Mrs H.C. MOORE and Anthony Tennyson (Tony), second son of Mrs E.G. FOX and the late T.M. FOX. Both of Port Elizabeth.

JAMES – WHYTE. The engagement is announced of Lieutenant Arthur Gilbert JAMES, R.N.V.H., son of Captain and Mrs W.P. PYNE-JAMES of Johannesburg, and Margaret Anne, daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert WHYTE, of Kirkwood.

MEYER – KING-WILSON. Engagement is announced between Alice KING-WILSON, Johannesburg and William MEYER, Port Elizabeth

PIANG SEN – SEN SUN. The engagement is announced between Margaret, eldest daughter of Mrs and the late Mr SEN SUN, to Kim Line, youngest son of Mr and Mrs PIANG SEN. Both of Port Elizabeth.


ANDERSON – GRAY. To-day (14th October) at 3 p.m., in the Salvation Army Citadel, Queen Street, John, only son of Mrs and the late W.T. ANDERSON, of Springburn, Scotland, to Monica Lillian, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs D.C. GRAY, of Port Elizabeth. Congratulations: 11 Alice Street.

COLEMAN – MORRIS. The marriage will take place between Doreen, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs W.F. MORRIS of Sydenham, to Herbert, son of Mr and Patrick’s Church, Somers Road, Sydenham at 2.30 p.m. on the 21st October.

ELLIE – DOMINGO. The marriage will take place between Estelyn, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs J. DOMINGO of Port Elizabeth, to Charles, son of Mrs L. ELLIE and the late Mr ELLIE of Graaff Reinet, at St Patrick’s Church, Sydenham, Nuptial Mass, at 10 a.m. on the 21st October.


KERKHOFF – MORGAN. At Greenside, Johannesburg, on the 7th instant, Phyllis MORGAN (CASTLE), youngest daughter of Mrs R.G. and the late A.T. CASTLE and Kenneth Graham, youngest son of Mrs M. And the late W.E. KERKHOFF.


BROWN. Died at 15 Livingston Street on the 13th October, 1944, Rosie BROWN, at the age of 18 years. The Funeral will leave the above address this (Saturday) afternoon at 2 o’clock for the North End Cemetery.

DUNN. Passed peacefully away at Alicedale on the 13th October, Emma DUNN, born CASEY, beloved wife of John DUNN. Funeral at Alicedale to-day (Saturday), 14th inst., at 3 p.m.

HURWITZ. Jenny, passed peacefully away at Slurry, Transvaal, only beloved sister of Louis GREENSPAN, of New Brighton. Deeply mourned by Louis, Cecelia, Alex and Shirley.

MILLARD. Interment of ashes of the late H.J. MILLARD, who passed away at Leicester, England, on the 2nd September, 1944. A service will be held in Holy Trinity Church this (Saturday) morning at 10.30 o’clock, thence the cortege will proceed to the South End Cemetery.

P.E. ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER. NO 711 E.C. Companions of the above Chapter are requested to assemble at Holy Trinity Church, Havelock Street, this (Saturday) morning at 10.30 o’clock, for the purpose of attending the interment of ashes of our late Excellent Companion H.J. MILLARD. By order, J. KERKHOFF, M.E.Z.; W.A. McIVER, Scribe E.

PERILS. Died at 53 Rudolph Street, on the 12th October, 1944, Fredricka PERILS, at the age of 25 years. The funeral will leave the above address this (Saturday) morning at 11 o’clock for South End Cemetery.

RALPH. Passed Peacefully away at the Provincial Hospital on the 11th October, 1944, William Henry RALPH at the age of 72 years. (Late Permanent Way Inspector). Service in the Baptist Church, Smart Street, Sydenham, at 3 o’clock this (Saturday) afternoon, thence the funeral will proceed to the North End Cemetery.

STEVENS. Passed away peacefully at Johannesburg on the 13th October, 1944, William John Cotton, beloved husband of the late Margaret Lily STEVENS (nee GLEAVES) and father of Daphne and Nancy. To be interred at Bathurst.


RENNIE. Sacred to the memory of our son, John, killed at El Alamein, on the 14th October, 1942.

TURNER. Flight Officer Morris Mush TURNER, R.A.F., only son of Mr and Mrs G. TURNER of Fullam, London, and husband of Ethel Mary BARD, of Uitenhage, who has been killed while on operational sortie over the Mediterranean. He was on operations since the outbreak of war.


KERSHAW. Pte. Lenelle Warington Blanchford, serving with the 6th Arm. Div., in Italy, reported missing on the 4th October, 1944, only son of Mr Wilfred KERSHAW of Inchkeith Hotel, Havelock Street, brother of Petal and June and nephew of Mrs F.B. NORTON, Middleton, Carlisle Bridge.

Mr Fred SHELLARD has been advised by the War Office that his son David, who was with the 1st Airborne Division at Arnham, is reported missing.

Port Elizabeth, Monday, October 16, 1944


CONRADIE. – To Mr and Mrs F.D. CONRADIE (Marguretha HOUGH), of Uitenhage, a bonny Son, on the 13th October, at the Port Elizabeth Nursing Home.

DOLLENBERG. – To Audrey (nee GATES) and Edwin, a bonny Son at Johannesburg, 22nd September.

ENGELBRECHT. – To Henry and Dolly, 14th October, a bonny Son.

HEATH. – To Mr and Mrs C.V. HEATH (nee Venetia ROBERTS), a bonny Daughter, on the 15th inst., at Provincial Hospital.

JACOBS. – To Walter and Ruth (nee REDLINGHHUIS), a bonny Son, on 13th October.

MacGREGOR. – To Mr and Mrs R.J. MacGREGOR ( nee Jean McKENZIE), a Daughter on 14th October.

THERON. – To Mr and Mrs L.P. THERON, (Fireman) (nee Lena DE JAGER), a bonny daughter on the 13th inst.


SAWTELLE – KOLBY-BOOYSEN. – The engagement has been announced between Levina (Finnie), only daughter of Mr and Mrs D. KOLBE-BOOYSEN, of Port Elizabeth, to Raymond Patrick only son of Mrs D. SAWTELLE, of Cambridge, England


Mr and Mrs F. HEINE, of 8 Archer Street, Sydenham, married by the Rev. D. HAY at West Bank, East London, on October the 16th, 1919.


ABLETT. - Passed away suddenly at 98 Park Drive, on the 14th October, 1944, Robert John ABLETT, at the age of 75 years. Service in St John’s Methodist Church, Havelock Street, this (Monday) afternoon at 3 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to South End Cemetery.

BERRY. – Passed peacefully away at 1 Cambridge Road, on the 13th October, 1944, Elizabeth BERRY, widow of the late Stephen J. BERRY, of Queenstown, and beloved mother of Alma, Freda and Percy. Funeral at Queenstown.

CAMPHOR. – Passed away at 8 Lawler Street, on the 14th October, 1944, Hermanus Todd CAMPHOR, at the age of 20 years, 10 months. Service at the above address this (Monday) afternoon, at 4 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the North End Cemetery.

CURTIS – Passed peacefully away at the Provincial Hospital, on the 15th October, 1944, Elizabeth May, beloved only child of Mr and Mrs Vincent CURTIS. Service in St John’s Church, Walmer, to-day, (Monday) at 12 o’clock.

DE KLERK. – Passed peacefully away at 63 Upper Hill Street, on the 15th October, 1944, Thomas, beloved husband of Naressa DE KLERK, at the age of 37 years. Service at the above address this (Monday) afternoon at 1.45 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the North End Cemetery.

HEYNES. – Passed away at 44 Couldridge Road on the 14th October, 1944, Cecil HEYNES, at the age of 22 years. Funeral from the above address this (Monday) morning at 10.30 o’clock, to the South End Cemetery.

KAFAAR. – Gamat passed peacefully away on the 14th October, 1944, at Kalk Bay, Cape Town. Beloved brother of Kulsom BARDIEN and uncle to Fatimaa, Yousof, Dija, Aysa, Marriam and Allivie.

STEVENS. – Passed away suddenly at Johannesburg on the 12th October, 1944, William John Cotton, beloved husband of the late Margaret Lily STEVENS (nee GLEAVES) and father of Daphne and Nancy. To be interred at Bathurst.

STOLE. – Passed away at 6 Malan Street, on the 15th October, 1944, Evelina STOLE, at the age of 27 years. Funeral from the above address this (Monday) afternoon at two o’clock for the Korsten Cemetery.

WHYTE. – Frank MacLeod (Mackie) aged 29, passed away at 3 Ennis Road, Johannesburg, on the 11th inst. Beloved son of Mr and Mrs F.R. WHYTE, brother of Morag, beloved grandson of Bishop WALKER.


News has been received by Mr and Mrs Johnston TODD, Ficksburg, that their son, Lieut. Kenneth Melvin TODD, aged 27 years, has been killed in action some-where in the Middle East, on the 6th October. Kenneth was an old “Grey” boy, and before joining up was on the office staff of “General Motors”. At the outbreak of the war he joined the Prince Alfred Guard, but was transferred to the S.A. Air Force in 1940. After completing his training he was for a considerable time an Instructor in the Union.


KERSHAW. – Pte. Lenelle Warrington Blanchford, serving with the 6th Arm. Div., in Italy, reported missing on the 4th October, 1944, only son of Mr Wilfred KERSHAW of Inchkeith Hotel, Havelock Street, brother of Petal and June, and nephew of Mrs F.B. NORTON, Middleton, Carisle Bridge.

SHELLARD. – Mr Fred SHELLARD has been advised by the War Office, that his son David, who was with the 1st Airborne Division at Arnham, is reported missing.

Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, October 17, 1944


BEDRICK. – To Ted and Mary, on 16th, a bonny Daughter.

BELLAIRS. – At Stoneham on Saturday, 14th October, to Mr and Mrs R. BELLAIRS a Daughter.

BLOOMFIELD. – To Mr and Mrs F.B.G. BLOOMFIELD, on the 14TH instant, a bonny Daughter, at the Salvation Army Mothers Home.

FRYE. – To Owen and Kay (nee ELLA), a bonny son on the 16th inst. at Stoneham Maternity Home.

MARKMAN. – To Mr and Mrs Israel MARKMAN (nee Lily HERRING), Humansdorp, a bonny Daughter on the 15th inst., at the Provincial Hospital.

MORRIS. – To Arthur and Phyllis (nee GREWAR), a bonny Son.

VAN DER MERWE. – To Mr and Mrs J.J. VAN DER MERWE (Jimmy and Tinnie), a Son on the 14th October, at 99, 5th Avenue, Newton Park,


AIREY – JOHNSON. – Owing to unforeseen circumstances the marriage between Lieut. Frederick George AIREY, (S.A.A.F.), and S/Sgt Phyllis Hamilton JOHNSON, (W.A.A.S.), has been postponed

ELLISON – MEYER. – The marriage of Esther, twin daughter of Mr and Mrs J. ELLISON, of Johannesburg, to Harry, son of Mr and Mrs Henry MEYER of Port Elizabeth, will take place on Sunday, 29th October, at the Wolmarans Street Synagogue.


GARD – MASON. – At St Mary’s Parish Church, Stoke Newington, London on October17th, 1894, Lillian MASON, to Arnold L.C. GARD.


WAKEFORD. – Passed peacefully away on the 16th October, 1944, Catherina Sussana WAKEFORD, in her 44th year. Service in the Salvation Hall, Relton Street, Sidwell, to-morrow (Wednesday) morning at 10.30 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the North End Cemetery.

Port Elizabeth, Wednesday, October 18, 1944.


CONRADIE. – To Mr and Mrs F.D. CONRADIE (Marguretha HOUGH), of Uitenhage, a bonny Son, on the 13th October, at the Elizabeth Nursing Home.

FRYE. – To Owen and Kay (nee ELLA), a bonny Son on the 16th Inst., at Stoneham Maternity Home.

PIDERIT. – To Bob and Clarice, a bonny Daughter.

SIMKIN. – To Lieut. And Mrs R. SIMKIN (nee Beth LE ROUX) on the 17th October, at Provincial Hospital, a bonny Son.


HOWARTH – CUNNINGHAM. – Waldred, daughter of Mrs F. BARKER and the late Walter HOWARTH, to Leslie, son of Mr and Mrs G. CUNNUNGHAM, Uitenhage.


PAYNE – CARTER. – The marriage will take place between Gladys Lillian, only daughter of Mr and Mrs C.E. CARTER of Port Elizabeth, to John Edward, only son of Mr and Mrs G.E. PAYNE of Christchurch, England, at St Barnabas Church, Rhodes Street, Sydenham, at 3 p.m. on the 21st October. Congratulations: 14 Rhodes Street.

SIMMONS – BEAN. – The marriage will take place between Maude Leone, daughter of Mr and Mrs L.O. BEAN of “Orlando” Farm, Sandflats, to Frank Ronald SIMMONS (R.A.F.), son of Mr and Mrs H.W. SIMMONS of Ipswich, Suffolk, England, at the Holy Trinity Church, Havelock Street, at 3 p.m. on Saturday 21st October, 1944. Reception: Macsherry Hall. Congratulations: 14 Fort Street.


WARD – KIRBY. – At St. Sepulchre’s Church, Northampton, October 18th, 1919, Nellie KIRBY to John WARD.


FITCHET. – Passed Peacefully away at her residence, Graham Street, Bedford on the 12th October, 1944, Mary- Anne FITCHET, widow of the late William FITCHET, in her 94th year.

ODDY. – On the 18th October, 1944, Mrs A.W. ODDY at Burley, Leech, Yorkshire, England. Sister of Mrs J.A. FISHER, of Port Elizabeth

SHOVELL. – Passed peacefully away at No 10 Lea Street, on the 16th October, 1944, Maria SHOVELL, at the age of 66 years. The funeral will leave the above address to-day (Wednesday) at two o’clock, for the South End Cemetery.

WAKEFORD. – Died on the 16th October, 1944, Catherina Susana WAKEFORD, at the age of 44 years. (Late of 65 Kempston Road). Service in the Salvation Army Hall, Relton Street, Sidwell, this (Wednesday) morning at 10.30 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the North End Cemetery.

WORTHY. – Passed away Peacefully at the Provincial Hospital on the 16th October, 1944, James Robert, beloved husband of Ina WORTHY and father of Jean, at the age of 65 years. Service in Jones and Rice Chapel, 43 Russell Road, to-day (Wednesday) at 2.30 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the South End Cemetery.

Port Elizabeth, Saturday, October 21, 1944


BOUCHER – To Mr and Mrs W.H. BOUCHER, a bonny Daughter on 20th October, at Provincial Hospital.

DENTRY – To Queenie and Cliff, a Son, on 18th.

MANDY – To Mr and Mrs M.P. MANDY, a bonny Son, on the 19th inst.

MORRISON – To Jock and Rayna (nee MORRICK), a bonny Son, at the Provincial Hospital, on the 19th inst.

PENTZ – To Peter and Ruth (nee PRETORIUS), a Daughter, 15th October, Moedersbond, Pretoria.

SCHWEITZER – To Helen and Otto, a Son, at Stoneham Maternity Home.


MORRIS – Cecil, son of Mr and Mrs M. MORRIS, 14 Erith Street, Port Elizabeth, will read portion of the Law at the Western Road, Synagogue to-day (Saturday), 21st October. Brocha at above address after service.


BOADLE – LE ROUX. The engagement is announced between Martha, 5th daughter of Mr and the late Mrs P.A. LE ROUX, of Port Elizabeth, and Jimmy, youngest son of Mr and Mrs J.W. BOADLE of Piet Retief.


COLEMAN – MORRIS. – The marriage will take place between Doreen, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs W.F. Morris of Sydenham, to Herbert, son of Mr and the late Mrs G. COLEMAN of Slurry, at St Patrick’s Church, Somers Road, Sydenham at 2.30 p.m. to-day
(21st Oct.). Residence: No 1 Northampton Street, Sydenham>

PERL – MARSDEN. – The marriage of Miriam, daughter of Mrs and the late Mr S. PERL, East London, to Donald, son of Mr and Mrs MARSDEN, of Roodekop, will take place at East London, on 27th October.

SIMMONS – BEAN. – The Marriage will take place between Maude Leone, daughter of Mr and Mrs I.O. BEAN of “Orlando” Farm, Sandflats, to Frank Ronald SIMMONS, (H.A.F.), son of Mr and Mrs H.W. SIMMONS, of Ipswich, Suffolk, England, at Holy Trinity Church, Havelock Street, at 3 p.m. to-day (Saturday) 21 October, 1944.

GALPIN – DOLD. – Married at Gardens Presbyterian Church, Cape Town, on the 19th October, Louise, youngest daughter of Mr Ross Ashton DOLD and the late Mrs DOLD, of Cape Town, to John Carter GALPIN, only son of Mr and Mrs C.C. GALPIN, of Port Elizabeth.

WEIR – MASON. – Married in Scotland 23rd August, 1944, John Douglas McLeod WEIR (Jock), youngest son of Mrs and the Late Mr Donald McLeod WEIR to Elizabeth MASON of Glasgow.


JOHNSON. – Op 29 September, 1944, is ons geliefde tante, Isabel Elizabeth JOHNSON (gebore MULLER), oorlede in die Krugersdorpse Hospitaal, vroer van Elandsrivier en Rocklands Distrik, Uitenhage, in die geseende ouderdom van 92 yaar. Sy is in Pretoria be haar eggenote begraawe. – Naamens die Muller familie.

MORRIS. – Passed away peacefully at her residence on 19th instant, Rachel, beloved mother of Monty, Beryl, Selma, Rose and Vera, at the age of 65. Prayers at 67 Russell Road, to-morrow (Sunday) 22nd. There-after 23 Carlisle Street.

SAMPSON. – Died at 33 Seringa Road, Fairview, on the 19th October, 1944, Elise SAMPSON, at the age of 67 years.The funeral will leave the above address this (Saturday) afternoon at 3.30 o’clock for the South End Cemetery.

SHONE. – Verrall passed peacefully away at Bedford, 19th October, 1944. Sadly missed by Mom, John, Olive, Bobs, Paul and Pauline.

TASKER. – Passed away at Kampala, Uganda, on Monday the 16th inst., Eve, beloved elder daughter of Mr and Mrs James TASKER, Residency Hotel, Pretoria.


PRINSLOO. – Cpl. J PRINSLOO, age 19, youngest son of Mr and Mrs W.S. PRINSLOO of Port Elizabeth, who has been killed in a motor ambulance on September 21, while serving with the 6th S.A. Division in Italy.

COCKCROFT. – Killed in action in Italy on the 19th inst., L/Cpl. Dallas COCKCROFT, eldest son of Mr and Mrs W.H. COCKCROFT, of Kingston, Alice, C.P.


Joseph HARRISON (Joe), son of Mr and Mrs F.J. HARRISON of Port Elizabeth, has been wounded in action on the 13th October while serving with the 6th Division in Italy.


HENRY. – News has been received by Dr. Ross HENRY, that his son, Lieut. Alan Ross HENRY, S.A.A.F. has been missing since October 12th as a result of a flying battle.

Port Elizabeth, Monday, October 23, 1944.


BOUCHER – To Mr and Mrs W.H. BOUCHER, a bonny Daughter on the 20th October, at provincial Hospital

COSTAS – To Spero and Dora (nee FOURIE), a bonny Son, at the Elizabeth Nursing Home, on 20th.

DE LANGE – To Barn and Joe, a bonny Daughter on the 19th October.

FORD – To May (nee KELLY) and Richard, in Italy, a Son, on the 21st, at Provincial Hospital.

NAUDE – To Mr and Mrs W. NAUDE, a bonny daughter on the 20th inst.

OFSOWITZ – To Mr and Mrs Mike OFSOWITZ, at St Catherine’s Nursing Home, Queenstown, a bonny Son, on the 23rd October, 1944.

STRYDOM – To L/Cpl. And Mrs R.J. STRYDOM (Flo MAGILL). A bonny Son at the Stoneham Maternity Home, on the 21st.


GESWINT – GROVES . – The engagement is announced between Mavis, youngest daughter of Mrs GROVES and the late Mr GROVES, Port Elizabeth, and Abraham, fourth son of Mr and Mrs GESWINT, Kruisfontein.


VAN HEERDEN – PRICE. – On 21st October, 1944, by special licence, at Grahamstown, Cornelia VAN HEERDEN and Arthur William PRICE. Both of Port Elizabeth.


WEDDELL – PRAED. On the 23rd October, 1919, by Rev. C.H. CLAPP, Queen Street Baptist Church, Port Elizabeth, Perclyal Harold WEDDELL to Vera Harriette PRAED. Address: “Blair Cottage”, Cookhouse.

BERL – RICHARDSON. - Married at Port Elizabeth by Rev. A. LEVY, on October 22nd, 1919. Rose RICHARDSON to Jack BERL.


COWAN – BIDDULPH. – Married at St Peter’s Church, Cradock, by the Rev. Canon SMITH, M.A., on 22nd October, 1894, Charles Alfred Dyason COWEN of Bulawayo, Rhodesia, to Ivy BIDDULPH, fourth daughter of E.J. BIDDULPH, Esq., Cradock. Present address: P.O. Bushmans River Mouth, via Alexandria, C.P.


BALL – Passed away at the Provincial Hospital, on the 21st October, 1944, Arthur Hedley Vicars BALL, in his 88th year. Interred St John’s Church Cemetery, Saturday, 21st inst.

BOOYSEN – Passed peacefully away at 12 Chapel Street, on the 22nd October, 1944, Anna Sophia, dearly beloved wife of Louis BOOYSEN and beloved mother of Anna VAN TONDER, Lena SPENCER, William BOOYSEN and Betty DALTON, at the age of 73 years and 10 months. Service in the Dutch Reformed Church, Campbell Street, this (Monday) afternoon at 2.45 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the North End Cemetery.

DU PLESSIS – Passed away peacefully at Cape Town , Constance Edmundia DU PLESSIS (born MELVILLE) widow of the late J.P. DU PLESSIS, formerly of Humansdorp. Deeply regretted by her children, Garfield, Madge, Bill and Clive.

VAN RENSBURG – Passed peacefully away at 33 Hutchinson Street on the 21st October, 1944, Elizabeth Petronella beloved wife of Jacobus VAN RENSBURG, at the age of 48 years, Service in Jones & Rice Chapel, 43 Russell Road, this (Monday) afternoon at 3.45 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the North End Cemetery.


NEL – Lieut. Charles NEL, S.AA.F., son of Mr and Mrs NEL, Oudtshoorn. Brother of Mrs V.D. MEDEN and Mrs CALLAGHAN.

Port Elizabeth, Monday, November 13, 1944.


BAUMEISTER – On the 19th November to Mr and Mrs Fred BAUMEISTER, a son.

BOOYSEN – To Mr and Mrs B. BOOYSEN (nee Anna KOEKEMOER) a bonny daughter on the 19th November.

BOSHOFF – To Mr and Mrs J.R. BOSHOFF a daughter at the Provincial Hospital on 11th November.

LANCASTER – To Mr and Mrs W.G. LANCASTER (nee Flo HANCOCK) at the Provincial Hospital on November 12th, a Son.

MORGAN – To Cpl. And Mrs C.R. MORGAN (nee ASPELING) a bonny Son.


FORBES – BADGER – The engagement is announced of Margaret, only daughter of Mr and Mrs G. FORBES, Johannesburg, and Keith, only son of Mr and the late Mrs BADGER, Cradock.

SMITH – KILLIAN – The engagement was announced on 11th instant between Joey KILLIAN of Zwartkops and Charles SMITH of the S.A.A.F., Italy.

VAN VUUREN – SAMUELS – The engagement is announced between Doreen, only daughter of Mr and Mrs A.F. VAN VUUREN, to George, second eldest son of Mr and the late Mrs W.G. SAMUELS, both of Port Elizabeth


SLATER – HOULIE – Married on the 12th November 1919, at Victoria Street Congregational Church by the late Rev. J.C. WEIS, Charles Jack SLATER to Catharine Sophia (Katie) HOULIE. Present address: 11 Wright Street, Sidwell, Port Elizabeth


CONRY – Passed peacefully away at Queen Mary Hospital, Uitenhage, on the 12th November, 1944, Clarence, beloved husband of Alida (DEACON) and father of Dereck.

McIntyre – Passed away suddenly at Sterkstroom on the 11th November, 1944, James, beloved husband of Freda and father of Les, Harold and Fred.

SMAILES – At the Provincial Hospital on Saturday, the 11th inst., Mona beloved sister of Hilda DE MEILLON and Richard SMAILES (in Italy) of Johannesburg. Sadly missed by John, Hyla and children.


THORN – In proud and affectionate remembrance of our youngest son and brother, Sapper Eric THORN of the S.A. Engineers who paid the supreme sacrifice at El Alamein on the 13th November, 1942. Fondly remembered by Mom, Dad, Doug, Hilton and Sylvia.

Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, November 14, 1944


BESTER – On the 11th November, to Jack and Olive (nee STREET), a son “Duggie,” at Elizabeth Nursing Home.

BONTHUYS – To Bokkie and Joey , a bonny daughter on the 11th November, at the Mothers Home.

FEATHERSTONE – To Lt. And Mrs E.H. FEATHERSTONE (nee Gwyneth HAYWARD) a bonny son, on the 11th November, 1944, at the Queen Mary Hospital, Uitenhage.

FOURIE – To James and Margaret (nee WAIT), a daughter on the 12th at the Mothers Hospital.

KLOPPER – To Martin and Edith (nee MILLS) a son.

MULDER – To Mr and Mrs C. MULDER (nee Johanna WAGENER) a bonny son on the 13th November at the Provincial Hospital.


MACDONALD – LOUW – The engagement is announced between Ruth Priscilla, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs J.D. LOUW, to Eric Wallace of Mr and Mrs W.F. MACDONALD, both of Port Elizabeth

VAN HEERDEN – FRASER – The engagement is announced between Miss Ella VAN HEERDEN, 4th daughter of Mr and Mrs H VAN HEERDEN of New Bethesda, and Hugh FRASER, only son of Mrs and the late Mr A.R. FRASER, of Port Elizabeth.

To be married.

ETTMANN – MACKENZIE – The marriage of Ralph, only son of Mr A. And the late Mrs ETTMANN of Laingsburg, and Margaret, only daughter of Captain and Mrs T.C. MACKENZIE of Golden Valley, will take place in the Presbyterian Church, Mowbray, on the 29th November, 1944.


CONRY – Passed peacefully away at Queen Mary Hospital, Uitenhage, on the 12th November, 1944, Clarence, beloved husband of Alida (DEACON) and father of Dereck. The funeral will proceed from St Katharine’s Church, Uitenhage, this (Tuesday) afternoon at 4.15.

HALL – Passed peacefully away at the Provincial Hospital on 13th November, 1944, Cpl. A.E. HALL (Ted) beloved father of Ted and Vic.

ROOKE – Passed away at Nursing Home, Pretoria, on the 11th November, Charles Wilmore, age 55, dearly beloved husband of Robina (nee HENDERSON), only son of the late Mr and Mrs ROOKE of Uitenhage.

Roll of Honour.

THORN – In proud memory of Eric (S.A.E.C.) Killed in action in North Africa, on the 13th November, 1942,

Port Elizabeth, Wednesday, November 15, 1944


HALGREEN – To Peter and Thora (nee WORRAKER) a bonny Son, 2 ¾ Lbs, on the 13 November.

POTGIETER – To Mr and Mrs POTGIETER, a bonny Son, on the 13th November, at the Mother’s Home.


AUGUSTYN – KRETZINGER – The engagement between Hannatjie AUGUSTYN of Okalandja. S.W.A., and Hugo KRETZINGER, Postal Staff, Windhoek (formerly of Port Elizabeth) was announced on the 28th October.

VON HOESSLIN – BROOKE – The engagement is announced of Phillida, daughter of The Very Reverend The Dean of Cape Town and Mrs J.C.H. BROOKE, of the Deanery, Cape Town, to George, son of Mr and Mrs E.F.VON HOESSLIN, of Fort Grey, East London.


BALDWIN – Passed away suddenly on the 6th November, at his residence, 12 Webbs Avenue, Grahamstown, in his 81st year, Edgar BALDWIN, beloved husband of Emily BALDWIN.

BERSON – Susanne BERSON, beloved mother of Esther, passed peacefully away on the 14th November, 1944.

HALL – Passed away at the Provincial Hospital (Military Annexe) on the 13th November, 1944, at the age of 61 years. Interred at South End Cemetery on the 14 inst,.

ISAACS – The funeral of Johnny ISAACS, aged 40 years, will leave 138 Lawler Street to-day (Wednesday) at 3 o’clock for the South End Cemetery.

KOBINSON – Died at 63 Phyllis Street, on the 14th November, 1944, Hermanus KOBINSON, at the age of 57 years. Service to-day (Wednesday) at 4.15 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the North End Cemetery.

SMIT – Raymond Howell, passed peacefully away at “Raeburn” Seymour, on the 7th November, 1944.

Port Elizabeth, Monday , November 20, 1944


DAVIDSON - - TO Mr and Mrs G. DAVIDSON (nee Sadie FINN) a bonny son at the Provincial Hospital on November 19th.

BEDINNGFIELD - To Aubrey and Kathleen (nee POTE), a daughter at the Provincial Hospital on the 17 inst.

DE VILLIERS – To Dr and Mrs W.F. DE VILLIERS a daughter at Stoneham Nursing Home on the 19th inst.

NAIDOO – To Mr and Mrs T NAIDOO, a Bonny Son on the 17th November.

PRENTICE – To Nora, wife of C.G. PRENTICE a daughter, Stoneham Maternity Hospital.

SHARMAN – To Mrs R.E. SHARMAN, a son at Stoneham Nursing Home, Nov. 18th.

VAN ZYL – To Jan and Eva, a Son at Stoneham Maternity Home on the 16th.


LOMBA – REZNICEK – The engagement is announced of Edward F. LOMBA of New York and Johannesburg and Marianne REZNICEK, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Leonard LASCH, of Johannesburgh.

MULDER – BOSCH – The engagement is announced of Frances, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs R.J. MULDER, to Mike, eldest son of Mr and Mrs M.C. BOSCH. Both of Cradock.

RAWLINSON – RIDGE – The engagement is announced between Pamela, only daughter of Mr and Mrs RIDGE of Port Elizabeth, and Lt. Guy Phillip RAWLINSON, S.A.A.F., youngest son of Mr and Mrs J.P. RAWLINSON of Pietermaritzburg, Natal.


HARRIS – VERMAAK – By special Licence on the 8th Nov, Doris (W.A.A.S.), second youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs VERMAAK of Zwartkops, to Sgt. William Thomas HARRIS of Edenvale, Germiston.

HINDE – BLIGNAUT – Married on Saturday, the 18th November, 1944, at Port Elizabeth. Cecil HINDE to Dora BLIGNAUT.


GIBBONS – Passed peacefully away at St Joseph’s Hospital on the 18th inst., Albert William, beloved husband of Ruby, brother of Robert, Walter and Blanche. Funeral notice later.

MINISH - Passed peacefully away at the Provincial Hospital on the 18th November, 1944, John MINISH, at the age of 60 years.

PADYACHY, Poonoosamy – Passed away at Provincial Hospital on 19th November, 1944, aged 60 years,. Funeral will leave 57 Rudolph Street today at 4.30 p.m. for South End Cemetery.

PILLAY – Interred South End Cemetery on Sunday, November 19th, 1944, Amurdavalli PILLAY at the age of 24 years. (Late of 53 Armstrong Street).

PRINSLOO – Passed peacefully away 11 Fowler Street on the 18th November, 1944, William John PRINSLOO at the age of 24 years. Interred North End Cemetery on Sunday, 19th November, 1944.

WILSON – Died at 4 Mitchell Lane, on the 17th November, 1944, Sam WILSON, at the age of 38 years. Interred on Sunday, 19th November, 1944, at South End Cemetery.

Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, November 21, 1944


ANDERSSEN – To Fred and Verna (nee HUGHES), a Daughter at Hankey, on the 17th inst.

CONNELL – To Capt. and Mrs G.R. CONNELL, on the 20th inst., a Daughter.

DAVIDSON – To Mr and Mrs G. DAVIDSON (nee Sadie FINN), a bonny Son, at the Provincial Hospital, on November 19th.

KILSHAW – November 18th , to Mr and Mrs Stanley KILSHAW (nee POWELL), a Son, at Provincial Hospital.

PEROLD – Eric and Joan (KRUMMECK), a bonny Daughter, at Provincial Hospital, on Sunday 19th November, 1944.

SCHULTZ – To Mr and Mrs W.H.C. SCHULTZ, a gift of a Son,

WORRELL – To Zelda (nee LONGMAN), wife of Cpl. Elliott WORRELL, a Daughter at Mossel Bay, on the 18th November.


DAVEY – Stephen Cyril of Johannesburg, passed away at Port Elizabeth, on the 18th November, 1944, after a short illness, Representative in Johannesburg of Goodwear Shoes, Ltd., Port Elizabeth.

GIBBONS – Passed peacefully away at St Joseph’s Private Hospital, on the 18th November, 1944, Albert William, beloved husband of Ruby and brother of Robert, Walter and Blanche, in his 60th year. (Late secretary of Farmers Co-operative Wool and Produce Union Ltd., East London. Service in the North End Methodist Church, Bagshaw Street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the North End Cemetery.

RENNIE – Robert Edwin, passed peacefully away at his residence, Bedford, on Sunday the 19th November, in his 68th year.

SMALLMAN – Phillip Henry Chalmers, dearly beloved husband of Susanah Mary, and darling father of Eddie, May, Marjorie, Cyril and Dessie, passed peacefully away on the 20th November in his 71st year. Funeral notice later.

SMITH – Passed peacefully away at East London, on the 18th November, May Lillian, beloved wife of Reggie, and loving daughter of Mr and Mrs H.J. Robinson.

Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, November 28th, 1944


COPPIN – To Mr and Mrs J.H. CHOPPIN, a Son at Stoneham Nursing Home.

FINNEMORE – To Lieutenant and Mrs Gordon D. FINNEMORE (nee Dianne LYALL), on the 25th November, 1944, a Son at the Moederbond Maternity Hospital, Pretoria.

LODDER – At Elizabeth Nursing Home, to Mr and Mrs G. LODDER, a Daughter, 26th November.

LUSTY – To Eric and Iris (nee THOMPSON), a Son, at the Leeuwendal Nursing Home, Cape Town, on the 20th inst.

MINTY – To Bill and Margaret (nee NICHOLSON), at the Stoneham Maternity Home, on November 25th , a Son

NORTON – To Sybil and Tom on the 24th a bonny Daughter, 10 ½ lb.

PATERSON – To Ean and Moy (nee GIBBON), a Son on the 27th November, at Stoneham Maternity Home.

ROGERS – To Mr and Mrs Ted ROGERS. A daughter on 26th November.

WESTAWAY – To Jess and Kingsley, a bonny Daughter, 25th inst., at Stoneham Maternity Home.

Bris Milah

The Bris Milah of the infant son of Mr and Mrs Issy CHASEN will be held to-day (Tuesday) at 11 o’clock at the Elizabeth Nursing Home.


JANSEN – SLABBERT - The engagement has been announced between Louis JANSEN of Uitenhage and Elsia, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Z. SLABBERT of Jansenville district.


CHILLINGWORTH – Died as a result of a drowning on the 26th November, 1944, Air Craftsman Charles Walter George CHILLINGWORTH at the age of 20 years. The funeral will leave Jones & Rice Chapel, 43 Russell Road, this (Tuesday) morning at 11 o’clock for the South End Cemetery.

CREAR – Passed peacefully away at 1 Hudson Street, Newton Park on the 27th November, 1944, Martha Arabella CREAR, at the age of 72 years. Service in Jones & Rice Chapel, 43 Russell Road this (Tuesday) afternoon at 2.45 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the North End Cemetery.

FELTHAM – passed peacefully away at 29 Prince Alfred Road, on the 27th November, 1944, Annie Nairn, beloved wife of Frank Alfred FELTHAM and mother of May, Frank, Ron, Toots, and Fred and Ken (in Italy). Service in Jones & Rice’s Chapel, 43 Russell Road, this (Tuesday) afternoon at 4.15 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the North End Cemetery,

MARAIS – Passed away suddenly at his late residence, 18 Lower Caledon Street, Uitenhage, on 27th November, 1944, Charl Claude, beloved husband of Laura MARAIS, in his 56th year. The funeral will proceed from the Dutch Reformed Church, Uitenhage, the (Tuesday) afternoon at 5 o’clock.

MARTIN-BOX – Passed away at 9 Dalgleish Road, on the 27th November, 1944, Emily, widow of the late Edwin MARTIN-BOX and mother of Euleen, at the age of 77 years. Service in Jones & Rice Chapel, 43 Russell Road, this (Tuesday) morning at 12 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the South End Cemetery.

Roll Of Honour

DILLON – In loving memory of dear John, killed in action at Sidl Rezegh on 23rd November, 1941. Remembered by his loving Mother, nieces and nephews, Henry, Sheila, Yvonne and Ronnie, sister Ruth, brother Edward (up North), sister in law, Maggie and children, sister Annie, brother in law Peter and children.

DU PIESANIE – F/Sgt. G.S. DU PIESANIE (Du Pie) In loving memory of our loving son Gideon, who was killed in flying operation in Foggia, Italy, 28th November, 1943. Inserted by Dad, Mom, Brothers and Sisters.

GREEN – Lieut. Stanley Garnet Tozer GREEN, F.C./C.T.H., younger son of Mr and the late Mrs Arthur Tozar GREEN, of Middleburg, Cape. Killed in action in Italy, 19th November, 1944.

Port Elizabeth, Wednesday, November 29, 1944


BICKERTON – To L.A.C. and Mrs BICKERTON (nee Alice SMITH), on the 26th November, at Provincial Hospital, a bonny Son.

COWIE – To Mr and Mrs T. COWIE (nee POTGIETER), a bonny Son, on 28th November.

FREEDMAN – To Anne and Harry (Laughing Waters, Willowmore), at Provincial Hospital, a bonny Daughter.

LODDER – At Elizabeth Nursing Home, to Mr and Mrs G. LODDER, a Daughter, 26th November.

PATERSON – To Ean and Moy (nee GIBBON), a Son, on November 27th, at the Stoneham Maternity Home.

STANLEY – On the 28th November, to Doreen (nee Stone), wife of Jack STANLEY, a bonny Son.

STUART – To Mr and Mrs W.H. STUART, at Stoneham Nursing Home, a bonny Daughter, on the 8th November.

To be married

LAKE – FICK – To be married in the Dutch Reformed Church, Alexandria, on 5th December, at 3 p.m. Jack LAKE of Ugie, to Suzanne FICK (San) of Alexandria. No Cards. Congratulations and telegrams: Masonic Hall, Alexandria.

ROSSOUW – NEL – The marriage of Nossie NEL, of Bedford and Dan ROSSOUW of Port Elizabeth, will take place at Somerset East on 2nd December, 1944.


WITKOP – RENNIE – At Bedford, on November27th, by the Rev. Father O’MALLEY, A/B Peter Michael WITKOP, only son of Mrs TAYLOR of Johannesburg to Sgt. Margaret Welsh RENNIE, youngest daughter of Mrs and the late MR J.B. Rennie of “Craig Rennie”, Bedford


BARNARD – Passed away at Oudtshoorn, on 25th November, 1944, Dan BARNARD.

CLACK – Passed away at Sidbury, on the 27th instant, Frances M. Dearly beloved mother of Arthur and Enid.

Roll of Honour

GREEN – Lieut. Stanley Garnet Tozer GREEN, F.C./C.T.H., younger son of Mr and the late Mrs Arthur Tozer GREEN, of Middleburg, Cape. Killed in action in Italy, 19th November, 1944.

RICHARDS – Cpl. W. RICHARDS No 12523, drowned through enemy action on or about 29th November, 1942. Remembered by his wife Violet, son and daughter and families.


THANSELL – Accidentally injured in Italy, 20th November, Alfred Thomas (Tommy), husband of Amy, of 19 Sueltz Street, and son of Mr and Mrs J.J. TRADER, 155 Kempston Road, Sidwell

Port Elizabeth, Friday, December 1, 1944


BASSON – To Mr and Mrs J.F. BASSON (nee Matty ROSSOUW), on the 27th November, at 4 Victoria Street, a bonny Son.

KEEGAN – To Mr and Mrs A.J. KEEGAN (nee Rira O’DONOGHUE), a Son, at the Provincial Hospital, on the 30th November.

SAAYMAN – To Mr and Mrs O.J. SAAYMAN (nee Joey SLABBERT), of Helon, a Daughter, at the Elizabeth Nursing Home, November 30th.

VAN AARDT – To Mr and Mrs Piet VAN AARDT (Madge MEAKER) on the 15th November, a bonny Son, at “Palm Court”, Somerset East.

VAN WYK – At the Elizabeth Nursing Home, to Mr and Mrs J. VAN WYK, a Son on the 28th November.

To be Married

HARKER – WOODMAN – On the 2nd December, at St Bonface Church, by the Rev F. BREYTACK, Sergt. Margaret Irene WOODMAN, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs J.H. WOODMAN of Umtata, to Staff Sergt., John HARKER, second eldest son of Mr and Mrs HARKER of Germiston. Congratulations to 180 Visagie Street, Pretoria.

LEWIS – ISRAEL – The marriage of Jean, daughter of Mr and Mrs ISRAEL of Port Elizabeth, to Hilly, son of Mr and Mrs I. LEWIS of Pretoria, will be solemnised at Vermeulen Street Synagogue, Pretoria, on Sunday, December, 3rd at 3 p.m.

SMITH - McNAUGHTON – At Trinity Methodist Church, Caledon Street, Graaff Reinet, on Friday, December 8th, at 10 a.m., Dulcie, daughter of Mr and Mrs A.G. MCNAUGHTON, to Lieut. H.B. SMITH (Johnny), S.A.A.F., son of Mr I.P. SMITH of East London, Reception at Belmont.


SEABORNE – MEYER – At Oudtshoorn, on November 23rd, in the Dutch Reformed Church, Edgar SEABOURNE, third son of Mrs SEABOURNE, Port Elizabeth, to Cecelia, third daughter of Mrs MEYER, Oudtshoorn.


CARNEY – Passed away at Scottsburgh, Rachael Adams CARNEY, wife of T.I. CARNEY. Mother of Mrs KITSON, of Scottsburgh, Mrs H.B. COOK, of Salt Lake, Mrs V. MESSINA, of London, Mrs W.E. THORPE, of Klerksdorp, and Fred, Ernest and Arthur. Funeral notice later.

CHARLETON – Passed peacefully away at the Provincial Hospital on the 29th November, 1944, Robert, beloved husband of Edith CHARLETON, at the age of 70 years. Interred at Summerville on the 30th November.

HUMPHRIES – Died at 42 Juta Road, on the 29th November, 1944, David HUMPHRIES, at the age of 35 years. Interred North End Cemetery 30th November.

JACOBS – Passed peacefully away at Cape Town, on the 27th November, 1944, Sylvia Marjorie, aged 23 years 4 months, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs S.J. JACOBS and late teacher of William Pescod High School, Kimberley.

LOMBARD – Passed peacefully away at 25 Hartman Road, on the 29th November, 1944, Hermanus Stephanus Antonie, beloved husband of Louisa LOMBARD at the age of 58 years. Service in the Dutch Reformed Church, Campbell Street, this (Friday) morning at 10.45 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to North End Cemetery.

SALTERS – Passed away at 12 Colson Street on the 30th November, 1944, John Emmanuel SALTERS, at the age of 40 years. The funeral will leave the above address Saturday afternoon at two o’clock, for the North End Cemetery.

THOMPSON – Died on the 30th November, 1944, as the result of an accident, Elizabeth THOMPSON, at the age of 37 years. Service in Jones & Rice Chapel, 43 Russell Road, Sunday evening at 2.45 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the South End Cemetery.

VAN BRAKEL – Died at 21 South Street on the 30th November, 1944, Andrew VAN BRAKEL, at the age of 46 years. The funeral will leave the above address this (Friday) afternoon at 4 o’clock for the North End Cemetery.

Roll of Honour

PRESTON – In loving memory of Gordon Bickell PRESTON, 4th Armoured Car Regiment, who passed on in the performance of his duty on the 1st December, 1941.

Port Elizabeth, Monday, December 4, 1944


HURTER – To Mr and Mrs ? H. HURTER. A Daughter, born 2 inst., at Provincial Hospital.

KATZ – To Mr and Mrs T. KATZ (nee Pauline GUTSTEIN), a Daughter at Johannesburg on 30th November.

VERMAAK – To Mr and Mrs J. H. VERMAAK, a bonny Daughter, on the 3rd December, 1944. Mother’s Home, Shepherd Street, Port Elizabeth.


TERBLANCHE – LANDMAN – The engagement was announced on the 1st of December, between Mary of Kareedouw and Eddie of Port Elizabeth

VERMEULEN – MARTIN – The engagement is announced between Elsie, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs W. MARTIN of Port Elizabeth, to Gilliam, son of Mrs BURGER and late Mr G.J. VERMEULEN, of Griquatown.

To be Married

HAMEL – CLOETE – Mr F.W. HAMEL, of Selbourne, and Miss C.J. CLOETE, of Riversdale, wish to inform their friends that (D.V.) their wedding is to take place at Stil Bay, Strand, on the 19th December. No Reception.


HAWKEN – BROWN – At St Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth, December 2nd, Iris, daughter of Mr and Mrs BROWN, Port Elizabeth, to Edward George, son of Mrs a HAWKEN and the late Mr E. HAWKEN, of Maidenhead, England

MAGEE – TIDBURY – At Port Elizabeth, on 2nd December, John , son of Mr and Mrs MAGEE, of Cape Town, to Evelyn Deane, daughter of Mr and Mrs C.H. TIDBURY, of Port Elizabeth.

Silver Wedding.

WARD – OHLSSON – Married at Port Elizabeth, on 4th December, 1919, Ernest Charles WARD and Ethel OHLSSON. Present address: 201 Walmer Road, Port Elizabeth.

WELSH – WHITE – Arthur Thomas to Florence Winnifred on 3rd December, 1919, at St. Patrick’s Pro Cathederal, Grahamstown.


CARNEY – Passed away at Scottsburgh, on the 29th November, 1944, Rachael Adams, beloved wife of T.I. CARNEY, mother of Mrs KITSON, of Scottburgh, Mrs R.B. COOK, of Salt Lake, Mrs V MESSINA, of London, Mrs W.E. THORPE, of Klerksdorp, and Fred, Ernest and Albert. Service in the Pier Street Methodist Church, Tuesday afternoon at 2.45 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the South End Cemetery.

ORTH – Passed peacefully away at 58 Worraker Street, on the 3rd December, 1944, Hinrich Emil, beloved husband of Johanna ORTH, in his 89th year. Service at Jones and Rice Chapel, 43 Russell Road, this (Monday) afternoon at 2.45 o’clock, , thence the funeral will proceed to the South End Cemetery.

STEVENS – Passed peacefully away at 9 Heath Street, on the 3rd December, 1944, Percy STEVENS (ex Police Constable), beloved husband of A.J.H. STEVENS, teacher of Mount Pleasant School, in his 51st year. Service in Jones & Rice Chapel, 48 Russell Road, this (Monday) afternoon at 3.45 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to North End Cemetery.

Port Elizabeth, Friday, December 8, 1944


ARCHER – To Mr and Mrs E.C. ARCHER of Commadagga Station, a Daughter, on the 6th December, at the Provincial Hospital.

GOODCHILD – To Petty Officer (S.A.N.F.) and Mrs G. GOODCHILD nee (Mary GRONAU), a Daughter, on December 7th, 1944, at Provincial Hospital.

THEUNNISEN – To Mr and Mrs C.H. THEUNNISEN, a Son, at the Stonham Nursing Home.

WEINRONK – To Dave and Enez (nee GORDON), at the Provincial Hospital, on the 6th December, a Daughter.


ABRAHAM – Phillip, eldest son of Mr and Mrs B. ABRAHAM, will read a portion of the Law and Maftir, at the Western Road Synagogue, on Saturday, 9th December.


CUTHBERT – POTGIETER – The engagement is announced between Doreen Potgieter, the daughter of Mr and Mrs PRESTON of Port Elizabeth, and Pilot Officer Tommy CUTHBERT, the eldest son of Mr and Mrs CUTHBERT of Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, England.


CAMPHER – Died at the Provincial Hospital on the 6th December, 1944, Sophia beloved wife of Abraham CAMPHER at the age of 27 years. The funeral will leave No 1 Attree Street to-day (Friday) at 2.30. p.m. for the North End Cemetery.

KIN – Died at 112 Circular Drive, on the 6th December, 1944, Low KIN, at the age of 64 years. The funeral will leave Jones and Rice Chapel, 43 Russell Road, Sunday, at 2 o’clock for the North End Cemetery.

LAWSON – Passes peacefully away at Port Elizabeth, after a short illness, Walter LAWSON, in his 58th year. Service in Jones and Rice Chapel, 43 Russell Road, this (Friday) afternoon at 3.45 o’clock thence the funeral will commence to the South End Cemetery.

MILNE – Gordon Ross, in his 80th year, O.B.E., Chairman of Life Managing Director of the South African Timber Coy., Ltd., at Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, on the 7th instant.

Roll of Honour.

FACER- Lieut. Aubrey William Sullivan, Dive Bomber Pilot, S.A.A.F., killed in action in Italy, on the 5th May, 1944, 20 year’s 11 months, dearly beloved youngest son of MR and Mrs Chas FACER, Uitenhage, and Brother of Sgt.-Major Chas FACER (Italy) and Capt. Walter FACER (Italy).

SWART – John William (Jack), aged 21 years, second eldest son of Mr and Mrs James SWART, Jeffreys Bay, killed in Italy, 23 November, 1944, as a result of flying accident.

Port Elizabeth, Thursday, December 14, 1944


PILLAY – To Mr and Mrs M.V. PILLAY, a Son on the 8th inst., at the Provincial Hospital,


CRICHTON – BENNETT – The engagement is announced between Miss Jean CRICHTON, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs D. CRICHTON, and Richard, son of Mrs and the late Mr C.R. BENNETT. Both of Port Elizabeth

To be married

DU PREEZ – WILLIAMS – To be married in St Mary’s Church, Saturday 16th December, at 11 a.m., Alice Daphne, younger daughter of Mrs and the late Mr B. WILLIAMS and George Francois, second son of Mr and Mrs S. DU PREEZ. Both of Port Elizabeth.

KEMP – NEATE – To be married at St George’s Cathedral, Cape Town, on the 16th December, 1944, at 11.30 a.m., Petty Officer John KEMP, S.A.N.F. (V) only son of Mrs KEMP and the late Mr J.S. KEMP of Port Elizabeth, to Gertrude (Gean), daughter of Mrs NEATE and the late Mr W.C. NEATE of Windhoek S.W.A.

VAN NIEKERK – VAN DER VYVER – To be married at Grahamstown, on Saturday 16th December, Stephanie, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jock VAN DER VYVER, Blackburn, Commadagga, to Lex, son of Mr and Mrs A.G. VAN DER VYVER, Nieckerk’s Hope, Alexandria. Congratulations: 62 Somerset Street, Grahamstown.




BAIN – Passed peacefully away at the Provincial Hospital on the 12th December, 1944, Elizabeth Alice BAIN, beloved mother of Mrs KLOCK and Otto, in her 75th year. Service in Jones and Rice’s Chapel, 13 Russel Road, to-day (Thursday) at 4 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the North End Cemetery.

DOMINGO – Died at the Provincial Hospital on the 13th December, 1944, Solomon DOMINGO, at the age of 19 years. The funeral will leave 58 Salisbury Park to-day (Thursday) at 3 o’clock for Walmer Cemetery.

DUCK – Alfred Walter, passed away at General Hospital, Johannesburg, on the 13th December, 1944, Beloved eldest son of J. DUCK and stepson of Mrs DUCK, in his 24th year.

IVERSON – Passed peacefully away at the Provincial Hospital on the 13th December, 1944, Caroline Elizabeth, beloved wife of John IVERSON, at the age of 40 years. Service in St Paul’s Church to-day (Thursday) at 3 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the North End Cemetery.

TERRY – Elizabeth Catherine (Betty), darling mother of Doris and Dorothy, Neville and Kenneth in Italy passed peacefully away on the 12 December, 1944.

Roll of Honour.

JORDAN – Captain Andrew JORDAN, D.F.C.

SMITH – In loving memory of my dear husband and Daddy, Alfred Milner, who passed away at Voortrekkehoogte, on the 14th December, 1942. Sadly missed by his wife and Trevor.


Postman Found Guilty
Johannesburg, Wednesday – Gabriel VORSTER, a 25 year old postman was today found guilty by a jury at the Rand Criminal Sessions of assaulting F.E. MENTZ, Nationalist MP for Westdene, with intent to do him grievous bodily harm. Mr Justice RAMSBOTTOM, who was on the Bench, said that he wished to consider the question of sentence and would pass sentence tomorrow.
VORSTER was also found guilty of stealing two re-direction cards from the Post Office and of being in unlawful possession of a revolver, a combination rifle and two other rifles. Mr JF MARAIS, who appeared for VORSTER said that VORSTER was influenced by others and had not committed the offence for personal gain. He must have committed it in the heat of political strife.


The Prime Minister, Gen. SMUTS, accompanied by Brig. C.M. HOFFE (General Manager of Railways), and party arrived in the city by plan from Pretoria at 12.30 p.m. yesterday.
There was a large gathering at the aerodrome to meet the Prime Minister, among them being the Mayor (Mr. J.J. GLENDINNING), Col. F. CILLIERS (Fortress Commander), Air Commodore P.R.T. CHAMBERLAYNE, A.F.C., Mr J.H. GREEN (Chief Magistrate), Lt-Col. E.V.H. MIEDAL (Deputy Commissioner of Police), Major P. JORDAAN (Commandant of Police), Mr J.W.B. Carter (System Manager), Mr J.H. JOHNSON, M.P., Mr H. TREADWELL (Town Clerk) and other high-ranking officers of the Services and well-known citizens.
Among those who accompanied the Prime Minister on the plane trip from Pretoria were Mr J.G. HIRSCH and Mr A. SCHAUDER. After greetings had been extended to the distinguished guest the party proceeded to the Port Elizabeth Club where Gen. Smuts was the guest of the Mayor at an informal luncheon.

Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, December 19, 1944


FELIX – To Eugene and Ruth (nee HEVIA) on the 16th inst., a bonny Son.

FINLAY – To Mr and Mrs. A. FINLAY (Trixie) a bonny Son, on the 18th inst., at Mother’s Home.

GALATIS – To Mr and Mrs J. GALATIS, a Daughter at the Elizabeth Nursing Home.

MARAIS – To Mr and Mrs G.F. MARAIS (Military Road) at the Elizabeth Nursing Home, on the 16th instant, a Son.

PARKER-NANCE – To Mr and Mrs H. PARKER-NANCE, a Son, at the Elizabeth Nursing Home.

SPARRIUS – To Mr and Mrs O. SPARRIUS (nee PAVLIDES), a Daughter, on the 16th inst., at the Stoneham.

VILJOEN – To Mr and Mrs C.F. VILJOEN (nee Johanna STRYDOM) on the 16 inst., a Son.


CORTIS – McMASTER – The engagement has been announced between Geraldine Freda, only daughter of Mrs G. VAN DER WATT, and stepdaughter of Mr G. VAN DER WATT, of Port Elizabeth and John, eldest son of Elizabeth and the late Anthony CORTIS of Cape Town.

EVA – SMITHDORF – The engagement is announced between Hetty SMITHDORF (nee THERON) widow of Port Elizabeth, and Gnr, Richard George EVA (Italy), second eldest son of Mrs D.T. Forbes, and the late Mr R.R. EVA of Ladysmith, Natal.

FRANKLIN – BARKLEY – The engagement is announced between Daphne, second eldest daughter of Mrs IVERSON and the late William BARKLEY of Port Elizabeth, to Ron (R.A.F.), only son of Mr and Mrs J. FRANKLIN of Streatham, London.

HAWARDEN – DE JAGER – The engagement of Athalie, eldest daughter of Lieut-Colonel G.J.W. DE JAGER M.C., U.D.F., and Mrs DE JAGER to Lieutenant H.L.A. HAWARDEN S.A.A.F., youngest son of the late Dr and Mrs S.A. HAWARDEN of Benoni.

KOEN – PIKE – The engagement is announced between Aliss Maisie KOEN, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs F. KOEN of Thornhill and Lester, eldest son of Mr and Mrs S, PIKE of Peddie.

KRITZINGER – JANSEN – The engagement has been announced between Zola, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs JANSEN, Pretoria, to Ockert, second son of Mrs KRITZINGER of Joubertina. Both of Port Elizabeth.

MARAIS – DE KOCK – The engagement has been announced between Dawn, only child of Mrs C.J. DE KOCK, Bedford, to Charles (Reus), eldest son of Mr and Mrs W.S. MARAIS, Goedehoop, Bedford.

To be Married

HOOD – PHILP – Deirdre, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs R.J. PHILP, to George Attwood, son of Mr and Mrs C.A. HOOD of Bishop Auckland, England, at the Hill Presbyterian Church, on Saturday 23 inst., at 3 p.m.

PULLEN – VILJOEN – The marriage of Nellie, only daughter of Mr and Mrs J. VILJOEN of Port Elizabeth and Willie, youngest son of Mr and Mrs T. PULLEN of Alexandria, will take place at the Dutch Reformed Church, Geard Street, on Wednesday, 20th December, at 2.30 p.m. Reception Macsherry Hall. Friends cordially invited.


McADAM – SHARP – On Saturday, 16th December, 1944, in the Congregational Church, Uitenhage, by Rev BRIGGS, Gertrude Mirriam, elder daughter of Mrs M.E. and the late Mr Mr T. McADAM to James Gordon, eldest son of Mrs J. and the late Mr Harry SHARP. Both of Uitenhage


FELIX – Died at 61 Neave Street on the 17th December, 1944, Jan Felix, at the age of 61 years. Service at the above address this (Tuesday) afternoon at 4o’clock thence the funeral will proceed to North End Cemetery.

FOSTER – Died at the Provincial Hospital, on the 17th December 1944, Johnnie FOSTER, at the age of 29 years. The funeral takes place at Graaff-Reinet to-day (Tuesday).

GRANT – Died at the Provincial Hospital, on the 16th December, 1944, Arthur Grant, at the age of 34 years. The funeral will leave 31 Lea Place this (Tuesday) morning at 11 o’clock for the South End Cemetery.

HAMILTON – Passed away at 34 Cawood Street, on the 18th December, 1944, Jeremiah Jacobus, beloved husband of Engela HAMILTON, at the age of 50 years. The funeral will leave the above address this (Tuesday) afternoon at 3 o’clock for the North End Cemetery.

KOLESKY – Passed peacefully away at the Provincial Hospital, on the 16th December,1944, Winnie Elizabeth (born WAIT), at the age of 45, dearly beloved mother of Rina WESSEL (Italy), Rita, Winnie, Esme and Baby. Interred 17th December, at the South End Cemetery.

MEYER – Passed away peacefully at his late residence, 28 Philpott Street, Uitenhage, on 18th December, 1944, Jan Hendrik, beloved husband of Sarah MEYER, in his 79th year. The funeral will proceed from the Dutch Reformed Church, Uitehage, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 4 o’clock.

SNYMAN – Maria Magdalena, passed away peacefully 18th inst., at the residence of her daughter, 5th Avenue, Newton Park (late of Weltervreden, Elands River), in her 79th year. Funeral to-day (Tuesday) at Uitenhage, 5 p.m.

Roll of Honour

CALDER – In loving memory of my dear Frank, killed by enemy action, on the 19th December, 1941. From his loving wife Ivy.

Saturday December 30, 1944


BRUMMER – To Mr and Mrs Viekie BRUMMER, Graaff Reinet, at Nurse Booysen’s Eldorado Nursing Home, on 26th December 1944, a bonny son (9½ lbs)

CALITZ – To Norma and Tara, on the 26th a daughter at Provincial Hospital.

CLAPHAM – To Mr and Mrs N. CLAPHAM (nee Ellen ASHTON) a daughter on December 27th at Stoneham Maternity home.

HARRIS – To Len and Ivy a daughter, Gay Elizabeth on December 28th at Stoneham Maternity Home

JACKSON – To Mr and Mrs Willy JACKSON (nee Naomi SAUNDERS) a bonny son, at the Provincial Hospital , 28th December.

Mc LEOD – To Mr and Mrs Thornton Mc LEOD, a son on the 29th December, at the Provincial Hospital

MOOLMAN – To Mr and Mrs D.B. MOOLMAN, 4th Avenue, Walmer, a son on the 28th December.

REED – To Bob and Elaine (nee COLEMAN), a bonny daughter on the 12th inst., at the Franconia Nursing Home, Alexandria


FRANKLIN – Ronald, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Arnold FRANKLIN, will read a portion of the Law and Maftir to-day December 30th, 1944 at the Western Road Synagogue. At home Sunday, December 31st, 5-7pm, 1 Carlisle Street, Mount Road Township.


DAVIS – VENTER. – The engagement is announced between Gertruida, youngest daughter of Mrs and the late Mr J.A. VENTER and Alan youngest son of Mr and Mrs J.M. DAVIS. Both of Uitenhage.

FRIEDMAN - BERGER. The engagement is announced of Clarice, only daughter of Mrs A. FRIEDMAN and the late Mr Cyril FRIEDMAN of Johannesburg, to Jack son of Mrs C. BERGER and the late Mr M. BERGER of 21 Buckingham Road, Port Elizabeth

SCHERMANN – KAPLAN. The engagement is announced of Ada, youngest daughter of Mr and the late Mrs S. KAPLAN, of Port Elizabeth, and Harris, only son of Mr and the late Mrs I SCHERMANN of Cape Town.

To Be Married

CAALSEN – VAN DEVENTER. – The marriage of Lawrence CAALSEN, of Port Elizabeth, son of Mr and Mrs A.J. CAALSEN, and Maria VAN DEVENTER, daughter of Mr and Mrs M.R. VAN DEVENTER of Somerset East, will take place to-day , 30th December 1944.

EVANS – GOLLOGLY. – Bridget Frances EVANS, of Port Elizabeth, to John Joseph GOLLOGLY, of Middlesbro, Yorkshire, England. At the Blessed Oliver Plunket Church, to-day, December 30th at 3p.m.

`EVERY – MAASDORP. Linda , only daughter of Mrs P.C. LE ROUX and the late Mr C.H. MAASDORP of Cradock and Alfred Edward, youngest son of Mrs A.F. EVERY and the late Mr Alf. EVERY of Port Elizabeth, in St Mary’s Church, this afternoon at 3’o clock. Congratulations: 3 Glen Arm, Pearson Street.

RICH – BLIGNAUT. – To be married at 3 pm in Dutch Reformed Church, South End, to-day (30th December), Rensche, only daughter of Mr and Mrs R.R. BRAZELLE of Uitenhage to Robert, second eldest son of Mr and Mrs H. RICH of Namaqualand. Congratulations: Collins Hotel.

VALLANCE – KURTEN. – The marriage between Eileen third youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs W. KURTEN, of Port Elizabeth and Robert Bernard VALLANCE, second eldest son of Mr and Mrs R VALLANCE, of Glasgow, Scotland, will take place at 11 a.m., Monday, 1st January 1945 at St Augustines. Congratulations: 15 Hunt Street, Port Elizabeth

WILSON – McINTOSH. – At St Columba’s Church, Crawford Street, on 1st January 1945 at 2 p.m. James Gilbert, son of Mr and Mrs J.H. WILSON , to Barrie, daughter of Mr and Mrs A. McKINTOSH.


COWLING – ANDERSON. – Married on the 27th December, by special licence, Stella ANDERSON to Frank D. COWLING.

ELIASOV – HORWITZ. – Married by special licence at Mossel Bay, 29 December, Lily HORWITZ of Willowmore, to Ralph ELIASOV of Port Elizabeth. Congratulations: Park Hotel, Mossel Bay.

OLANDER – SUTHERLAND. – Married at East London on 29 December, 1944, by special licence, Melda OLANDER (born TOWNSEND) to Joe SUTHERLAND. Both of East London.

Golden Wedding

WIBLIN – CAIN. – Married in St John’s Church, Havelock Street, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev W. WYNNE, on the 1st January 1895, Eliza Marian CAIN to William WIBLIN. Present address: 56 St Patricks Road, Port Elizabeth.


BADIER. – Passed peacefully away at 11 Beattie Place, on the 29 December 1944, Ednil Alfred Lewis, beloved husband of Edith BADIER, at the age of 51 years. Service in Jones and Rice Chapel, 43 Russell Road, this (Saturday) afternoon at 2.30. p.m. Thence to the North End Cemetery.

KRAITTZICK – Passed peacefully away in Johannesburg on the 28th December, Jane, beloved mother of Lazaar, Barney, Hymie and Bettie. Prayers: 31 Buckingham Road, from Sunday at 6.12 p.m.

RUNDLE – Passed away at Kroonstad, Nora, wife of E. Percy RUNDLE on the 26 inst., (Late of Brakpan).

Roll of Honour

JONES – C.P.L. E.D. – In proud memory of my dear husband, Eddie, who fell at Bardis on the 31st December 1941. Inserted by his loving wife Pixie.

MORRISON – In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Douglas (1st R.L.I.) killed on the 31st December, 1941, at Bardia.

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