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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1942-1943

Port Elizabeth, Saturday, November 14, 1942.


DAVIDSON. To Mr and Mrs Bill DAVIDSON, a Son, at Cleland Nursing Home on 13th November.

LYNCH. To Mr and Mrs B.C. LYNCH (nee Daphne LONG), a Daughter at the Provincial Hospital on 13th inst.

OLIVIER. To Dr and Mrs P.J. OLIVIER, a Daughter at the Cleland Nursing Home on 13th November.


BATTLE - DE VILLIERS. The engagement is announced of Leading Aircraftsman Roy BATTLE, only son of Mrs M. BATTLE of Keighley, Yorkshire and Second-Lieut. Kathleen DE VILLIERS, adopted daughter of General and Mrs SMUTS, Miss DE VILLIERS is in the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force.

MEIRING – FERREIRA. The engagement has been announce between Dorothy Thelma FERREIRA, S.P.N.., only daughter of Mr and Mrs S.F. FERREIRA, Sydenham, Port Elizabeth, to Ronald Rhodes Walton MEIRING, formerly of the Imperial Intelligence, now serving with the South African Forces in Egypt, eldest son of Mr and Mrs H. Walton MEIRING, of Durban Street, Uitenhage.


FIELDING – GRAINGER. At St Augustine’s Church on the 7th November, 1942, by the Rev. Father J. LITTLE, Aiden Martin Patrick, son of Mr and Mrs M. FIELDING, and Dorothy Ivy, second eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs W. GRAINGER.

WATSON – GILES. At Port Elizabeth, on 11th November, S/Sgt. Frank WATSON to Evelyn Frances GILES.

WILLIAMS – VAN WYNGAARDT. Married by Special Licence, Elizabeth Jane, second youngest daughter of Cpl. and Mrs H.E. WILLIAMS, to Lloyd Graham, younger son of Mr and Mrs G. VAN WYNGAARDT.


COLLETT. Denham Godlonton passed peacefully away at Graaff Reinet on Sunday, 8th November, in his 74th year.

HUBSCH. Passed peacefully away at the Provincial Hospital, on the 12th November, 1942, Mary, widow of the late Charles James Phillip HUBSCH and mother of Charles and Matthew, at the age of 64 years. Funeral from Jones and Rice Chapel, 43 Russell Road, this (Saturday) afternoon at 3 o’clock for the North End Cemetery.

PERL. Samuel Jacob passed away peacefully at 28 Hospital Street, Cradock, on the 12th November, 1942, Deeply mourned by his loving wife Ralah and children Morris, Sybil, Robert, Mirriam, Ruth, son-in-law and grand-daughter.

PRITCHARD. Passed peacefully away at the Provincial Hospital on the 12th November, 1942, George Hubert, beloved husband of Janetta Johanna PRITCHARD, at the age of 63 years. Funeral from Jones and Rice’s Chapel, 43 Russell Road, this (Saturday) afternoon at 2 o’clock for the South End Cemetery.

SHEPHARD. At 12 Strand View Mansions, Summerstrand, on the 11th November, 1942, Irene Helen, beloved wife of Captain Jack SHEPHARD (up North), and daughter of Mrs K. SHEPHARD. Interred South End Cemetery, Thursday, 12th inst.

Smith. Passed peacefully away at 31 Newton Street, Newton Park, on the 12th November, 1942, Hester Marina, widow of the late Charles Alwin SMITH, at the age of 72 years. Funeral from Jones and Rice’s Chapel, 43 Russel Road, to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3 o’clock for the North End Cemetery.

Port Elizabeth, Thursday, September 30, 1943


LINDE. To Hiney and Bertie (nee OSRY), of Uniondale, a bonny Daughter on the 28th September, at the Royal South Western Hospital, Oudtshoorn.

TAMBOURLAS. To Yvonne (nee THOMPSON) , wife of Penny, the gift of a Daughter at the Dorothy Maternity Home, on the 28th September, 1943, Port Elizabeth.

VERMAAK. To Sapper and Mrs Herbie VERMAAK, a Daughter at Mothers Home, on the 28th inst.

YOUNG. To Gnr. and Mrs S. Arthur YOUNG (nee Jannette GIBSON), at Queen Mary Hospital, Uitenhage, on September 25th a Daughter. Stillborn.


HENEGAN – WARREN. The engagement is announce between Nancy, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Jack WARREN and Patrick (S.A.A.F.), eldest son of Mrs and the late Duncan HENEGAN. Both of Port Elizabeth.


BESTER – MEINTJES. On Saturday, 2nd October, Ina MEINTJES and Maatjie BESTER. Congratulations: 24 Sebastian Street, North End, Port Elizabeth.


KOEN – MEYER. Johannes Nicholas KOEN to Annie Sylvia MEYER, solemnized at Uitenhage, 30 September, 1918, by (late) Rev. F, SCHEEPERS, Congregational Church.


DOORDUIN. Passed away at Settlers Hospital, Grahamstown, on 25th September, 1943, (due to accident), Jan in his 59th year.

McLEOD. Passed peacefully away at 58 Lucas Street, Newton Park,on the 29th September, 1943, Edward Thomas (Bunk) in his 46th year. Beloved husband of Helen (Nellie) and father of Elaine and Edwin. Service in Jones and Rice Chapel, 43 Russell Road, to-day (Thursday) at 3 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to the South End Cemetery.

THE ORDER OF THE SONS AND CADETS OF TEMPERANCE FRIENDLY BENIFIT SOCIETY PIONEER DIVISION No 462. Members of the above named society are requested to assemble at Jones and Rice’s Funeral Chapel, 43 Russell Road, at 3 o’clock this Thursday afternoon for the purpose of attending the funeral of our dear Bro, E.T. MCLEOD. – Sis. P.G. PETERSEN, W.P., Bro. G.N. HICKS, F.S.

ROBINSON. Died on the 28th September, 1943, Captain Richard Ernest ROBINSON, at the age of 51 years. (Port Captain, Port Elizabeth). Service in St Augustine’s Church on Friday at 12 o’clock, thence the funeral will proceed to South End Cemetery.

SIMON. Died at No 1 Cadle Street, on the 29th September, 1943, Adelaide Valetta SIMON, at the age of 49 years. The funeral will leave the above address to-day (Thursday) at 10 o’clock, for the North End Cemetery.

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