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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1867 - 4 - October to December

Tuesday 1 October

DIED at Port Elizabeth on 28th September, William John BOOTH, aged 43 years and 4 months.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on Monday the 30th September 1867, Thomas Smith UFFILL Esq, of the “Maitland Mines Farm”, aged 36 years.
The Funeral will leave the Residence of H.H. CHRISTIAN Esq, Main Street, tomorrow afternoon at half past four, Friends are respectfully requested to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, Oct 1, 1867

A man named Henry LINDSAY, who was found in the streets one day last week in a destitute condition, was removed to the lock-up by police, where he died during Saturday night, and was buried yesterday.

Friday 11 October 1867

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 7th inst, the wife of Mr. John CHRISTIE of a son.

Tuesday 15 October 1867

DIED on Sunday the 13th instant, at the Residence of F. [SHAND] Esq, Charles William, second son of F.S. FAIRBRIDGE Esq, aged four years and eleven months.

Friday 18 October 1867

MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 16th instant, by the Rev. J.C. Macintosh, Thos. TILBROOK Esq. to Mary Jane, eldest daughter of the late Michael GUNNINGHAM Esq. of Bristol, England. No cards.

Tuesday 22 October 1867

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 18th instant, the wife of George HUDSON Esq., H.M.C., of a son.

Intelligence has been received by the Kaffraria of a melancholy accident, by which a respected citizen of Cape Town is deprived of his only son, a young gentleman of much promise. Mr. SCHMIETERLOUW Jun., only son of Mr. C. SCHMIETERLOUW of Adderley Street, has been for some time studying in Scotland. He took the opportunity afforded by the Summer vacation to start on a tour in Switzerland, and arrived safely in the country, but was drowned while bathing in a lake. The deceased had not attained his eighteenth year.

Then The Norseman left, Judge WATERMEYER was still living but that was all. A young Cape gentleman, now in London, writes by the mail yesterday that he and another young Cape friend had visited the Judge at St.John’s Wood. At the residence of Mr. HOETS. ”He desired to see us in his own room. He grasped our hands as he lay stretched on his low iron bed, and, with a feeble voice and a tear down his cheek, said ‘Who would have thought that he should have been spared still to see us at that place.’ .. He called me to his bedside when leaving, and desired me not to forget to mention his kind remembrances to you, mama, and Mr. B. He mentioned your name twice, and asked me to promise him not to forget to remember him to Charles BELL; and expressed his great gratitude for the kindness he received from those about him, saying that from his own parents and nearest relatives he could not expect to have met with more attention than what he had enjoyed from Mr. and Mrs. HOETS, REITZ, MAASDORP and others.” – Advertiser and Mail.

Tuesday 29 October 1867

On Friday an accident happened in White’s Road, which might have been attended with fatal results. A horse and trap, in which were two ladies and a little boy, were coming down Whit’s Road when the horse took fright and bolted. On arriving at the bottom of the Hill, the horse ran against a bullock and killed it on the spot, by the force of the collision. Fortunately, though the vehicle was running on three wheels for some distance, the occupants escaped unhurt. The horse belonged to Dr. RUBIDGE, and that gentleman has kindly paid the parties for the loss of the ox.

Tuesday 5 November 1867

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 29th October, the wife of Mr. E. Brooke SMITH of a son.

Friday 8 November 1867

We deeply regret having to announce the death of Judge WATERMEYER, the intelligence of which sad event was received per steamer Cambrian. We have not the materials at hand to give a detailed history of the career of this most distinguished colonist, and we can therefore only venture to jot down a few of the leading events of his life. Egidius Benedictus WATERMEYER was of German origin on his father’s side, his mother being, however, a lady belonging to one of the leading Dutch families in Cape Town. The future Judge WATERMEYER received the earlier portion of his education from Mr. (now Canon) JUDGE, and afterwards proceeded to Holland and to England, in both of which countries he distinguished himself as a student. Before return to the Cape, he was for some time a pupil to Mr. Samuel WARREN, the author of “Ten Thousand a Year”, and several other works of fiction and law books. On his return to the colony, Mr. WATERMEYER was soon called to the Cape bar, where, in company with Mr. (afterwards Judge) EBDEN, he divided the business of the Circuit, and was highly esteemed for his ability and gentlemanly bearing in this town and province. Besides his professional services, Mr. WATERMEYER made some very valuable contributions to current literature, through the columns of the Observer, Cape Town newspaper, of which he was for some time the reputed editor. He was also a valued contributor to a literary periodical, which flourished for some time at the Cape, and was supported by the talent of the late Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. FAIRBRIDGE, and other able men.
No appointment ever gave more satisfaction than Judge WATERMEYER’s elevation to the Bench, and although his highly benevolent and social nature missed in that somewhat isolated position the frank intercourse that was almost a necessity of his being, he never failed to impress the public with the very highest opinion of his fitness for the office of Judge. A constitution, never originally strong, was undermined by a succession of domestic calamities, culminating in the death of Mrs. WATERMEYER, and, after struggling long against these wounds, to a highly sensitive and affectionate nature, the good, the able, the noble Judge WATERMEYER, the ablest man the Cape has ever produced, overcome by a complication of physical maladies and domestic calamities, has dropped into an early grave, leaving behind him a name and reputation which will always be remembered with love and respect by every Cape colonist.
“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.”

Tuesday 12 November 1867

Another victim to the fever has fallen from amongst the ranks of those who had done their best to stop its ravages. Dr. BROWN was attacked by it about a week ago, when, on the 24th ultimo, he placed himself under the medical care of Dr. FLECK, with whom was afterwards Dr. ABERCROMBIE sen. At first it seemed likely to prove but a comparatively mild case; but on Thursday and Friday it became worse, with symptoms of delirium. On Saturday night it assumed the form of acute congestion of the lungs, which issued in death at half past seven on the 30th inst.

Friday 15 November 1867

HUDSON, Mrs. George, of a son, at Port Elizabeth, on the 29th October. [sic]
SMITH. Mrs. E. Brooke, of a son, at Port Elizabeth, on the 29th October.
FRENCH, William, to Margaret Elizabeth ALLEN, on the 12th August, at Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand.
TILBROOK, Thomas, to Miss Mary GUNNINGHAM, at Port Elizabeth, on the 16th Oct.
FAIRBRIDGE, Charles William, at Port Elizabeth, on the 13th October.
PEACOCK, Mrs. Richard, at Port Elizabeth, on the 13th November.

Friday 22 November 1867

BIRTH at Uitenhage on the 18th instant, Mrs. James COOK jun. of a daughter.

DIED on the 20th instant, Margaret, the beloved daughter of Edward and Hannah LOWDEN, aged 1 year and 3 months.

On the 15th instant the body of a man was washed up on the beach near Bain’s Yard, Cape Town. Upon being taken to the office of the Water Police and examined, it was identified as the body of one named Esmos SIMMONSEN, who was chief officer (acting captain) on board the Queen. The unfortunate man was last seen on the 14th, at about 8 o’clock pm, making his way down to the north wharf, and was believed to be going on board his vessel.

Our readers will remember the sad death of Mr. W. WILSON, who had for some years been connected with the colonial press, when on the when on the eve of his departure for England. Mr. WILSON had in his day held a good position among the Scottish journalists, and the Paisley Gazette has published an interesting biographical notice of the deceased. He is described as having been, when associated with public life in Scotland, “an eloquent writer”, and, as a debater, showed “readiness and aptness”. He took an active part in Sabbath school work, and was secretary to the Abbey School Association. His position on the Paisley press was in the highest degree honourable, and on accepting an engagement in England he was entertained at a public dinner as a mark of the esteem in which his abilities were held. He became the editor of the Carlisle Journal, then one of the parliamentary reporters for the London Daily News, and subsequently editor of the Birmingham Mercury. – Standard.

Tuesday 26 November 1867

MARRIED on the 25th September 1867 at the Wesleyan Chapel, Lytham, Lancashire, by the Rev. John Hannah DD, of Didsbury College, Mr. John M. PEACOCK, of King William’s Town, to Maria Kentish, only daughter of T.C. HINCKSMAN Esq, of Lytham. No cards.

Among the latest victims to the fever is Mr. Carl BERG, brother to Mr. William BERG, merchant, of Cape Town. – Mail.

Tuesday 3 December 1867

DEPARTED THIS LIFE on the 20th November 1867, at the Residence of her son-in-law, James COOK jun., Uitenhage, Elizabeth, beloved wife of Mr. Thos. BIRD, of Port Elizabeth, native of Lancaster, aged 49 years and 5 months. Deeply lamented.

Friday 6 December 1867

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 5th instant, Mr. Henry James TRAILL of a daughter.

Friday 13 December 1867

BIRTH at Graham’s Town on Wednesday the 4th December, the wife of the Rev. William SARGEANT of a son.

MARRIED at the residence of the Bride’s Father, on Thursday the 5th December, by the Rev. A. Robson, Richard Wharton, youngest son of the late Rev. James THOMSON, Minister of Keith, Banffshire, Scotland, to Jane Sarah, second daughter of William PATTINSON Esq, Merchant, of Port Elizabeth.

COOK, Mrs. James jun., of a daughter, at Uitenhage, on the 18th November.
SARGEANT, Mrs. William, of a son, at Graham’s Town, on the 4th December.
TRAILL, Mrs. Henry James, of a daughter, at Port Elizabeth, on the 5th December.
THOMSON, Richard Wharton, to Miss Jane Sarah PATTINSON, at Port Elizabeth, on the 5th December.
BIRD, Mrs. Thomas, at Uitenhage, on the 20th November.
LOWDEN, Margaret, at Port Elizabeth, on the 20th November.
THOMAS, Emma, at Howard-street, Wandsworth Road, London, on 5th October.

Tuesday 17 December 1867

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 12th December, the wife of the Rev. Thomas GUARD of a son.

Friday 20 December 1867

On Tuesday morning last St.Bartholomew’s Church was filled with a fashionable congregation to witness the marriage of J.D. BARRY Esq., Acting Solicitor-General, with Miss MEERIMAN, the daughter of the respected and much esteemed Archdeacon. The Lieutenant-Governor and Staff, with all the elite of the city, honoured the ceremony with their presence. The best men were: Mr. Advocate THOMPSON; T.E. MINTO Esq.; Lieut. BYNG A.D.C.; Ensign LANG, 11th Regt.; B. [BALLARD] Esq.; Lieut. FERRIER R.E.; Ensign VAUGHAN, 11th Regt.; S. CARLISLE Esq. The bridesmaids: Miss M. MERRIMAN, Miss BARRY, Miss LUCAS, Miss KROHN, Miss A, OGILVIE, Miss S. MERRIMAN, Miss BISSET and Miss BLAINE. The grouping was perfect, as the colours of the uniforms blended with the dresses of the bridesmaids. Miss BARRY and Miss MERRIMAN wore white spotted granadine peplume dresses, trimmed with pink and tassels; Miss OGILVIE and Miss S. MERRIMAN, white granadine dresses trimmed with pink; Miss LUCAS and Miss BISSET, striped granadine dresses trimmed with mauve; Miss BLAINE and Miss KROHN, white granadine dresses, trimmed with pink. – Great Eastern.

Tuesday 24 December 1867

MARRIED on the 21st instant by the Rev. T. Guard, Bennett Wensor LLOYD to Sarah, fourth daughter of William BRADBERRY Esq, Kentish Town, London. No cards.

We regret to learn by the Eastern Mail that news has been received of the death of Mr. Charles EBDEN, second son of our venerable fellow citizen, J.B. EBDEN Esq. He died at Melbourne after a severe attack of bronchitis, to which he was constitutionally [obscured]. For three or four years back he was in delicate health, but had latterly so far recovered that he had made arrangements for a trip to Europe. Mr. EBDEN at one time took an active and leading part in Australian politics, served in two successive parliaments, and was for some time Treasurer General of Victoria in one of the Colonial Responsible Ministries. He afterwards devoted himself to sheep-farming on a very extensive scale, and finally from failing health retired to Melbourne. – Advertiser and Mail.

Friday 27 December 1867

We regret to record the sudden death of Mr. Robert ARCHIBALD, for many years Town Engineer. Although he had been ailing for some time past, his friends had no immediate reason to expect his demise so suddenly. He seemed to be in tolerable good health and spirits on Monday, and the inhabitants were therefore taken by surprise when they heard of his death – which, we believe, resulted from congestion of the liver – on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. He had been about ten years in the service of the Municipality, and his sudden death is generally regretted. His remains, which were interred in the Independent Burial Ground on Wednesday, were followed by a large number of sorrowing friends and fellow townsmen.

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