Eastern Province Herald 1868 - 1 - January to March
Friday 3 January 1868
BIRTH on New Year’s Day, the wife of R.D. BUCHANAN Esq. of a daughter.
Tuesday 7 January 1868
DIED on Monday the 6th instant, Mary, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.D. BUCHANAN, aged 5 days.
Friday 10 January 1868
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 8th inst, after a few days’ illness, Thomas Wells, the beloved son of Mr. John and Susannah SPENCE, Queen-street, aged [.] years and 8 months.
Friday 17 January 1868
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Saturday 11th instant, John BUTLER Senior, aged 64 years. Deeply regretted by a large circle of [relations] and friends.
Tuesday 21 January 1868
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the [1?]th January 1868, Lenox LLOYD, aged [.. years], sixth son of the late Captain LLOYD [R.N.]
[Transcriber’s note: The right hand side of this notice has worn away. There is a Death Notice for Lenox LLOYD which gives his date of death as 14th January 1867, but it was filed in 1902, which might explain why it was a year out.]
The following advertisement is extracted from a Liverpool newspaper received by the last mail steamer. “An English gentleman, aged 22, who is considered rather handsome, and has an income of £200 a year, wishes to hear, and correspond with a young lady in similar circumstances, with a view to matrimony. – Address, with carte, Mr. George SEVERNE, Post Office, Montague Bridge, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope.”
It is with sincere grief we announce the death of Mrs. BERNING, one of the most indefatigable of the visitors to the fever patients. During the whole course of the epidemic the deceased lady visited from twelve to fifteen of the fever dens daily. She at length, as others have done, fell a victim to the disease, and died after an illness of twenty days. Quiet and unobtrusive in her demeanour, she devoted herself with unflagging energy to the work of helping the poor, and died at the post of duty. A member of the Wesleyan connection, she was sincerely respected by the circle of Christian friends with whom she associated, and by members of other denominations. We have had the mournful duty of noticing the decease of others more known to fame, who have fallen victim to the scourge which has yet scarcely taken its departure from the town. God forbid that we should fail to honour those who have laboured faithfully in more quiet paths. – Argus.
Friday 24 January 1868
DIED at his late Residence, Hospital Hill, Port Elizabeth, after a short illness, Mr. Bartholomew McMAHON, aged 50 years, leaving a wife and large family to mourn the loss of a kind husband and father. Requiescat in Pace.
DIED at Graham’s Town on the 17th instant, Richard Uppleby, infant son of the Rev. Wm. and Anne SARGEANT, aged 6 weeks.
On the last voyage of the Natal Eastward, two of her petty officers died. The first was the boatswain MILES, a very worthy man, we are informed. He had been invalided home, and transshipped on board the Saxon, in Algoa Bay, where he died the next day. The second was the chief steward, Mr. LAWS, who had been ill with fever on the previous voyage down. On the passage up the illness increased, and just as the ship cast anchor at Natal, he died from cerebral effusion of the brain. He was buried at sea, as no communication could be had with the shore.
We regret to have to announce the death, on Saturday morning, of one of the worthiest and most venerable of our citizens - T.H. BOWLES Esq., Registrar of the Supreme Court. He appeared apparently in his usual health in Court at the Criminal Sessions of Wednesday, though suffering from a slight cold. On Thursday the symptoms got worse, and he was so hoarse that it was with difficulty he could read out the indictments, or call the names of the jurymen. With his usual passion for work, however, he insisted upon going on, and refused to allow his assistant. Mr. SERRURIER, to perform the duty in his place until towards the afternoon, when he was fairly overcome, and could hardly utter an articulate word. On Friday he appeared at his office as usual, and handed over to the Deputy Registrar, Mr. WYLDE, his records of the Sessions, but then stated that he felt himself seriously ill, and so immediately returned home. Next morning at 4 o’clock he was dead. – Advertiser and Mail.
Friday 31 January 1868
MARRIED at Trinity Church on Wednesday the 29th instant by the Rev. H.I. Johnson, Richard Shaw SMITH Esquire, of Graham’s Town, to Caroline Louisa, fifth daughter of the late G.M. BRUNETTE Esquire.
DIED after three days’ illness, at the Farm Perseverance, on Friday 31st January 1868, Sophia, third daughter of Thomas and Annie KELSEY, aged six years.
Friday 7 February 1868
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on 5th February, by the Rev. A. Robson, Peter Watson ROBERTSON to Mary Ann BELL, of Monifieth, Scotland.
Tuesday 11 February 1868
BIRTH at Uitenhage, February 2nd 1868, Mrs. Wm. LORD of a daughter.
Friday 14 February 1868
LORD, Mrs. Wm., of a daughter, on the 2nd inst, at Uitenhage.
PALMER, John, to Miss Louisa DAVIES, on the 7th January, at Port Elizabeth.
ROBERTSON, Peter Watson, to Mary Ann BELL, on the 5th February, at Port Elizabeth.
SMITH, Richard Shaw, to Miss Caroline Louisa BRUNETTE, on the 29th January, at Port Elizabeth.
BUTLER, John Senr., on the 11th January, at Port Elizabeth.
CHRISTIAN, Enid Edith, at Baston Court, Hungerford, England, on the 21st November 1867.
GREENWOOD, Richard, on the 12th January, at Port Elizabeth.
KELSEY, Sophia, on the 31st January, at the farm Perseverance.
LLOYD, Lennox, on the 10th January, at Port Elizabeth.
McMAHON, Bartholomew, on the 23rd January, at Port Elizabeth.
SERGEANT, Richard Uppleby, on the 17th January, at Graham’s Town.
An accident occurred near INGRAM’s on Wednesday by which a man named William BURN lost his life. It appears that some parties were racing horses, when the deceased, with another man, got on the course, and, one of the horses coming in contact with him, he was knocked down. He was removed to the hospital but died shortly afterwards from the injuries received.
A correspondent at Dordrecht writing us under date 7th instant, sends us the following particulars of the somewhat mysterious disappearance of a child. The circumstance has never really been fully reported in the newspapers, and we hope this notice may be the means of clearing up the mystery. The parents should at once have reported their loss to the nearest Field-cornet or Resident Magistrate. – “On Sunday the 19th of last month a German, named Christian SCHULTZ, with his wife and family, went on a visit to some friends living on the farm of Mr. B. HATTINGH, situate on the Berg river, in the immediate vicinity of Mr. FAIR’s place, Willow Park. It appears that about six o’clock the children went for a walk, and while in the veld, a little boy, son of the above SCHULTZ, left the other children to go to the homestead, which he never reached. The child was missed shortly afterwards, and the most minute search was made the same evening. And for several successive days, but up to this present moment proved unsuccessful. There are several pools of water near the place, which have been carefully dragged, but no sign of the child has been found, and it is supposed that some traveller, finding the child wandering about the fields, has taken it with him. A description of the child is given below, and it is kindly requested that anyone who may be able to give any information about it will communicate with the child’s father. Since the above was written a rumour has reached us that a child, answering the lost child’s description, has been seen at the Katberg, but there seems to be little foundation for the report.
Description of the child. A boy, named Christian SCHULTZ, aged three years and nine months, being dressed in a grey coat, a pair of tanned moleskin trowsers, a pair of buff leather boots, and a wide-a-wake hat, white hair and blue eyes, with an oval face, talks broken German and Dutch. The boy has very bad teeth, and has two marks near his right temple.”
Tuesday 18 February 1868
Captain GIFFARD, of the schooner J.S. Wainwright, suddenly fell down dead while together with a few friends at the Royal Hotel in Plein-street. Upon the fact becoming known, most of the vessels in the bay half-masted their colours, as a mark of respect to the late gentleman, who was well known in the coasting trade. He leaves a wife and family, who reside in America, to lament their loss. Advertiser and Mail.
Friday 28 February 1868
We are informed that Mr. Philip GUNN’s small stock, which was partially destroyed by fire on Monday night last, was not insured. The goods and shop fixtures that escaped the fire were much damaged in being removed, while the house, which belongs to Mr. George REED, sustained but slight injury.
Tuesday 3 March 1868
DEPARTED THIS LIFE at Port Elizabeth on the 1st instant, at her son, Mr. George REED’s residence, adjoining St.Paul’s Church, at the advanced age of 91 years, 9 months and 13 days, Mrs. Eliza BROWN, one of the Settlers of 1820, leaving a large family and a numerous circle of friends to mourn her decease.
The Funeral will take place this (Tuesday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
3 March 1868
Friday 6 March 1868
An accident, attended with fatal results, happened on Tuesday evening, about ten o’clock. It appears that a young man, named TERBLANS, was travelling between the toll-house and INGRAM’s, en route to the Bay, with a load of wool. The oxen in the yoke, accustomed to be outspanned at a certain spot near the road, when they arrived at that locality, turned off. The deceased, who was seated on the top of the wool bales, jumped from his elevated position on to the disselboom, but, missing his footing, fell under the wheel; the wagon, heavily laden, with 18 bales of wool, passing over his body. He was brought in to the Hospital about six o’clock on the following morning, but his injuries were of such a serious nature that he gradually sank, and expired about four o’clock the same day. The deceased (who was buried yesterday afternoon) was a fine young fellow, and, having just attained maturity, had recently been to Humansdorp to sign the necessary documents for obtaining an inheritance from his father. This is another victim to the want of a “step” or proper “roughing” of the disselboom. We are assured that ten or a dozen lives are sacrificed yearly in a similar manner. If the disselboom of every wagon was provided either with a step, or perhaps better still, with a stout wooden cleat, to prevent the foot from slipping, accidents of the kind would not be of nearly so frequent occurrence as they now are.
Friday 13 March 1868
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 7th March 1868, Hospital Hill, Anne Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Isaac PEARSON, aged 3 years and [2] months.
STANTON, Edward, on the 20th February, at Port Elizabeth.
BROWN, Eliza, on the 1st March, at Port Elizabeth.
PEARSON, Anne Elizabeth, on the 7th March, at Port Elizabeth.
Friday 20 March 1868
BIRTH at Addo Heights on the 11th inst, Mrs. J.A. PULLEN of a daughter.
Friday 27 March 1868
DEPARTED THIS LIFE at Port Elizabeth on the 26th March, at the Residence of his son-in-law, C. ROBERTSHAW Esq, [adjoining the Presbyterian Church] on the Hill, Francis HUGHES Sen. Esq, aged 75 Years and [3] Months. His short affliction he bore with Christian resignation and fortitude. He leaves a large family and a numerous circle of friends to mourn his decease.
The Funeral will take place this (Friday) afternoon at four o’clock. Relatives and Friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, March 27 1868.
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