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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1867 - 3 - July to September

Friday 5 July 1867

DIED at Somerset East, July 2nd 1867, after a long and painful illness, Robert HART Esq. Jun., eldest son of Robert HART Esq. Sen., of Glen Avon, near Somerset East.

Tuesday 9 July 1867

BIRTH on Monday the 8th instant, Mrs. D’Urban DYASON of a son.
Port Elizabeth, July 9, 1867.

DIED at King William’s Town, June 30 1867, deeply regretted, William, third son of the late G.W. ASHBURNHAM Esq, and grandson of the late Sir William ASHBURNHAM Bart, of Broomham, Sussex, aged 35 years.

Intelligence has reached Bloemfontein from Thaba ‘Nchu that an Englishman named BUSHE, a former servant of the Rev. Mr. DUMAS, and who had resided for some time with that gentleman at [Mehustling], had been put to death, in cold blood, by the Basutos.

Friday 12 July 1867

BIRTH on the 10th July, the wife of Mr. Louis BRAMSON of a son.

MARRIED on Tuesday the 9th inst, at Nanaga, by the Rev. T. Merrington, Benj. KITCHINGMAN Esq. to Anne Rachel NEWCOMBE, second daughter of the late Robert NEWCOMBE Esq. of the same place.
July 11, 1867.

BUTLER, Mrs. W.A., of a daughter, at Port Elizabeth, on the 23rd June.
FARMER, Mrs. W.M., of a daughter, at Port Elizabeth, on the 1st July.
DYASON, Mrs. D’Urban, of a son, at Port Elizabeth, on the 8th July.
SMITH, George Chalmers, to Miss Everal Hester GILBERT, at Fort Beaufort, on the 4th June.
SKILL, Henry Herbert, Adjt. 2.11th Regt., to Miss Emma Eliza Fanny BENNET, at Fort Beaufort, on the 17th June.
CLOSE, James Walter, to Miss Jessie JONES, at Port Elizabeth, on the 20th June.
SOLOMON, Alfred, at Port Elizabeth, on the 22nd June.
HART, Robert Junr., at Somerset East, on the 2nd July.
ASHBURNHAM, William, at King William’s Town, on the 30th June.

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. Joseph SERVANT of a son. Lots of Cards.
Port Elizabeth, July 12, 1867.

Tuesday 16 July 1867

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 13th inst, the wife of [M. DAKER] of a son,

Friday 19 July 1867

BIRTH on the 31st May 1867, at St.John’s Wood, London, the wife of John TILBROOK Esq. of a son.

MARRIED on the 16th instant at St.Paul’s, by the Rev. S. Brook, Frederick, second son of the late J.P. BAKER, of Maidstone, Kent, to Sarah, eldest daughter of Morris MEYER, of Port Elizabeth.

DIED at Graham’s Town on the 18th inst, of Consumption, Mr. William Erskine SMITH, Accountant of [the] Standard Bank in that City, and formerly of the National Province Bank of England, [Stockton], eldest son of George SMITH Esq. of Burley Lodge, Trinity, Edinburgh. Much and deservedly regretted by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.

Mr. Thomas Wm. ROBERTSON, of British Kaffraria, has been admitted an attorney of the Eastern Districts Court; and Mr. Frank Wm. POWRIE as notary public.

We record, with sincere regret, the decease on the 12th inst. of William WILSON, who has for the past eight years been connected with the press of Graham’s Town. The circumstance is rendered the more deplorable from the fact that he was on the eve of departure for England, and had already secured a passage in a vessel about to leave. Mr. WILSON has left a widow to mourn his lamented death. He was for some time sub-editor of the old Monitor, and an excellent shorthand writer, and a man of considerable attainment as a writer.

We regret to announce the somewhat sudden death, caused by inflammation of the lungs, of this esteemed gentleman, who had for the last few months been acting as Superintendent of the Albany Hospital. More than one hundred persons were present at the funeral, and among them were the Dean and Archdeacon of Graham’s Town, Revs. R.G. MULLINS, A. HAY, G.H. GREEN, and J. O’BRIEN, as well as several other ministers and leading citizens. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Joseph GREEN, WEATHERHEAD, MacDONALD and Jos. DICKS. The service was most impressively read by the Rev. R. JOHNSON. - Journal

Tuesday 23 July 1867

BIRTH on Sunday the 21st instant, the wife of J.A. BELL Esq, H.M. Customs, of a daughter.

Friday 26 July 1867

BIRTH at King William’s Town on Thursday the 18th instant, the wife of Mr. R.P. IMPEY of a daughter.

MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 20th instant, by the Rev. J.C. Macintosh, Mr. T.E. THEWLIS to Jessie, fourth daughter of William TITTERTON Esq, Kragga Kamma. No cards.

A SAD ACCIDENT happened on the Hill, near the Camp, on Wednesday. By some means or other Corporal GRAY, of the 86th, fell over the precipice, near the Fort, into the valley beneath, and sustained such severe injuries that he died a few hours afterwards. There is a rumour that he threw himself over in a fit of despondency, but for the truth of it we cannot vouch.

A man named MACAULEY, a wood-cutter, from the Transkeian country, was found dead in a stable.

Tuesday 30 July 1867

DIED at her Residence, Quaggas Flat, on 27th instant, Dorothy PULLEN, aged 85, widow of the late Thomas PULLEN Esq,

WE regret to have to record the death of Mrs. PULLEN, one of the oldest inhabitants of the town, who departed this life on Saturday last, at the advanced age of 85 years. The late Mrs. PULLEN came out to this colony shortly after the first settlers. She was connected with an old family of considerable landed possessions in Essex, and her husband, who brought with him but the wreck of a handsome fortune, was well known and much respected here. Mrs. PULLEN was the grandmother of Mr. G. CHABAUD, Vice Consul of France, and leaves behind her a large circle of sorrowing friends. Though she attained such an advanced age, she preserved her faculties to the last.

Friday 2 August 1867

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Wednesday 31st July, Mrs. I.S. GORDON of a son.

BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on 29th July, Mrs. Edward NATHAN of a daughter.

Tuesday 6 August 1867

MARRIED at the Residence of Mr. E.B. HUGHES, on the 1st instant, by the Rev. T. Guard, Mr. William GEER, widower, of Somerset East, to Elizabeth Dawson SCHWARZ, widow of the late John SCHWARZ, of Port Elizabeth.
Port Elizabeth, August 1, 1867.

Tuesday 13 August 1867

An unfortunate young girl, who gave the name of Susan EDWARDS, was taken to the Police Station, Cape Tow, on the 7th instant, on a charge of attempting to commit suicide by jumping off the South Wharf. It appeared that she was observed by a Malay boatman to walk in the direction of the water, and when near the end of the wharf, precipitated herself into the water. The man made for the spot, and, after some difficulty, rescued the girl from her perilous position. She stated that she had been but one day out of the Somerset Hospital. – Standard.

Friday 16 August 1867

We regret to have to announce the death of Major LONGMORE, which took place on Thursday morning. The deceased gentleman entered the Royal Staff Corps in 1808. After being attached to the Staff Corps then stationed at Hythe, under the command of Sir Benjamin D’URBAN, he proceeded to the Peninsula, and served there through several of the campaigns, for which he obtained the war medal and two clasps. Several years later he was stationed successively in Canada and at Mauritius, and held for some time the appointment of Acting Surveyor-General there. He sold out of the army in 1834, and was sent to the Cape as a Special Justice. Subsequently he held in succession the office of Resident Magistrate of Wynberg, Colonial Aide-de-Camp, and Sergeant-at-Arms to the House of Assembly. The latter appointment, especially, he adorned in every respect alike by his dignity and urbanity. Besides his official and professional accomplishments, Makor LONGMORE was long distinguished for hos devotion to literature, and as such had the privilege of corresponding with Sir Walter SCOTT. He was the author of a large amount of poetical compositions of various kinds and qualities – most of which are pretty generally known to the colonists, as well as some of them to English readers. He also produced a series of prose tales of very considerable literary ability, made up from his reminiscences of the Peninsula War. The remains of the deceased and lamented gentleman will be interred this (Saturday) afternoon. – Argus.

Tuesday 20 August 1867

An accident, resulting, we regret to say, in fatal consequences, occurred on Saturday last. It appears that a fine boy, about ten years of age, the eldest son of Mr. H.J. CLAIRMONTE, was thrown by a pony belonging to Mr. I.S. GORDON, and dragged a considerable distance. The services of Dr. RUBIDGE and Dr. ENSOR were immediately called in; but the injuries sustained by the poor boy were of so serious a nature that he never rallied, and died within a few hours. Much sympathy is expressed for the family, and there was a very large attendance at the funeral, which took place on Sunday afternoon.

Friday 23 August 1867

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 21st inst, after a short illness, Anna Durban, the beloved wife of H.M. SCRIVENOR Esq, aged 32 years. The funeral will take place this (Friday) afternoon at half past four o’clock. Friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, August 23, 1867.

Tuesday 27 August 1867

BIRTH at Humansdorp on Tuesday August 20th, Mrs. John BAKER of a daughter.

A man named Alfred RAMSAY, alias William LINDSAY, late a labourer at the Breakwater works, is in custody, charged with having caused the death of his wife. The prisoner and his wife, who lived at Sea Point, were overheard by a neighbour, Mrs. McDONALD, quarrelling between six and seven o’clock on Tuesday evening. She afterwards went into the house and found the deceased, who was bleeding profusely and complained of pain in the abdomen. Some delay occurred in procuring medical advice, and on Drs. ROSS and ZEEDERBERG reaching the house about nine o’clock the woman was dead. Information was at once given at the Police Office, and the man was apprehended. He was sober at the time. Yesterday the prisoner was brought up before the Acting Resident Magistrate, and was remanded, to admit of a post mortem examination. The examination was made yesterday, and the medical men attribute death to a violent blow, probably a kick. The deceased was far advanced in pregnancy. – Argus.

Friday 30 August 1867

On Monday afternoon last Mr. P.H. ANDREWS, son of C. ANDREWS Esq. of Port Elizabeth, late Magistrate’s Clerk here, and Mr. John LOOCK, a farmer residing at Oudeberg, intending going out to the farm of the latter [sic]. The rain during the whole of Sunday night and greater part of Monday had caused the river to rise, but not very much, as the water was only about three feet deep. Four horses were inspanned, but it was noticed that one horse was without a bridle. They drove down to Mr. TULL’s shop, where Mr. LOOCK purchased 5lbs of coffee. While making this purchase, Mr. ANDREWS drove away down by the Town Hall, calling out to Mr. LOOCK that he would be back in five minutes. When he returned it was close on 5 o’clock, and both Mr. TULL and Mr. SMITH, his clerk, endeavoured to persuade them to postpone their trip until the following morning, stating that it would be dangerous to ascend Oudeberg with the roads in the state they must then be in after the rain: and that if they attempted it, they were sure to come to grief. They persisted, however, in going, but on reaching the drift at Ryneveld’s Pass, Mr. ANDREWS [objected] to cross the river, and got out of the cart. Mr. LOOCK, to show him that there was not any danger, drove through the river and returned, when Mr. ANDREWS consented to proceed. He got into the cart, and they had reached the centre of the river, when one of the leaders stumbled, and the four horses came to a standstill. Mr. ANDREWS had got hold of the reins, and Mr. LOOCK began thrashing the wheelers, who ran against the leaders, and all the horses got excited. Mr. TULL’s boy Thomas, who had accompanied them at the solicitation of Mr. ANDREWS, though without the sanction of his employer, jumped out of the cart, and waded to the front horses to lead them out. Unfortunately, Mr. LOOCK again commenced to thrash the wheelers, and the four horses got entangled. By some means not clearly explained the cart capsized, and ANDREWS and LOOCK were seen to take hold of each other as they fell into the water. An alarm was raised, and a young man by the name of H. OLIVIER, we were told, was passing the water-mill on horseback, when he was informed by Mrs. ENSLIN that ANDREWS and LOOCK had been washed down the river. He, with praiseworthy promptness, turned his horse’s head and galloped to the drift a the bottom of Bird-street. Scarcely had he arrived there, before he saw one of the bodies advancing, when he immediately entered the river and placed his horse across the stream, so as to intercept the body. In this he was successful, and drew the body to the bank of the river, when it was found to be that of Mr. LOOCK. In the meantime, medical assistance had been sent for, and Drs. MAASDORP and ALSBERG met the body opposite Mr. McLEA’s, into whose workshop it was taken, but life was found to be extinct. The face of the corpse was much disfigured by coming in contact with the large stones with which the bed of the river at the part where the accident occurred is abundantly covered. The body of Mr. ANDREWS was not observed to pass the spot where Mr. LOOCK’s was taken out, and it seems probable that it must have passed prior to OLIVIER getting there, as a washerwoman who was at the drift in Church-street, reported that she had observed the body of a man passing there.
The body of the cart was smashed to pieces, only the wheels, axles, springs and poles remaining. The traces of the leading horses were cut shortly after the accident occurred, which enabled them to get safely out of the river. One of the wheelers was drowned, and the other, though got out alive, was much cut and bruised.
On Tuesday morning a number of gentlemen went down the banks of the river in search of Mr. ANDREWS’s body.
The search yesterday for the body of Mr. ANDREWS was unsuccessful, owing to there being too much water in the river. It is to be resumed today. An overcoat which Mr. ANDREWS had with him in the cart has been recovered, as also a whip.
Mr. LOOCK’s life was insured in the Mutual for £1,000. – Graaff-Reinet Herald.

Friday 6 September 1867

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Thursday 5th inst, Mrs. A.F. TANCRED of a daughter.

A correspondent informs us that an interesting ceremony took place on Thursday last at the Tyumie. Two daughters of the Rev. A. McDONALD were joined in Wedlock, one to Capt. DIXON of the R.M.St. Roman, and the other to Mr. Hugh THOMSON, Special Magistrate. Dr. STEWART, of the Lovedale Institution, performed the ceremony. – Gazette.

Tuesday 10 September 1867

BIRTH on the 8th instant, the wife of Edwin JONES Esq. of a son.

We have the melancholy satisfaction of reporting that the remains of this gentleman have at last been recovered. They were found in the river by Mr. Hans MEINTJES about a mile or so below Adendorp. – G.R. Herald.

Friday 13 September 1867

MARRIED at Port Elizabeth, September 10 1867, by the Rev. A. Robson, Robert, eldest son of the late Mr. Jas. DAVIDSON, Old Deer, Aberdeen, to Alice Ann, daughter of W.H. COLEMAN Esq, East London.

Tuesday 17 September 1867

It is with regret that we have to record the death of Mr. Robert HART sen., which took place at Glen Avon on Saturday last, about 2:00 p.m. Mr. HART was upwards of ninety years of age, and at last passed peacefully away, apparently without any pain. We believe deceased has been a resident in this colony upwards of fifty years.

THE CITY OF THE SETTLERS is decidedly a marrying city, and as the Journal is always glad to chronicle the fact of persons being comfortably “settled”, it tells us in its last issue that two marriages were solemnised in St.George’s Cathedral on Thursday morning, by the Very Rev. the Dean of Graham’s Town, when Mr. PARSONS, chief constable of the local police force, had the pleasure of giving away a daughter, right worthily, and of welcoming a daughter-in-law. In the one case Mr. DE LA HUNT exchanged marriage vows with Mona, Mr. PARSONS’ second daughter; and in the other, Mr. Wm. PARSONS jun. with Miss MARSDEN. There was a large attendance of spectators and parsons, and rare doings at the parsonage!

Friday 20 September 1867

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 17th instant, Mrs. Louis BENJAMIN of a son.

MARRIED at Adelaide on the 3rd instant, by the Rev. Peter Davidson, Alexander James, eldest son of the late Mr. Thos. R. KIDWELL, to Jane Wills, second daughter of Mr. Henry ORCHARD, of Adelaide. No cards.

MARRIED by Special Licence at Adelaide, South Africa, on Tuesday the 17th September 1867, by the Father of the Bride, Alexander REID Esq, Manager of the Somerset East Bank, to Miss Gertrude A, STEGMANN, of Adelaide.
18th Sept. 1867.

MARRIED on the 18th instant at the residence of the Bride, [16] Somerset-street, Graham’s Town, Esther, eldest daughter of J. LAWRANCE Esq, to Ernest Russell MOSES, third son of Moses Charles MOSES Esq, Bernard-street, Southampton. No cards.

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