Eastern Province Herald 1867 - 2 - April to June
Friday 5 April 1867
BIRTH on Wednesday the 3rd instant, Mrs. W. Caldwell ELLIOTT of a son.
BIRTH at Uitenhage on the 4th April, the wife of Capt. D. SIM of a son.
THE LATE FIRE. As we expected, the two men BRITT and GIBSON, charged on suspicion of being connected with the late fire at Mr. BIRCH’s, failed to answer to their recognizance on Monday. I consequence of additional evidence against them, a warrant has been issued for their apprehension. – Uitenhage Times.
Friday 12 April 1867
ELLIOTT, Mrs. H. Caldwell, of a son, on the 3rd April, at Port Elizabeth.
SIM, Mrs. D., of a son, on the 4th April, at Uitenhage.
INNES, Mrs. J.R., on the 27th March, at Cape Town.
Tuesday 16 April 1867
BIRTH at Humansdorp on Wednesday the 10th instant, Mrs. William MORROW of a son.
Humansdorp, April 12, 1867.
A man named Charles WILLIAMS was this morning sentenced to two months imprisonment for stealing four fowls and eight ducks, the property of Mrs. BLOMFIELD.
Tuesday 23 April 1867
DIED at the Addo on the 17th instant, Adelaide, relict of William WALTON Esq, and second daughter of the late Thomas PULLEN Esq, aged 66 years.
Friday 26 April 1867
DIED March 1st 1867, at 21 Elgin Crescent, London, Helen Susan, the only child of the Rev. G.F. MACLEAR, aged 8 years and 11 months.
Tuesday 30 April 1867
DIED suddenly at Lovedale Seminary, on the 18th instant, David Baird, youngest son of the Rev. E.D. HEPBURN, aged 15 years, 1 month and 9 days.
Friday 3 May 1867
MARRIED at Graaff-Reinet on the 19th April 1867, by the Rev. P. Roux, Richard John HARVEY, of Fauresmith, to Caroline Mansfield, daughter of George REED, of Smithfield. No cards.
On Friday morning last Mr. Solomon G. GRAY, of [obscured] Hotel, came to town and reported to Mr. Fieldcornet McMASTER that a Dutch farmer, named William GOUWS, of Hottentots Fontein, [Jamesville], had met his death on the previous night through falling from his wagon. Mr. McMASTER and the Resident Magistrate at once proceeded to the spot, where they found deceased with his skull completely crushed, and a large portion of the brain protruding. It appears from the statement of Mr. N.J. SMITH, who was travelling in company with the deceased, that they passed through Uitenhage on the previous day on their way from Port Elizabeth; GOUWS was much the worse for liquor, and rolled off his wagon underneath one of the wheels, which passed over his head. Death appeared to be instantaneous. The unfortunate man leaves a widow and four children. – Uitenhage Times
A youth, connected with the printing trade, left Burghersdorp for Graham’s Town last week. He was all but destitute, and went along with several wagons. He appeared to be ill at starting, gradually got worse, and died on Tuesday afternoon at the farm of Mr. J.L. PRETORIUS. The deceased belonged to Graham’s Town, and gave his name as Thomas Rundell BONE. – Free Press.
Tuesday 7 May 1867
BIRTH on Sunday evening, May 5, at his residence on the Hill, the wife of Mr. John H. FULLER of a daughter.
Friday 10 May 1867
DIED at Addo Heights on the 28th April, infant daughter of John Arthur PULLEN Esq.
Friday 17 May 1867
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Saturday morning last, the wife of A. ROSENTHAL Esq, of Middelburg, of a son.
Tuesday 21 May 1867
We regret to hear of the very sudden death of a son of Mr. H.M. ORPEN, of H.M.’s Customs, a fine lad of about nine or ten years old. He was suddenly seized with fits on Saturday last, and died the following day.
Friday 24 May 1867
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 19th inst, Herbert Edward Richard, eldest son of H.M.H. ORPEN Esq, Landing Surveyor HM Customs, Port Elizabeth.
Friday 31 May 1867
BIRTH, May 30, at Port Elizabeth, Mr. H. GODFREY of a son.
Tuesday 4 June 1867
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth, 4th June, the wife of B.D. McGILL of a daughter
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 3rd inst, Mrs. John MURRAY of a son.
BIRTH at St.John’s River on Sunday the 21st April, the wife of F.J. HUGHES of a son.
MARRIED at Trinity Church, Port Elizabeth, by special licence, on 30th May, by Rev. H.I. Johnson MA, Wm. SUTHERLAND Esq. M.B., to Isabella, youngest daughter of John LESLIE Esq, Aberdeen.
DIED on the 22nd May, at 95 Long-street, Sarah Henrietta, youngest daughter of Francena HEYDRICH, aged [4] years and 8 months.
F. HEYDRICH of informing her husband [………] HEYDRICH, Carpenter, in the employ of Mr. ANSELL, of Uitenhage, that she is anxious to know whether he has received her letters, and would be glad of some assistance as she is very poor.
Cape Town, May 29, 1867.
Friday 7 June 1867
MARRIED at Fort Beaufort on the 4th June, George Chalmers SMITH Esq. to Everal Hester, daughter of Thomas GILBERT Esq.
MARRIED by Special Licence at Trinity Church, Cape Town, by the Rev. R.G. Lamb AB, Colonial Chaplain, on Thursday 23rd May, Mr. Francis J. WEBSTER Junior to Hannah, eldest daughter of Mr. E.E. WHILEY. No cards.
DIED May 21, after years of severe suffering, Amelia Sarah, the beloved wife of Mr. Samuel STANGER, aged 56 years.
Graham’s Town, May 1867.
Friday 14 June 1867
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Saturday 8th June, Mrs. James GORDON of a son.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 19th inst, Herbert Edward Richard, eldest son of H.M.H. ORPEN Esq, Landing Surveyor HM Customs, Port Elizabeth, aged 8 years and 11 months.
[Transcriber’s note: Update on May notice, therefore date of death is 19th May]
Mr. F. HOLBORN, formerly of the Wellington Hotel, Port Elizabeth, recently met with an accident by the upsetting of his cart, in Baviaan’s Kloof, which terminated fatally, at Bedford.
GODFREY, Mrs. H., of a son, at Port Elizabeth, on the 30th May.
GORDON, Mrs. James, of a son, at Port Elizabeth, on the 8th June.
HUGHES, Mrs. F.J., of a son, at St.John’s River, on the 21st April.
McGILL, Mrs. B.D., of a daughter, at Port Elizabeth, on the 4th June.
MURRAY, Mrs. John, of a son, at Port Elizabeth, on the 3rd June.
ROSENTHAL, Mrs. A., of a son, at Port Elizabeth, on the 12th May.
SUTHERLAND, Wm. M.B., to Miss Isabella LESLIE, at Port Elizabeth, on the 30th May.
HEPBURN, David Baird, at Lovedale, on the 18th April.
HEYDRICH, Sarah Henrietta, at Cape Town, on the 22nd May.
ORPEN, Herbert Edward Richard, at Port Elizabeth, on the 19th May.
STANGER, Mrs. Amelia Sarah, at Graham’s Town, on the 21st May.
Tuesday 25 June 1867
MARRIED on the 17th June by the Rev. T. Henchman, Colonial Chaplain, at St.John’s Church, Fort Beaufort, Lieutenant Henry Herbert SKILL, Adjutant 2nd-11th Regiment, fourth son of J. SKILL Esq, of the Bury, Felstead, Essex, to Emma Eliza Fanny, second daughter of Assist-Commissary-General G.H. BENNET.
[Transcriber’s note: 1861 census shows James SKILL, farmer, living at Bury Farm, Felsted]
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth June 20th 1867, by the Rev. Thomas Guard, Mr. James Walter CLOSE to Jessie, daughter of Mr. William JONES. No Cards.
DIED June 22nd, Alfred, aged 3 years, son of Mr. H.H. SOLOMON.
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 23rd inst, Mrs. W.A. BUTLER of a daughter.
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