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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1867 - 1 - January to March

Tuesday 1 January 1867

DIED on the 17th December 1866, at Stranger’s Rest, Caledon District, Orange Free State, Edward J. BIRD Esq, aged 25 years and 10 months.
Stranger’s Rest, Dec 22, 1866.

An accident, which caused some sensation in town, happened in the neighbourhood of Bushy Park on Monday last. Mr. Attorney DYASON had been out with his family, enjoying the holidays. On the day in question, Mr. William Trinder SMITH, with some other gentlemen, met Mr. DYASON at his encampment, and it was agreed that the party should have a hunt. With this object, each had his route apportioned him, and every precaution was taken to guard against accident. With the remark that the bush is very dense in this neighbourhood, we may state that Mr. DYASON, with another gentleman, were scouring the bush for game, when Mr. DYASON heard a cracking sound in a bush about twenty-five or thirty yards ahead of him. He signalled to his companion to be cautious and to make no noise. Again the cracking sound was heard, and Mr. DYASON catching sight of something brown in a slight opening in the bush, fired a charge of large buck shot at the object which had excited his attention. A slight scream, which Mr. DYASON took to be that of a buck, followed, and the two hurried up to the bush to secure their gains, when to their horror they beheld Mr. SMITH wounded and bleeding before them. No time was lost in rendering every assistance the urgency of the case demanded. With all possible speed Mr. SMITH was removed to the residence of Mr. Charles LOVEMORE, and a mounted messenger was sent in for Dr. ENSOR, and to inform Mr. SMITH’s relatives of the sad accident. Mr. and Mrs. H.W. PEARSON left town for Mr. LOVEMORE’s farm at once, and on Dr. ENSOR’s prompt arrival everything that medical skill could suggest was done to relieve the sufferer. On examining the patient, the doctor found that a buck shot had entered near his temple, but fortunately without fracturing the bone; that another had pierced his breast, and that three others had lodged in his side and thigh. These latter have, we are glad to say, been extracted, while that which had lodged in the temple has worked down towards the cheek. Dr. ENSOR, who has been unremitting in his attention, remained with his patient, until he was removed to his residence upon the Hill on Tuesday afternoon. From enquiries we have made, we hear that Mr. SMITH is doing as well as can be expected, when the painful nature of his injuries are taken into consideration. Mr. SMITH is a young gentleman well and favourably known here for his many good qualities, and the painful accident he has sustained is a subject of very general regret.

Friday 4 January 1867

We are sorry to state that another unfortunate accident occurred on Monday last, at Sunday’s River. From what we have been able to gather, it appears that Mr. Wm. LEWIS, nephew of Mr. Joseph LEWIS, of this town, and who is apprenticed to Mr. TUNBRIDGE, of Sunday’s River, went out with Mr. TUNBRIDGE’s son for an hour’s sport. They had not been long out, when young TUNBRIDGE fired at some game; when, unfortunately, Mr. LEWIS, who was standing behind a bush, was hit in the side by a looper. Medical assistance, we believe, was immediately obtained from Uitenhage, and everything possible was done to alleviate the young man’s sufferings. He was brought in to the local hospital yesterday, where he is doing as well as can be expected, the painful nature of his injuries considered. We need hardly say that the unfortunate accident has caused a great sensation at Sunday’s River, and that none regret it more than the TUNBRIDGEs.

Tuesday 8 January 1867

BIRTH at King William’s Town on the 4th January 1867, the wife of William BARNABUS of a son.

DIED at Uitenhage on January 6th 1867, Frederic MEGGY Esq. M.D., of Stockwell, England, aged 26 years.

Many of our readers will doubtless be surprised to hear of the death of Dr. TANCRED M.L.A., which took place on Friday last. By the Advertise and Mail of Thursday, we learn that Dr. TANCRED was “suffering from erysipelas in the leg, with mortification threatening to supervene, or having already actually supervened,” and a private telegram received here yesterday by his son, announced that the late Member for Piketberg was buried on Saturday. Further particulars will probably reach us by this evening’s post.

Friday 11 January 1867

We regret very much to record the death of Frederic MEGGY Esq, Surgeon, of Grey’s Hospital, London, and of Stockwell, Surrey. The deceased gentleman had resided amongst us but a short time and his circle of acquaintances was necessarily [obscured] but all who knew him at on recognised in him a thorough gentleman and a kind-hearted [amiable] man. Persons who have required his professional services speak very highly of his skill and attention. He was followed to the grave by a number of persons, amongst whom were his professional brothers of Uitenhage, and Drs. RUBRIDGE [sic] and DUNSTERVILLE from Port Elizabeth. – Uitenhage Times.

In our last it was our painful duty to record the death of Dr. TANCRED. We now give further particulars from the Standard. “Augustus J. TANCRED D.D., more familiarly known to our readers as Dr. TANCRED, the representative in the House of Assembly of the division of Piketberg, died on Friday morning at his apartments in Burg-street. The deceased gentleman was the scion of a good family, and was born in Ireland in the year 1802. At the age of twenty he entered as a student at Trinity College, Dublin, where he received the necessary education for a clergyman of the Church of England. On leaving Dublin he was appointed to a curacy in a small parish in Cornwall, from whence he removed to Christchurch, Hants., where for a considerable time he undertook the duties of rector. In or about the year 1835 he left the Church of England, and became a convert to the Roman Catholic Faith. Having allied himself to a lady of some fortune, he left England for this colony in 1844, and took up his residence in the Eastern Province, near Graham’s Town. In consequence of the failure of his wife’s health he shortly afterwards removed to Cape Town, where Mrs. TANCRED died, and soon after the deceased gentleman left for Europe with her remains, and they were interred in Devonshire, from which county she came. Subsequently Dr. TANCRED returned to the Cape, and on the meeting of the first Parliament was elected to represent Clanwilliam. He continued through one Parliament to occupy a seat, but at the next election was ousted by Mr. SHAW. On the creation of the new electoral divisions last year, e was returned for Piketberg, which constituency he represented up to the day of his death. About two weeks back he was seized with an attack of erysipelas, which culminated in mortification, and he breathed his last on Friday morning, in the sixty-fifth year of his age. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon.

Tuesday 15 January 1867

AUSTIN, Mrs. G.W., at Port Elizabeth, on the 14th ult, of a son.
ENGLISH, Mr. S.T., at Alexandria, on the 5th December, of a son.
BARNABUS, Mrs. William, at King Wiilliam’s Town, on the 4th January, of a son.
JONES, Alfred George to Susanna Amelia Thurns [recte Stivens] DYASON, at St.George’s Cathedral on the 20th December.
SERJEANT, Geo. Impey, at Heald Town, on the 7th December.
BIRD, J., Caledon district, on the 17th Dec.
MEGGY, F. M.D., at Uitenhage, on the 6th instant.
SMITH, William, at Port Elizabeth, on the 13th instant.

We regret to announce the death, from [….] of the lungs, on Sunday evening, of Mr. William SMITH. Deceased had up to within a very shot period been employed in the active duties of every day life and his death has come upon the town suddenly, notwithstanding that he was known to be in a critical state for some days past. Mr. SMITH was all his life a worker, and grew up as it were with the town. He saw it first somewhere about the year 1820, and since then he has been indefatigable, and indeed spent some of the best years of his life in promoting its advancement. He was vice-chairman of the old Municipality, when Mr. John PATERSON was chairman, and was thrice elected, without opposition, Mayor of Port Elizabeth. He was also a member of the Hospital and Grey Institute Boards. He was of a particularly genial disposition, and in the exercise of his public duties, affable and conciliatory. A sorrowing widow and a large family are left to mourn their irreparable loss, and it is not too much to say that they have the sympathy of the whole of the inhabitants, who lose in Mr. SMITH one of their foremost and most indefatigable advocates and supporters, The funeral took place last evening. His remains were followed to St.Mary’s burial ground by the Freemasons, the Clergy, and members of Town Council Boards, and a large number of sorrowing friends. The Rev. E. PICKERING read the funeral service; and the deceased was interred with Masonic honours. The Dead March in Saul, performed on the organ in St.Mary’s by Mr. DAY, rendered the burial service – conducted by the Revds. E. PICKERING and S. BROOKS – most solemn. The following was the order of procession:
                              | H |
Pall-Bearers:       | E | Pall-bearers:
G.T. REED R.A     | A | J. MILLER M.L.A. R.A.
                              | E |
Chief mourners:
Officers of the Municipality
Town Councillors
Municipal Workmen
Port Elizabeth [Aides]

BIRTH this morning, Mrs. George DUNCAN of a son
Port Elizabeth, January 15, 1867

DIED at Port Elizabeth on Sunday 13th instant, aged 49 years 6 months and 21 days, William SMITH Esq, late Mayor.

Friday 25 January 1867

MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 24th January 1867, by the Rev. Geo. Renny, Thomas Henry LOCKHART to Miss Jacoba Fredrika BERESFORD, youngest daughter of the late George BERESFORD Esq.

DIED at Salem on Tuesday the 22nd January 1867, William Henry MATTHEWS, aged 72 years.

Tuesday 29 January 1867

In our last issue we stated that Mr. W.R. THOMPSON M.L.A. was seriously ill, and that fears were entertained on his behalf. We regret exceedingly to have to announce that the worst apprehensions were realized, and that Mr. THOMPSON died yesterday. Deceased was a young man of much promise. A man of liberal education, cultivated mind, and independent character, he had won for himself a good name both in “The House” and out of it, and his death will be deeply regretted by a wide circle of sorrowing relatives and friends.

Friday 1 February 1867

DIED January 31st 1867, Alice Maud, infant daughter of F. ENSOR Esq, Surgeon.

Tuesday 5 February 1867

MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 2nd February 1867, by the Rev. S. Brook, John MANN to Eliza JARVIS, eldest daughter of Robert JARVIS of Port Elizabeth.

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Sunday the 3rd inst, Mrs. John TUDHOPE of a son.

BIRTH at Graham’s Town, February 2, the wife of Rev. James R. SAWTELL of a son.

DIED at Frankfort, near King William’s Town, on Friday the 1st instant, Louisa Ann, Widow of the late Rev. John PEARS, aged 67.

Mr. Frederick William SHEPSTONE has, on the application of Mr. BARRY, been admitted a notary public of the Eastern Districts Court.

On the application of Mr. BARRY, Mr. Frank Wm. POWRIE, of Cape Town, attorney of the Supreme Court, enrolled in 1866, has been admitted an attorney of the Eastern Districts Court.

On Monday last an accident attended with fatal results befell Mr. Wm. SHAIL. The unfortunate man had ascended to the loft of his house, which consisted of several loose planks laid across the ceiling joints, and while searching for some articles he slipped upon the unsupported end of one of the planks, which tilted with his weight and precipitated him head foremost on the hard brick floor beneath. From the injury received by the fall Mr. SHAIL expired about 500 hours after the accident, since when he neither spoke nor appeared in any way conscious. At the post mortem examination it was ascertained that the deceased had sustained a complete fracture from the crown to the base of the skull. – Courant.

Friday 8 February 1867

BIRTH at Richmond on the 30th January 1867, Mrs. J.S.O. BRINK of a daughter.

Friday 15 February 1867

MARRIED on the 12th instant at St.Paul’s Church, by the Rev. S. Brook, James COOK, of Uitenhage, to Sarah Louise BIRD, of Port Elizabeth.

A labouring man named Michael KANE lately put an end to his existence by hanging himself. Deceased had been some time out of employ, and this circumstance is supposed to have led to the rash act.

BAKER, Mrs. C.H., of a son, on the 29th January, at Port Elizabeth.
BRINK, Mrs. J.S.O., of a daughter, on the 30th January, at Richmond.
SAWTELL, wife of Rev. James R., of a son, on the 2nd February, at Graham’s Town.
TUDHOPE, Mrs. John, of a son, on the 3rd February, at Port Elizabeth.
LOCKHART, Thomas Henry, to Miss Jacoba Fredrika BERESFORD, on the 24th January, at Port Elizabeth.
MANN, John, to Miss Eliza JARVIS, on the 2nd February, at Port Elizabeth.
MATTHEWS, William Henry, on the 23rd Jan, at Salem.
ENSOR, Alice Maud, on the 31st January, at Port Elizabeth.
PEARS, Louisa Ann, on the 1st February, at Frankfort, near King William’s Town.

Tuesday 19 February 1867

DIED on the 15th instant, at the residence of his son-in-law, James GRADY, Main Street, Patrick KEOGH, in his 75th year. Deceased came to this country with the “Deal Part” in the Weymouth, 1819 or 1820.

Departed this Life on Friday the 8th February, Mr. Ignatius Leopoldus RAUTENBACH, son of J.L. RAUTENBACH Esq, of Doukoms Kraal, aged 20 years, 1 month and 5 days, deeply regretted.
Humansdorp, Feb 15 1867.

DEATH at Melbourne on the 21st December last, Amelia Edwards, infant daughter of Mr. A.H. JACK, late of Port Elizabeth.

Friday 22 February 1867

DIED at Wheatlands on the 9th February 1867, Emma Bevans, the beloved wife of Mr. B.J. ROBERTS, and second daughter of the late Mr. Thos. PARKES, aged 23 years.

Tuesday 26 February 1867

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 24th inst, the wife of W.R, CHALMERS Esq. of a daughter.

Friday 1 March 1867

MARRIED on the 28th instant at the residence of Adolph BEREND Esq, Mr. Alphonse LEVY to Miss Julia BEREND. No cards.
Port Elizabeth, Feb 28, 1867.

BIRTH at North End, Port Elizabeth, on Tuesday the 28th ultimo, Mrs. Wm. SUTHERLAND of a daughter.
Port Elizabeth, March 1, 1867.

The Harrismith correspondent of the Tyd writes: On Sunday a thunderstorm broke over the village, and about five o’clock the sorrowful news spread that Mr. Carel T. PAPENFUS and his eldest daughter, a fine girl of about twenty years, had been struck dead by lightning. Mr. PAPENFUS resided behind Platberg, about three quarters of a mile from here. On Tuesday the burial of both bodies took place on the farm [“Mooihoek”]. We are informed that in the letter communicating the intelligence of this sad event to Thos. MULLER Esq, of this place, the father-in-law of Mr. PAPENFUS, it is said that Mrs. PAPENFUS and another daughter were struck by the same flash of lightning, but recovered.

Tuesday 5 March 1867

MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 4th March 1867, at St.Augustine’s, by the Rev. Dr. Murphy, William PORTER, H.M. Customs, to Margaret CARROLL.

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 23rd February, Mrs. W. DENT of a son.

Tuesday 12 March 1867

BIRTH on the 4th March, at Blanco Mrs. S.J. WIGGETT of a son.

Friday 15 March 1867

BIRTH at Graham’s Town on the 11th instant, Mrs. W.H. Dawson MATTHEWS, of Salem, of a daughter.

CHALMERS, Mrs. W.R., of a daughter, on the 24th February, at Port Elizabeth.
DENT, Mrs. Wm., of a son, on the 23rd February, at Port Elizabeth.
MATTHEWS, Mrs. W.H. Dawson, of Salem, of a daughter, on the 11th inst, at Graham’s Town.
SUTHERLAND, Mrs. Wm., of a daughter, on the 28th February, at Port Elizabeth.
WIGGETT, Mrs. S.J., of a son, on the 4th inst, at Blanco.
LEVY, Alphonse, to Miss Julia BEREND, on the 28th February, at Port Elizabeth.
PORTER, William, to Miss Margaret CARROLL, on the 4th inst, at Port Elizabeth.
JACK, Amelia Edwards, on the 21st December last, at Melbourne.
KEOGH, Patrick, on the 15th February, at Port Elizabeth.
RAUTENBACH, Ignatius Leopoldus, on the 8th February, at Humansdorp.
ROBERTS, Emma Bevans, on the 9th February, at Graaff-Reinet.

Friday 22 March 1867

Mr. Robert RICHARDS, formerly of King William’s Town, and lately editor of the Natal Courier, has been admitted as a “Candidate Attorney” in the Supreme Court of Natal.

Tuesday 26 March 1867

We regret to have to record the death of the Hon. J.H. WICHT M.L.C., which took place on the 17th inst, at his residence, Mowbray. He had been seriously ill for some weeks past, suffering, we believe, from mental and physical prostration, and for several days prior to his decease his life was despaired of. Mr. WICHT had been a member of the Legislative Council from its first establishment, and even before that time took an active interest in public affairs. The deceased gentleman was in his 59th year at the time of his death. – Advertiser and Mail.

Friday 29 March 1867

DIED at Cape Town this morning, Margaret, the beloved wife of J.R. INNES LL.D., deeply and sincerely regretted.
Port Elizabeth, March 28, 1867.

OBITUARY. We regret to state that information was received here yesterday of the death, at Cape Town, of Mrs. INNES, wife of J.R. INNES Esq. LL.D., late Superintendent of Education.

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