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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1866 - 4 - October to December

Friday 5 October 1866

MARRIED on the 26th September by the Rev. S. Brook, Jonathan Fowler INGGS to MaryAnn GIBSON, youngest daughter of Mr. GIBSON, both of Port Elizabeth.

Tuesday 9 October 1866

MARRIED at St.Paul’s Church on the 4th instant, by the Rev. S. Brook, Walter Nairne WHITE to Annie, eldest daughter of Thomas LEDGER, both of Port Elizabeth.

Friday 12 October 1866

It is with unfeigned regret we have to announce the death of Lady WODEHOUSE, which sad event took place at Government-house, Cape Town, last Saturday night at eleven o’clock. Her ladyship had been suffering severely some time, but we believe we are correct in stating that it was only within the last week or two that anxious apprehension for her fate was entertained; and even His Excellency Sir Philip WODEHOUSE was not aware that her end was so near. The best medical advice was obtained, but alas without avail, and Sir Philip was bereft of a faithful partner, who, ever since her arrival in this colony, has taken a deep and lively interest in all that concerned His Excellency’s career. The news of this sad event was first received here by a telegram sent on Sunday last, and we at once communicated the intelligence to the Civil Commissioner and other officials. The Union Jack at the Post Office, and the private flag at Mr. W FLEMING’s establishment, on the Hill, were immediately lowered to half-mast, and the other flags followed suit, and continued to fly so all yesterday. Deep sympathy with His Excellency the Governor is felt and expressed on all sides; and, on behalf of the public, we beg most respectfully to tender Sir Philip WODEHOUSE our condolence with him on the severe trial he has been called upon to suffer. The funeral took place on Monday last, when the Parliament adjourned, and all the shops and merchants’ stores were closed. The interment, however, is said to be but temporary, as the remains of the lamented lady will be taken to England when His Excellency goes home.

We regret to hear from Graham’s Town of the death of Mr. Charles Henry GILLESPIE. Deceased arrived in this colony in March 1864, and has since been connected with the London and South African Bank.

Friday 19 October 1866

DIED at Richfield Springs, Otsega Co., N.Y., on the 20th August 1866, Eliza, wife of James E. WETTON, of Port Elizabeth.

Tuesday 23 October 1866

At a large and influential meeting of the medical profession, recently held in London, James PAGET Esq. F.R.S. in the chair, it was unanimously agreed to raise a testimonial to Dr. RICHARDSON “in recognition of his many scientific labours on behalf of the medical profession and the public generally, but chiefly for his successful invention of a method for producing, without danger, local insensibility to pain in surgical operations”. With this view a large committee has been formed, who are interesting themselves in procuring subscriptions. Among the list of names we observe those of Messrs. S.D. MANDY and G.C. FRAMES; and Mr. Alfred OGILVIE has been requested to obtain subscriptions in this colony. The committee hope the testimonial may be substantial, that Dr. RICHARDSON may be encouraged to continue his scientific labours, which cannot fail still further to benefit mankind.

Friday 26 October 1866

Intelligence has reached us this morning of the death of the Rev. E. HILLIER, at Newtondale, near Fort Peddie, under somewhat singular and most distressing circumstances. It appears that about a week ago his favourite riding horse died of “milk sickness”, and he held a post mortem examination on the body, and in doing so got some of the poison into his system. Not thinking of any serious result, he did not attend promptly to it, the disease spread rapidly, and in five days he was a corpse. Mr. HILLIER was a young missionary connected with the Wesleyan Society, of great promise, and was twenty-eight years of age. He leaves a wife and two young children to mourn their irreparable loss. Mrs. HILLIER is the eldest daughter of the Rev. John SMITH, of Salem. We tender our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved widow and friends of the deceased.
The death of a man named Alexander CAMERON, of Cape Town, is announced, under circumstances somewhat singular and suspicious. Deceased had been for four months a teetotaler. On the 29th of September he left his house, hale and strong, for the carriage-works at Salt River, to get some pay. During the evening of the same day he was seen inebriated and speechless. In this state he made his way home to Zieke-street, Cape Town. His clothes were untidy, his face swollen, his eyes blood-shot, his pockets rifled, and he had lost his watch. His wife, aged thirty-nine, put him to bed, and although he lingered on till the 11th inst, when he died, he was not at any time during his sickness able to speak; so that the cause which led to his helpless condition, and ultimate death, is yet involved in the darkest mystery. Mr. CURREY, the Clerk of the Peace, is investigating the case.

Tuesday 6 November 1866

We regret to notice the death of Mr. Edward WHEATLAND, for some years connected with a boating company here.

James ALLISON, indicted at the criminal sessions of the Eastern Districts Court on a charge of compounding felony, has been acquitted.

Friday 9 November 1866

DIED at his late residence, Queen-street, Port Elizabeth, on the 7th inst, in his 79th year, Mr. George PEARCEY, late of William Vale, Great Winterhoek, deeply lamented by his family and friends.
The funeral will take place this (Friday) afternoon at half past four o’clock. Friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, Nov 9 1866
Henry CUTTING, whose trial was postponed at the Criminal Sessions last week, owing to the state of his health, died in the gaol on Sunday last. The crime for which he was to be tried was that of theft, and it is thought that he would have been acquitted, he being unquestionably of unsound mind at the time. CUTTING was for many years a resident in the Fort Peddie district, and was at one time in comfortable circumstances; and it is thought that the reverses he experienced affected his mind. – Great Eastern.

Tuesday 13 November 1866

DIED on Wednesday 24th October, Edwin Archibald, the beloved of William and Eliza TOWNSEND, aged 6 years.

A young Dutch farmer, named DURNST, has been drowned in a drift near the homestead, Kleinfontein.

We are sorry to note the death of another old settler. Mrs. Rebecca TUNBRIDGE died on the 24th ult, at Sunday’s River, Addo Drift, aged 50 years. The deceased lady was much beloved.

Miss Johanna VAN KERKEN, of Uitenhage, lately lost her life from accidental burning.

On Saturday week Mr. F.M. LINGENFELDER breathed his last, after having been confined to his bed for some months by infirmity, consequent upon old age. The deceased was born in Cape Town, and spent the fits 47 years of his life there. He resided in Uitenhage 31 years, gaining the esteem of all, by his talent, energy and affability. His age was 77 years and 10 months. A large number of the leading inhabitants followed his remains to the grave. – Times.

Friday 16 November 1866

Particulars of a determined suicide reached us last post from Graham’s Town. A Mrs. JACKSON, who was a very stout woman, was found a few days ago, hanging to the rafters, and like quite extinct. She appeared to have set about the fatal deed in a very deliberate manner. During the night she went out of her bed-room into another room to get a step ladder, the rafters being eleven feet from the floor. She could not reach them without taking a candle with her on this errand. After getting everything ready in the shape of a rope by tying scarfs &c together, she then blew out the light and hung herself. Her friends finding that she did not come out of her room by 9 o’clock, broke open the door and discovered her in the position described. It is said that the Archdeacon and the Rev. THOMPSON (Church) refused to bury her, but the Dean consented to the interment, Dr. ATHERSTONE having given him a certificate to the effect that deceased was subject to fits, and that on those occasions she was not answerable for her conduct.

Friday 23 November 1866

William HICKMAN, in the employ of Mr. EASTES, was brought before the Magistrate this morning, charged with embezzling sums of money, the property of his employer. He was remanded.

Tuesday 4 December 1866

BIRTH on Friday the 30th ultimo, the wife of Mr. Robert PETTIT of a daughter.

Friday 7 December 1866

BIRTH at Uitenhage on the 2nd instant, Mrs. GIE of a daughter.

J.H. FORD Esq, who was recently elected a representative in the House of Assembly for Aliwal North, but resigned, has been re-elected, and the official notification of his return was published in the Gazette of Friday last.

Tuesday 11 December 1866

BIRTH at Heald Town on the 4th instant, Mrs. Wm. SARGEANT of a son.

BIRTH at Alexandria on the 5th December 1866, the wife of Mr. S.T. ENGLISH of a son.

Friday 14 December 1866

MARRIED at Port Elizabeth of the 4th instant, by the Rev. George Renny, John CHRISTIE to Ann Margaret, only daughter of the late Alexander STIRRAT, of Glasgow,
Dec 10 1866
PETTIT, Mrs. R., on the 30th ult, at Port Elizabeth, of a son.
GIE, Mrs., on the 2nd ult [sic], at Uitenhage, of a daughter.
SARGEANT, Mrs. W., on the 4th ult [sic], at Heald Town, of a son.
ENGLISH, Mrs. S.T., on the 5th ult [sic], at Alexandria, of a son.
CHRISTIE, John, to Ann Margaret, only daughter of the late Alexander STIRRAT, of Glasgow, on the 4th inst, at Port Elizabeth.
A young man, named VOGEL, aged about 20, and apparently in very good health, received a sun-stroke on Wednesday, when near the new prison, and fell off his wagon into the road. The poor fellow was carried into a neighbouring house, and a medical man was sent for, who had him removed to the hospital, where, we regret to say, he died in an hour or two after his admission.
The late Private in the 75th Regiment, named McREDMOND, was interred in the Roman Catholic cemetery on the 28th of last month. Through the kindness of Captain J.H.H. GAMMEL. Commanding the detachment of the 1st Bat. 9th Regt., the men off duty, under the command of Color-Sergeant WRIGHT, followed the mournful cortege from the Port Elizabeth provincial Hospital to the grave. The burial service was conducted by the Rev. Mr. FAGAN.

Tuesday 18 December 1866

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 14th inst, the wife of G.W. AUSTIN of a son.

DIED at Heald Town on Friday the 7th instant, George Impey, infant son of the Rev. Wm. SARGEANT.

Friday 21 December 1866

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the night of the 18th instant, at the residence of Mr. Samuel CARR, Helen J.M., the beloved daughter of Mr. C.J. ATKINSON, of Graaff-Reinet. Aged 1 year, 5 months and 21 days. The Funeral is to take place at half past four o’clock this (Friday) afternoon. Friends are invited.
December 21 1866
A correspondent sends us the following from Uitenhage: A pleasing scene [required the examination] of the school on Wednesday last – the marriage of one of the daughters of our respected townsman, Mr. BIRCH, J.P., to Mr. HYMAN. Here, under the hospitable roof of the host, met a real social gathering to honour the occasion. After a suitable acknowledgement from the Rev. Mr. SMAILES, who united the happy couple, the assembled guests sat down con amore to do their best to a most recherche entertainment. The tables groaned under every luxury of the season, and the speeches from the individual guests, and the replies to healths drunk, manifested an unmitigated sense of joy [unanimously]. It was a gladsome sight to cast your eye over the whole scene; and if the happy couple enjoy a little of the happiness which each, individually and collectively, so enthusiastically wished them, verily their lot will be an enviable one – and which the writer of these few lines most cordially hopes may be the case. In the evening a soiree dance took place, which did not end till early hours in the morn.

[Transcriber’s Note: The marriage entry shows that this was the marriage of George Henry HYMAN to Lavinia BIRCH]

Friday 28 December 1866

MARRIED on Thursday the 20th instant, at St.George’s Cathedral, by the Venerable Archdeacon Thomas M.A., Alfred George JONES Esq, son of William Champion JONES Esq, of Hyde Park, London, to Susanna Amelia Stivens DYASON, daughter of the late George DYASON Esq – No cards.

The Gazette says during the storm of Tuesday night the kraal upon the farm of Mr. VAN VYKER on the Zwaart Kie was struck by the electric fluid, and no less than one hundred sheep were immediately killed. This is the largest number that we recollect having been killed by one stroke of lightning. – A farmer named Wynand KRUGER has we (Gazette) understand been apprehended in the Aliwal division for the frightful crimes of murder, incest, and attempt at murder committed as follows:- The murder 7 years back of a Hottentot, incest with his daughter, and attempted murder of a farmer. The wretched man is we understand in prison at Aliwal North. It is to be hoped that every practicable precaution will be taken by the Aliwal North authorities to prevent the escape of the wretch, for the gaol there is in a very unsecure condition and escape across the Orange River at Aliwal will ten chances to one place him beyond the reach of the law.
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