Eastern Province Herald 1865 - 2 - April to June
Saturday 1 April 1865
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on Wednesday, 29th instant, by the Rev. George Renny, Mr. Ebenezer WEBSTER to Hester Sophia, eldest daughter of Mr. Joseph REID, Port Elizabeth. No cards.
Port Elizabeth, March 30 1865.
To the great regret of many who admired and esteemed him, Mr. BARRY died at Cape Town, after an illness of some duration, on Sunday evening, the 26th inst. We are indebted to the Overberg Courant for the following notice of his career:-
Mr. BARRY has often told the story of his life, and an interesting story it is. He originally came to the colony for the benefit of his health, after having spent several years in France and Spain. He was then quite a young man, but possessed with great natural shrewdness, and ever having an eye to business. Owing to a great drought which had prevailed in this part of the colony, the Government was obliged to despatch supplies of grain for the almost famishing inhabitants. Mr. BARRY, it appears, obtained permission to accompany the vessel containing these supplies, and was also allowed to take with him a small quantity of merchandize, for disposal among the farmers. Arrived at what is now known as Port Beaufort, Mr. BARRY soon met with a friendly guide in the person of Mr. VAN REENEN of Rhenosterfontein, by whose advice he opened a small trading establishment in the neighbourhood; soon after he became allied to that gentleman by marrying his daughter. Port Beaufort was next made into a trading depot. The commencement of the business at Swellendam was in a very humble way, and there are those still living who recollect the shop as occupying a single room in the dwelling-house. In 1834 a calamity happened which deprived Mr. BARRY of his [so]. A fire broke out in the neighbourhood, which communicated with his premises and burnt them to the ground. In those days there was no such thing as insurance, and the loss to the rising merchant was almost irreparable. In the midst of his perplexity, however, the inhabitants rallied round him with promises of support, and the merchants of Cape Town wrote to assure him that they would start him afresh. A new business speedily sprang up, and soon extended itself; and then it was, we believe, that Mr. BARRY invited his nephews – Mr. John BARRY (now of London) and Mr. Thos. BARRY, of Port Beaufort, to join him.
The whole trade of the division, in those days, centred on Swellendam, and the farmers from Riversdale, Robertson, Montagu, Ladysmith, and even Beaufort, brought their produce to the stores of Barry & Nephews, where they always obtained good prices, and were uniformly paid in cash. There was then no opposition, but notwithstanding, it was to the credit of Mr. BARRY that he was exceedingly liberal in all his dealings – honorable to the back-bone.
In addition to his mercantile transactions, Mr. BARRY undertook the business of auctioneer and agent, and in those capacities he must have accumulated considerable wealth. He was likewise appointed Deputy Sheriff in this division when the changes took place in the judicial system of the colony, and for a considerable time performed the duties of the same office in the divisions of Worcester and Beaufort. His duties in this capacity called him to all parts of these extensive divisions, and his journeys on horseback were often perilous as well as rapid and untiring. No man, probably, “knew the country” better, in times when the roads were of the worst description, and when long stages had to be performed, in all weathers, on the backs of horses, or by the more cumbersome bullock-wagon.
As the division of Swellendam became broken up into different parishes, Mr. BARRY, in every instance, followed the establishment of a church by the opening of a store. In this way Riversdale, Bredasdorp, Montagu, Robertson and Heidelberg had all places of business belonging to the firm of Barry and Nephews, and others were opened in Cape Town and Mossel Bay, all of which continue in active prosperity. But in other respects, besides his extensive mercantile speculations and the constant acquisition of wealth, Mr. BARRY must be regarded as one of our leading men. He strove valiantly to induce the farmers to introduce the merino sheep into their flocks, and in connection with Mr. VAN REENEN and the late Michiel VAN BREDA, he persevered until the objections of the farmers were overcome and the wool-bearing sheep gradually superseded the comparatively worthless native animal. By a trivial accident the future of the UYS family was brought about by Mr. BARRY, who, after a good deal of persuasion, was allowed to leave on the farm a merino ram and two or three ewes. These animals, though threatened with neglect, and at first scarcely cared for, fortunately succeeded in becoming the nucleus of valuable and extensive flocks; and in the course of a few years, instead of the wool-crop of the district being but 600 lbs., Barry and Nephews have purchased as much as 1,000,000 lbs.
At the assembling of the first Parliament in 1853, Mr. BARRY was returned as one of the members of the Legislative Council for the Western Province – the late Mr. RUTHERFOORD being at the head of the poll. At the election in 1858 the contest was particularly severe, the different candidates being all men of ability and worth. Such, however, was the popularity enjoyed by Mr. BARRY that he was again returned, and this time he took the first place in the poll. His conduct in Parliament was such as to entitle him to the greatest confidence on the part of the electors. Although he was by no means an orator, he nevertheless expressed himself on political matters with a good deal of judgement and plain common sense. His words were few, but they were well chosen, and to the point. Probably no man knew the wants and capacities of the colony better than Mr. BARRY, and this knowledge gave considerable weight to his opinion on public matters. A few years ago he visited England for the benefit of his health, and was accompanied by Mrs. BARRY, who unhappily died a few months before the time appointed for their return to the Cape.
It was in 1860 that Mr. BARRY once more returned to the Cape, and his friends were glad to notice that although grief had left its trace in his otherwise cheerful countenance, he was considerably improved in health. Towards the close of that year he visited most of the towns and villages in the Western Province, in all of which he met with hearty expressions of esteem, and in some places was entertained at a public dinner. This mark of respect was paid him at Swellendam, and we remember very well the harmonious meeting that took place in the new Court Room, under the presidency of Mr. F.W. REITZ Esq, on which occasion Mr. BARRY entertained the company with a narrative of his experience on first coming to the colony, and drew a comparison with the condition of affairs then (a time of drought) and the state of the country now. He always cherished the liveliest feelings of attachment to the country of his adoption, and never doubted but that some glorious future was in store for the colonists, if they would only patiently plod on in every scheme for the mental and material progress of the country.
The remains of Mr. F.D. HODGSON, senior landing waiter at this port, were borne for burial yesterday to the English burial ground. F.B. PINNEY Esq, the officers of the Customs, and a large and influential body of the public followed. The deceased leaves a wife and youthful family to mourn his loss.
Tuesday 4 April 1865
BIRTH at Cradock Place on Sunday the 2nd instant, Mrs. Seymour FAIRBRIDGE of a son.
The remains of the late Hon. J. BARRY were interred in the Somerset Road burial-ground, Cape Town, on Wednesday last, the 29th ult. The mourners comprised the members of the deceased gentleman’s family, most of the heads of departments, the leading merchants of the place, and the members of both Houses of Parliament.
Thursday 6 April 1865
DIED at Hankey Missionary Institution, on the 1st April 1865, Mr. James CLARK, aged 76 years. Deceased was for upwards of thirty-five years a Missionary in connection with the London Missionary Society, and laboured both within and beyond the Colony.
Tuesday 11 April 1865
MARRIED on the 11th April by the Rev. A. Robson, at Port Elizabeth, Charles, second son of the Rev. T. LORD (Horncastle), to Ellen Mary, youngest daughter of W.B. FRAMES Esq.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 10th April 1865, William Matthew HARRIES Esq. M.L.A., aged 68 years. The funeral will take place this afternoon at five o’clock. Friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, April 11th 1865
It is with feelings of deep sorrow we have to announce the death of our old and much-respected fellow townsman, William Matthew HARRIES, who expired suddenly last night. Mr. HARRIES was about in town yesterday as usual, and although suffering from an affection of the throat, was in good spirits, and did not appear in bad health. Between five and six o’clock he went to his office, and while engaged in writing was suddenly taken ill. His head dropped on one side, his arm fell powerless, and though assistance was promptly rendered , every effort to revive him proved unavailing. He never rallied, and in less than an hour had passed away from this scene of action where, for so many years, he had taken an active part. He had evidently been “breaking up” for some time past, but no one, not even his intimate friends, apprehended any immediate danger, and his sudden death has cast a gloom over the town. We have not space today for any detailed notice of the career of the deceased. Suffice it here to say that by his death the town has lost one of its foremost citizens, and the colony one of its most public-spirited men. Mr. HARRIES was not only a gentleman and a scholar, but a man who undertook cheerfully his share of public duty in the State. His name is connected with the political history of this colony from the time of the old Nominee Council, of which he was a member, down to the present day. He was a man of prompt action. He did not enjoy official title merely for title’s sake, but faithfully discharged his duty wherever he felt duty call him. Whether we view him as a private gentleman, a merchant, or a politician, Port Elizabeth will feel his loss. Cradock has lost an able and independent representative, and the Eastern Province a staunch friend.
Thursday 13 April 1865
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 12th April, Edward HARDING, aged 18 years and 2 months. The funeral will take place this afternoon at four o’clock. Friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
F.E. HODSON, Undertaker
A very grand wedding was celebrated at Uitenhage on Monday week, the happy couple being members of the Malay community. Numerous invitations were issued, and the house was thronged with guests all day, and till a late hour in the evening, during which time the bride held an unremitting levee. The bedroom was a source of great attraction. The room was chastely decorated with flowers, and the bed itself was remarkable for the peculiarity of being nearly five feet from the floor. So attractive a ceremony has not taken place in Uitenhage for some time. Several friends of the happy couple travelled all the way from Cape Town to be present. – Times
[Transcriber’s note: Interesting that the paper did not think it necessary to name the bride or groom!]
Thursday 20 April 1865
DIED at Port Elizabeth on 13th April, of consumption, Annie Eliza ANDERSON, at Leicester, aged 18½ years.
The painful intelligence respecting the death of the Hon. W.S. FIELD, which reached Port Elizabeth last Tuesday evening, first by telegram and then by the Cape post, took everyone by surprise. It was well known that the Collector of Customs had been long suffering from ill health, and that his recent voyage to Natal had not been productive of the anticipated benefit, but no one for a moment imagined his end was so near. Strange to say, though Mr. FIELD died on the Friday morning previous, no one was aware of it till Tuesday afternoon, the first intimation of the sad event being a telegram from Government to Mr. F.B. PINNEY, announcing that he had been appointed Mr. FIELD’s successor. This was followed by a brief telegram in the Great Eastern to the effect that “the funeral of the late Mr. FIELD was a very large and respectable one.” Further particulars were received by the Cape post. It appears that Mr. FIELD returned to Cape Town in a weaker and worse state of health than when he departed for Natal.
The disease from which he suffered (says the Argus), inflammation of the lungs, seemed to have been increased by the voyage, and it was hoped that an absence from the anxieties of business and the pure atmosphere of Mowbray would suffice to secure a restoration of health. In this his friends were deceived, for in spite of the constant and solicitous attentions of those about him, the deceased grew gradually worse, until the hand of death was upon him.
In a brief obituary notice of the deceased, the Advertiser and Mail says:-
Mr. FIELD was born in Dublin on the 27th April 1821, and resided there until 1834, when he came out to the colony, and some years afterwards entered the department of the Customs. He subsequently was promoted in succession to the Collectorship at Natal and Port Elizabeth; and finally, on the death of his father, the Hon. W. FIELD, he became the Collector of Customs at head-quarters in Cape Town, and a member of the Executive Council. In his official capacity, Mr. FIELD gained the esteem and even affection of his subordinates, and the perfect confidence of the mercantile community who daily came in contact with him. And in his private capacity, and as a gentleman, he was universally esteemed for his remarkable amiability of disposition, and a quiet, unostentatious, but abounding charity, which many of the objects of his bounty will hereafter sorely miss. A worthier man, personally, than Mr. FIELD the colony has not met for many a long day.
Saturday 22 April 1865
BIRTH at Addo Heights on the 19th inst, the wife of J.A. PULLEN Esq. of a son.
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 14th April the wife of Murdo MACDONALD of a daughter.
Tuesday 25 April 1865
A SERIOUS ACCIDENT occurred on the 23rd instant to a youth named James CARROL. It appears that CARROL, who was out shooting with a friend, named Robert MANCE, in the neighbourhood of the Fishery, received a charge of buckshot in the shoulder, through the trigger of his friend’s gun getting entangled in the bush. He was immediately conveyed to the hospital, where he now lies in a dangerous state. CARROL was walking about seven yards in advance of his friend when the accident happened.
Thursday 27 April 1865
BIRTH at 2 Queen’s Terrace, [Queen’s Road], London on the 3rd March, Mrs. W.S. KIRKWOOD of a son.
DIED on Richmond Hill, Port Elizabeth, aged 18 years and [8] months, Mary Jane, youngest daughter of Robert ARCHIBALD Esq. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at four o’clock. Friends will please accept this invitation.
T. LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, April 27th 1865.
A letter from Beaufort West, dated Friday the 14th instant, says, “We have had a sad shock in our village. Yesterday week Judge WATERMEYER came from Oudtshoorn to hold the Circuit Court here. Mrs. WATERMEYER accompanied him, and on her arrival felt unwell – cold, and throat a little sore, but not sufficient, it was thought, to require a doctor. On Saturday afternoon (two days after), however, a medical adviser was called in, and on Sunday it was found that white sore throat had commenced, and she got steadily worse. On [Monday] Dr. KITCHEN, Dr. CHRISTIE and Dr. […..] were all in attendance upon her, but [….] Mrs. WATERMEYER died on Wednesday […]. The Circuit Court business only finished on Wednesday, so you may imagine what the poor Judge must have suffered in court. The sympathy of the whole [village] was with him in his deep trouble, and every attention that could be was given to him. The remains of Mrs. WATERMEYER were [placed] in a […] coffin, covered by another, and [as soon as it was completed the Judge left for Cape Town. What a sad journey through the wilderness of the Karoo! The Judge wanted to [….] the same wagon with the coffin, but was strongly urged by Dr. CHRISTIE and Mr. DEVENISH not to attempt such a thing, and reluctantly submitted. They are to travel as fast as possible, and expect to reach town in six days. White sore throat is a most fatal disease in this part of the colony, and is again in the [….]. On the day Mrs. WATERMEYER arrived, […] children died in one house, and four more children of the same family are very ill with it.
Thursday 4 May 1865
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Thursday 27th April 1865, Jane [Wardlaw, [infant] daughter of J.W. REID, aged 1 year and [.] months.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 4th instant, at nine o’clock am, Annie Louisa, infant daughter of William and Mary PUCKLE, aged 2 months and 10 days
Saturday 6 May 1865
BIRTH on the 4th instant, Mrs. Moritz JACOBSOHN of a daughter.
Tuesday 9 May 1865
The remains of the late W.M. HARRIES Esq. were removed from his late residence to their last resting place on Tuesday the 14th April. The mournful cortege was made up of all classes of the community, among whom the deceased was much respected. The procession, consisting of some 300 persons, moved down White’s Road to St.Mary’s Church was ad in a most impressive manner by the Rev. H.I. JOHNSON. The procession then proceeded to St.Mary’s Burial Ground, where [obscured by ink blot….]. The Civil Commissioner, John CAMPBELL Esq., the Volunteer Artillery, under Lieuts. TUDHOPE and SHARP, and the Volunteer Rifles, under Capts. T.M. DU TOIT and J. ASTON, the representatives of the Town Council, Grey Institute, Hospital Board, and all public and private bodies, were present on the mournful occasion. It is said that a committee has been formed for the purpose of procuring the erection a monumental tablet in memory of the deceased.
The Hon. W.S. FIELD, Collector of Her Majesty’s Customs at the Cape of Good Hope, died at Mowbray on the 14th ult. He had been in bad health for a considerable time, and had returned but a week or two from a trip to Natal, undertaken with the hope that he would be benefited by the change. The voyage was in vain, and he sank very rapidly after his return. The deceased gentleman was bornin Dublin in 1821, and came out to the colony in 1834. He entered the customs department, was sub-collector successively at Natal and at Port Elizabeth, and finally succeeded his father, the Hon. W. FIELD, as Collector of Customs at Cape Town, and a member of the Executive Council. A Cape contemporary says “In his official capacity, Mr. FIELD gained the esteem and even affection of his subordinates, and the perfect confidence of the mercantile community who daily came in contact with him.”
Deputy Commissary-General ATKINSON died at Cape Town on the 17th ult.
Mr. Justice WATERMEYER has within the last few months been visited with a series of sore afflictions and bereavements; but now he has been prostrated with the sorest and most desolating of them all. It was but a month ago that he set out upon his circuit tour, accompanied by his estimable and most amiable wife. They had just arrived at Beaufort West when Mrs. WATERMEYER felt unwell – cold, and throat a little sore, but not sufficient, she thought, to require a doctor. A day or two passed, when it was found that white sore throat had commenced, and notwithstanding the best medical skill was brough to bear, she rapidly sank, and died on the 19th ult. The sympathy of all the people is with the bereaved Judge in his deep trouble.
Mrs. CLOETE, the wife of the Resident Magistrate, died on the 6th inst, after a long and painful illness.
MARRIED on the 23rd inst. at St.Peter’s Church, Euston-square, F.W. REID Esq, merchant, of Potchefstroom, South Africa, to Sarah Eliza, daughter of the late W. FRANCIS Esq, Dover, Kent. No cards. -Times, March 25.
GODFREY, Mrs. H., a daughter, on [..] April, at Port Elizabeth.
JACOBSOHN, Mrs. Moritz, a daughter, on the 4th inst, at Port Elizabeth.
KIRKWOOD, Mrs. W.S., a son, on the 3rd March, at Queen’s Terrace, London
MACDONALD, Mrs. Murdo, a daughter, on the 14th April, at Port Elizabeth.
PULLEN, Mrs. J.A., a son, on the 19th April, at Addo Heights.
ANDERSON, Annie Eliza, on the 13th April, at Port Elizabeth.
ARCHIBALD, Mary Jane, on the 27th April, at Port Elizabeth.
HARDING, Edward, on the 12th April, at Port Elizabeth.
HARRIS, Alexander Robertson, on the [..] April, at Port Elizabeth.
REID, Jane Wardlaw, on the 27th April, at Port Elizabeth.
Tuesday 16 May 1865
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 14th instant, Mrs. C.W. FRAMES of a daughter.
Saturday 20 May 1865
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 18th instant, the wife of W.R. CHALMERS Esq. of a daughter.
BIRTH this morning, Mrs. T. Melvill DU TOIT of a son.
Tuesday 23 May 1865
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Saturday the 20th instant, Mrs. John TUDHOPE of a son.
Port Elizabeth, May 20th 1865.
DIED at Cradock on Wednesday 17th May 1865, after a short illness, from bronchitis, Mr. William DISTIN, aged thirty-three years.
DIED at Port Elizabeth at his late Residence, opposite St.Paul’s Church, North End, on the morning of the 22nd, Robert Slater, eldest son of William JONES Esq. and partner of the firm Wm. JONES & Son, aged 27 years 7 months and [18] days. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends will please accept this invitation.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, May 23 1865.
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 23rd instant, the wife of Joseph Henry GIBBINS Esq of a son.
BIRTH this day, Saturday 20th instant, Mrs. Edward W. DU TOIT (born KREBS) of a son.
Graaff-Reinet, 20th May 1865.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 22nd instant, at her late residence in Strand Street, Maria, the beloved wife of Mr. John McATEER, aged 21 years and 7 months. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at three o’clock. Friends will please accept this invitation.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker.
Port Elizabeth, May 23 1865.
Thursday 25 May 1865
MARRIED on the 25th instant by the Rev. T.J. Paterson, William, eldest son of the Rev. Thomas LORD, Horncastle, to Fanny, eldest daughter of Thomas BROWN Esq, Uitenhage.
Tuesday 30 May 1865
BIRTH at her residence on the Hill, Mrs. Louis BENJAMIN of a son.
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 28th instant, Mrs. M.S. BEECH of a daughter
May 1865
Thursday 1 June 1865
A very distressing [event] took place on the Queen’s birthday, which resulted in the death of Mr. H. WENTZEL of the Civil Service. It appears that a party of six went up to the Lion’s Head on that day. They had got down on to the back on their return about four o’clock, and were taking tiffin, when Mr. WENTZEL borrowed a newspaper from one of his friends and proceeded to take “a quiet smoke”. He left the party and was observed going round the back in the direction of Sea Point. At five o’clock the party descended, and Mr. WENTZEL not having returned, nor answered to frequent calls, it was supposed he had proceeded on to Green Point. Not having come home on Wednesday night, on Thursday morning, after a prolonged search, Mr. [T….AAR] discovered the body of his unfortunate friend lying on his face with his skull fractured. He had fallen over no precipice, but seems to have slipped, [cracking] his head against [some] of the sharp stones near, and then to have rolled over on to his face. While a coolie was left in charge of the body, Messrs. JENNER and [T AAR] came down for assistance, and the services of some men from the breakwater works were obtained, who brought down the body to town. It is not improbable that the unfortunate gentleman had lain down to sleep, and awakening shortly after his friends had left, and when it grew dark, fell in groping his way among the rough stones surrounding. His watch appeared [pressed] in and had stopped, the hands pointing to half past six. – Mercantile Advertiser.
Saturday 3 June 1865
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 2nd June 1865, the wife of Mr. W.B. DINWOODIE of a son.
Tuesday 6 June 1865
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Sunday the 4th instant, after a brief illness, Sarah Jane, the beloved wife of James RICHARDS, aged 27 years – deeply regretted, and leaving a husband and four daughters to mourn their irreparable loss. The funeral will take place this afternoon at half past three o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
We regret to record the sore bereavement of our friend, Mr. James RICHARDS. Mrs. RICHARDS had been in feeble health for some weeks, but it was not till Thursday last that apprehensions of a fatal end to her illness were entertained. From that time she sank very rapidly, and breathed her last on Sunday morning. Bereft thus suddenly of a wife and mother, we can but tender to our friend Mr. RICHARDS, and to his family, our heartfelt sympathy.
DIED at her residence on Wednesday 31st May 1865, after eight weeks severe illness, Anne Elizabeth, beloved wife of John WEBSTER, aged 45 years, 6 months and 7 days, leaving her husband and 11 children to mourn their loss. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
It is our painful duty to record the death f the Rev. H. CALDERWOOD, which took place at his residence in Graham’s Town on Wednesday last, the 31st ult. Mr. CALDERWOOD came to this country as a missionary, connected with the London Society, in 1830, and was for some years stationed at Blinkwater, near Fort Beaufort. Here he zealously laboured for both the temporal and spiritual welfare of the Kafirs placed under his care. He next removed to Cape Town, to take the temporary charge of the English congregation at that place. After this he returned to his former station. The attention of Sir Peregrine MAITLAND was called to Mr. CALDERWOOD’s judicious conduct with the natives, arising from his accurate and extensive knowledge of their character and wants, and he earnestly requested him to assist in the settlement of affairs at the conclusion of a disastrous war. Mr. CALDERWOOD was afterwards appointed as Civil Commissioner and Resent Magistrate of Victoria, which office he held till a few months back, when he retired from public life and took up his residence in Graham’s Town. A short time ago he was prostrated with a paralytic stroke. This was succeeded at intervals by others, which terminated fatally. Although Mr. CALDERWOOD was for many years engaged in the discharge of his onerous civil duties, he never relinquished his standing as a minister of the Gospel. He assisted the missionaries of the Free Church in maintaining regular English services at Alice. His frequent visits to Graham’s Town, on anniversary occasions, have made him familiar to the public as a talented and earnest preacher, and his whole public career shows him as a principled and honourable man. – Journal.
Friday 9 June 1865
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 5th inst, the wife of Mr. John TILBROOK of a son.
BRAZIER, Mrs. T., a daughter, on the 6th June, at Port Elizabeth.
BENJAMIN, Mrs. Louis, a son, on the 29th May, at Port Elizabeth.
BEECH, Mrs. M.S., a daughter, on the 28th May, at Port Elizabeth.
CHALMERS, Mrs. W.R., a daughter, on the 18th May, at Port Elizabeth.
DU TOIT, Mrs. E.W., a son, on the 20th May, at Graaff-Reinet.
DINWOODIE, Mrs. W.B., a son, on the 2nd June, at Port Elizabeth.
GIBBINS, Mrs. J.H., a son, on the 23rd May, at Port Elizabeth.
TUDHOPE, Mrs. John, a son, on the 20th May, at Port Elizabeth.
LORD, William to Fanny BROWN, on the 25th May, at Uitenhage.
DISTIN, William, on the 17th May, at Cradock.
JONES, Robert Slater, on the 27th May, at Port Elizabeth.
McATEER, Mrs. John, on the 22nd May, at Port Elizabeth.
RICHARDS, Mrs. James, on the 4th June, at Port Elizabeth.
WEBSTER, Mrs. John, on the 31st May.
Saturday 10 June 1865
MARRIED on the 7th instant at St.Mary’s by the Rev. H.I. Johnson, assisted by the Rev. E. Pickering, I.S. GORDON Esq. of Port Elizabeth to Isabel Ingle MACLEAN, of Bedford, England. No cards.
Port Elizabeth, June 10th 1865
Thursday 15 June 1865
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 12th June, Mary Dewcy SMYTH, born BOND, aged 73 years and 5 months; native of Salisbury, Wiltshire.
Tuesday 20 June 1865
The death of Mr. J.E. WILMOT, of Spring Vale, near Sidbury, is announced. He was one of the settlers of 1820, and had reached his 76th year. He was attacked with apoplexy on Wednesday evening after returning from a drive, and died in an hour or two.
Saturday 24 June 1865
BIRTH at Uitenhage on the 19th instant, the wife of the Rev. A, STEYTLER of a son.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 23rd June 1865, Mary Ann FINLAYSON, aged 61 years. The funeral will proceed from the residence of Mr. J. FINLAYSON tomorrow afternoon at a quarter past three o’clock. Relatives and friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
F.E. HODSON, Undertaker
Tuesday 27 June 1865
BIRTH on the 13th June at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. H. MILLSON of a son.
DIED on Saturday the 24th inst, Helen, youngest child of Samuel HAWKINS, aged nine months
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Tuesday the 27th June 1865, at the residence of Mrs. T. STERLEY, opposite Mr. TEE’s, Mr. George LASSAM, fifth son of William LASSAM Esq. of Middlesex, aged 72 years. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday) at three o’clock. Friends will please accept this invitation.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, June 27 1865
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Tuesday the 27th June 1865, Cornelius Johannes, the beloved son of Mr. Ignatius Theodorus MULLER, aged [18] years. His remains will be removed from the residence of Mr. James BURCHELL, Walmer, on Thursday afternoon, the 29th instant, at three o’clock. Friends will please accept this invitation.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, June 27 1865
- Hits: 1909