Eastern Province Herald 1865 - 3 - July to September
Saturday 1 July 1865
BIRTH on the 27th inst, at her residence, Mowbray House, the widow of the late Mr. Robert Slater JONES of a son.
Saturday 8 July 1865
Mr. Henry CRUMP, of Graham’s Town, died very suddenly of apoplexy on Saturday week.
Capt. E. THOMAS, of the barque Heather Bell, fell down in an apoplectic fit while on shore, and expired before medical assistance could be rendered. The deceased was buried in St.Mary’s burial ground, followed to the grave by a large number of the captains of the vessels in the bay.
JONES, Mrs. R.S., a son, on the 27th June, at Port Elizabeth.
MILLSON, Mrs. H., a son, on the 13th June, at Port Elizabeth.
STEYTLER, Mrs. A., a son, on the 19th June, at Uitenhage.
GORDON, I.S. to Isabel Ingle MACLEAN, on the 7th June, at Port Elizabeth.
FINLAYSON, Mary Ann, on the 23rd June, at Port Elizabeth.
HAWKINS, Helen, on the 24th June, at Port Elizabeth.
LASSAM, George, on the 27th, at Port Elizabeth.
MULLER, Cornelius Johannes, on the 27th June, at Port Elizabeth.
SMYTH, Mary Darcy, on the 12th June, at Port Elizabeth.
MARRIED at St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. E. Pickering, James CUFFLIN Esq. to Eliza DYASON, youngest daughter of the late George DYASON Esq.
Port Elizabeth, 7th July 1865.
Tuesday 11 July 1865
We regret to state that Mr. John BOXER, of the Customs, died suddenly on Sunday last. Deceased was appointed landing waiter here about six months since and was an excellent officer. On Saturday he complained of a slight headache, and went to bed for a rest. Becoming worse. Dr. ENSOR was called in, and a soothing draft was administered. Next day, however, it was seen that Mr. BOXER was growing much worse, and that earthly aid could not avail him. The immediate cause of death was disease of the heart. Deceased was the only son of Capt. J. BOXER, of the Union Company’s steamer Briton, and was much respected by all who knew him. His remains were removed to their last resting place in St.Mary’s urial ground yesterday afternoon, attended by his brother officers and several friends.
A number of SUDDEN DEATHS have recently occurred in Graham’s Town. On Wednesday there were no less than three. Mrs. ORSMOND, the wife of Mr. G. ORSMOND, of Bathurst-street, expired suddenly, although suffering from sickness, which had, however, not been deemed of a fatal character. Mrs. LEE and Mr. WILSON died the same day, both deaths being totally unexpected. – Great Eastern.
Thursday 13 July 1865
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 4th instant, by the Rev. J. Richards, Mr. J.H. THEOBALD to Margaret, fourth daughter of the late Mr. Michael HEALEY of D’Urban, Natal.
Port Elizabeth, July 11 1865.
Saturday 15 July 1865
DIED at Port Elizabeth at the Residence of Mr. B.G. LENNON, on the 11th instant, aged 17 years, Master Charles Edward, second son of the late Mr. A. NITCH, of Cape Town.
Port Elizabeth, July 13 1865.
Tuesday 18 July 1865
DIED on the 14th July at Doorn Neck, Zuurberg, Mrs. ROBERTSON, a native of Drayton, Oxfordshire, England, and only daughter of Mr. John and Mrs. Elizabeth MATTHEWS, aged 29 years 10 months and 14 days. Friends will please accept this intimation.
[Transcriber’s note: Deceased was born Martha MATTHEWS. Her marriage to John ROBERTSON is here.]
Tuesday 25 July 1865
DIED on the 14th July at Doorn Neck, the beloved wife of Mr. John ROBERTSON, aged 29 years 10 months and 14 days. She died in the hope of the Lord.
Saturday 29 July 1865
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 16th instant, Mrs. George DUNCAN of a daughter.
Port Elizabeth July 29 1865.
Tuesday 1 August 1865
BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on Thursday the 27th instant, Mrs. Edward NATHAN of a son.
Thursday 3 August 1865
A serious accident happened to a storeman named COBURN, in the employ of Messrs. MAYNARD, BOOTH & Co, on Friday last. He purchased a high-spirited mare [sold] in the estate of the late Mr. F.W. CARLISLE, which threw him and broke his thigh. – Journal.
Tuesday 8 August 1865
The partnership hitherto existing between Messrs. SEMARK and BRISTER has this day been dissolved by mutual consent.
All claims to be sent in up to this date.
Port Elizabeth, August 7 1865
DUNCAN, Mrs. George, a daughter, on the 16th July, at Port Elizabeth.
NATHAN, Mrs. E., a son, on the 27th July, at Graaff-Reinet.
CUFFLIN, James, to Eliza DYASON on the 5th July, at Port Elizabeth.
THEOBALD, J.H., to Margaret HEALEY, on the 4th July, at Port Elizabeth.
NITCH, Charles Edward, on the 11th July, at Port Elizabeth.
ROBERTSON, Mrs. John, on the 14th July, at Doorn neck.
Thursday 10 August 1865
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 9th August, the wife of A.R. INNES Esq., of Her majesty’s Customs, of a son.
Departed this life at the Residence of the Rev. W.F. Heugh, Humansdorp, on the 5th August 1865, D. McLeod FULLARTON Esq, of Scotland, deeply regretted.
Humansdorp, 7th Aug 1865.
Saturday 12 August 1865
D’Urban DYASON, Attorney-at-Law, Attorney of the Supreme and Eastern Districts Courts, and Notary Public
Mr. DYASON has removed his office from the Loan and Trust Company Buildings to the new stores of Messrs. Birch Brothers, Main Street, opposite the Court House.
Port Elizabeth, Aug 11 1865.
DIED at Haas Fontein on Tuesday August 1st 1865, Mr. Christian Albeck HESSELMAN, aged 30 years and 8 months, leaving a large family to mourn their irreparable loss.
[Transcriber’s note: The Death Notice says that his middle name was Albrecht and that he was 59 years 9 months old when he died.]
A little boy, about seven years of age, son of Mr. Piet BOTHA of [Somerset], while playing in a kraal with some calves, was severely butted in the forehead by one of them. The child went out of the kraal and sat down, but after the lapse of a few minutes fell backwards insensible. Dr. BELL was immediately in attendance, but no hope of a recovery is entertained.
Tuesday 15 August 1865
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 9th August, the wife of Mr. T.N. JANION of a son.
Tuesday 22 August 1865
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Saturday the 20th instant, the wife of Augustus Bernard TANCRED Esq. of a son.
DIED at Heald Town on Sunday the 6th August, at the age of [17] months, [….. …..] [JOHNSON], infant daughter of [rest of notice illegible]
Dr. RUBIDGE returned to Port Elizabeth by the Roman, after a visit to the old country. The worthy doctor will be welcomed by all classes of the community.
Thursday 24 August 1865
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth by Special Licence, on the 23rd instant, by the Rev. A. Robson, Adam WHITE Esq, late of Glasgow, to Maggie, daughter of the late William GALBRAITH Esq., Viewfield, Bothwell, Scotland. No cards.
Saturday 26 August 1865
The port-boat, in coming in over the bar last Saturday, capsized, and two of the crew, J. WAGG, an Englishman, and Piet, a Kafir, were unfortunately drowned.
Tuesday 29 August 1865
DIED at Somerset East on Friday the 25th instant, Helen, wife of Hougham HUDSON, Civil Commissioner of Albany.
Thursday 31 August 1865
DIED at Somerset East on Friday the 25th August 1865, Helen Maria, wife of Hougham HUDSON, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Albany, aged 38 years.
Saturday 2 September 1865
DIED on the 2nd instant, Laura, the wife of Mr. Charles VOGLER, aged 21 years. The funeral will proceed from the Provincial Hospital tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at [3] o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
T. LEE, Undertaker
Thursday 7 September 1865
BIRTH on the 3rd instant, at Westbourne House, West Hill, Graham’s Town, the wife of Mr. J. Bowers JANION of a son.
Dr. RUBIDGE resides in the House lately occupied by Mr. BOLUS, near Trinity Church. Messages may be left there or at Mr. LESLIE’s, Main Street.
Tuesday 12 September 1865
MARRIED by Special Licence on the 3rd September 1865, at the Cathedral, Pietermaritzburg, Natal, by the Rev. the Dean, Mr. Daniel HOLLOWAY, of Stroud, Gloucestershire, to Miss Jane WOOD, only daughter of the late Wm. WOOD, formerly of Milton, Kent.
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth, September 9th 1865, Mrs. George BIRT of a son.
We regret to learn this morning of the death of Mr. Thomas YOUNG, who came out from England a few years since as reporter to the Telegraph, and was also for some time engaged during the last session of Parliament on the staff of the Journal. Deceased was in delicate health from the time of his arrival in this colony; and indeed went to Graham’s Town for a changer of air. He was a first class short-hand writer, an unassuming and yet able and very intelligent man. All who knew him will deeply deplore his removal from their midst.
Thursday 14 September 1865
In the Estate of the late Mary Anne WITHAM, widow of William STAINES, and formerly widow of HARVEY
The first Liquidation and Distribution Account in the abovenamed Estate will remain open at the office of the “Guardian Assurance and Trust Company”, in Main Street, Port Elizabeth, for the inspection of Heirs and all others interested, for 14 days from the date hereof, after which period, if no objections be made thereto, the distribution will be made accordingly.
Sec. Guardian Company
Executor testamentary
Port Elizabeth, Sept 11 1865
BIRTH at Queen’s Town on the 6th September 1865, Mrs. W.F. BLOOMFIELD of a son.
Tuesday 19 September 1865
BIRTH at Carleton Terrace, Hong Kong, China, on the 6th July, the wife of J.R. KENDALL Esq., 2nd Batt. 11th Regt, of a daughter.
Thursday 21 September 1865
As Mr. S. DELL was shooting in the Karra bush last week, he stepped on the gear of a spring-gun, the charge of which lodged in his leg below the knee. It is feared that the limb will have to be amputated.
Thursday 28 September 1865
We (Journal) regret to learn that this estimable lady, wife of Colonel BISSET, Acting Lieut.-Governor of Natal, died in England shortly before the departure of the last mail. Mrs. BISSET had been in a feeble state of health several weeks, and the unexpectedly fatal result has plunged the gallant colonel and his family into much grief.
Saturday 30 September 1865
BIRTH on the 30th instant, Mrs. William FLEMING of a daughter.
- Hits: 1939