Eastern Province Herald 1865 - 1 - January to March
Tuesday 3 January 1865
BIRTH, December 29th 1864, the wife of Westcott Mallet MORRIS Esq, of HM Customs, of a son.
DIED on the 31st ult, Melissa Josephine, the infant daughter of Mr. G.B. MARSHALL, aged six months and six days.
Thursday 5 January 1865
MARRIED at the residence of T.M. HARRIS, brother-in-law to the Bride, by the Rev. G. Rennie, on the 29th December 1864, Cornelius OPZOOMER, of Port Elizabeth, eldest son of the Rev. Wm. OPZOOMER of Wyk by Duurstede, in Holland, to Marianne Estelle, third daughter of Alexander ROBERSTON, late of George.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on January 4 1865, Mrs. F. EAGAR, aged [..] years. The Funeral will take place this afternoon (Thursday) at four o’clock from the residence of Mr. Frederick EAGAR, Military Road.
DIED on the 4th instant, Herbert Brunette, infant son of T. Melvill DU TOIT Esq.
Saturday 7 January 1865
MARRIED at St.Mary’s Church on Tuesday the 3rd instant, by the Rev. J. Seddon, assisted by the Rev. S. Brook, the Rev. C. CLULEE, Curate of Fauresmith, Orange Free State, to Emily, youngest daughter of Wm. STOWERS Esq, late of Bradwell, Essex, England.
MARRIED on the 4th instant at St.Mary’s Church, by the Rev. H.L. Johnson, George, fourth son of the late H. HUDSON Esq, C.C. of Albany, to Jessie Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late W. SMITH Esq, of Port Elizabeth.
HERBERT, Mrs. J.B., twin sons, on the 30th December, at Chatty.
KIRKWOOD, Mrs. T.S., a daughter, on the 10th December, at Hope Town.
MORRIS, Mrs. W.M., a son, on the 29th December.
BEVAN, James, to Elizabeth H.A. LEYLVELD, on the 16th December, at Balmoral.
CLARK, J.H. Jun. to Elizabeth CHALLEN, on the 24th December, at Uitenhage.
EARLY, Edward, to Mary M.C. TITTERTON, on the 21st December, at Queen’s Town.
OPZOOMER, Cornelius, to Marianne E. ROBERTSON, on the 29th December, at Port Elizabeth.
TITTERTON, W.J., to Ann B. PARKER, on the 21st December, at Queen’s Town.
TUDHOPE, James, to Jane PHILLIP, on the 29th December, at Port Elizabeth.
WEINTHAL, Sally, to Rebecca PLAAT, on the 6th November, at Hamburg.
BIRT, George (infant son of Mr. G.) on the 22nd December, at Port Elizabeth.
DU TOIT, Herbert Brunette (infant son of Mr. T.M. du) on the 4th January, at Port Elizabeth.
EAGAR, Mrs. E., on the 4th January, at Port Elizabeth.
FORREST, Peter, on the [26th] December, at Port Elizabeth.
HIPPERT, John Peter, on the 17th December, at Uitenhage.
MARSHALL, Melissa Josephine, (infant daughter of Mr. G.B.) on the 31st December, at Port Elizabeth.
TERRY, James C., on the 29th December, at Port Elizabeth.
BIRTH at Poplar Grove, near Whittlesea, on the 4th instant, Mrs. Wm. A. OXENHAM of a son.
Tuesday 10 January 1865
MARRIED on Thursday the 6th January in New Church, by the Rev. J. Harsant, Mr. William Caldwell ELLIOTT, [obscured] to Miss Julia Eliza McKENZIE. No cards.
DIED at his residence, Quagga’s Flat, on the 22nd December last, Jacobus Mauritz HEGERS Esq. J.P., aged 79 years. 8 months and 19 days.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 7th instant, Mary Anne WITHAM, widow of the late William STAINES Esq, and daughter of the late Edward WITHAM Esq, of Great Canfield Hall, Essex, aged 75 years, leaving a large family to lament her loss.
Thursday 12 January 1865
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 11th January 1865, Mrs. James RICHARDS of son.
Thursday 19 January 1865
MARRIED on the 8th December 1864 at St.Andrew’s Church, Bristol, Mr. Henry Coles BAKER, of Port Elizabeth, to Amelia, daughter of the late Michael CUNNINGHAM [sic] Esq, of that City.
[Transcriber’s note: The marriage took place in St.Andrew, Montpelier, then part of Gloucestershire and now in Bristol. I have seen the original and the bride’s surname is clearly GUNNINGHAM. Henry Coles BAKER was a widower, aged 27.]
BIRTH on Tuesday 17th January, Mrs. M.B. SHAW of a daughter.
Thursday 26 January 1865
Capt. HIDE, assistant port-captain at Table Bay, died on the 21st inst.
A valuable gold watch has been presented to Mr. MEINTJES, who has been elder and precentor of the Dutch Reformed Church since the village was established.
Tuesday 31 January 1865
DIED on the 10th December 1864, at 25 Dawson Place, Bayswater, aged 60 years, Henry SHERMAN Esq, late of Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope.
DIED on the 26th January, on the road between Port Elizabeth and Sunday’s River, Thomas WALKER, resident at Mr. J.J. FERREIRA’s, Sunday’s River. The unfortunate man fell from the wagon, and the wheel passed over his body. He expired the next morning, aged 65 years and 3 months.
A correspondent sends us the following particulars of a fatal accident which occurred last Wednesday on the road between Port Elizabeth and Rawson Bridge. “A melancholy and fatal accident happened to Mr. Thomas WALKER, lately residing at Mr. T.S. FERREIRA’s, Rietfontein, Sunday’s River. It appears the unfortunate man had gone to Port Elizabeth with a little produce in a wagon, accompanied by two coloured men, a Hottentot driver and a Kafir leader, and on their return on Wednesday evening, the 25th inst, about ten o’clock, on the Zwartkops road, near BERRY’s road-side inn, the deceased, while in the act of getting out of the wagon, fell under the wheel, it passing over and breaking his left arm, and thence over his hip and groin, fracturing the bones and doing him severe internal injury. The men, not knowing the extent of the injury, proceeded on their journey home, but the next morning, about mid-day, on reaching Coega, the sufferer died. The men then hastened home with the wagon. The unfortunate man was interred the next day at Mr. FERREIRA’s. The deceased was sixty-five years of age.”
Thursday 2 February 1865
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 29th January 1865, Michael HAYMAN, aged 45 years, deeply regretted by a wife and large family.
DIED at Mimosa Lodge on the 28th January, Tindall Thomas, only son of Augustus and Elizabeth WALTON, aged five months and fourteen days.
Tuesday 7 February 1865
DIED at Port Elizabeth in Queen Street on the 2nd instant, of fever, Mary Ann, the beloved and youngest daughter of Mr. George and Hannah PEARCEY, of Willow Vale, Winterhoek, deeply regretted by relations and friends.
Port Elizabeth Feb 4 1865.
Thursday 9 February 1865
A sergeant named SMITHEN, belonging to the 2nd battalion 5th Fusiliers, died very suddenly at East London last week. He complained of feeling unwell the evening before, but nothing serious was anticipated. He was a married man, and leaves a wife and two young children.
A. STANDER, a farmer residing at the Gwyang (George), committed suicide by hanging himself, with a reim to a beam in his own house, on Monday night, the 23rd ultimo. The poor fellow had been in a desponding state for some time, and it was only by constant watching that he was prevented from perpetrating the act sooner.
BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on the 28th January, the wife of W.T. TWEEDIE Esq, of Erasmus Kloof, of a son.
Saturday 11 February 1865
MARRIED in the Wesleyan Chapel, Port Elizabeth, on Tuesday Feb 7th, by the Rev. J. RICHARDS, assisted by the Rev. P. Smailes, Mr, James HODGES, Merchant, to Miss Emma SMITH, niece of the Rev. J. and Mrs. RICHARDS. No cards,
Tuesday 14 February 1865
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 12th inst, the wife of Mr. John MUDIE of a daughter.
Mr. Fieldcornet TEE reports that a woman, named WYMAN, was found washed up on the beach on Sunday morning. It appears that the unfortunate woman had been ill with the fever, and having left her house, lay down on the beach and thus met her death.
Thursday 16 February 1865
We are informed that the body of a young man named WRIGHT, at one time a clerk in the Monitor office, Cape Town, and recently in the employ of Mr. [MARTIN], was found washed up on the beach near the Zwartkops on Tuesday.
Mrs. Alexander WHITE, the widow of a colonial secretary, who did the colony [some] service almost fifty years ago, died in London on the 10th December last. She had been receiving £300 per year for the last forty-five or fifty years. The pension of course ceases with her decease.
Thursday 23 February 1865
BIRTH at Burghersdorp on Thursday the 9th instant, Mrs. Otto PETERS of a son.
DIED at Port Elizabeth at the residence of Mr. J.A. DRYER, on Tuesday 21st February 1865, Alexander William TENNANT, aged 31 years, son of the late Mr. Alexander William TENNANT, of Uitenhage. Deceased lived 17 years with Mr. DRYER, by whom he was much beloved.
DIED at Addo Drift, on the 14th February, after six months’ lingering illness, William COOLEY, of Braxted, in the County of Kent, England, aged 51 years. The deceased migrated to Algoa Bay with Mr. E. TUNBRIDGE in [18..]. Friends will please [forgive] this notice.
Saturday 25 February 1865
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 24th instant, Mrs. Wm. PUCKLE of a daughter.
Tuesday 28 February 1865
MARRIED on the 14th February at St.Mary’s Church, by the Rev. S. Pickering, Mr. Elijah EDWARDS, Blacksmith, to Miss Dorothea Helena LESS, of Cape Town.
MARRIED at Aberdeen, South Africa, on the 23rd January 1865, by the Rev. T.M. Gray, T.T. BENNETTE Esq. to Margaretta Susanna, third daughter of James HALL Esq, of Reedville, Zwarte Ruggens, County of Graaff-Reinet. No cards.
Thursday 2 March 1865
BIRTH at Bushy Park on the 27th, Mrs. C. LOVEMORE of a son.
An old servant, in the employ of Mr. TROLLIP, of Daggaboer’s Nek, was bitten the other day by a small snake, and died six hours afterwards.
Tuesday 7 March 1865
The Great Eastern reports that “a poor, inoffensive old Scotchman”, named BORNEMAN, was murdered last week near the village of Bell, in the Fort Peddie district.
By a telegram in the Great Eastern we learn that news has been received from Swellendam of the sudden death of the wife of the Rev. Dr. ROBERTSON of that place, caused by the horses in her cart taking fright, and in attempting to jump from the cart the lady met her death.
On the [28th] ult a Mrs. JACKSON committed suicide by taking arsenic. The previous evening she had been with a friend, discussing various plans for the future, from which it would appear that she had not then any thought of self destruction. On Thursday morning at 9 o’clock a neighbour saw her at work in the house. At 11 the same morning Mrs. JACKSON called this person and said she had taken poison, at the same time showing her a glass to the sides of which a white powder adhered. The doctor was immediately called, but it was only after a long delay that she could be induced to take an emetic. The powder was analysed and found to be white arsenic. She died in about four hours, after great suffering. The doctor stated that she was labouring under delirium tremens when he saw her, and attempted to get a second dose oof the poison.
(From our own correspondent)
We regret to say that on Friday night last a fire broke out in Mr. CANNELL’s store, Church-square, High-street, and that it was not extinguished until the building and the premises occupied by the Telegraph Office were thoroughly gutted. The fire the cause of which is unknown, was discovered by a night-policeman about 2 o’clock on Saturday morning; how long it had been burning we cannot say, but by 3 o’clock it had full possession of the building, and was not subdued until 6 o’clock. Three fire-engines were brought into play, and did good service. The military guard from the Drostdy were early on the spot.
The buildings – both store and telegraphic office – were the property of Mr. J.J.H. STONE. It is supposed that they were insured in a Cape Town office. Mr. CANNELL saved but little of his stock, which was insured in the Union Insurance office for [£4,500]. At one time it was thought that Mr. WHITEHEAD’s premises were in danger and the whole of his stock of clothing, and his furniture, were carried into the street, and were of course damaged. The whole office plant of the Telegraph was destroyed. Nothing was saved but the cash-box. Of course there will be no more telegrams until new apparatus can be obtained.
Thursday 9 March 1865
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 2nd March 1865, by the Rev. John Richards, Wesleyan Minister, James PEARMAIN Esq, [….] Bok Vlakte, near Cradock, only son of the late James PEARMAN Esq. of Wangford, County Suffolk, to Caroline, only daughter of the Rev. John THORNLEY, Baptist Minister of Stowmarket, County Suffolk, England. No cards.
Thursday 16 March 1865
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 4th March, Ellen, the eldest daughter of Mr. James GRADY, aged 18 years and 3 months.
A curious case of bigamy is reported from the Transvaal Republic. One DE VILLIERS, who left a wife in the colony, married again at Rustenburg: and, being tried for the offence and convicted, he was sentenced to pay a fine of 1,000 dollars and bear three years’ hard labour. The imprisonment portion of the sentence was afterwards remitted by the Executive. It subsequently turned out that when DE VILLIERS was being married by the Landdrost of Rustenburg it was arranged that he should within six months produce proofs of his having had a divorce from his first wife, and that otherwise the second marriage should be declared null and void!
Saturday 18 March 1865
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth, Mrs. Robt. PETTIT, of a daughter, on the 17th inst.
We regret to state that Mr. David Alexander AINSLIE died this morning, after a lengthened illness. Deceased, who was generally respected, was a member of the Rifle Volunteer Band, and was possessed of no mean musical abilities. His remains will be removed to their last resting place tomorrow at five o’clock. The Volunteers will attend the funeral.
Tuesday 21 March 1865
DIED at Uitenhage on Monday 20th March 1865, Robert Godlonton, only son of Mr. James RICHARDS, aged 2 months and 9 days.
It pains us to announce that the health of the Hon. Joseph BARRY is such as to occasion great anxiety to his family and friends. His medical advisers have given their opinion that the disease under which the hon. gentleman suffers is incurable, and that it must, sooner or later, have a fatal termination. We feel persuaded that this intelligence will be received with sorrow by all classes of the community. – Overberg Courant.
Thursday 23 March 1865
A shocking accident occurred on Friday morning in Cape Town. While two children named SMITH, a boy and a girl, about 8 years old, were walking up [Spin] street on their way to school, a cab came along at a rapid pace. The driver shouted out to clear the way, but the children got frightened, and the little girl fell down, so that the wheel of the cab passed over her head, killing her on the spot. The cabman was of course arrested.
Saturday 25 March 1865
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Friday 24th instant, Mary, the beloved wife of Mr. James GRADY, after a short illness, aged 37 years and 5 months.
Thursday 30 March 1865
DIED at his Residence, Tankstara, on Sunday 19th instant, at half past nine in the forenoon, Mr. Stephanus MULLER, aged forty-two years.
A private named Nicholas KENNEDY, of the 2nd battalion 11th Regt., was drowned at East London on Wednesday the 15th inst. He was bathing among the rocks below the old churchyard, and had ventured too far out, when a heavy sea washed him under, and carried him instantaneously beyond the reach of his companions. He was seen a moment after stretching out his hand as if for aid, and then disappeared in the surf. The body was recovered on Saturday last, and interred. – Kaffrarian.
We regret to hear of the decease of this gentleman. The following notice is printed in the Chamber of Commerce: “Information has been received here of the death of Joseph BARRY Esq, of the firm of Barry & Nephews.
We regret to hear of the death of Mr. E.D. HODGSON senior, landing waiter in H.M. Customs. Deceased, who died yesterday, had been eight years in the service, and was much respected by all who knew him. The funeral will take place this afternoon at four o’clock. The deceased had been ailing for some time past.
- Hits: 1836