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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1864 - 4 - October to December

Thursday 6 October 1864

The Journal says that “the estate of the late Hon. Joseph CAWOOD has been assigned over to his brother, the Hon. S. CAWWOD, who has passed his promissory notes for the claims against it at 10s in the £. Several of the creditors were disposed to hold out with the expectation of getting full settlement, but this would have resulted in throwing the estate into the Master’s hands, and lessening by a considerable sum the amount which the assignee has agreed to pay. We consider the offer made by Mr. S. CAWOOD a very liberal one, as very few would take over so large a liability with only a slender prospect of coming out unscathed.”

A lamentable accident occurred a few days ago at [Ramhoogte], Koeberg. A young man named THERON, residing at Twenty-four Rivers, was on his way home. There were four wagons together. THERON was walking beside his oxen when one of the other wagons suddenly came alongside, the oxen knocked him down, and the wheel of the wagon passing over his neck, he was killed on the spot.

Saturday 8 October 1864

Just as we were going to press with our last issue we received a telegram from Cape Town conveying to us the mournful intelligence that “Mr. John FAIRBAIRN died suddenly from disease of the heart at his residence, Wynberg Hill, aged seventy”. This sad news will grieve the heart of every man in the colony, from east to west and from north to south. It will be received with sorrow and be communicated with bated breath to thousands who never saw the man, but to whom the name of FAIRBAIRN is familiar in their mouths as a household word as representation of manly independence and unflinching persevering zeal in securing for this colony those rights and privileges which to Englishmen are so dear. It is not for us to write a biography of the departed. That task we leave to abler pens than ours, and there are those connected with the deceased who will discharge the duty imposed upon them in this respect in a fitting manner and in due time. But we, in common with our contemporaries, hasten to pay our tribute of respect at the shrine of John FAIRBAIRN, to drop a […] over the bier, if we cannot plant a […..] by his tomb. He has been styled ”The Father of the South African Press”, and it is in his labour as a journalist that Mr. FAIRBAIRN is most widely known. Comparatively [novices] to the editorial profession ourselves, we look back with something like awe upon the genius and abilities of the deceased. He was indeed “one among a thousand”. It is well known that in the profession he espoused, tempting offers were made him in England, and had he chosen to quit the land of his adoption there is no doubt a brilliant and successful career might have been his. But he had chosen South Africa as his home, and he determined to stick to it, through good report and through evil report. He had a great and good work before him, and he determined to do it. Despite the difficulties that beset his path – despite the frown of Government and the sneers of men in high places – he felt that he was fighting a glorious battle, and in the end he won it too. To John FAIRBAIRN South Africa is greatly indebted for the position she this day occupies among the colonies of the British Crown. He secured the liberty of the Press, an Englishmen’s dearest privilege and greatest boon. As a public write he was certainly “second to none”. Nay, more, he far surpassed all others. He towered among his professional contemporaries like Saul, of old, head and shoulders above all the rest. As a leader write he was unequalled. Never [diffuse], he was clear and logical, and his language was classically elegant. He hated circumlocution as he hated deceit. He said what he had to say in the fewest words and in the plainest terms. He was a lover of good Saxon, and knew how to use it to effect. As a public writer he was what the Attorney General is as a speaker – without a peer. In politics he held peculiar views, and his views frequently led him into collision with what is known as the Frontier party, but all admit that he was honest and sincere. His political opponents saw in him a foeman worthy of their steel – a good man and true. In the part he took in the Anti-Convict agitation all his mental powers were called into play Though differing from him on many subjects, we feel that to John FAIRBAIRN especially is this colony indebted for the manly stand made against the reception of convicts. But for FAIRBAIRN we believe this colony would have been a penal settlement at this day, and the good service he did in this respect should of itself for ever endear his memory to South African colonists. As a politician he took an active part in obtaining representative institutions for this colony, and in this he was successful; and if those institutions have not been worked with so much advantage to the colony as they might have been, it was not altogether his fault or the fault of his party. For forty years past he [……] no small amount of influence on the community and the country in which he lived. As a professional man, as a [….] philanthropist and as a [politician] he was widely known and deeply respected. He was one of our few […..] representative men, who will be missed alike from the family circle and the [senate-house]. He has faithfully and truly discharged his duty. May those who follow in his track acquit themselves as reliably and with as much advantage to the country. Whilst thinking of John FAIRBAIRN and reading of his death, well may all, both young and old, exclaim “A great man has fallen in Israel this day.”

Tuesday 11 October 1864

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth Oct [6], the wife of James MACKIE of a son.

Jane RYAN, the servant-girl who delivered herself of a female child last week, and afterwards hid the body, has been committed for trial on a charge of concealment of birth. The infant was still-born.

Last week a son of Mr. P. UYS, of Rietkuil, who had been left with a younger brother to play about the farm while the father was engaged in sheep-washing, fell into the large dam near the home, and before his brother could apprise the grandfather of the accident he was drowned. The old man, it is said, had a narrow escape, for in his eagerness to recover the body of the child, he sprang into the water, but was immediately seized with cramp. A servant happened to come up at the time, and thus he was rescued from his perilous position. The deceased was about nine years old.

Thursday 13 October 1864

BIRTH at Uitenhage on the 9th inst, Mrs. James Somers KIRKWOOD of a son.

Mr. John SLATER, who, it will be remembered, has been suffering from a broken leg (the result of an accident) for some time, had his leg amputated on Monday last at Grahamstown. Drs. ATHERSTONE and DAVIS were the surgeons.

Saturday 15 October 1864

BIRTH on the 29th September 1864, the wife of Mr. Alfred BROOKES, of Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope, of a son.

DEATH on the 30th September 1864, Alfred Robert, only son of Alfred and Alice BROOKES, of Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope.

Tuesday 18 October 1864

BIRTH on the 18th October, the wife of Gustav COHEN of a daughter.

MARRIED at Alexandria on the 13th October 1864, by the Venerable Archdeacon Merriman, assisted by the Rev. P.W. Copeman MA, William Henry CRAVEN Esq, youngest son of Thomas CRAVEN Esq, of Hackney, Middlesex, to Johanna Maria, eldest daughter of Edward PHILPOTT Esq, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Alexandria.
Also at the same time, Captain M. BLYTH, youngest son of W.D. BLYTH Esq, of Weasenham, Norfolk, to Elizabeth Cornelia, second daughter of the above.

BIRTH at Grey Town, Port Natal, on the 8th September 1864, Mrs. W.P. HELLET of a son.

Thursday 20 October 1864

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 15th October 1864, the wife of Mr. Edwin PALMER, Grocer, of this town, of a son.

BIRTH at Walmer, Port Elizabeth, on the 18th October 1864, the wife of Mr. J.E.L. BURCHELL of a son.

Tuesday 25 October 1864

The body of Henry CRACKNELL, one of the unfortunate men that went off to the rescue of the crew of the Ballarat, was picked up near the Zwartkops on Sunday.

At the Somerset Circuit Court, Damon, alias Memmani, was sentenced to death for the murder of Edward LE ROUX, a young farmer.

A military funeral will take place this afternoon, when the military in barracks, the Volunteer Artillery, and the Volunteer Rifles, with their bands, will attend. The deceased, Lieut. John TAYLOR, of HM 56th foot, arrived here by the Dane on Saturday, on his way to East London. He had been ailing some time, and died at the Phoenix Hotel on Sunday, from whence his remains will be borne to their last resting place.

Under this heading the Bloemfontein Gazette reports:
“On Tuesday morning last Mr. Emil NIEMEYER, of the firm of Messrs. Bauman Brothers & Co, of this town, led to the Hymeneal altar the eldest daughter of our highly and deservedly esteemed Government Secretary, J.C. Nielen MARAIS Esq., The Dutch Church was nearly filled by townspeople anxious to witness the ceremony, and to see the charming bride and lovely bridesmaids there assembled. A large party of the elite of the town and district afterwards met by invitation at the house of the father of the bride to do honour to the joyous occasion including His Honor the President, who purposely delayed his departure for the frontier in order to be present, Mrs. BRAND, the Miss ZASTRONs, the Lord Bishop of the diocese, The Rev. Mr. OLDFIELD, in fact it would be no easy matter and would occupy too much of our space were we to attempt to give the names of all who were present. We will merely add that the happy bride and bridegroom have our best wishes for their long life and happiness.”

Thursday 27 October 1864

We (Advertiser and Mail) regret to learn of the death, on Friday afternoon, of Mr. H. LE SUEUR, Clerk of the House of Assembly. Mr. LE SUEUR suffered from ill health for some time past, and was removed to Green Point a few weeks ago, in the hope that the change of air would aid his recovery; but on Tuesday evening a severe attack of illness seized upon him, from which he never rallied, and about five o’clock on Friday afternoon he expired. The dec was very much respected, both as a private citizen and as a public officer. The manner in which he discharged the duties of Clerk of the Assembly was such as gained for him the high esteem and respect of every member of both branches of the legislature, as well as of the public generally. The Journal says, During the past session he had felt exceedingly weak and otherwise unwell – even occasionally walking with difficulty – but from his ailing health no serious result was anticipated. Before he was appointed Clerk to the Assembly in [1864] he had been more than thirty years in the Government Service – we believe in the Treasurer-General’s Department – where he rendered himself so useful that his chief was much concerned at losing him.

On Friday afternoon the remains of Mr. A.G. BAIN were interred in the English burying-ground, Cape Town. The funeral was attended by many of his old friends, and the pall-bearers were the Hon. Mr. SOUTHEY, Colonial Secretary; the Hon. Mr. PORTER, Attorney-General; Sir Thomas MACLEAR, Astronomer-Royal; and C. BELL Esq, Surveyor-General.

MARRIED at Uitenhage on the 20th October by the Rev. W. Llewellyn, John Richard KELSALL Esq, 2nd 11th Regiment, third son of the late Colonel Joseph KELSALL, formerly commanding 70th Regiment, to Jane Elizabeth Amelia, eldest daughter of Captain John Henry Huntley BOYS, of Betshanger, and late of the 75th Regiment. No cards.

Tuesday 1 November 1864

To the Editor of the E.P. Herald
Uitenhage, 31st October 1864
Sir – In perusing your paper of Saturday’s issue [Transcriber’s note: this issue not available to me], and observing at the latter end of the subject headed “Passing Events”, I beg you will allow me to occupy a few lines in your paper and express my full opinion as to the cause of this sad accident.
Mr. Reporter has insinuated by remarking that it was EEDY’s friend that caused the collision, and likewise the result of his death, whether by carelessness, excitement or transgression is unknown, and Mr. Reporter had better, for the future, take more care for his untruthful and liable reports.
Furthermore, the collision of the accident occurred by Mr. GOWIE’s cart, coming from Uitenhage; had he (Mr. GOWIE) kept the proper side of the road, the collision, &c, would not have occurred. I contradict Mr. GOWIE upon his reporting that he was obliged to turn to his left in order to avoid a collision, which was, however, inevitable. Mr. GOWIE insisted upon coming off on his right, and I was obliged to turn to his left, (which was entirely the reverse side), in order to avoid the collision of the two carts. Moreover, my life was endangered by running on to a bank on the side of the road. Of course I cannot but surmise that Mr. GOWIE or his driver was unacquainted with the proper sides of the road. Neither Mr. GOWIE nor Mr. Reporter can teach me more as to the proper sides, for I have been too long a hand not to know.
And further, I am not ashamed to let Mr. Reporter know that I was the driver of that particular vehicle (as stated), who, as you have heard, is noted for furious driving, and beware Mr. Reporter, don’t make a ditch for other people, for probably you may fall into it yourself.
Yours &c
A true friend of B.J. EEDY
(Mr. COOK is mistaken in placing the animadversions on his conduct, to which he refers, to the credit of our reporter: and we must explain that in the paragraph containing the account of the accident the fault of stating that Mr. GOWIE turned his cart to the “left” instead of to the “right” was ours, not his. Ed. E.P.H.)
[Transcriber’s note: The Death Notice for Bennet John EEDY shows that he died (presumably as a result of his injuries in the accident) on 26th October 1864]

Saturday 5 November 1864

DIED on the 29th October, at her father’s residence, Elizabeth Amelia, beloved wife of Mr. H. ANDERSON, and eldest daughter of George and Lydia GATES sen, aged 36 years 8 months and 18 days, leaving a husband and eight children to deplore their irreparable loss.
Port Elizabeth, Oct 29 1864.

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Wednesday the 2nd instant, he wife of Thos. Maybury HARRIS of a son.

BIRTH at Cape Town, Nov 27 1864, Mrs. H.F. CANTERBURY of a daughter.

Tuesday 8 November 1864

BIRTH at Middelburg on the 2nd instant, Mrs. John CHASE of a daughter.

Thursday 10 November 1864

We (Journal) regret to record the death of Mr. C.H. COOKE, of Sidbury. Deceased has not been long from England, but had endeared himself to many during his short residence in this colony.

Saturday 12 November 1864

MARRIED October 31st at Middelburg, by the Rev. Wm. Murray, Mr. John Pringle WRIGHT, of Middelburg, son of Mr. Edward WRIGHT, of Portsmouth, England, to Ann Elizabeth Jane, only daughter of Mr. Joseph LE DAIN, of Southampton, England.

DIED at St.John’s River on Sunday 9th October 1864, Alexandra Alice youngest daughter of Mr. F.J. HUGHES, aged one year and four months.

Saturday 19 November 1864

MARRIED on Thursday the 17th instant, at St.Mary’s, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. James Seddon, assisted by the Rev. Samuel Brook, Arthur Sumner DUDLEY, of Sidbury, 5th son of the Rev. W.M. DUDLEY, Rector of Laverstoke and Vicar of Whitchurch, Hampshire, England, to Emma Louisa, eldest daughter of the late George ALLEN Esq, Architect, of Southwark, London. No cards.

Saturday 26 November 1864

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 26th November 1864, the wife of Mr. J. BAUMANN of a son.

DIED on the 26th November 1864, aged 30 years, John STEPHENSON Esq. The Funeral will leave Capt. MASON’s Hotel tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at four o’clock. Friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, Nov 26 1864.

Tuesday 29 November 1864

MARRIED by Special Licence on Saturday November 26, at St.Mary’s, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. James Seddon, Henry, youngest son of the late William COLTMAN Esq, of High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, to Mary Jane, only surviving daughter of the late Bayley DYASON Esq, of Cape Town.

We sincerely regret to have to announce the death of one of our fellow-townsmen, Mr. STEVENSON, book-keeper to Mr. W.G. ARMSTRONG, of Main-street. Some time ago Mr. STEVENSON sustained an injury through a fall from a horse, and imagined at the time that he was internally hurt, but nevertheless pursued his usual avocation regularly. On Friday he complained of pains, and went to the hospital. On Saturday morning he died, and was buried on Sunday afternoon. Mr. STEVENSON was formerly in Namaqualand, and subsequently in the employ of Messrs. Barry and Nephews, and always bore the reputation of being a thorough man of business. He was much respected by all who knew him.

Tuesday 6 December 1864

John B. TARDIF, Hairdresser &c, begs to return thanks to the Public of Port Elizabeth for their liberal support hitherto, and to solicit a continuance of the same at the Premises he has removed to, namely Jetty Street, next to Mr. BELDON’s, Bootmaker.
J.B.T. has on hand Bogie’s Hyperion Fluid and Batchelor’s and Ballard’s Hair Dye.
Ladies shampooed at their own residence.

DIED on the 6th December 1864 at the House of W.G. ARMSTRONG Esq
[rest of notice totally illegible, but appears to be a notification of a funeral posted by Timothy LEE, Undertaker]

Thursday 8 December 1864

MARRIED on the 7th December 1864, at St.Paul’s Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. S. Brook, Mrs. Ellen JAMES of the Halfway House to Charles NEWLAND of Uitenhage.

Tuesday 13 December 1864

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Monday the 12th inst, the wife of P. [ENYON] Esq, Surgeon, of a daughter.

Saturday 17 December 1864

DIED on the 17th December 1864, at the residence of John SCHLEMMER sen. Esq, Mr. John Peter HIPPERT (late of Port Elizabeth), aged 39 years. The Funeral will take place tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at four o’clock. Friends are most respectfully invited to attend.

DIED on the 17th December 1864, Celia Julia, the beloved wife of Mr. Anton EHRHARD, Confectioner, North End. The Funeral will take place tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at half past two o’clock. Friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, December 17 1864.

Thursday 22 December 1864

MARRIED at Balmoral on Friday 16th December, by the Rev. Purdon Smailes, Wesleyan Minister, of Uitenhage, John, youngest son of James BEVAN, of Balmoral, to Elizabeth Hester Adriana, eldest daughter of W. LEYLYVELD, of Port Elizabeth.
Balmoral, Dec 17th 1864

  • Hits: 1875