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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1861 - 1 - January to March

Tuesday 8 January 1861

DIED at Port Elizabeth on Sunday the 6th inst, Rachel [L.] HUGHES, youngest daughter of L.B. HUGHES

A police constable named Alexander GAMBLE, residing in [Ho…-street], fell down dead on Friday morning last. He was buried on Saturday afternoon, the whole of the town following his remains to the grave.

The emigrant ship “Bride”, [547] tons, S.W. GIBSON Commander, arrived here on Monday morning after a passage of 56 days from Southampton, having sailed from that port on the 13th October. She brings 234 souls; an alphabetical list of their names, ages and occupations is published below. There was one birth during the voyage and three deaths (children). A portion of the emigrants were landed yesterday and at once removed to the depot. The remainder are being landed this morning.
Not having seen either DR. CAMPBELL, in whose charge the emigrants were, or the Captain, we are not enabled to speak from their report of the conduct of the strangers during the voyage, but a friend of ours, who is a good judge of these matters, assures us that they are, as a whole, well-conducted. There is plenty of scope for them. We bid them welcome – servants, tradesmen, mechanics – all. They will have to tough it for a time, but darkness only continues for a short period – then light beams to indicate the way.
The Bride when rounding the coast had a narrow escape of being wrecked. A large vessel bore up for her, with the intention of speaking her, but owing to some mismanagement on the part of the stranger she ran into her, causing serious damage, and no little consternation on board.
The following has been kindly furnished from the log of the Bride:
“On the 2nd January, east of Cape L’Agulhas, at [illegible] pm, whilst on the starboard tack, wind [S. East] .. a ship running towards us before the wind, studding sails out on both sides, apparently wanted to speak us. At 8 pm the ship [nearing us fast], steering for our stern, when very close to us he took a strong [sheet] to starboard and ran into us at or about the starboard main rigging, carrying away main-plates, boats, davits and smashing quarter life boats, port rail and [illegible] various damages. He directly bore up before the wind, never asking what damage done. Name unknown, apparently British ship, short white bust figure, wheelhouse painted green and white, [painted ports] heavily laden.”
Such dastardly conduct is unworthy of any flag, and we hope, though perhaps there is little chance of it, that the stranger may yet be found out.
List of Immigrants with their Names, Ages and Occupations:

ADAM, Jas.  19   blacksmith and horse shoer
BARNETT, Samuel 28 agricultural labourer
BUIST, Andrew 35 plaster; Margaret, 38, and 4 children
BURNES, John 23 carpenter and joiner
BOLAND, Fanny 44 dairymaid; Michael, 20, agricultural labourer;
    Patrick, 18, ditto. Rotation [1,180]. Permit 923.
    Going to Matthew BOLAND of Port Elizabeth, labourer
BARTLETT, Thomas 48 cabinet maker and upholsterer
    Elizabeth, 47; Ann, 25, housemaid; Elizabeth, 18 ditto;
    William, 16, carpenter and joiner
    Rotation 962. Permit 886.
    Going to Thomas BARTLETT, his son, Port Elizabeth.
BRICK, William 28 sawyer; Mary, 28, and 2 children
BLACK, Thomas 42 wheelwright and carpenter
    Elizabeth, 41; Sarah Anne, 15; Hannah, 14; Thomas, 12; and 2 children
BRENNAN, Ellen 18 house servant. Rotation 869. Permit 806.
    Going to James STANTON, Port Elizabeth, shopkeeper.
BARRON, George 35 compositor
CUNNINGHAM, Wm. 25 agricultural labourer
CLUNIE, Robert 22 blacksmith and horse shoer
CRICHTON, Peter 29 woolsorter; Ann, 36, and 2 children
FORRESTER, Margaret 9 Andrew, 7; step children to P. CRICHTON
CROW, Charlotte 30 house servant. Rotation 944. Permit 869
    Going to John GREGORY of Port Elizabeth, attorney's clerk
CAVANNAGH, Rosanna 19 house servant
CHAUNER, John 26 plumber, painter and glazier; Sarah, 24, and 1 child
COOGAN, Mary 18 house servant. Rotation 1023, Permit 944.
    Going to P. BREEN of Uitenhage, schoolmaster.
CUTHILL, John 20 agricultural labourer
CARR, William 20 joiner and wheelwright
CUTHILL, James 24 agricultural labourer
CRESWELL, Ellen 34 house servant; George, 19, agricultural labourer
CARRINGTON, Elizabeth   23 house servant
CAREW, William 43 blacksmith; Mary, 40: Anne, 18; Margaret, 16; John, 17;
    Rotation 1013. Permit 936.
    Going to Wm. CAREW, Port Elizabeth, blacksmith
CAMPBELL, Andrew 18 bookseller's salesman; Rotation 1072.
    Going to Frederick CAMPBELL, printer, Port Elizabeth.
CLARKE, Abraham 21 saddler and harness maker
COTTERELL, Richard 22 gunsmith and bell hanger; Susan, 20, and 1 child
DEVELINE, John 27 carpenter; Jane, 27; and 2 children
DEACON, James 16 bricklayer's labourer. Rotation 1012. Permit 935.
    Going to Wm. DEACON, constable of Alexandria.
DAY, Dinah 43 monthly nurse. Rotation 921. Permit 852.
    Going to Charles COOK of Port Elizabeth.
DRISCOLL, Jeremiah 24 agricultural labourer. Rotation 1003. Permit 926.
    Going to John DRISCOLL of Britannia-street, Port Elizabeth.
DOUGLAS, Charles 22 carpenter and joiner
DICK, David 25 agricultural labourer
DEIGNAN, John 18 constable; Margaret, 16, milliner. Rotation 1054.
    Going to John COSTELLO, overseer, Grahamstown.
DICK, William 23 agricultural labourer
DONALD, John 32 gardener and farmer
DOYLE, James   and Mary Ann, stepchildren
DUNN, Jane S. 25 cook
DUNCAN, George 24 carpenter
EUSTON, Thomas 31 agricultural labourer; Susan, 26, house servant and laundress; 1 child
EDWARDS, John 16 driver; William, 14, errand boy
    Going to their uncle, Richard EDWARDS, at Gola Drift.
ELAND, John 42 tailor; Elizabeth, 38; Alfred, 13
EDWARDS, John 32 bootmaker; Mary A, 20, house servant; Sarah, 24, ditto;
    George L, 21, shoemaker
EDWARDS, David 22 gardener
EADES, James B. 19 carpenter
FARRELLY, Patrick 25 agricultural labourer
FRAZER, Simon 26 ditto
FOLEY, Murtagh 21 [clerk]. Rotation 1060.
    Going to Mary RICHARDS, Brook-street, Port Elizabeth.
FINLAY, Peter 32 gardener and steward; Mary, 27, and 2 children
    Rotation 133, Permit 953
    Going to Wm. M. MACQUEEN of Port Elizabeth, messenger of HM Customs.
FRASER, John 16 tailor. Rotation 1124.
FARLOW, William 20 constable and porter. Rotation 1027. Permit 948.
    Going to Wm. DAVIDSON, Port Elizabeth, carpenter.
FARRELL, Eliza 18 house servant. Rotation 999. Permit 992.
    Going to Alex FARRELL, 51 Beaufort-street, [illegible] Grahamstown.
GORDON, John 18 agricultural labourer
GRANT, Mary 21 house servant
GREY, Wm. 24 agricultural labourer
illegible entry    
GOYER, Mary 28 dressmaker; Eliza, 19, mantle maker; Jane, 17, dressmaker;
    Margaret, 15, dressmaker; Sarah, 13
HARRIS, Richard 22 carpenter and joiner
HALL, William 18 agricultural labourer
HUMPHRIES, Edward 27 ditto
HOUGH, Emma 25 house servant and cook
HAYLER, Ebenezer 16 baker. Rotation 959. Permit 883.
    Going to Alfred OLIVER, Chapel-street, Grahamstown, carpenter
HIGGINS, James 23 [to Frontier] Police
IRWIN, Ann 20 house servant
JENNINGS, James 16 George, 13
    Going to their uncle John JENNINGS, Grahamstown, milkman
JEFFREY, James 43 plasterer; Isabella, 39; James, 18
JUDD, Elizabeth 57 Frederick, 18, baker
JORDAN, Charlotte 18 house servant. Rotation 994. Permit 917.
    Going to George JORDAN, Grahamstown, salesman to Mr. J. GREEN
KING, Andrew [23] agricultural labourer
KENNY, Mary 18 house servant
LENNOX, James 27 agricultural labourer; Elizabeth, 22, house and dairymaid, and 1 child
LAMBERT, Robert 19 harness maker
LEWIS, Ann 28 and 2 children. Rotation 1028. Permit 949.
    Going to Richard LEWIS, her husband, carpenter, Port Elizabeth.
LANGLEY, Edward John 22 carpenter and wheelwright; Catherine, 18, and 1 child
LEARY, Michael 32 general labourer; Catherine, 30, and 4 children
    Rotation 954. Permit 878.
    Going to Edward Joseph CARROLL, Newstreet, Grahamstown, carpenter.
LOGAN, Alexander 22 painter and glazier
McMINNERY, Robert 27 agricultural labourer
MACMILLAN, Robert 22 boot and shoemaker
MITCHELL, Robert 21 agricultural labourer; Eliza, 28, laundress and dairymaid
McFADDIN, George 21 agricultural labourer
MARTIN, Wm 17 agricultural labourer
McCAMMICK, Samuel 22 agricultural labourer and groom; Mary, 25, laundry, dairymaid and cook
MELDRUM, Isabella 27 house servant
McLEOD, Duncan 23 joiner; Margaret, 23, and 2 children
MOULTON, Susan 27 cook
MUIR, William 36 shoemaker; Mary Ann, 27, and 1 child
    Rotation 566. Permit 536
    Going to Henry Hunt WELLS, Port Elizabeth, shoemaker.
McGILLYCUDDIE, James 34 sawyer; Sarah, 30, and 2 children
McMILLAN, Douglas 43 fancy cabinet maker; Anna Maria, 40
    Rotation 857. Permit 795.
    Going to Agnes DENT, Port Elizabeth.
MAIN, David 31 farm servant and ploughman; Christina, 32, and 4 children
McDONOUGH, Sarah 19 house servant; Rotation 1069. Permit 988.
    Going to Samuel DANIEL, King William's Town, carrier.
McLAUGHLIN, Thomas 22 agricultural labourer
MARSHALL, Sarah 22 house servant
NIVEN, James 25 agricultural labourer; Mary, 29
NEIL, Ellen 31 house servant; Rotation 869. Permit 806.
    Going to James STANTON, shopkeeper Strand-street, Port Elizabeth.
NIXON, Charles 27 bricklayer; Eliza, 26
NEWTON, Joseph 18 bricklayer
OWEN, Ann 21 housemaid; Martha, 20, laundrymaid
PATTERSON, David 23 agricultural labourer and driver
PIMM, Ebenezer 20 carpenter; Rotation 742. Permit 695.
    Going to William DAY, printer, Port Elizabeth.
PATTERSON, Hugh 21 agricultural labourer and driver
REYNOLDS, Mary  24 house servant
ROBERTSON, Margaret 27 house servant
RIDGWAY, Harriett 26 lace maker. Rotation 890. Permit 880.
    Going to Wm. RIDGWAY, Queen's Town.
RYAN, John 55 tailor;  Charlotte, 54, dress and stay maker; Sarah, 15. Rotation 1124. 
    Going to John RYAN, Main-street, Port Elizabeth.
RYAN, Catherine 34 house servant. Rotation 856. Permit 794.
    Going to James LEEMY, wagoner, Port Elizabeth.
RAYMINT, William 22 carpenter and joiner
ROBINSON, Herbert 30 carpenter; Sophia, 39, and 2 children
STEWART, Michael 29 mason; Eliza, 30
SHAW, William 18 agricultural labourer
SMITH, Sarah 20 house servant
SIMMONS, William 19 agricultural labourer
STEWART, Alex. R. 24 rubble mason
STRACHAN, Alex. 25 shoemaker; Mary, 24, and 1 child
STAFFORD, John 21 mail driver
SIM, Alexander 21 miller
SCOTT, Mary 35 house servant
SOUTTER, James 27 joiner
SCOTT, Archibald 22 shoeing and general smith
STRACHAN, Susan 25 housemaid
SHAW, Caroline 18 milliner and dressmaker. Rotation 1062. Permit 981.
    Going to Edward SHAW of Lushington, Stockenstroom.
TEBBUTT, John 21 carpenter
TRACY, Francis 27 agricultural labourer; Rebecca, 21, laundry maid
TEHAN, John 32 bootmaker;  Kate, 28, and 4 children
    Rotation 1035. Permit 955.
    Going to William VERITY, of Rufane Valley, Port Elizabeth.
TAYLOR, Jane E. 18 nursemaid; going to Mr. [TUCK], Cradock.
TAYNTON, Thomas 24 carpenter and joiner
TIDMARSH, Thomas 32 shoemaker; Ann, 26, and 2 children
    Rotation 1011. Permit 934.
    Going to his brother, Edwin TIDMARSH.
WATSON, Ellen Jane 18 house servant
WARNOCK, James 24 agricultural labourer
WEBB, Abel 23 carpenter
YOUNG, Ellen 22 house servant

Friday 11 January 1861

DEATH yesterday, the 10th inst, of Croup [illegible… Augustus], son of Thomas [illegible…], aged [4] years and 7 months.

Writing from Swellendam, a correspondent of the Advertiser and Mail says:
“A distressing accident occurred on Christmas evening to an old man by the name of MARSHALL, sexton to the English Church. It appears that on leaving church, after having extinguished the candles, he went to his house, and on trying to open the back door a large piece of the wall above the lintel fell on and almost buried the old man in the ruins. His cries brought assistance, and he was carried to his bed, but on Thursday afternoon death put an end to his sufferings, which were agonizing. He has resided many years in the town, and has always been a quiet, sober, and peaceful man, respected by his neighbours. He leaves a wife, who is unable to earn a living; also a little girl of about 12 years. A subscription is being raised on their behalf.”

Speaking of the late melancholy accident, the Journal says:
“It is impossible to say what the cause of the accident was; whether the horse became restive and threw its rider, whether it reared and fell with him, or whether it was occasioned by the giving way of the sand. The horse returned by the time the sorrowful party of friends with their sad burden had reached the house, but no marks of a fall were found on inspection of the saddle, the stirrup spring of which, however, had been [illegible]. On Wednesday deceased was brought into the residence of his father, and on Thursday afternoon he was buried. The funeral was numerously attended. Mr. MANDY having been a member of the Grahamstown Infantry Corps, his fellow Volunteers attended him to his grave. His Excellency the Lieut. Governor expressed his sympathy with the [illegible] by attending the funeral with several members of his staff; we noticed also in the train Colonel DONOVAN, Colonel TINLEY, Major [BONNAR], Captain SHIPLEY and the acting Secretary of the Lieut. Governor. The order of the funeral procession was as follows: The firing party of the Graham’s Town Infantry in advance, the corpse on a gun carriage covered with Union Jack, mourners and civilians, the volunteers, infantry and cavalry, His Excellency and staff, Colonel TINLEY, Major [BONNAR] &c. The burial service of the Roman Catholic Church was read at the Cathedral and at the cemetery by Bishop MORAN. Mr. T.W. MANDY was a youth of amiable disposition and excellent promise, and his untimely death, at the early age of 17 held to be a calamity not only to his family but to a large circle of friends.”

Friday 18 January 1861

MARRIED on the 3rd instant by special licence, at St.Mary’s, Stoke Newington, by the Rev. Thomas Jackson, Jeremias Fredrik M.R.C.S., son of J.F. ZIERVOGEL Esq, Member of the Legislative Assembly, Cape of Good Hope, to Susannah Hartley Smith, fourth daughter of James CAWOOD Esq. of Stamford-hill.
[Transcriber’s note: the marriage actually took place on the 3rd December 1860]

Tuesday 22 January 1861

Mr. F.S. MOSELY M.O.S.L., Surgeon-Dentist, established upwards of 25 years, at 30 Berners Street, London W., may be consulted in every branch of his profession daily, from 10 till 5, at Mr. BRISTER’s, opposite London House. All the newest inventions in Artificial Teeth, and every operation pertaining to Dental Surgery. Charges strictly moderate. Parties attended at their own residences.

Friday 25 January 1861

DIED this morning at his residence in Port Elizabeth [aged 47 years], Alexander WARES Esq., Merchant
25th January 1861.

Friday 1 February 1861

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the [29th] January 1861, the wife of H.M.H. [GREEN] of a daughter.

Tuesday 5 February 1861

DIED at Uitenhage on the 31st January 1861, at the residence of her brother, Mr. Thomas J. FLEETWOOD, after a lingering illness, Sarah, youngest daughter of John and Elizabeth FLEETWOOD, of Port Elizabeth, aged 14 years. Deeply regretted by relatives and friends.

Friday 8 February 1861

My Wife, Diana BIRTLEY, having left my house last night without a cause – I therefore give notice that I will not be responsible for any debts she may contract after this Notice.
Port Elizabeth
February 8 1861.

MARRIED on the 6th inst. at Somerset East, by the Rev. Jno. Pearse, Jno. G. TAYLOR Esq, Assistant Civil Commissioner, to Susan Isabella, daughter of Jas. McMASTER Esq, M.L.A.

MARRIED by Special Licence on Friday the 1st February 1861, by the Revd. William Augustus Robinson, at the residence of her Father, Main-street, Port Elizabeth, Matilda DRINKWATER to Captain Charles CHAPMAN.

MARRIED on the 6th inst. at St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. Edward Pickering, Edward COURTNEY Esq., Deputy-Assistant-Commissary-General, to Emily Owen, fifth daughter of John Owen SMITH Esq. of Port Elizabeth.

Tuesday 12 February 1861

Mr. F.S. MOSELY, Surgeon-Dentist, will shortly remove to No.1 Moseley-street, next door to the Masonic Lodge.

Friday 15 February 1861

In our obituary of the month we have to record the death of Alexander WARES Esq., of the well-known firm of A. WARES & Co. of this place. Deceased was a native of Wick, in Scotland, and was many years employed in the old established house of Messrs. DUNN, manufacturers Glasgow, He emigrated to this colony in 1843, and was employed by J.O. SMITH Esq., of this place, and managed his business during his visit to England. He commenced business on his own account in 18[48], and married the eldest daughter of the late James HOWSE Esq., of Grahamstown. The business he carried on successfully until health failed him: and for the last six months he was winding up his business and preparing to return to his native country, in the hopes that his native air would restore him to improved health. For many years he has been one of our leading merchants and public men. He was a man of large heart: his purse was ever open to assist the poor and needy, and he in his own quiet way gladdened the heart of many a needful family: and many of our prosperous young men have to thank him for his counsel and advice. He was deacon and a leading member of the New Church, and the first superintendent of the Sabbath school there: and he with a few others was mainly instrumental in the building and establishing of that place of worship. But although connected with this church, and a presbyterian in principle, there are a few of our places of worship but are indebted for his princely contributions, whilst he contributed and took a great interest in the Bible and Trust Societies. As a public man his loss will be deeply felt. He was many years a municipal commissioner, and in cases of dispute, for his superior judgement was frequently chosen as arbitrator; and was at the time of his death Member of the Immigration Board, [Hardship Board], Hospital Board and Director in the Commercial Bank, Port Elizabeth Boating Company, Guardian Assurance Company and Crown Steam Mill Company. His health failed him for some months past, still he and his friends hoped he would recover, but he unexpectedly expired at his own residence on the Hill, on the morning of the 25th ultimo, leaving his widow and [6]children to mourn his irreparable loss. His remains were followed to the family vault on Sabbath 27th ultimo by the leading inhabitants of the town.

Tuesday 19 February 1861

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 16th, Mrs. S. MOSS, of Waterford, of a son.

The passage of the “Dane” was a tolerably pleasant one, and the passengers have presented Captain HOFFMAN with a very complimentary address and handsome piece of plate. Among them are the Lieut-Governor of Natal and the Hon. J. CAWOOD….. We see in the list of passengers by the “Dane” the name of the Hon. J. CAWOOD. It must be a source of gratification to all adherents of the Leagues to know that at great personal sacrifice he returns to the Cape for the purpose of attending to his parliamentary duties at this important juncture.

Friday 22 February 1861

MARRIED on Tuesday the 19th inst, by the Rev. Mr. Harsant, at the residence of Mrs. WAYLAND, the mother of the bride, Richard Atholl NESBITT Esq. to Fanny Amelia THORNHILL, 4th daughter of the late John THORNHILL Esq.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 19th February 1861, Mary [DENERY], native of Cornwall, England, at the residence of her son-in-law, W. DICKSON, Constitution Hill, aged 52 years.

Friday 1 March 1861

MARRIED on the [--th] February, at the residence of Joseph TITTERTON Esq, Walmer, Joseph T. PASSMORE Esq. to Margaret D. BAXTER, fourth daughter of Captain W. BAXTER of this place.

BIRTH at Fauresmith, Orange Free State, on the 20th February, Mrs. Henry Joseph BARRETT of a daughter.

Tuesday 5 March 1861

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the [--th] February 1861, Robert, fourth son of Mr. John [illegible], aged [.] months and [..] days.

Tuesday 12 March 1861

BIRTH on the 11th inst, Mrs. William S. KIRKWOOD of a son.

Friday 15 March 1861

MARRIED by Special License by the Rev. E.D. Hepburn, N. ADLER to Elizabeth Wingfield LE CAMP.
Port Elizabeth, 7th March 1861.

DIED at Grahamstown at ¼past eight am, the 5th March 1861, aged 39 years and 11 months, Aley the kind and beloved wife of Mr. R.S. HOGGAR, City and Civil Engineer, and daughter of George PUDSEY Esq, of Uncleby House, Yorkshire, England.

Friday 22 March 1861

MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 21st instant, by the Rev. E. Pickering MA, Colonial Chaplain, Charles H. MAYNARD Esq. to Frances Margaret, second daughter of William FLEMING Esq.

A fortnight ago, says the Overburg Courant, our paper contained the notice of the death of Mr. BAMBURGER, who, writing to a friend in Swellendam, expressed his great sorrow at the loss he had sustained. The letter of condolence in reply reached him on Wednesday the 27th ult, and on the evening of the 28th (the next day) he himself departed this life, sorrow and sickness having hastily performed their work. He has left a widow and six fatherless children, of whom four are helpless, and, in sympathy with their distress, subscriptions are being raised to assist the widow and orphans.
[Transcriber’s note: According to his Death Notice the deceased was Nicolaas Valentyn BAMBERGER]

Tuesday 26 March 1861

We regret to have again to record another melancholy and fatal accident which befell one of our fellow townsmen this morning. The victim in this instance is Mr. John Owen SMITH Jr., son of J.O. SMITH Esq. of this town. Early this morning he rode down to the beach to bathe, in company with his brother-in-law and partner, Mr. George CHRISTIAN. The surf was heavy at the time and the current unusually strong, and although an expert swimmer, he found that he was unable to regain the shore. Mr. CHRISTIAN, seeing the dangerous position of his friend, made the most vigorous efforts to recue him, and had succeeded in getting hold of him when the two were separated by a huge wave, which came rolling in at this critical moment. Mr. CHRISTIAN then lost sight of his companion, and with difficulty reached the shore himself, almost exhausted. On the alarm being given, several persons gathered to the spot, and two or three persons exerted themselves bravely in their attempts to recover the drowning man. The boatman, YORK, and a man named COOKE, from the Crown Steam Mills, specially distinguished themselves, but alas without avail. Nets were then sent for, and after an hour and a half or two hours search the body of the unfortunate sufferer was recovered, and immediately conveyed home. Medical aid was at hand, and no efforts have been left unturned to restore the suspended animation, but alas it was too late. The body had been too long in the water… [final few lines of paragraph blurred and impossible to read]

MARRIED by Special Licence, by the Rev. T.J. Patterson, Robert Duckett HARRIS to Susannah Sophia HOBSON, youngest daughter of D. HOBSON Esq., of Uitenhage.
March 21 1861

Friday 29 March 1861

took place last Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock, and was attended by upwards of three hundred and fifty of his fellow townsmen, who testified their respect for the deceased by following in mournful procession his remains to the grave. The scene was such as we have never beheld in Port Elizabeth, and could not fail to be deeply impressive even to the thoughtless multitude who thronged in crowds to the spot. The officiating minister, on the occasion, was the Revd. S. BROOK, who conducted the service with much feeling. St.Mary’s church was crowded with a sympathizing and attentive audience. The well-known character of the deceased and the painful and startling circumstances under which, in the vigour of youth, he met his ultimate fate, excited the heartfelt sorrow and deep sympathy of almost every inhabitant of the place. All the shops and business premises in the town were closed during the funeral, flags were hoisted at half-mast, and in a variety of ways the people gave expression to their sorrow. Now that the first pangs of grief are over, we may be permitted to offer our condolence to the relatives of the departed. The ways of Providence are often mysterious to us short-sighted mortals, and it is not for us to question them. One thing we know and that is that HE doeth all things well. This mortal must put on immortality and, though earth may return to earth, ashes to ashes and dust to dust, we know the
Spirit shall return to Him
Who gave to life its breath,
Who captive led captivity
And took the sting from Death.


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