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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1861 - 2 - April to June

Friday 5 April 1861

BIRTH on Monday April 1st, Mrs. W. Septimus JONES of a daughter.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 28th March, Mr. John ROUPELL, aged 35 years, 2 months and 28 days, brother to W. ROUPELL Esq. MP for Lambeth, Surrey, London.

DIED on Wednesday April 3 at Rawson Bridge Hotel, Captain Thomas CHAPLIN, of Kingston-upon-Hull, Yorkshire.

The Funeral of the late Mr. John HEPBURN will proceed from the residence of Mr. JAMIESON, near the Phoenix Hotel, tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock.
Port Elizabeth
5th April 1861

Tuesday 9 April 1861

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 4th instant, Charles Thomas, second and much beloved son of Charles and Elizabeth LUCAS, aged [3] years and 10 months.

Friday 12 April 1861

Mrs. J.N. STREAK begs to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen in Port Elizabeth that she has opened a Boarding House at the corner of Bird and D’Urban-streets in Uitenhage.
Uitenhage, 9th April 1861

Tuesday 16 April 1861

MARRIED at Uitenhage on the 3rd April by the Rev. Mr. Llewelyn, Mr. W. Thomas MACHIN, of Port Elizabeth, to Miss Mary Ann Susanah PHILLIS, of Uitenhage.

BIRTH on Saturday the 13th instant, the wife of H.B. DEANE Esq, of a daughter.

Mr. Ockley HART, from Beckwith’s Gun Maker, Snow Hills, London, having taken over Mr. MORRAM’s business, solicits the patronage of town and country customers.
Port Elizabeth, April 14 1861.

Friday 19 April 1861

BIRTH on the 16th inst, the wife of F.D. DEARE of a son.

Tuesday 23 April 1861

BIRTH at [Ballarat] Cottage, Main Street, on the morning of the 19th instant, Mrs. J.H. WILLS of a daughter.
Port Elizabeth
April 23 1861

John RYAN, Tailor and Habitmaker, begs to inform his Friends and the Public that he has removed his Business to the Premises lately known as the Telegraph Office; thanking them for their past patronage, he trusts by strict attention to the execution of future orders to secure its continuance. A choice selection of Materials on hand.
Port Elizabeth
April 22 1861

Friday 26 April 1861

MARRIED at Somerset East on the 18th inst, by the Rev. Geo. H. GREEN, John Serapio PARKES Esq, of Wheatlands, to Mary Tozer, eldest daughter of the Rev. Geo. H. GREEN, of Somerset East.

BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on the 22nd inst, Mrs. S.E. WIMBLE of a son.

DIED at Oorlogspoort, near Colesberg, on the 20th April, Mr. William DU TOIT, aged 28 years.

Tuesday 30 April 1861

BIRTH on the 20th April at No.1 Anerley Terrace, Mrs. A.G. [WARDEN] of a daughter.

DIED at Coega on 27th April, Mr. Stephanus MULLER G.F.son, aged 25 years.

Friday 10 May 1861

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 8th inst, the wife of Mr. S. BAIN of a daughter.

BIRTH at Uitenhage on Tuesday the 7th instant, the wife of the Rev. W. SARGEANT of a daughter.

Tuesday 14 May 1861

MARRIED at Uitenhage on the 9th May 1861 by the Rev. A. Smith V.D.M., John George James RAWSTORNE Esq. J.P., Civil Service, to Miss Christiana Johanna HERMANS.

It has pleased Almighty God to remove from this World to His Heavenly Kingdom Anne Maria MACMILLAN, the beloved and affectionate wife of Douglas MACMILLAN, Bookseller and Stationer, late of Highbury and Clerkenwell, London, but now of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, which took place on Sunday morning, the 12th May 1861, after a very short illness. She was possessed of an angelic disposition; her life was one act of self-denial, affectionate tenderness, and entire devotion to her Husband and Family; her happiness was theirs, and his only mournful consolation is the belief that his bereavement and irreparable loss will be deeply deplored by a large number of relatives and friends who enjoyed the privilege of her friendship. This is the only humble tribute a desolate and grief-stricken Husband can render to her virtues and memory. Her mortal remains were consigned to the tomb on Monday afternoon, the 13th May 1861, in the presence of a few selected friends.

Messrs. RICHARDS, IMPEY & Co, beg to notify to their friends and supporters that they have removed their establishment into the premises formerly known as Mr. J.O. SMITH’s Bonding Store, adjoining the store of Mr. E.L. KIFT, and near the Town Hall Buildings.
A large quantity of New Stock will shortly be offered for Sale, particulars of which will be given in a future advertisement.

Private SHERIDAN, 18th Regt, was flogged at King Williamstown last Thursday, and is to be imprisoned for 10 years, in pursuance of a sentence of a court martial, which found him guilty of violently assaulting Lieut. [McBETH].

Friday 17 May 1861

DIED at Port Elizabeth, Emily Jane, aged 6 years and 3 months, daughter of Mr. James S. REED.

The Funeral of the late Mr. Thomas MITCHEN will proceed from the residence of Mr. Robert BYERS to the place of interment on Sunday the 19th inst. at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Friends are invited to attend.
Port Elizabeth
May 17 1861

Tuesday 28 May 1861

DIED this morning at 4am, the beloved wife of Timothy John CALDECOTT, aged 61 years, after a lingering illness of nearly five months. Her end was perfect peace. She died as she lived in the faith of her Lord and Master. She will be ever regretted by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance; their loss is her gain. She was the first that was baptised in South Africa, and has been a consistent member of the Baptist connection for the last 40 years. Came to this Colony in the middle of May [18..]
Provincial Hospital
Port Elizabeth, 24th May 1861
[Transcriber’s note: The deceased was born Martha PAGETT, whose Death Notice says she was 59 years of age.]

Tuesday 4 June 1861

MARRIED May 30th at St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Revd. E. Pickering, B.G. LENNON, third son of E.S. LENNON Esq, Killenboy House, Westmeath, Ireland, to Elizabeth, fourth daughter of the late Richard SMITH Esq, Marton Lodge, Yorkshire. England.

Friday 7 June 1861

DIED at Wesley’s Hotel, 5th instant, Captain Arthur Ralph HADDOCK of the Bark “Herrington”, in his 33rd year.

Friday 14 June 1861

MARRIED at Durban, Port Natal, on the 10th inst, at the Wesleyan Chapel, by the Rev. G. Blencowe, Robert RICHARDS Esq, editor of the Natal Courier, to Sarah Frances, only daughter of George Christopher CATO Esq, of Natal.

Tuesday 18 June 1861

It is our sad duty to record the death of our respected fellow townsman, William FLEMING Esq, who expired at his residence on the Hill on Saturday the 15th inst, at half past 4pm, aged 64. A very large concourse of our fellow townsmen, including both the local Volunteer Corps, followed the remains to the grave yesterday (Monday) afternoon. We are unable to give more than an outline of the [….able] career of our late lamented townsman. Mr. W. FLEMING came to this Colony upwards of forty years since. On his arrival he took charge of a large mercantile business in Cape Town, and shortly afterwards he proceeded to the Frontier, where he was engaged in a respectable capacity in the House of the late Peter HEUGH Esq. By dint of unwearied diligence and integrity he obtained the entire confidence of his friends and was admitted a partner in the firm long and favorably known on this Frontier under the style of HEUGH & FLEMING. At the death of our respected fellow townsman, Mr. HEUGH, some years since, Mr. FLEMING took over the entire business, which was henceforward conducted under the name of W. FLEMING & Co in Port Elizabeth, having branches in Colesberg, Graaff-Reinet, Uitenhage, Sannah’s Poort &c. So large a business necessarily demanded no ordinary amount of personal attention, but the late Mr. FLEMING was nevertheless always found ready to respond to the wishes of his fellow townsmen and to represent them in public. Though courting privacy rather than public life, the late Mr. FLEMING, at great personal sacrifice, proceeded to Cape Town to represent this Province in the Upper House, at the meeting of the first Cape Parliament. His knowledge of colonial matters, derived from personal observation, was great, and his reading was [various], and in the region of history very extensive. At the same time, an habitual diffidence, which he never entirely conquered, prevented him from taking any actual share in debate, and a reflective, rather than a decisive temperament hid from the general public abilities which were in reality of no ordinary character. In both private and public life the courtesy and general urbanity of the late Mr. FLEMING will long be recollected by all with whom he was brought in contact, while the breadth and liberality of his views on all the great questions of the day enabled him to keep pace with the great progress of reform. As the Chairman of one of our principal public companies, he filled a large but not obtrusive space in public life, and his name and [presence] will be long missed by those with whom he acted on in [business] for many years. In all the public and private [relations] of life the late Mr. FLEMING was thoroughly estimable, and the example he has left behind him as a private gentleman, a citizen, and a man of business, is worthy of the imitation of the rising generation. Until within the last few months, the late Mr. FLEMING preserved the appearance of [vigorous] health, and his fine, manly figure and firm unshaken carriage seemed to promise many years of life and strength. The insidious malady from which he suffered (disease of the heart) was, however, making rapid but silent progress. His demise was, until within the last few weeks, quite unexpected, as he contemplated proceeding with his family per Cambrian on a visit to England. After much suffering, which he bore with that courage and resignation which distinguished him, he calmly breathed his last on Saturday evening. We cannot close this necessarily imperfect notice of our lamented fellow townsman, Mr. FLEMING, without offering our sincere and respectful sympathy to the family of the deceased. The great bereavement they have sustained is one, we are aware, for which mere words of sympathy are inadequate comfort, but in after years the recollection of the merited respect in which our late lamented townsman was held will be a source of [……] consolation to those who now mourn for the good husband, the kind father, the man of pure and spotless life.
[Transcriber's note: From P.E. Raper: Dictionary of South African Place Names:
Fauresmith: It was laid out in 1850 on the farm Sannah’s Poort, and became a municipality on 13 December 1859. It was named after the Moderator of the Dutch Reformed Church, Philip Eduard Faure, and Sir Harry Smith, Governor of the Cape.]

Friday 21 June 1861

BIRTH at Cradock on the [19th] June 1861, the wife of John S. DISTIN Esq. of a daughter.

Friday 28 June 1861

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 27th June, Mrs. James RICHARDS of a daughter.

DIED at Port Elizabeth of the 28th June 1861, Mary Ann, infant daughter of Mr. James RICHARDS.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 15th June, William FLEMING.

Intelligence has reached us this morning of a destructive fire which occurred at Somerset East between 9 and 10 o’clock last Wednesday morning. Some small unoccupied cottages adjoining Mr. Jas. McMASTER’s house were observed to be on fire, and before the destructive element could be got under, the flames had spread to the thatched roof of Mr. McMASTER’s dwelling. The house is completely gutted, but we are glad to say that most of the furniture was saved. We are not aware whether the property was insured or not.


  • Hits: 1885