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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1860 - 4 - October to December

Tuesday 9 October 1860

MARRIED at Somerset East on the 26th September 1860, by the Father of the Bride, and Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, M.T. BERGH, of Port Elizabeth, to Harriet Louisa, second daughter of the Rev. John PEARS.

BIRTH at Bushy Park on the 7th instant, Mrs. C. LOVEMORE of a son.

Friday 12 October 1860

DIED at Uitenhage on 9th October, Annie Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. W.A. BUTLER, of Port Elizabeth, aged 6 years, 7 months and 18 days

Tuesday 16 October 1860

DIED at Uitenhage on Monday the 15th October, S.H. DU TOIT J.P., aged 65 years. The funeral will take place on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock.

Friday 19 October 1860

DIED at 8 o’clock this morning, Albert Van Niekerk LANGE, youngest child of Mr. F.H. LANGE, aged 2 years and 5 months.
Uitenhage 17th October 1860

Tuesday 23 October 1860

MARRIED at Uitenhage on Thursday the 18th inst by the Rev. A. Smith in the Dutch Reformed Church, Captain Daniel George SIM to Elizabeth Esther, eldest daughter of John L. FROST Esq. of [Uitenhage].

BIRTH on the 22nd inst, Mrs. [JAMES] of a daughter

DIED on the 16th October 1860, [….. Alexander], only son of Mr. and Mrs. B.J. SHERMAN
[Cape Town]

Friday 26 October 1860

BIRTH at Richmond on the 20th October, Mrs. J.S.O. BRINK of a daughter.

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the morning of the 25th inst, Mrs. John CAMPBELL of a son.

DIED on the 24th inst, Elizabeth Rebecca, daughter of Isaac T. WHEELER, aged 7 years and 7 months.

Tuesday 30 October 1860

BIRTH on the 24th inst, Mrs. John HEUGH of a son.

DIED on Sunday 28th October, [Jos….. MacNeill], infant son of Mr. H. [CH….], aged 15 months.

DIED at Buffel Fontein, in the district of Port Elizabeth, on the 25th October 1860, Mr. R.P.L. OWEN, aged 59 years - leaving a wife and eleven children to mourn their irreparable loss. Deceased, who left Capetown in 18[53] has since resided in the Eastern Province, and died from the effects of a wound, caused by an axe whilst chopping wood.

Tuesday 6 November 1860

DIED at Diepekloof, on Saturday night, 3rd November, Johanna Elizabeth VAN ROOYEN, the wife of Mr. Jan A. VAN NIEKERK F.C. of Staden’s River.

If this should meet the eye of Thos. W. POLLARD, native of Stepney, London, he will please communicate with his brother James POLLARD, seaman on board the “Ariel”, now in Algoa Bay.
Port Elizabeth
6th Nov 1860

To the Fieldcornets, Constables, Police Officers and other Officers of the Law proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants:
Whereas information hath been laid before me, John Centlivres CHASE Esquire, Resident Magistrate for the District of Uitenhage, upon the oath of Lucas Jacobus MATTHYS, that Henry Guffon DE MEILLON did, on or about the 1st day of October 1860, commit the crime of Theft – these are therefore, in Her Majesty’s name, to command you that, immediately upon sight hereof, you do apprehend or bring the said Henry Guffon DE MEILLON, or cause him to be apprehended and brought before me, to be examined and to answer to the said information, and to be further dealt with according to law.
Henry Guffon DE MEILLON is described as being an Englishman, but speaks the Dutch language, has a Goiter on the left side of his neck, about 5 feet 11 inches in height. Had on, when last seen, a dark jacket, and with white Trowsers.
Given under my hand at Uitenhage this 17th day of October 1860
John Centlivres CHASE
Resident Magistrate

Friday 9 November 1860

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Thursday the 8th inst, Mrs. George IMPEY of a daughter.

DIED at Port Elizabeth after a long illness, Esther Elizabeth, beloved wife of Mr. Lucas BENECKE, aged 29 years and 10 months, leaving a family of [5] children to deplore their loss.
The funeral will proceed from the residence of Mr. BENECKE, on the Flats, this afternoon at 5 o’clock.
Port Elizabeth
9th November 1860.

DIED on Tuesday 6th November, Gajie Imaum Abo RAFFIE, aged 78 years. Deceased was the head of the Malay Persuasion in Port Elizabeth, and an old resident.

Tuesday 13 November 1860

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 13th November 1860, Mrs. Henry SCHABBEL of a son.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 10th 1860 [sic], Lydia Mary, eldest daughter of James and Mary Ann FINLAYSON, aged one year, eleven months and three days.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 10th November 1860, Florence Adelaide, infant daughter of Mr. Samuel BAIN, aged 19 months.

DIED at Uitenhage on Saturday morning, the 10th instant, Anne Helena Harriet, aged [10] months, beloved daughter of J.G.S. DE VILLIERS.

Friday 16 November 1860

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 12th inst, Charles Cuyler, youngest child of Mrs. the Widow ARMSTRONG, of Cuyler Manor.
November 1860.

Friday 23 November 1860

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth this morning, November 23, the wife of Mr. W.A. [FAIRBRIDGE] of a daughter.

DEATHS. Drowned from the wreck of the ship Gladiator, bound to Liverpool on the [13th] November 1860, in Oliphant’s Hoek, South Africa, Elizabeth, William Wilson and Helen Orient, aged respectively 27, 4½and 1¼ years, the dearly beloved wife and children of William PAGAN, late of Bombay, who by the mercy of God was spared and lives to mourn their loss. Their earthly remains he interred at Groot Vley, the farm of [R. RESTALL] Esq. J.P., District of Alexandria, opposite the scene of the wreck.
[Transcriber’s note: there is a photograph of the grave on eGGSA]

Friday 30 November 1860

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 24th instant, at the house of David ARNOT Esq, Colesberg, by the Rev. Servans N. De Kock, Minister of Christ Church, Henry HARVEY of Paljasfontein, Orange Free State, to Miss Sarah YATES, of Port Elizabeth.

Friday 7 December 1860

MARRIED at Uitenhage by the Rev. Alexander Smith, on Wednesday the 5th instant, Mr. Joseph SPENCE, of Burghersdorp, to Miss [Hester] Wilhelmina Elizabeth, youngest daughter of J.G. SCHLEMMER Esq.

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 5th inst, the wife of Mr. A.T. CALDECOTT of a son.

DIED on the 5th instant at Port Elizabeth, Rosalia, the beloved wife of Mr. Joseph WALLACE, in the 22nd year of her age.

Friday 14 December 1860

CHRISTENED at St.Augustine’s Roman Catholic Church, Port Elizabeth, on Wednesday the 12th inst, Mary, daughter of Alexander WILMOT Esq, of Port Elizabeth.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 12th inst, Robert Pannell. aged 4 months and 22 days, infant son of Mr. John LESLIE, Chemist, of this town.

Tuesday 18 December 1860

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 18th inst, Mr. John WHITE, Carpenter, aged 30 years. His remains will proceed from his residence in Thompson-street at 2 o’clock on Wednesday, the 19th inst, when friends are invited to attend.

The Funeral of the late Mr. James PARKER will proceed from St.Mary’s Church this afternoon at half past five o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.
18th Dec 1860

The Funeral of the late William, a son of Mr. JOHNSON, Shipwright, will proceed from the Valley to the place of interment tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.
18th Dec 1860

The Funeral of the late Mr. Joshua JACKSON will proceed from his late residence, near Mr. BAIN’s Manufactory, tomorrow afternoon at half past five, to the place of interment. Friends are invited to attend.
18th Dec 1860

Friday 21 December 1860

MARRIED, Mr. Henry BERGMANN, of Aliwal North, to Jenny Charlotte SCHUSTER, eldest daughter of L.B. SCHUSTER Esquire. merchant, Frankfort on the Maine
Frankfort op Maine
2nd November 1860

MARRIED at Uitenhage on Monday the 17th December 1860, by the Rev. A. Smith, Harriet, eldest daughter of John Donald GRAHAM of Vygon Kraal, to Hendrik Jacobus KILIAN Esq. of the same farm.

DIED on the 13th instant, at Colesberg, of Croup, Septina, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. ARNOT Junr., at the age of 2 years, 5 months and 23 days. Much regretted by her parents and friends.

Friday 28 December 1860

BIRTH on the 19th December at Colesberg, Mrs. James MURRAY of a son.

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