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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1850 - 4 - October to December

Saturday 5 October 1850

DEATH in Albert district on the 18th ulto., after an illness of 6 weeks, Mrs. henry MONTGOMERY, aged 30 years, leaving a husband and a family of three young children to deplore her loss.

Private Boarding House
Miss COLLING begs to acquaint the Public that she has opened a Private Boarding House in High-street, and having made the necessary arrangements for ensuring the comfort of Persons visiting Port Elizabeth, trusts to receive some portion of their support.
NB Charges moderate.

Francis McQUIRE, Trader, late of Fort Hare, in British Kaffraria, at present under arrest in gaol at Alioce,
Charles BRIDEN and James Philly LLOYD, Carpenters, residing in Richmond, division of Graaff-Reinet.
Adam Janion McKENZIE, late storekeeper at Fort Beaufort.

Saturday 12 October 1850

DIED on Sunday the 22nd September at Tanybosch Fontein, in the district of Colesberg, George Seymour DOWES, aged 28 years.

Hair-Dresser and Barber
Begs to inform the Inhabitants of Graaff-Reinet and Vicinity that he has commenced in the above line in Market-square, and hopes by every attention to merit a share of Public patronage.

In St.Mary’s Church by the Rev. F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain
A son of Mr. BROWN, baptised John Robert
A son of Mr. TAYLOR, baptised William
A daughter of Mr. COLLINS, baptised Susan

Jessie, daughter of John EASTES

Saturday 19 October 1850

BIRTH on the 16th instant, Mrs. Jno. MATTHEWS of a son
Port Elizabeth Oct 16 1850

On Tuesday night last a most daring burglary and robbery was committed on the premises of Mr. HEWSON, gunsmith, Hill-street, Graham’s Town. Thieves (supposed to be Kafirs) effected an entrance by removing some bricks from the wall adjoining the door [,,,,] and carried away 7 or 8 guns of various descriptions, which were in the workshop for repairs. Five guns were found lying in the street, having been examined by the knowing thieves and thrown away as useless, because they had no locks on them.
Mr. CYRUS and the Fingo Police took up the spoor, and state that the feet were large and naked with the exception of one, which appeared to have been made by a small man’s boots. We wish to ask what the night watch could have been doing all this while, so as not to have detected a burglary which involved so large an amount of labor and time, being little short of a positive mason’s job of pick and crowbar.
We have also heard that some of the leaden pipes which serve for water-leading have been taken up and carried away – for no harmless purpose, it is to be feared. – Graham’s Town Journal.

Mr. J. WALLACE to Miss Mary ARNOT

Saturday 26 October 1850

DIED at Rietfontein, district Uitenhage, on the 25th October, Christina Johanna, second daughter of Mr. Ignatius RENS, aged 3 years, deeply deplored by her bereaved parents.
Rietfontein, 25th Oct 1850.

Mr. John HURRY to Miss Harriet Charlotte DUNSTERVILLE

A son of Mr. James BROWN baptised John
A son of Mr. James TAYLOR baptised William
A daughter of Mr. George COLLINGS baptised Susanna
A son of Mr. John HENWOOD baptised George Horatio Wainwright
A son of Captain BAWDEN, of the Sans Pareil, baptised William Henry

Saturday 2 November 1850

Francis John GOODALL to Mary Ann WYNNE

A son of Mr. John Frederick CONRY baptised John Henry
A son of Mr. James CASTLEMAN, baptised Henry

Saturday 16 November 1850

BIRTH at Colesberg on Sunday the 3rd November 1850, Mrs. W.P.R. DIXON of a son

DEPARTED THIS LIFE on the 13th inst, Mr. Christopher ADCOCK Sen, of this Town, Tallow Chandler, aged 71 years, universally lamented and respected being one of the British Settlers of 1820.
Port Elizabeth, 16th Nov 1850
We cannot insert this notice without paying that tribute to the memory of deceased which his great integrity of conduct, his exemplary consistency, and uniform propriety of demeanor invite from all who were intimately acquainted with him. The late Mr. ADCOCK was one of the oldest inhabitants of this place, and during the long period of his residence here fulfilled all the relationships of life in a manner worthy of general imitation. He was a strict but fond and anxious parent – a kind and faithful husband – and an agreeable and ever obliging neighbour. A high churchman, he yet practiced towards all other sects the charities which so well become the Christian; and none who at any time had a good cause in hand, ever applied to deceased for aid and found that it was withheld.
The funeral, which is to take place tomorrow at 4pm, we doubt not will be very highly attended. The bereaved family, with whom the public will deeply sympathise at the present time, issue a general invitation to all friends to attend.

Saturday 23 November 1850

We are happy to state that intelligence has just reached town of the capture of the murderers of Mr. JELLIMAN. In the neighbourhood of Dagaboer’s Neck, district of Somerset. The particulars of their apprehension as given below rest on the authority of a Hottentot lad, servant of Mr. AYLIFF. It appears that a Hottentot tendered a five pound note in payment for two suits of clothes, which he had purchased of Mr. B. TROLLIP, who keeps a store at the above place; this circumstance [aroused] suspicion, and upon being pressed to state how he came by the note, was at first [saucy], but he afterwards said he had received it from two Hottentots. The man went away with the clothes and the change, but soon returned to purchase some brandy, which he got. In the mean time Mr. TROLLIP and Mr. W. AYLIFF, who happened to be on the spot, with others, had prepared to follow the Hottentot, and they took their measure so effectually as to capture the murderers without bloodshed, and before they had time to spring to their guns; they were immediately sent off to the Somerset gaol. – Frontier Times.

Saturday 30 November 1850

Begs to inform the Inhabitants of Port Elizabeth and the neighbourhood that he has commenced the practice of the Medical Profession in this Town. He is at present residing at Miss COLLINS’s, High-street.
Port Elizabeth, Nov 25 1850

DIED here on the morning on Tuesday last, the 26th instant, James CHALMERS Esq, Surgeon, aged 39 years. Deceased was universally esteemed and beloved by all who knew him; and his removal is felt here by all classes as a great public loss.
Port Elizabeth.

On Tuesday last the town of Port Elizabeth was thrown into unusual gloom by the announcement of the death of Dr. CHALMERS. He departed this life about half past 1 o’clock on the morning of the 26th instant, almost without a struggle and conscious to the very last. This event, which the inhabitants here had for some time been led to expect but for which they could not, or rather – so tenacious of their favorite – would not prepare themselves, has struck grief and sorrow into every heart. Life itself, in Port Elizabeth, has, through the removal of this universally beloved and esteemed individual, suffered a real abatement of its interest.
[Transcriber’s note: This eulogy continues for two full black-edged columns, in increasingly flowery language, but no actual personal details are given]

In St.Mary’s Church by the Rev. F. McCleland AB Colonial Chaplain (TCD)
Nov 25 1850 - Mr. Thomas WARD of Fort Beaufort, Bachelor, to Miss Mary Ann CHALLENGER, Spinster.
Nov 26 – Gustavus Henry Pullen CHABAUD Esq, bachelor, to Miss Helena Catherine Josephine THOMPSON, Spinster.

A son of W. KUHR Esq, baptised Henry Robert
Saturday 7 December 1850
DIED on the 26th instant at Sunday’s River, at the residence of her father-in-law, Maria Theodora, the beloved wife of Samuel ROWE Jun., aged 22 years 6 months and 14 days. She leaves a bereaved husband and two infant children to regret the loss of a beloved wife and an affectionate parent. Her end was peace.
[Two further illegible lines, possibly a Biblical quotation]

Saturday 21 December 1850

Civil Engineer, Land Agent, Valuer &c
Respectfully announces to the Gentlemen, Landowners and Inhabitants of the Eastern Province that he intends practising in the various branches of his profession. H.H. will be happy to undertake the transaction of any business that may be entrusted to him in the collection of Rents &c, in making up Accounts belonging to Mercantile and other parties, or in measuring and valuing Works &c, and trusts by diligence and strict attention to merit a share of public patronage and support.
H.H. can produce the highest Testimonials as to character and ability during a practice of 20 years in England and Ireland.
Graham’s Town, 24th Aug 1850
NB Office next door to Mr. PARKER, Ironmonger, Church-square.

Saturday 28 December 1850

The Undersigned, in his capacity as the duly authorised Attorney and Agent to the Executrix, under the Will of the late Christopher ADCOCK Senior of Port Elizabeth, Tallow Chandler, deceased, to whom as such Executrix Letters of Administration have been granted by the Master of the Supreme Court – hereby calls upon all Persons having any Claims or Demands whatsoever against the said Christopher ADCOCK, or his Estate, to lodge the same with the Undersigned, at his Office, High Street, Port Elizabeth, within six weeks from the publication hereof; and all persons indebted to the said Estate, upon any account whatsoever, are requested to pay their Debts to the Undersigned forthwith.
Wm. ADCOCK, Agent
Port Elizabeth, 7th December 1850.

Private letters from Uitenhage advise us of the death of Mr. BRUNETT of that place, so long Clerk of the Peace there. Deceased had for some time been suffering under a general breaking up of the system; and so greatly had his constitution latterly been impaired that he was about to retire from the public service on a pension just granted to him by Government in consideration of his long and faithful performance of his duties as a public officer of Government. But scarcely had he been assured of this permission to retire when death, whose ways are so often inscrutable, has suddenly interposed, and he has ceased for ever to be with us here.
Deceased has left a large family to deplore their loss. With those, in their bereavement, the entire district will deeply sympathize.

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